Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ:CNXC)

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  • Pokersmith: Tightening up some too ....see $CNXC
  • Pokersmith: Anyone got some intel on $CNXC? long
  • jjohn: $CNXC One of my long term holding. Doing really well today
  • Orange-Green: watching $CNXC today.. support at $107, stock at $111 .. good relative strength today, looks like it wants to go higher
  • cmac: This morning I started a position in $CNXC. It's a coal related LP (issues a k-1) but the yield is 11% so its near #yieldhog territory. I like coal going into a DJT administration and I like a good yield. The company doesn't have a long operating history, but over its two year history, it has bumped up its payout.
  • BocaRick: #COAL $ARCH $CNX $CNXC $WLB Arch Coal out of Chp 11 this week. FBR & Co upgrades to outperform ARCH CNX CNXC WLB??????get your hands dirty?
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Stock Price $67.43
Change 0.96%
Volume 211,265

CNX Coal Resources LP is a master limited partnership recently formed by CONSOL Energy to manage and further develop all of its active thermal coal operations in Pennsylvania. It mines its reserves from the Pittsburgh No. 8 Coal Seam.

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