Ross Stores Inc. (NASDAQ:ROST)

Chart of the Day October 28th, 2022

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  • Wolf: @debeers $ANF Looks like retail is being punished today. $ANF, $ROST, $JWN, $FL All down on decent earnings reports.
  • BarryC: Hi Everyone... IF anyone cares, I went home #LONG: $AMZN, $CVNA, $DKNG, $ETHE, $GEO, $NVDA, $ROST, $TGTX & $UPST.... I do have my eye on $TSLA (again).... Get ur asses up & lets make some $$$$$$$$$$$ :-) <3
  • phgruver: @BarryC $AMZN $CVNA $DKNG $ETHE $GEO $NVDA $ROST $TGTX $UPST $TSLA #LONG ...At this point, I'll settle for just a couple of $$....
  • bigbartabs: @BarryC $AMZN $CVNA $DKNG $ETHE $GEO $NVDA $ROST $TGTX $UPST $TSLA #LONG ... nobody gets up earlier than we left coast traders. I think my good buddy @champ will support me on that claim ==:O
  • BarryC: @phgruver $AMZN $CVNA $DKNG $ETHE $GEO $NVDA $ROST $TGTX $UPST $TSLA #LONG Start small and slow, as you gain traction ya add more risk... ALWAYS manage risk...
  • BarryC: Hi Everyone... Hope all is good in the hood! :-) IF anyone cares, I'm currently #long: $DKNG, $ETHE, $GEO, $ROST, $TGTX & $UPST
  • clamtown: @BarryC $DKNG $ETHE $GEO $ROST $TGTX $UPST #long Good morning. Thanks for posting.
  • BarryC: IF anyone cares, Im currently #LONG: $DKNG, $ETHE, $GEO, $PLTR, $ROST, $TGTX & $UPST (The beast MAY be back)
  • Wolf: $GPS up 8% $ROST up 20% on earnings report. After seeing what happened with $M yesterday, it is tempting to short them....
  • phgruver: @Wolf $GPS $ROST $M Given how $COST and WMT responded to earnings, it is tempting....
  • ssoha20: $ROST what is thought about this stock it had good earnings and also the charts looks pretty good
  • champ: Looks like the Markets are going to have another strong close....and these Retail stocks are also strong, I'm just posting a few stocks that have moved-up over 2%...$TGT $LOW $HD $ROST $DKS $PLCE $KSS.
  • Jazman0013: @champ $TGT $LOW $HD $ROST $DKS $PLCE $KSS thing of beauty. Have missed action like this.
  • champ: ...
    and $ROST was also up 22.30% last week....
    plus there were others.

    ~~~ #Black-Friday will be kicking off Sales, for this Holiday Season and sales could be positive for some Retailers but maybe not for others, will always remain a stock-Pick ...
  • joelsg1: @DAN $ROST $SPY $DJI $IYT $MDY $IWM $QQQ $EOG $XLE $MUR $OXY $PXD $OVV $SM $LLY $BTU $AMR $VRTX $CPA $TSLA hey @Dan, Pls. Fix your mic, mucho static.
  • DAN: @joelsg1 $ROST $SPY $DJI $IYT $MDY $IWM $QQQ $EOG $XLE $MUR $OXY $PXD $OVV $SM $LLY $BTU $AMR $VRTX $CPA $TSLA Really? I just listened to both videos and they sound fine to me.
  • champ: $ $19.30...#Guess?...looks like it has Entry-timing. Check-out this retailer, holding up nicely today and it sure looks like it is now on a #Pre-earnings move, after $ROST reported and they will be reporting their earnings on 11/22....and my guess is, they are going to beat. .....Take a look at their #Website and you will be surprised ...Retail stores...1625 locations, plus Direct-to-Consumer, Wholesaler, Apparel and all the Fashion-Accessories, for Men, Women, Children and Infants....they have a huge product line....Shoes, Fragrancies, Jewelry, Eyewear, Watches they sale everything, you name it and they Sale it....Worldwide, since 1981 and they are headquartered in LA California. .....I have a position and I added today.
  • woodman: @champ $GES $ROST #Guess #Pre-earnings #Website - Thanks for this. Interesting.
  • champ: @woodman $GES $ROST #Guess #Pre-earnings #Website....Yes it is Interesting, maybe a Stock to back-to-school also, for all Grades and College...... ~~~~~~~ High-end Retailer.............. ....and I added again.....looks positive....Building.
  • DAN: ...
    COTD: $ROST -- Great gain today…unless you bought at the opening pop.

    $SPY -- It is more important than ever to be very stock specific and use small position size.
    $DJI -- Flagging above the key moving averages. Overbought.
    $IYT -- Nothing ...
  • champ: @Mikev200 $ROSS....$ROST.....and LOD was at $94.80....
  • champ: @Mikev200 $ROSS $ROST....the point was, that around LOD might have been a nice entry.....and I don't know anything about being stopped-out.
  • DAN: ...
    COTD: Here’s my take on $ROST and $OLLI.

    Bank of Canada only hiked .50bps. Fed announcement next Tuesday. The market could be anticipating a bit of dovishness, which would spark a rally.
    ECB recently hiked .75bps, but they’ll follo ...
  • Henry: $ROST $.97 VS $1 est will be next
  • Docoof: @Henry $ROST Two squads called and now taking care of business.
  • bRobert: @Docoof $ROST BEARISH RETAIL $XRT H&S top rollover 50w target close It can go lower $RTH same 200w target $140 Shorts in $M $DDS and others working well
  • bRobert: @Docoof $ROST WEEKLY bear flag $65 daily H&S target WEEKLY bear flag target will be acquired soon
  • debeers: ...
    2 retailers for different reasons- target because its an in sti fave and $ROST because no snags, no manufacturing worrries as this takes thye surplus fromothers and sells it for a profit
    $HSY-been in it for a long time. It was interesting today when ...
  • debeers: Half and Half-Everything i wanted today was on the deep value side and i wanted to stay half domestic and half international so i have $ACI/$ROST/$UNH/$WFC for domestic and $AEO/$CPRI/$HSY on international. i wanted to be in DFEN and yet i couldn't ...
  • champ: @debeers $ACI $ROST $UNH $WFC $AEO $CPRI $HSY ....I like all, however I'm looking for $WFC $AEO and $CPRI...but NP's.
  • debeers: @champ $ACI $ROST $UNH $WFC $AEO $CPRI $HSY #Bounce-Candidates -Felt more comfy with a domestic in the banks. $AEO and $CPRI are at insane prices. Could they go lower--yup but geez! $ROST my favorite domestic discount retailer because it is all here and has NO SHIPPING PROBLEMS whatsoever as it just buys inventory from others and the stuff is already here. $ACI is all domestic and maybe doesn't have much more upside but the remodels on the stores is impressive and a true recession still won't dent them much. Overall playing D as opposed to owning D. If @Woodman is right and chemical weapons are being used, it won't matter much anyway because we'll be a lot closer to the end than the beginning for all of us IMO.
  • joelsg1: @debeers $ACI $ROST $UNH $WFC $AEO $CPRI $HSY Toilet paper has holidays too. (Insert joke date here) OK, Cinco de Mayo.
  • champ: $ROST...look at that...this guy is wearing a dress.
  • metal: @champ $ROST Good men doing and saying nothing paved the way for all this. Relativism is a recipe for destruction.
  • champ: @metal $ROST --- That was just a joke...for this more or less Dress retailer.
  • wanda1616: $TJX $ROST rocketing
  • wanda1616: discount retail coming to life $TJX $ROST $BURL etc.
  • metal: $ROST I have been pecking away under 120. Consolidating on 3 year weekly. The way I see it anyway. Some might just buy a breakout some time latter if it were to happen latter. Tech/Biotech it is not.
  • shoredriver: @metal $ROST $JWN $M $KSS $TJX...$DDS is my fav in charts....
  • metal: @shoredriver $ROST $JWN $M $KSS $TJX $DDS Just got home. I will investigate and thanks.
  • scottto_2: #InsideBarList - My OCD kicked in hard on this one - Thanks Sir @Aragorn - $AAL $AAOI $AAPL $ABC $ABT $ABUS $ACAD $ADI $ADS $AEM $AES $AFL $AGCO $AGIO $AIG $AKAM $AKTX $ALE $ALGT $AMCX $AMN $AMP $AMT $AMZN $AN $ANET $ANGI $ANTM $AON $APA $APD $APRN $ ...
  • metal: $ROST mentioned this week and is slowly moving up. 3 year weekly is what I am watching. At this point a healthy hammer after hitting support at the 50 last week. Not a barn burner.
  • metal: $ROST still looks constructive to me. 3 year weekly is my go to here. After bouncing off the 50, it is holding the upper end of the candle.
  • Ajax4Hire: $M-Macy's(my Grandmother's favorite place to shop) Outsized Option for Aug20th Calls at strike(1) $20=25k, $21=47k, $22=12k, $23=41k contracts Most contracts placed 10-11days ago when $M tagged 50day-MA. Suggest catalyst is Earnings Report Tue,Aug17th-Before. Nothing sexy or wow-ka-pow about a 1900s Mall anchor store. expected $M to follow JC-Penney, Sears/K-Mart, Davidson and Rich's. But there are many in-person mall-anchors that are doing well: $JWN-Nordstrom, $DDS-Dillard's, $DKS-Dick's Sporting Goods, $TJX-TJMaxx and stand-alone(large and small) retails are thriving: $COST-CostCo, $WMT-WalMart, $TGT-Target, $TSCO-Tractor Supply, $FIVE-5 Below, $DG-Dollar General, $BIG-BigLots, $ROST-Ross Stores, $BARN-Boot Barn(in the ATL) Either way, this is 7weeks in the future. Will have to watch $M over the next 4weeks to see if warrants participating in lottery. (1)Reported by Jon Najarian on CNBC yesterday,Mon,Jun28th
  • metal: $ROST looks good to me on the 3 year weekly chart. Big cup and handle breakout that failed, but the 50 is holding nicely at this point. It all looks constructive to me. Brokerages maintained buys after earnings. Not going to move like a tech stock, but that can be a blessing at times.
  • wanda1616: retailers getting killed slow bleed.....$TJX $ROST $NKE etc
  • champ: @debeers $BKE --- They report Friday before the open...Buckle-up, NP..Yet,...however First up to bat is $SCVL $KSS $LB $ROST and others....
  • debeers: @champ $BKE $SCVL $KSS $LB $ROST - pick for me is based on other than category.
  • champ: @debeers $BKE $SCVL $KSS $LB $ROST --- I like the Retail sector...and I have been in this sector for months now.
  • champ: $ROST..@ $129.50 the turn was at $123.50.
  • champ: $CRM $DRI $HRI $ROST $JONA $AEO $ANF $GES $LB $CZR ...these are all HOD..and $ANF is up over 8%...however check-out the Retail sector $XRT, because everything is up...this Set-up is working for sure..
  • champ: Swing positions...$ROST $AEO $ANF $GES $LB $JOAN $CRM $DRI $HRI $CZR $PENN $BALY $RAD $GVA $CMC $ROAD $CLF $LBRT $SLCA $FRTA $NLY $KMI $PAA $RKT $RAIL $TECK $USCR $RCL..... 4-ETF's and only 1/3 of $RIOT. ~~~ I also took profits on these Day-Trades....$TTD $CCL $NCLH $SAVE $UAL $AMZN.
  • metal: $ROST looks like a solid cup and handle on the 3 year. Would have been nice to pick it up a month ago, but it does not seem too late to start a small position. Earnings in 10 days. My opinion.
  • champ: $ROST...HOD.
  • champ: $XRT, stocks in the Retail sector, just keep making New #ATH' are a few that I'm holding...$GPS, $AEO, $LEVI, $LB, $CPRI, $GCO, $HIBB $ROST...I'm still holding these and $KTB $GO...and I expect that they are all going to zig-zags and if they drop, I also expect that I add a little, my plan HOLD and Build, if I see timings. (Need a Drop and then a Turn, build on the Turn)
  • wanda1616: @champ $XRT $GPS $AEO $LEVI $LB $CPRI $GCO $HIBB $ROST $KTB $GO #ATH $CROX not too shabby and $M may be starting to gain traction
  • champ: @wanda1616 $XRT $GPS $AEO $LEVI $LB $CPRI $GCO $HIBB $ROST $KTB $GO $CROX $M #ATH ---- I have been watching $M is on my retail Watch-list..... I like it...but for now NP.
  • champ: @wanda1616 $XRT $GPS $AEO $LEVI $LB $CPRI $GCO $HIBB $ROST $KTB $GO $CROX $M #ATH....$M...the X-CEO was on Thursday... I believe it was, talking about Retailers...maybe someone could post that interview, if they watched it...because I don't know if it was on Fox-B or CNBC.
  • champ: @zimzala $JOAN #ipo ---- I did a store check, last weekend and they were busy, they were right next door to $WMT...NP...however I had one. .......and $ROST was right next door. also...$ROST had a huge check-out Line and I never seen anything like that before, was exactly like what @emi posted about, on 4/16.
  • champ: More #Thoughts.....New highs today....$LEVI, $KTB, $GPS, $AEO, $ROST....and it also looks like many others names are also setting-up,....before their next leg, up the "Wall of Worry"...
    .....always expect zig-zags up the Wall.
    ~~~ $$$...a ...
  • champ: $ROST, @ $129, I don't think that there is any #Retailer... that is busier than this one, check-it out, do a drive buy, after 5:00 PM or on the weekends, they are in strip-malls, also see their Website. Today is a New...$ATH and earnings are not until around 5/20.
  • emi: @champ $ROST $ATH #Retailer You're right! I videotaped the line for the cashier extending from the registers at the front of the store to the back of the store and halfway across and sent the clip to the CEO saying that they need to hire more cashiers because the consumer is back. I buy big planting pots because they're cheap at Ross as opposed to HD. I have to buy more stock. $TJX too.
  • champ: @emi $ROST $ATH $TJX #Retailer --- I need some planting Pots, I will take a look ...#Thanks...
  • champ: @emi $ROST $ATH $TJX #Retailer --- I'm in Ca, really busy here and what State are you in...
  • debeers: $ROST- i'll get this one on any pullback i can get because they will be opening 21 stores this year and their results were excellent but i am a dip buy gal so i hafta stick to my discipline.
  • sierramp: $ROST has a similar pattern to $HWM, Inv H&S, close to but not yet BO.
  • scottrades: $ROST coming out of a squeeze
  • DAN: ...
    These people are billionaires. They haven't flown a public aircraft in decades. Has anyone seen them riding First Class, eating the shoe leather called "chicken" and drinking watered down cocktails? Anyone seen them standing in line to g ...
  • just4mo: @DAN $ROST $COST I wish you would occasionally share with us how you really feel ;->
  • Yes-Man: @DAN $ROST $COST As Usual Love your rants DAN!!!!!!)
  • tommymac: @DAN $ROST $COST Well said Dan well said!
  • WWWilly: @DAN $ROST $COST As usual, right on target ! Love it.
  • DAN: @just4mo $ROST $COST They live in an estate that is called Xanadu 2.0. It's 66,000 square feet. But I'm sure they think a lot about the little people. The Orange Theory franchise owner who has gone broke. The very nice people in the mexican restau ...
  • PhilHarmonic: @DAN $ROST $COST A large majority of the major economic entities in the World went on lockdown. including our own country the United States of America. I believe lockdown was what the experts were recommending because of the initial rate of spread and the quantities of deaths, and the unknown mechanisms related to the virus. Bill and Melinda's public statements might have been influenced by this. Maybe you are being a little harsh on your criticism. Or maybe not.
  • just4mo: @DAN $ROST $COST yes, it should make everyone mad (regardless of your viewpoint on the lockdowns) to hear someone who advocates for them to say oh, I never really thought about consequences.
  • RiccardoB: @DAN $ROST $COST Don’t get me started! I will say this. I hope they will have a Nuremberg trial when this is all over!
  • Rick_O: @DAN $ROST $COST This admission is trully unacceptable, and criminal. "Oops sorry, my bad" and all is forgiven??? BTW, yes, slight weight gain is lack of discipline, and I'm guilty of that as well... Thank you for the rant. It feels good to hear from your mouth (or fingers typing).
  • RiccardoB: @PhilHarmonic $ROST $COST Lockdowns or not , unless we live in Cuba, Venezuela or China ... we have a little something called “ the Constitution ” which protects our sacrosanct individual rights and our rights to our property. If the Government shut businesses down they better write a check the same day. We didn’t even close businesses during WWl and WWll. This is tyranny pure and simple!!!
  • rj7150: @DAN $ROST $COST :-)
  • DAN: @PhilHarmonic $ROST $COST I don't think so. But opinions vary, and I understand that. (And I don't think I offended Melinda. She doesn't know me). ;-) Also, lockdowns in March/April are one thing. Lots of uncertainty then. But in November and December? The fact that they are still being imposed is, in my view, negligent and malicious. What started as a response to a new and serious virus has morphed into a social experiment influenced by politics and money. And that makes me sad.
  • Cokeman1959: @DAN $ROST $COST well said. Since they are world wide experts on everything, maybe I should get their advice on my golf game too?
  • Cokeman1959: @RiccardoB $ROST $COST “Like Button” if we had one.
  • metal: @DAN $ROST $COST Funny how some people like huge government intrusions and lockdowns. The same people who call other people fascists. The Newsome guy and his crowd are for fascism because us small guys can't be corralled and controlled. The big guys like the fascism and put up with the taxes and regulations because they get all the business. In NYS they are cracking down on mining and trucking because they only want the big business one stop enforcement. Do I get red flagged?
  • DAN: ...
    $ROST -- Gapped up on earnings...and now stuck. No buying pressure now.
    $COST -- Strong stock. But it’s extended above the 50-day MA
    $TLYS -- nice move higher...but revs/EPS are horrible, and the number of funds is declining. This is not wh ...
  • champ: @DAN $SPX $DJI $DJT $NDX $SNOW $MPWR $IBB $MRNA $NVAX $AMD $AAPL $PII $ZTS $TSLA $TGTX $APPS $PFE $BNTX $SONO $COUP $ZM $GBTC $XHB $LEN $DHI $PHM $TOL $XRT $AMZN $WMT $TGT $OLLI $DG $ROST $COST $TLYS ~~~~ #Sooner is always better, #always better before the Close.
  • DAN: Good morning. The S&P is up nearly 5% this morning on news that Pfizer's ($PFE) & BioNTech ($BNTX) COVID vaccine is about 90% effective. This is obviously great news and we've got a big breakout on the $SPY weekly chart. This is something ...
  • riskmanager: @DAN $PFE $BNTX $SPY $CCL $NCLH $RCL $DAL $UAL $AAL $HA $JBLU $LUV $CZR $WYNN $LVS $MGM $DKNG $PENN $JWN $ROST $M $ZM $ROKU $NFLX $XLV $IBB $REGN $RGEN $MRNA $TWTR Glad to see you on Parler! Just added to your followers. We are growing!
  • DAN: @riskmanager $PFE $BNTX $SPY $CCL $NCLH $RCL $DAL $UAL $AAL $HA $JBLU $LUV $CZR $WYNN $LVS $MGM $DKNG $PENN $JWN $ROST $M $ZM $ROKU $NFLX $XLV $IBB $REGN $RGEN $MRNA $TWTR Thanks! I'd love to see Parler take off. Twitter is a cesspool in every way. Flying monkeys are everywhere, posting anonymous vitriol. It's a complete waste of time and energy. At least, that's how I see it.
  • Ajax4Hire: @DAN $PFE $BNTX $SPY $CCL $NCLH $RCL $DAL $UAL $AAL $HA $JBLU $LUV $CZR $WYNN $LVS $MGM $DKNG $PENN $JWN $ROST $M $ZM $ROKU $NFLX $XLV $IBB $REGN $RGEN $MRNA $TWTR On Social Media, I stay Socially Distant. Always laugh at governments, retail and individuals telling me to "Social Distance". As I get "All up in their grill", ok, I un-friend you on $FB-Facebook, boom Social Distanced. $TWTR-Twitter: making Kool-Aid with pond water. Don't drink the Kook-Aid. Apparently I "follow" @DanFitzpatrick on $TWTR, I am @BlueCollarTrader But I am Social Distant. Finish up with tru-ism from Elsa the Snow Queen(Frozen): "Funny how distance makes everything seem small." Stay distant my friend.
  • Bert953: @riskmanager $PFE $BNTX $SPY $CCL $NCLH $RCL $DAL $UAL $AAL $HA $JBLU $LUV $CZR $WYNN $LVS $MGM $DKNG $PENN $JWN $ROST $M $ZM $ROKU $NFLX $XLV $IBB $REGN $RGEN $MRNA $TWTR Hi, I just scrolled over this list of stocks and as expected, they were mostly sold into. I will step away from desk for a little while because I cant detect any trends so entries here are suspect. If any of you more experienced traders have any thoughts on what to look for here, they would be appreciated. I see not too many posts of "RHRN entries" more like "Wow.... look at that sucker go" type posts LOL
  • stairm01: $ROST Breaking out of VS today. Low volume and 200 dma is 0.52 away. Nibbled in on Nov 95 strike Calls
  • Junior1: @champ $OLLI I've never been in one of their stores. Are they set up like $ROST
  • champ: @Junior1 $OLLI $ROST --- There is a #Forum-member who shops at one of their stores, maybe he or she could post again.....
  • champ: @Junior1 $OLLI $ROST --- Pull up their Website for a look.
  • scottrades: Some #Earnings to be aware of this week. $WMT $NVDA $BABA $JD $HD $LOW $TGT $SE $NIU $BJ $AAP $DLPN $TJX $ADI $DE $FL $KSS $DQ $PDD $GDS $ECC $BEST $CTK $EL $VIPS $SNPS $A $ROST $QIWI $LB $LX $AMCR $CMCM $LZB $OPRA $KEYS $CREE $GAN $BZUN $JKHY $FN $MLCO $KC $FUV $SQM
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SSO Everyone’s a winner! Don’t get complacent. $QLD Oh, High. $GDX/$GLD Weak $SLV Just ok. $SQ Find me a time frame where this doesn’t look good. $CCL Not breaking out but holding up. $WYNN Nice BO today. $MCD Pointed this out on Monday. Got the move today. $ICE Little shelf. $MU Closed above the 200 Day. $MX Closed above the 200 Day. $ROST Just under the 200 Day. Request: $VFF Nice move but hard to buy here.
  • DAN: $ROST -- poking its head above $100, but the 200-day MA looms overhead. But the stock is coming out of a squeeze.
  • Junior1: @DAN $ROST As a reseller of goods, they should do well picking up merchandise for pennies on the dollar with retailers going out of business
  • bogiedog1: @Junior1 $ROST Great point!
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Stock Price $140.91
Change -0.14%
Volume 1,853,660

Ross Stores, Inc., and its subsidiaries operate two brands of off-price retail apparel and home accessories stores. It operates a total of 1,125 stores.

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