Here’s your trade on Zoom Media ($ZM) (July 07, 2022)


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The market has been pretty dicey. I have been watching a lot of things and I am starting, what I call, a Phoenix list of trades. And that is stocks that have been really, really down in the dumps, just getting brutalized, are starting to perk up and starting to give us the sense that we are going to start being in this markup phase in a lot of these beaten-down stocks.

So guess which stock I did not put on the list? Zoom ( NASDAQ: ZM ); I just ran out of room. I put on 8, 9 actually, I opened 9 different trades today on different stocks. This is probably one that I will be putting on tomorrow, with a couple of others. And so you definitely need to check this out.

I am drawing a box here over the prices, the top price here is 123.96. My approach on this is going to be if the stock hits 124.00, that’s when I am going to want to enter the trade, right here, I will even write it down. So if the stock hits 124.00, that’s really when I am going to want to be looking at the stock. And I want to be looking at it because this is what I think that is going to do. It’s going to start more of a markup phase of higher highs and higher lows.

So this is the kind of thing that you can be doing. You don’t need me for this type of thing I make it easier because I spend a lot of hours looking for this kind of stuff. But you can do this with this kind of trade. You can look at the XBI ( NYSEARCA: XBI ), check out a list of them, and find ones that look similar. This ( NASDAQ: CTIC ) missed it today, I will probably be putting this on tomorrow.

You can go down and look at these ( NASDAQ: NVAX ), ( NASDAQ: BEAM ). You ( NASDAQ: OCGN ), can see a lot of these ( NASDAQ: QURE ), ( NASDAQ: RLAY ), ( NASDAQ: MRNA ), ( NASDAQ: FATE ) are doing the same thing here. These are things that I am looking at today. Again, you can do this stuff on your own. I have just given you the template for what I am looking for. You don’t need me, all you need is to do some hard work and figure this stuff out for yourself.

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