Tapestry Inc. (NYSE:TPR)
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- Mikev200: $TPR HOD
- debeers: THE WHY OF THE BUYS $TPR/$RL -not hard to absorb that people with money have more money than people with no money. Remember? $RL is the official costume designer for the Olympics uniforms. the 1200 cashmere sweater for these folks is no problem In terms of sales, $RL is expanding fastest in China and Europe Additionally the acquisition of Capri is expected to be finalized this year
- wijimmy: @DAN @DAN .. Talking myself out of trying to catch a Falling Knife instead of waiting for the Dead Cat Bounce $TPR
- BarryC: Here is my watchlist at the moment: $ACLX, $AVAV, $CBOE, $DXCM, $FISV, $HCA, $LI, $LTH, $PEGA, $ROIV, $SHOP, $TDW, $TPR, $TREX, $TXG, $V, $VSTO
- debeers: THE KNOWN VERSUS THE UNKNOWN-$ULTA is a great co BUT andthis is a big BUTT, $TPR has already reported and is an amazing company.
- debeers: @debeers $AAPL $BA $HD $NVDA $RCL $RCLas $WYNN -Forgot $TPR-high end bags and killed the earnings.
- debeers: $TPR-Bernstein to 55 from 51. Stock at 42 and change now.
- debeers: @woodman $ARDX -looking forward on this one as it seems since i've held it, which was almost 3 bucks ago or so, every barrier it has had to scale, it did. You are the chart guy and, as @DAN pointed out in his strategy session, fundamentalists know nothing, but this girl has found that over time, the stocks with either strong balance sheets ($TPR). or stong companies being unfairly targeted $SCHW seem to do ok. $META can profit from oujtstanding marketing expertise and a niche which no other company has in a field where there is only Twitter. Thanks again. By the way, IMO EVERY tool one can get betters one's results over time.
- debeers: $TPR-results in the bag! Luxe handbags give you a 8% bump.
- traderbren: @debeers $TPR - lol ...must be the bags featured in Succession that cause a "run on the store" ;-)
- debeers: $BOOT-decided i was too early. Wrong so gone-whereas $TPR holding this one.
- debeers: $BA/$NEM/$NKE/$TPR/$PYPL-the $GDXJ wi,ll get you done but--and its my only argument with ETF's-you get the good with the bad. i cannot possibly track all the ones with gold since i am not smart enough, so i took the $NEM.
- debeers: $CAT/$FRO/$HSY original buy in the teens so i added at 225 staple/ $MTDR/ $SD in the same neighborhood as $MTDR from a stock whisperer/ $STLD opening new facilities in the south lowering costs/ $TPR low cost luxe play reporting after the elections and doesn't miss.LONGS
- debeers: $TPR-bearing in mind it reports after the election, you also have a 3.99% divvie on this one.
- debeers: $ALB/$FCX/$HES/$MTDR/$TPR/$TSLA/ and $FRO which was a present from a friend and the tanker i like best because looking beyond a day or a year, i want to know which transport has the best ROE for 5 years and $FRO fits the bill as its return is over 120% its a tough market in any case but these are the ones i think will do the best. Regarding the outperformance of $UBER today, there is piss poor public transportation in Cali because the state financed a railroad going nowhere. When @Scottrades gives it the okey dokey, i'll get into that one.
- debeers: Dropped the $HES and added into $VLO Bought $STLD otherwise no changes: $ALB/$FRO/$MTDR/$STLD/$TPR/$TSLA/$VLO
- joelsg1: @debeers $HES $VLO $STLD $ALB $FRO $MTDR $TPR $TSLA Like $STLD, and I think they supply $TSLA for the CT.
- debeers: @joelsg1 $HES $VLO $STLD $ALB $FRO $MTDR $TPR $TSLA -All i know for sure is that their margins were better than other steels and their location favors their low cost.
- debeers: $TPR-makes its numbers but doesn't raise its outlook. China slowdown.sold pre
- joelsg1: @debeers $TSLA $AAPL $TPR $AJG $MTDR CFRA already at Strong Buy raised price target this am from $1125 to $1245. Hasn't been broadly recognized yet.
- wineinquirer: @debeers $TSLA $AAPL $TPR $AJG $MTDR You can also sharpen all three parts and voila............3 new pencils!!
debeers: ...
I can tell you something that intellectually you already know: when $TSLA splits in a week it intellectually will be like a pencil that you break into 3 parts. Is it a bigger pencil? Nope. but hear this if you are not in $TSLA now: in this case and ... - debeers: @wineinquirer $TSLA $AAPL $TPR $AJG $MTDR -you are funny and asdorable. Not as adorable as @joelsg.....however
- joelsg1: @debeers $TSLA $AAPL $TPR $AJG $MTDR Aww...
- wineinquirer: @debeers $TSLA $AAPL $TPR $AJG $MTDR I'll keep workin' at it!
- debeers: $TPR-Tapestry down 22 cents-SHOCKER!!! Reports tomorrow before. they'll kill it IMO.
- debeers: $AAPL/$ARCH/$CF/$NTR/$PXD/even $HSY up while $TPR reporting tomorrow morning is down 20 cents.LONGS all IMO- i "shoes" to be in $TPR because i think the earnings are "in the bag!"LONG Girls just want to have fun and party! And dress up! The really neat thing is if you iut on a few COVID pounds in most cases your shoes still fit and your handbag always does. Edit-$HSY now down 19 cents.of course the stock is over 230 dollars..............................
- debeers: FUNDIE FACT OF THE DAY Here's a didja know? Didja know that the top 10% of consumers account for 50% of all the spending?? Well, didja??? And that is the reason for going long into the $TPR earnings.
- natural: @debeers $TPR Alright, you've sold me. That daily chart looks nice. I'm going into tomorrow with a couple of Aug 19 $37.50's for fun (bought with $36 strike proceeds, so it's a "free" ride for me). Best of luck!
- debeers: $ARCH,$HSY,$PAG$RH,$TECK$TPR/$ULTA-LONGS ALL Is $TPR "in the bag?" We find out Thursday morning. i think that you want to "shoes" this one.
debeers: $TPR-Reporting Thursday before the market opens. If the stock goes down when the overall retail sales number comes in for the whole economy, i'll add.
Here's what the company does:
Tapestry, Inc. is a house of modern luxury accessories and lifestyle ... - scottrades: Some #earnings to be aware of for the week $WMT $TGT $HD $ZIM $LI $NIU $SE $LOW $CSCO $DE $AMAT $KSS $AGFY $YOU $WEBR $ADI $DNUT $BITF $TJX $SQM $BJ $DOYU $CSIQ $IMCC $DNA $BBWI $GP $FL $UPH $PFGC $TPR $TXMD $SNPS $GLBE $KEYS $IMPL $LITE $NNOX $ZIP $MCG $A $POWW $ESLT $EL
- debeers: $TPR-You probably missed $DDS (the higher the hair-the closer to God)You want to kick yourself for missing the earnings on $TPR too? A lot of ways to win with this one.LONG into next week's earnings
debeers: ...
$TPR-So yesterday i visited the local Nordstroms and Stuart Weitzman. Even Dr.@bRobert will tell you that even if ladies gain a smidge of weight, most often their shoe size doesn't change and handbags ALWAYS fit. Dressy high heels and bags are the " ... - shoredriver: @debeers $AMZN $BA $BX $GTX $TPR ....$UPST...fat weeklies to sell.......
- debeers: Longs all-$AMZN/$BA/$GS over $BX -bye Stevie/ $GTX/$OKTA/$TPR/$TSLA-roughly 30% deployed and the rest safely tucked away.
- debeers: $ULTA/$CPRI/$TPR-High end consumer hasn't been hit with recession and wants to go places and do things and look good. Vanitas Vanitas et omnia vanitatus!.
debeers: $TPR-low p/e high 3% divvie in the luxe space. Stuart Weitzman high heeels sprinting off the shelves as the dress up and get out trade running.
long form;
Tapestry, Inc. is a house of modern luxury accessories and lifes ... - debeers: @vcondry $ULTA -did the best i could luxe retail. So how good will $TPR be??? Really good imo.
- Docoof: @debeers $RH $TPR $WMT $TGT $HD $LOW — $TGT down 22% pm. E-report falls short of expectations—reports that quarterly profits got hit by supply chain troubles, higher fuel costs and lower than expected sales of discretionary merchandise. * Earnings per share: $2.19 adjusted vs. $3.07 expected * Revenue: $25.17 billion vs. $24.49 billion expected
debeers: $RH and $TPR vs $WMT and $TGT---So does CNBC finally get it? WHO PAYS THESE PEOPLE???
Not quite--"You mean that low cost retailers who haven't passedcosts alongso they make less money?" Yup--that's what the figures are telling you.
The pr ... - debeers: @Docoof $RH $TPR $WMT $TGT $HD $LOW -Target and Walmart did not pass their costs along. Period. many customers who had to traded down from premium brands to house brands. Do you think, other than bitching about delays, the $RH customer cared??? Do you think the Tapestry customer cared who might have to pay an additional 75 bucks for a pair of shoes or a handbag?? They don't. Check out the once monthly Wall Street Journal magazine. You see premier brands at high prices and they pay the upped advertising freight and they pay their "influencers" without blinking an eye.
- Pokersmith: @debeers $RH $TPR $WMT $TGT $HD $LOW $RH customers are RH customers because they DO care about prices..that's how they came to have the money to shop RH. So, with all due respect, I don't fully agree with your premise 😉
- debeers: @Pokersmith $RH $TPR $WMT $TGT $HD $LOW -@Pokersmoith- How do you explain the packed SF store on opening with "consultants" and "stylists" trying to keep up with orders??? These are folks for whom the real currency is their time. No matter how wealthy asperson is he doesn't get more thn 24 hours in a day.( I say "he" because women are generally better multitaskers and already know to the minute how many hours there are in their day!). That's why stlylists and professional shoppers exist brcause do you really think that Gates or Musk or Tim are going to spend their time "shopping the best price?" Well, do you?
debeers: @Pokersmith--$RH-at least for now--@Pokersmith right-debeers wrong. sold the $RH but keeping Tapestry. i can live woith a cut on $TPR to 50--given that it is at 33 now. a reminder of who they are:
Tapestry, Inc. is a house of modern luxury accessorie ... - Pokersmith: @debeers $RH $TPR More importantly... Just as a rising tide lifts all boats, conversely, a lower tide lowers all of them. Good house in a bad neighborhood? Perhaps...but .....the pressure, the fight against the current...can be exhausting. At present, $TPR lives beneath its 200 WEEK....fyi That said, I hope it works for you.
- debeers:
- champ: @debeers $TPR at $32.90....I like this stock, for sure and I had an info post on this stock...however for now,...I have NP.
- Pokersmith: @debeers $TPR nice relative strength, technically speaking.
- champ: $TPR now at $32, the low ER turn was at $26.39,...Day-3 off of the earnings turn...this is a hi-end retailer, see previous Info post....#Watch....
- champ: @natural $LULU ...I'm out and happy, not really watching now....but Thanks for this Alert post, because I will move it back into Watch-list mold........ ......and now I'm only holding these investment Retail positions $ANF $CPRI $TPR $HIBB $LEVI and $LOW $BJ and I'm going to continue, to try..to hold these positions, into there next earnings, if I don't get kicked out.
- natural: @champ $LULU $ANF $CPRI $TPR $HIBB $LEVI $LOW $BJ Right on, many thanks. Beautiful morning in the Foothills, so I walk around the golf course with a phone, not clubs!
- champ: @natural $LULU $ANF $CPRI $TPR $HIBB $LEVI $LOW $BJ ....Thats real nice and I always like doing that,....where are you, what area are you near...??, if you don't mind me asking.....
- champ: $CPRI $TPR...both HOD...#Luxury Retail stocks...these are 2 of my swings that I posted info on.
- champ: @issues $CPRI $TPR #Luxury-Stocks #Outperform.....YW and I'm in with Size....these are investment Swing positions....that have Entry-Timings, IMO....and so does $DRI ....see posts. And Expect all the normal zig-zags.... these are Hold and Build. LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- champ: Retail-Sales numbers will be reported in the Morning. $SPY on the Markets....now that those monthly economic reports, both the CPI and the PPI reports are now out...both Traders and Investors are now back at work, because those reports were both as expected and many thought the markets would fall-a-part...... and now after that didn't happen, its Back to Work.... The next Pre-Set-up is...... the #Retail-Sales numbers for the month of March, will be released in the morning.....and I posted my stock plays....$BJ $CPRI $TPR $LEVI $LULU....and I'm looking at many others.....$COST $WMT $TGT $BOOT $DKS $CROX....all are moving..... and it is real easy to see, that most every stock in the Retail sector is moving up today. ......$ANF, now at $34...is #new this morning..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- woodman: @champ $SPY $BJ $CPRI $TPR $LEVI $LULU $COST $WMT $TGT $BOOT $DKS $CROX $ANF #Retail-Sales #new - Thanks for the info. $LULU is the only one of those that I have. Bought it in the consolidation under the 200d and added more today on move up through the 200d.
- bRobert: @woodman $SPY $BJ $CPRI $TPR $LEVI $LULU $COST $WMT $TGT $BOOT $DKS $CROX $ANF #Retail-Sales #new $400 speed. bump. may offer. another add
- woodman: @bRobert $SPY $BJ $CPRI $TPR $LEVI $LULU $COST $WMT $TGT $BOOT $DKS $CROX $ANF #Retail-Sales #new - The weekly looks promising, if the Market can keep itself together.
- bRobert: @woodman $SPY $BJ $CPRI $TPR $LEVI $LULU $COST $WMT $TGT $BOOT $DKS $CROX $ANF #Retail-Sales #new POTENTIAL is a great. word. I see no urgency. to unload the sectors that have been working well. With. high WEEKLY. chart potential , ai don't need to be super early $LULU. the exception. Classic. low risk set up/trigger . $475. sooner than later A WEEKLY breakout has. $600 POTENTIAL There's that word. $CYBER is. heating up. High potential Biotech. including the vaccine names. $XLV related. still works. Weekly breakout. Retest 20d. early bounce HMOs $UNH. $ etc. Hospital. $HCA. setting up $JYNT. has. my interest Watch list. No. hurry. but I can see this make a run to $50/$70. when it clears the 50d
- champ: $CPRI is at $50 and $TPR is at $34.50 ....both of these stocks are in the #Luxury Retail sector, I did get back in both of these Luxury stocks because this Luxury sector will #Outperform all the other retail stocks, IMO,....follow the $$$$.....and both have room to work, to move..... ....could look at the upgrades on both.... on $CPRI...1 of the price targets is at $107, at $USB, on 4/11.. on $TPR...price targets range from $41 to $67...$WFC came out at $48.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- bill52: @champ $CPRI $TPR $USB $WFC #Luxury #Outperform Agree. $CPRI is definitely a good one and long. its been taking a bit of beating with the rest of retail but they are very well run, growing and profitable. Even if inflation unfortunately hurts the average consumer, $CPRI caters to the wealthy who will always have money in their pocket to spend. with covid (hopefully) continuing to wind down, folks are going to want to look good going out and about. i'm happy in my Costco shorts and golf shirts, but I don't mind profiting off this one. i think a run back to the old recent high of $70 would seem doable in the near term.
- issues: @champ $CPRI $TPR $USB $WFC #Luxury #Outperform Thank you Champ. These were mentioned on Fast Money yesterday. I bought CPRI and put in a limit order on TPR. Thank you SIR!
- champ: $TPR...at $40.20, this #Investment position is having a nice day,...see Entry Info post, on this high-end #Luxury retailer or see their website.
- champ: $TPR is at $38...this is Tapestry and they are a high end Retailer, for #luxury-brands and they were formerly known as #Coach, after its flagship name brand and they also own Kate Spade, check-out their website. ....They just increased their #Stock-buy-backs and they beat on earnings on 2/10..and guided even higher...and they are expected to return $1.5 billion $$$ to share holders in 2022..for sure they will #Buy-low.... ....on 3/15... Bernstein just came out an initiated, with an #OutPerform rating on 3/15, with a price target at $62.00.... ....plus insiders are also buying, CEO was on 3/15.... ....risk-Reward looks positive.... ....Div yield is 2.7% and shareholder yield is 9.1%... Today 3/25... this stock was just added to the #Yield-Leaders-List at #BriefingTrader, at briefing.com.
- joelsg1: $RVLV $TPR I was wrong to reflexively eject from $RVLV on Travis Scott disaster, but in $TPR instead. 2 breakouts this month on daily, weekly bo too.
- scottrades: Some #Earnings to be aware of for this coming week: $NVDA $WMT $TGT $HD $RBLX $AMAT $CLSK $UWMC $NIU $PSFE $LOW $RAIL $CSCO $IDEX $M $TJX $DE $HUYA $DOYU $TME $OEG $KSS $POWW $BILI $VBLT $MBII $ZIM $A $EL $ADI $GRUB $DQ $MLSS $DRIO $FUV $FL $HHR $EAT $FTCH $SMED $PHGE $VIPS $TPR
- scottto_2: #InsideBarList - My OCD kicked in hard on this one - Thanks Sir @Aragorn - $AAL $AAOI $AAPL $ABC $ABT $ABUS $ACAD $ADI $ADS $AEM $AES $AFL $AGCO $AGIO $AIG $AKAM $AKTX $ALE $ALGT $AMCX $AMN $AMP $AMT $AMZN $AN $ANET $ANGI $ANTM $AON $APA $APD $APRN $ ...
- teacher5: @DAN $RH Take a look at $TPR $CPRI $BURBY and $LVMHF.
- mopick: $TPR, $CPRI, strong move among retailers. NP
debeers: $TPR-LONG FORM:
Tapestry, Inc., formerly Coach, Inc., is a design house of luxury accessories and lifestyle collections. The Company's product offering uses a range of leathers, fabrics and materials. The Company’s brands include Coach, Kate Sp ... - debeers: $BA/$BOOT/$CF/$CMI/$EME/$GE/$LAD/$LUV/$QRTEA/$SNA/$TPR/$ZION-Heavy on equipment and no pure tech right now Also the $BOOT and $TPR are my footwear plays because i'd always choose shoes.
- Bert953: #Market- selloff continues. only remaining positions are $GS and $NLY. Tightened stop on $GS, no action taken on $NLY. Switching my focus to trading in paper account, where I sto Feb 26 2145/2150C. Most stops that were hit today were recent initiations in my paper (testing account - equities that looked interesting, despite the market stating to look weak, but that I didn't really want to commit capital to)...... $MSTR $SHOP $CGC $AAPL $ARKK $PRNT $DDD $SNOW $ORLY $PENN $PLTR $ZI $SAVE $TPR. Hope this helps someone to preserve their hard-earned capital.
- maracom: @Bert953 $GS $NLY $MSTR $SHOP $CGC $AAPL $ARKK $PRNT $DDD $SNOW $ORLY $PENN $PLTR $ZI $SAVE $TPR #Market- more market rotation than global sell off. Commodities and inflation hedges up big today
- JosephM: $TPR...52 week high, volume, fairly tight
- tnt: $TPR has leading brands Coach, Kate Spade, and Stuart Weitzman. Truly a baby thrown out with the bathwater. Luxury brands are still doing very well. $TPR is bouncing off support line shown on the chart.
- tnt: $TPR green in a sea of red. Buyable at support here. Massive discount from high of $36 in February of this year. Has Coach & Kate Spade brands. A top 5 holding of mine.
- tnt: $SPG reopening malls starting next week. Can we finally dip a toe in the retailers? I think high end consumers are ready to spend. $CPRI $TPR $UAA are my favorites in the space.
- Bert953: @Bridget $RUN how about $PVH $KSS $TPR from spx biggest % change list?
- Mitchell: 1/23/2020 Trading Notes $CREE - solid breakout above the $52 resistance level. I'll be watching to see if this holds into the weekend. Earnings are due out on 1/29. $PSX - bullish hammer candlestick printed after testing the 200-day SMA (retraced $20 from the recent highs). Earnings are due out on 1/31. $TPR - bullish hammer candlestick printed on the retest of the $27 level and the 200-day SMA. Earnings are due out on 2/6.
- tkcoretrader: $TPR Any comments?
- BocaRick: @tkcoretrader $TPR October 25 calls selling for 50 cents, volume over 20,000 units
- tkcoretrader: @BocaRick $TPR Thanks . Just noticed on TV.
Mitchell: ...
$TPR - shares are seeing follow through from yesterday's failed retest of the 50-day EMA (RSI also peaking near the 50 reading once again). Look for a retest of the May low near $27.50.
UNH- bearish hammer candlestick printed after retesting near-t ... -
debeers: ...
$TPR-(formerly Coach) down big on a miss
$TWTR- Disappointing forecast and will stop reporting monthly active users. Down pre-about 8%-- Gee who does this remind you of. Reporting lighter guide. 3.3 mm users as opposed to $FB/$GOOGL/$AMZN andthey h ... - shoredriver: ....$TPR.....misses...down 10%......
- debeers: @shoredriver $TPR -And what was its worst segment you might ask??? Well, sir it was their INTERNATIONAL SEGMENT that sucked. Who then, does it benefit??? The best of breed domestic guys here. Maybe one who has already reported and whose customers have to get new stuff before 2/27? $NKE-on weak euro economies Nike might dip. Adidas dominates Europe but the whole ROW is owned by Nike and Nike sales are blazing through China. it was always remarkable to me that the best counterfeiters in the world, the Chinese, cannot fool their own people who don't care what Nike sneaks cost as they are THE prestige brand. I have time to add and leg in as earnings for Nike aren't for 6 weeks so that's what i'll be doing.
- kus123: $TPR daily squeeze closer to 50d, and 50d closer to 200SMA. np.
- debeers: OT-76er fans take heart: they should still win in 6. I an not at all sure how the young 'uns will travel. But for today............Yay! $TPR-down. No position in this one $BA- stole Klix. I expect little relief for Boeing while the China situation tears at the industrials. $SHOP-Not what holders expected. No position. Fed hikes- Will 3 be enough? Probably because there is waaay more danger of recession in overshooting than being 1 shy. IMHO. Regarding gold- just because something is at the bottom of the channel doesn't mean that the channel cannot be adjusted downward. Remember gold is a measure of expected inflation and recession fears so 4 hikes should take gold up, an indication of 3--no rise. $MRK/$PFE-Merck should be slightly higher and Pfizer should get smacked so we'll see.
- woodman: @debeers $TPR $BA $SHOP $MRK $PFE - Ha - a friend of mine made a Sixers in 6 prediction as well. I'm keeping the faith.
- debeers: @woodman $TPR $BA $SHOP $MRK $PFE -Again, I think the sixers in 6. No money bet, of course. The ONLY thing that has me optimistic about Boston is their ability to switch out players at will which is reminiscent of the Bill vs Wilt days where they were both so great. Ainge has been a master and hard to knock their ability to get 3's...............
DAN: ...
$TPR and $STX were pretty good 59-minute trades today...but I didn't see them. Big gap-and-reverse trades.
Compare some of these with Viacom ($VIAB). It's down to short term oversold levels, but it's been in a fairly tight range, so you can't rea ... - Graphicsguy85: @Dan, @Forexpro couple quick questions if you have time, what are your thoughts on $LKQ on a comeback from its recent close way down? $VEEV , last time it tested the 50 MA it took 6 days to trade back above, this time one 4 days, maybe a move higher? A quick swing trade? And how about $TPR, looks like great growth over the last 4 months
Forexpro: @Graphicsguy85 $LKQ $VEEV $TPR
Hi, Graphicsguy85,
Hope you're doing well. I'll always defer to Dan's reading of the charts, but of these tickers, $VEEV looks to me to have been at a potential buying point recently (c. 68.30) and hasn't moved out o ... - Graphicsguy85: @Forexpro $LKQ $VEEV $TPR Thank you for the response, I am going to put alerts on $VEEV, I think it can move higher. What is a little odd to me was that in-between earnings it was pretty flat, and earnings was less than the 4th Qtr but for some reas ...
- Forexpro: @Graphicsguy85 $LKQ $VEEV $TPR Cool, Graphicsguy85, Absorb Dan's lessons, and whatever you can pick up around the Forum, add some secret sauce that makes the process your own, and there's no reason why you can't have a long, productive career. Arnold Scharzenegger, back in the day, used to remark that bodybuilding "Is the only sport you can wear". That must make trading the only sport you can spend. The key, I think, is having a methodology in which you have confidence, and then sound risk management for those days when the confidence is temporarily misplaced. :) Take care, and best of luck!
Stock Price | $81.28 |
Change | 0.01% |
Volume | 4,953,030 |
Tapestry Inc functions in the luxury goods industry. Its products include women's and men's bags, accessories, business cases, footwear, wearables and jewelry.
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Past Month
Leading Peers
$141.03 32.13%
$46.60 13.44%
$81.28 10.68%
Past Month
Lagging Peers
$5.72 -47.71%
$14.72 -38.49%
$34.35 -36.29%

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