Exxon Mobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM)

Chart of the Day August 23rd, 2022

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  • Mounty: @scottrades $XLE Several of the big OIls $CVX, $HES and $XOM near the 50dma. $CVX looks to be breaking down through support from January low.
  • traderbren: $XOM - looking constructive here...moving back above the 8ema and 20d after pushing off the 50d this morning.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/ $QQQ Did they save it in the last hour? $IWM Under the 21 EMA $DXY Pop $TNX Pop $GLD Holding the 8EMA $GDX Needs to tighten up $SMH New Weekly Low $XLK Basing $XLE Going $NVDA Consolidation $AMD Consolidation $ON Consolidation $HOOD Active Traders watch the gap. $GFF Holding the 21 EMA $MLM Still ok $TJX Above all the MAs $DIS Bounce off the 21 EMA $PPC At Multi Year Resistance. $XOM Mentioned a few weeks ago
  • wijimmy: @champ $ERX, $KMI, $XOM, $WMB,... @CHAMP What are your ..#DRILL Baby DRILL .. play and HOLDS going into November ?
  • champ: @wijimmy $ERX $KMI $XOM $WMB #DRILL....November would be real nice, however for me, its 1-week at a time.....and for now I'm holding $ERX $KMI $PAA $LBRT $SOI $SLCA $WTTR and I posted on these ...and I'm #trading ...$CVX $OXY $HES...for Now. ~~~These are my #Drill-Baby-Drill swing positions for Now.
  • wijimmy: @champ $ERX $KMI $XOM $WMB $PAA $LBRT $SOI $SLCA $WTTR $CVX $OXY $HES #DRILL #trading #Drill-Baby-Drill .... ....THANKS @CHAMP ... Im looking to put some cash to work in L/T accounts IRA's and 457 .. is why I asked ... Im trying to figure out what #OIL and #Energy stocks will profit the most from a #DRILL BABY #DRILL WIN !!! .... I know it will lower all #OIL and #GAS prices for us in the US... I would like to be postioned for it in my L/T accounts and it can't get here fast enough so it can help our everyday lives ASAP....
  • SMM4Learner: Some Enegy stocks seem to trend higher on bullish engulfing... $ET, $XOM, $ERF,
  • scottrades: $XOM bubbling under the 200 Day
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Trend is fine $QQQ Trend is fine $IWM 50 Day Support $TNX Watching $DXY Above the 200 Day $SMH Extended but working $XLK In trend $XLB New 2024 High $XBI New 2024 High $XLE Attempting a trend change $GLD Clear slope $AMD at the 8EMA $PANW Rebound $XOM Tightening up $ELF Working $ISRG Working $MSTR At the 8EMA $COIN Same $CELH Cup $SPOT Good if you’re long $FCX Tightening up $NEU Near the highs $DOW Watch for a PB
  • scottrades: $XOM Creeping..
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Holding the 21 EMA $QQQ Lower High $IWM Holding the 50 $DXY / $TNX Jobless Claims tomorrow $SMH Nvidia Earnings $XLK Near the 50 Day $XLB Watch 86 $XBI Above the 8EMA $XLE Above the MAs $GLD Just under the 50 Day $IBIT Above the 8EMA $GBTC Still in trend $NVDA Earnings $MSFT Lower Highs $META Near the 8EMA $AMZN Bezos still selling $GOOGL At the 50 $PANW Sitting on the 200 Day $DDOG At the 50 Day $XOM Low Base $OXY Short base under the 200 Day $CVX Microbase near the 200 Day $ELF Watch 177.30 $ISRG Flag $DECK Flag $KTOS Flagging $MSTR At the 8EMA
  • Zimzala: @scottrades $XLE Was just going to call that out. Added to $XOM in LTA this morning.
  • scottrades: @Zimzala $XLE $XOM Nice one!
  • debeers: Sold some $ANF to add to $FANG @Scottrades FYI as i write this $XOM is up 2.19% but $FANG is up 3.71%
  • wijimmy: $XOM, $UCO, $USO, $TNK, $STNG .. OUCH.....12:30pm Oil and Tanker Flush......
  • wijimmy: @wijimmy $XOM $UCO $USO $TNK $STNG @CHAMP,@SCOTTRADES .. Good News for some..Bad News for Others... NP just watching
  • stairm01: $NRGU A leverage energy stock that its holdings are divided 10% equally into 10 energy stocks. $CVX $COP $DVN $EOG $XOM $MPC $OXY $PSX $PXD $VLO I entered this morning at $433.60. Stop at $439.65
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Back to the 21 EMA $QQQ Under the 21 EMA $IWM Filling the Gap $DIA Closed under the 8EMA $DXY Reverting to the mean $TNX Despite the Hawkish tone, close near the lows $TLT Off the 21 EMA $XLE Support art the 50 Day $USO Needs a higher high $SMH Needs an upside reversal $XHB Watch for a gap fill $GLD Watch as it comes into support $GBTC Above the 21 EMA $ETHE Bounce near the 21 EMA $NVDA Basing near the 50 Day $MSFT Basing $SMCI At the 50 Day $COIN Choppy $MSTR Saylor selling 5000 per day $MARA Needs to tighten up $TOL Watch for a gap fill $PHM Holding the 21 EMA $XOM Trying to get above the 50 Day $KMI Breaking out of a base $DVN Close to resistance. $LPG Trending $PDD China Stock $NVO Above all the MAs
  • ManSim: @DAN #STOCKS $XOM & $NOW
  • traderbren: $XOM - getting back above 50d and 20d...and getting a bid
  • haroldzero: @traderbren $XOM I am adding here. Thanks for the alert
  • traderbren: $XOM -- looks like it may reclaim the 50d if there's enough juice in the tank.
  • traderbren: $XOM - getting close to reclaiming the 200d
  • shoredriver: $XOM...In talks to buy $PX D at around 60b....or about 20% above where $PXD closed Thursday...
  • traderbren: $XOM - may be heading for a gap close at 111.42 just below the 50d
  • scottrades: ...
    $XOM - Breaking out
    $NOV - Mentioned on Tuesday in my video
    $COP - Back above the MAs
    $VIST - Broke out yesterday but is now extended.
    $FTI - In an uptrend

    In CryptoLand we may get our hands on some Ethereum Futures ETFs very soon from what I&rsquo ...
  • oldtimer: using @Dan simple formula on TC2000 of above the 200ma, above the 50ma above the 21ma and above the 8ma in the Nasdaq 100 there are three stocks . .$ATVI, $AMGN, $SGEN per my screen. the DOW has one $AMGN, S&P has 16. $PKG, $WDC,$AIZ, $CF, $CBOE, $MOH, $MCK, $TXT, $WRK, $HAL, $ACGL, $XOM, $PSX, $ATVI, $AMGN, $REGN Slim Pickings
  • DAN: ...
    COTD: Here’s your trade on Exxon Mobile ($XOM)

    Sentiment climaxed
    Still have the government shut down as an issue.
    End of quarter, gamma squaring impacts.
    $T2108 -- rebounded off 20%. 1:45 was the turn on both breadth lines.
    $T2107 -- less r ...
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA (1/2) $FTI (1/2) $FCX $SLV (1/2) $NEM (1.5x) $MOS $AA
    $DVN 10 days of fairly relentless selling. Part of that was the dividend but it's made a -12% move in that period of time, now at the bottom of a sideways wedge, underp ...
  • maracom: Booked profit on $SQQQ $XOM $FTI. Closed #OII for a small loss. $FCX gap down sold a partial. $SCHW hanging in there.
  • maracom: ...
    Closed a bunch of my oil exposure today $XOM $FTI $CTRA $OII
    Keeping with my precious metal positions $NEM $SLV, they are behaving normally in response to the dollar.
    $DVN is a real dog but I think it's hit support for now. If energy catches a bid n ...
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA
    $NEM has showed high volume buying for several days, I'm overweight this one by about 50%, breaking above the 50 day today, next resistance should be around the 10 ...
  • maracom: Good afternoon all! #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $SCHW Booked profits my shorts $CCJ and $SQQ #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA Added 1/4 position to $FCX on pullback #Watching $FTI for a pullback to the 20 SMA to add back
  • maracom: Good afternoon all! Trying to stay light headed into #FOMC #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $SCHW Short: $CCJ BeCS $41/$42 Sept 22 Added 1/4 position to $SCHW, another test of 100ema passed today Starter in $SQQQ given that $NVDA is breaking down towards the 100 ema #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA
  • maracom: ...
    - $FTI sitting on a 70% gain thanks to @Lou, We just got a really nice pop, I'm selling half, if we get a pullback I'll add some back.
    - Covered Calls: $XOM $120 Sept 29, $MOS $40 Sept 29, $FCX ...
  • scottrades: ...
    $SMH has a potential higher low at 148.50 and we’re seeing stocks like $NVDA hold up near the 50 Day MA despite some selling from its CEO recently. He does own just under 85 Million shares and has sold just about $100 Million Dollars worth ove ...
  • maracom: ...
    - $SLV Was previously stopped out, now at the bottom of a channel, bought 1/2 position back this morning for a lower basis.
    -$AA successful retest of prior low, added 1/4 position, now at 3/4 ...
  • champ: $OXY and $XOM....I'm still holding and I'm going to swing both.
  • champ: $OXY and $XOM....both of these energy are hanging around their highs going into the close.
  • champ: $DK $VLO $MPC $XOM $HES......could check these out also.
  • Robert1965: @champ $DK $VLO $MPC $XOM $HES Been Watching $DK $VLO have you any positions in these?
  • champ: @Robert1965 $DK $VLO $MPC $XOM $HES.....No however I'm watching for energy sector to let me in, I don't have a problem with chasing but I need a little room to sneak-in....I'm only holding $CVX and $PBF...
  • maracom: Good morning all! Dollar rallying again today... #Trading: Long $URA $UNG $FAST $EWZ. Short $NVDA BeCS Sept 500/510 $SDS $SDS possible head and shoulders forming on the $SPY, I started a short position yesterday, added this morning. Stop is a close above $454 on $SPY $UNG downside gap yesterday, at the bottom of the trading channel, may get close out half if the close is bad $FAST break of yesterday's low, considering closing this one down, will wait for the close #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI $FCX $SLV $NEM $MOS $AA $SLV Got stopped out of half when it fell into the gap yesterday, will repurchase at a lower basis $AA had a large volume buying spike a few days ago, made it above the 20sma, pullback to the 8/20 crossover today, taking a starter. $FTI running out of steam, sold a $21 Sept covered call for 0.25 #Watching: $SCHW for 100ema restest
  • maracom: Good morning all! Bonds pulling back today after nonfarm, dollar rallying. I've been overweight energy for a while so I'm just enjoying the ride for now, still sitting on a bunch of cash. #Trading: Long $URA $UNG $FAST $EWZ. Short $NVDA BeCS Sept 500/510 $URA still breaking out #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI $FCX $SLV $NEM $MOS $FCX pop but still in consolidation, sold a $43 covered call. $FTI breakout. $GLD $SLV bearish engulfing candle mirroring $UUP
  • scottrades: ...
    $FANG is still working great here. $COP is trying to move higher. $XOM is close to a pivot around

    The Crypto stocks are resting a bit as they come off the Grayscale News High. I’m long $MSRT and $RIOT again.

    Let’s get after th ...
  • maracom: ...
    Added $FCX, held the $38 level. $SLV doing good work. $NEM still in a downtrend, at lower bound trendline support but $GLD looking constructive
  • scottrades: ...
    Oil and Gas stocks $XOP / $XLE are opening higher and should be on your radar, I’m surprised to see this as robust as it has been considering the recession rhetoric pouring out of some analysts over the past few months. Gas is still expensive, ...
  • bigbartabs: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $UUP $TNX $GLD $XME $XOP $XLE $SMH $ARKK $XOM $SLB $PR $COP $FANG $MTDR $FTAI $AAPL $NFLX $TSLA $NVDA $V $UBER ... looks like this morning that traders of $TSLA might be liking the 100dma
  • maracom: Good morning all! Have been absent for the past couple weeks because we bought and are remodeling a property, so stocks have been on the back burner. Have been selling into this rally and currently sit at 60% cash. #Trading: Still bullish energy, long $UNG $URA. Have a $NVDA 480/490 bear call spread on, might close it for break even ahead of earnings depending on how the morning pop goes. #LTA: Sold $SCHW after earnings for a 25% gain, pullback/gap fill suggests another regional banking issue remains on the horizon, watching. Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $MOS $FCX $NEM. Gold miners in the pits for now with the dollar rally. Energy remains strong and I love collecting those dividends and covered call income.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ It’s a Day Traders Market $UUP Currency Wars $TNX Market is still deciding about Inflation. $GLD Not a Safe Haven $XME Near the MA Cluster $XOP Above the MAs $XLE Choppy but up $SMH Holding the 100 EMA $ARKK Bounce off the 200 Day $XOM Around all the MAs $SLB Above the 21 EMA $PR Made a new high today $COP Watch 119 $FANG Watch 148.70 $MTDR Trending $FTAI Short Base $AAPL Sloppy $NFLX Down near the 100 EMA $TSLA Watch the 200-Day Magnet $NVDA Under the 50 Day $V At the 50 Day $UBER Watch 45
  • Pard: $XOM remains solid.
  • Pard: $XOM
  • Pard: $XOM
  • scottrades: @Pard $XOM Looking good here
  • Pard: $XOM looking good
  • Henry: $ALB rumors on Twitter $XOM is in early-stage talks with automakers including $TSLA, $F and $VWAGY) about supplying them with #lithium for electric vehicles #EVs. $ALB is said to be among the lithium producers $XOM is talks with. $ALB jumps.
  • Margi1983: @Henry $ALB $XOM $TSLA $F $VWAGY #lithium #EVs That is somewhat funny. $XOM created the early solar panels, a company called Daystar in Mass., only to shut it down in the 80's or 90's. They also made some of the very early lithium metal batteries at their R & D center in New Jersey, only to never commercialize this technology as well... they really just like oil and gas, but they now must see climate change as a real issue now.
  • Geewhiz: @Henry $ALB $XOM $TSLA $F $VWAGY #lithium #EVs Exxon Mobil Corp XOM has intended to construct one of the largest lithium processing plants in Arkansas, with a capacity to produce 75K–100K metric tons of lithium annually, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal. The company anticipates that the plant's production would be equivalent to around 15% of the finished lithium produced globally in the previous year.
  • champ: @Geewhiz $ALB $XOM $TSLA $F $VWAGY #lithium #EVs .....thats a lot of tons, in the U.S. but it is going to take some time to build their new #processing-plant, before their first shipment.....did they say how long it was going to take to build..??...... ..... however $SGML, their #News is....that they just shipped their first shipment out of their new mine and it was for 30,000 tons, on just their first shipment.......so it looks like the tonnage is going to be really picking up, worldwide. I guess they need mines, to supply their lithium processing plant, that must be how it works, is that right... because I sure don't know, if thats the way it works. $PLL and $SGML...for now, I'm currently holding positions in both of these stocks.
  • DAN: ...
    Friday: ExxonMobil ($XOM) Chevron ($CVX) and P&G ($PG).

    Traders know that the risk is the highest when holding over earnings. Investors know that holding over earnings is part of the game. That's what makes you an investor rather than a trade ...
  • Hemal: @DAN $GOOGL $MSFT $SPOT $SNAP $TDOC $V $VZ $B $META $T $KO $NOW $EBAY $MCD $RCL $ENPH $ROKU $FSLR $TMUS $MA $SKX $CROX $XOM $CVX $PG I am reading the book in bits and pieces as time allows. Old Turkey will currently say it is early innings in a bull market so investors should establish a core position and let them run. Trying to swing for small gains and trying to rinse and repeat could be a recipe for underperformance.
  • arthur: $den ,sold my position, being bought by $xom for stock which is down today
  • debeers: Compares: $CVX %2B 1.8% $XOM + 1.98 $MTDR + 4.44% Suntines jew is de Matador and suntines jew is de bool- Ask @Margi- i bet she heard this from david Ortiz too!
  • debeers: @debeers $CVX $XOM $MTDR --$CVX should have said %2B 1.8%
  • debeers: @debeers $CVX $XOM $MTDR -ask Margi1983
  • phgruver: I was just noticing that oil, $CL=F, is trading near the bottom of a channel that goes back to mid March. This may be a good time to take another look at oil related stocks.... $USO, $XOM, $KMI, $APA, etc.
  • champ: @phgruver $CL $USO $XOM $KMI $APA....Yers sir and I have been Watching this sector for the last 2-Days.....however this sector will #zig-zag off of News....$GUSH $CVX $OXY and others.....
  • RiccardoB: $XOM pp on tv start to call a top in oil stocks ! You know what that means. You don’t need me anymore! email me if exxon hits $85 . I sell my house too and buy more stock. lol
  • RiccardoB: $XOM gap fill at $109. pls take it down faster .
  • phgruver: @RiccardoB $XOM The price of crude $CL=F, is down over 3% this morning. No idea why, other than anticipation of further economic slowdowns....
  • RiccardoB: @phgruver $XOM $CL Can care less. secular stories are 4 years plus. only caveat ( risk is always present) if we get a hard landing. then I would change my tune. till then i would buy any 20-30% pullback hands over fists
  • traderbren: $XOM - getting closer to closing the gap at 110.17 -- long puts since yesterday.
  • Bsielingtx: @RiccardoB $XOM Yes, gap filled and I would think the Saudi's will cut production again to get oil back to $80 which seems to be the number they like
  • RiccardoB: $XOM I have a 6.5% div so who is stressing? i guess Goldman? That funny poster from @scott comes to mind a month back. Something about Waking up and the analysts just downgraded your stock ! lol
  • RiccardoB: $XOM all time high. You are welcome :)
  • debeers: $HSY-made a boatload on it.Traded it in for $XOM because i cannot remember the last time $XOM missed. Bet you casn't either. Fundie folk will rebuy $HSY in September 1 month ahead of Halloween when the charties say ok and hold thru Thanksgiving and Xmaswhen chocolate usually peaks.
  • vcondry: @debeers $HSY $XOM Unless im missing something $XOM earnings havent typically been any kind of big catalyst for a positive stock move...January 31 earnings she actually tumbled quite a bit over the next several days. Glad you did well on $HSY
  • RiccardoB: $XOM trying for a new high. Who knew? $150 target
  • traderbren: $XOM - working -- breaking out here.
  • champ: $NBR $MPC $XOM...I'm holding these Energy position...and I'm trailing.
  • debeers: $XOM-Applied for 4 offshore oil blocks in Liberia. Super smart management on this one.4th Q back was a miss but the last 3 quarters, with oil being bludgeoned here , has no misses. Whatevere we choose to do in this country IMO has no effect on China oir India or most of Europe. Its a big world out there boys and girls.
  • debeers: @debeers $XOM -Game changer on the Oil blocks so going with global growth and moving from $PXD to $XOM. and keeping the $MTDR.
  • Francoise: @debeers $XOM $PXD $MTDR what do you think about $SHEL?
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY /$QQQ Nice reversal $UUP Here’s the problem $IBB Holding the 8EMA $GLD Holding the 21 EMA $SLV Above the MAs $GDX still in consolidation $XLE In a range $TAN Holding the 200 Day $ARKK Upside reversal $ARKF Above the MAs $AMZN Strong today $TSLA Watch tomorrow. $MSFT Fine $DKNG Go Oilers! $SHOP Still in trend $V Cup building a handle $CRM Working $HUBS Clean slope $IBP Great volume this week. $BLD Close to the highs $XOM Earnings coming up $TDW Above all the MAs $INTU Tax Season $WING In trend $HEI Around the 50 Day $COIN Near the 50 Day $SONO Going sideways above the MAs
  • traderbren: $XOM - bullish engulfing print on today's move.
  • scottrades: ...
    I’ve been focused on Gold, Semiconductors, and Gold & Silver Mining stocks lately, as you know. We are seeing $XLE start to base above the moving averages. It’s been pretty tied to headlines, but stocks like $XOM are back near the hi ...
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: $SCHW added at $50, sold a $54 covered call on a partial. $GDX $33 covered call assigned. This was one of my largest positions, I'm still bullish, so I'll sell an in-the-money $34 or $35 cash secured put on the next test of the $33 level. $NE ...
  • RiccardoB: $XOM Great and good morning. The secular bull story is alive and well. I should be in the “prediction “ business. $150 getting close
  • maracom: Good morning all! No significant recent trades for me. I'm watching the $SMH action from the sidelines at the moment. #Trading: I'm out of $WPM $SLV which are still moving up with the weakening of the dollar, looking for a pullback. Long and positive: $WEAT $FTI Long and underwater: Long half a $BITI position, we'll see if Bitcoin continues attack 30k at which point I'll probably add more $BITI. $UNG just can't seem to find it's legs, might have to give up on it soon. $NVDA BeCS sold half, still have a few, watching. #LTA: $XOM $GDX $FCX $SCHW covered calls all of em.
  • maracom: $DVN Still have a half position in my #LTA. Not willing to get rid of all my #oil exposure since geopolitical risks abound and any shock can send energy stocks back up. Getting a little bump up to 8 EMA, still getting juicy premium for calls, selling weekly $62 covered calls for .80 today. Hunting for a home for the other half of my energy allocation, considering $XOM vs $SLB $HAL vs maybe Lou's $FTI
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Awaiting more Data $QQQ Awaiting Apple’s Breakdown $DIA Tap Dancing on the trendline $XLE Back in the range $GDX Holding up $KWEB Holding the gap $XHB Dan added some stocks to the ATL $XBI Tight $AAPL Not a good look. $MSFT The future? $BABA Strength in some China Stocks. $PDD Breaking out $KRYS Dan mentioned this one $CPRX I own this $ACLX Trying to move out of a base $LABU For those who like to live dangerously $MRK Breaking out $FCX Copper trying to move $WPM Still own this. $NEM Holding up. $GOLD 200 Day Support $XOM Sling Shot? Watch 110 $CROX Mentioned in the forum $CELH at the 50 Day $PLNT It is January $SBUX Clear resistance $BOX Nope.
  • ruskinq2: $XOM from another service Jan 6 long call 107 strike
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Santa was late this year $DIA Under the 50 Day $XLE Under the 50 Day $OIH Holding up $XLF Holding the 200 Day $GDX Stopped at the 200 Day $SLV Still working fine $SMH Still under the 50 Day $KWEB Still under the slope $TNX Above all the MAs $TSLA Needs a higher low $JPM At resistance $MS Holding the 200 Day $MA Above the MAs $V Same $CPRX Holding the 8EMA $KRYS Basing $VRNA ATH $GILD At the 8/21 Day $SLB Holding up. $HES Mentioned last night $XOM Above the 50 Day $COP Just under the 50 Day
  • Rockstar: ...
    The market had the $IWM, and the $DIA, but those indices have been struggling over the last three weeks. This last week is a week to be careful. Still no oversize positions and this is still a traders market, not a swing market. I am still looking a ...
  • debeers: Substituted $XOM and $CVX for the $COP. $COP is good but the margins are fatter on the other 2.
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SPY Inside Day $QQQ Still in a down trend $DIA Still holding the 50 Day $GLD Working $SLV Working $GDX Above the 200 Day $GDXJ Same $XLE Just under the 50 Day $KWEB Flag break on volume $XBI Want to see this get back to the base. $TSLA 90 degree Angle $AAPL Broke the low $NVDA Yikes $WPM Bought last week $EGO Low Dollar Gold Stock $GOLD Breaking above a short base $AEM Above all the MAs $CROX Trending up $FL Also working $NKE Working but extended. $BOX Flagging $CAT Working $DE In a base $INT Flag $SLB A bit above the 8EMA $TDW Holding the 8EMA $XOM Holding the 50 Day
  • Docoof: @champ $OIH $ONG $XLE $ERX $ERY $XOP $GUSH $DRIP #ETFs #Great #Russia #Oil-production Thanks, champ. The big difference between $OIH and the others is that $OIH does not have any holdings of this sort: $XOM, $COP, $PBF, $DVN, $VLO, $OXY, $CVX, $HES, $EOG, $FANG, $APA, etc. It exclusively consists of OFS stocks. All 25 of its holdings: $SLB, $HAL, $BKR, $TS, $NOV, $RIG, $VAL, $HP, $FTI, $PTEN, $CHX, $WHD, $NEX, $LBRT, $NBR, $OII, $XPRO, $RES, $HLX, $PUMP, $WTTR, $SLCA, $DRQ, $CLB, and $OIS.
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Stock Price $115.27
Change -0.63%
Volume 36,204,800

Exxon Mobil Corporation is involved in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, the manufacture of petroleum products and transportation and sale of crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products.

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