Somnigroup International Inc. (NYSE:SGI)

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  • grcjr: ...
    The company name "Cray" has been around since 1972 when Seymour left Control Data Corporation to go on his own. Operating under a number of names as one Cray company failed, split, changed, merged, and/or sold. Merged with $SGI in 1996. In ...
  • tomsherm: $SGI not having a fun day. Earnings and guidance not well received.
  • tomsherm: $SGI - Newbie here. Anyone watching SGI? It had a 30% move two days ago and didn't die yesterday. Anybody see upside from here?
  • lostsheep: @tomsherm $SGI - welcome! That was quite a move off earnings and good guidance and to hold during the selling yesterday is impressive. 6.66 was the high to eclipse. If it can chew through that who knows 8.4 could be next. I would think the move would need to consolidate but in this market who knows. Use intra day lows as references for stops. I'm not the guy whose input you want to make trading decisions off of but that's my .02. Good luck
  • grcjr: @lostsheep @tomsherm $SGI - earnings have been negative (estimates and actuals) for a long time. For the first time in a long time the estimates for the next report (Q2) are positive ($0.02 - $0.05). For Q3 estimates are also positive ($0.09-$0.18).
  • grcjr: @lostsheep @tomsherm $SGI - Nice move. Currently trading near recent resistance. Is it bottoming and ready to break higher? Or not?

    SGI (a company I have worked for) has recently been awarded a number of new contracts. The new NCAR (National Center ...
  • moneyHoHo: $SGI about to break out.
  • scottto: ...
    $SGI - 8/12 to 8/27 $0.50/share loss.

    $ACM - 8/12 to 8/30 $0.96/share loss.

    $AEO - 8/12 to 8/15 $0.25/share loss.

    $SQM - 8/8 to 8/19 $0.60/share loss. Another missed opportunity after a loss. Fell off my radar and then Putin reared his h ...
  • scottto: Countertrades - Added $SGI to the countertrades portfolio. Also opened a position in $ACM and $AEO as described above.
  • grcjr: Countertrades @scottto - curious a bit on $SGI as they have won some big contracts recently. Of course, they don't normally announce the margin. Very competitive market.
  • scottto: @grcjr - $SGI - Sorry, I have no idea. #countertrades are simply technical. No fundamental information is sought or needed. The market factors all the known and unknown information into the price action. I use the price action to tell me whether something is a low risk buying opportunity. Cheers,
  • scottto: @GOOSE - $SGI - GL!
  • Tim S: Notable earnings after Wednesday's close $AGU, $ARRS, $ARRY, $ASIA, $AWK, $BIOL, $BIOS, $BKD, $BPZ, $BWC, $CECO, $CLR, $CODI, $CTL, $CXO, $CXW, $DEPO, $DK, $DMD, $DRYS, $DVR, $DXCM, $EDMC, $EGLE, $ENS, $ETE, $ETP, $EXP, $FIO, $FTEK, $FTK, $FTR, $GMCR, $GNMK, $GRPN, $GTY, $HALO, $HNSN, $IO, $JACK, $JCOM, $LLNW, $MBI, $MDLZ, $MKL, $MNTX, $MRIN, $MWE, $NGVC, $NRP, $NVTL, OILT, $OSUR, $PKT, $PODD, $POWR, $PPO, $PRU, $PRXL, $PVA, $RBCN, RGP, $RIG, $RLD, $RST, $RWT, $SCTY, $SGI, $SN, $SSRI, $STEC, $SXL, $SZYM, $TCAP, $TNGO, $TSLA, $TTEK, $TWTC, $UHAL, $WGL, $WR, WTI
  • judysteiner: HI there Jay! I am sure you addressed this already,I am not sure f vwap is a place you would put a stop near.I have mentioned this stock $SGI the other day.It is performing so well, vwap was alittle lower than where it is now,and I am PROFITABLE,luv that part. Also have celg for a longer term swing trade.Have been trading that one for about a year.
  • jmcgee66: $SGI Put this one on your radar. Bounced off the 50 day. Company is a turnaround story. I know some of the management. Think this stock will be $20 in a year based upon the credibility of management.
  • aloha808: $SGI - Would it be fair to add to a position here with a stop just under yesterday's low? Anyone else been watching this stock? Although @Dan did tell us to tread lightly with the overall market near a high... -aloha
  • aloha808: $SGI - Are any members tracking this chip stock? Could this be considered a flag pattern? -aloha
  • jmcgee66: $SGI Brought this up about a month ago in the low $6's. After a day or two I was stopped out. Frustrating.
  • jmcgee66: $SGI Entered at $6.35 with a stop at $6.17. Like the chart. The company is not the $SGI that went bk a few years back. It's Rackable Systems and they decided to keep the old $SGI name. My understanding is they have good technology. #Cramer has heavily endorsed this thing about $13 many months back. Take a look, think it has at least a $7 handle in it fairly quickly. Middle BB held yesterday. Discipline had me wait for it to prove itself. Risk is defined.
  • taylor: Today after the close look for the following companies to report: $SCLN, $SUPX, $QTM, JDAS, $VRTU, $BMC, $MKL, $ESE, $SGI, $CSCO, $EPM, $FLT, $GCOM, $NWSA, $ATVI, $ECPG, $ELON, $PODD, $CJES, $CTL, $DGIT, INSP, $SF, $TSLA, WFR, $CUZ, $DAC, $GSS, $MNKD, $ENV, $JOBS, $LYV, $MNST, $WR, $IL, $PCLN, CPNO, $LXU, $MKTG, PANL, $SGMS, $BWC, $EVEP, $NNI, $QUAD, $AMSF, MALL, SATC, $CCRN, $CODI, $FTK, $MYRG, $STAN, $DNN, $BPZ, $SVN, $IPAR, SRSL, $AIQ, $EGLE, $HOGS, $PRSC, $STRL, and AUQ.
  • ohslowone: $SGI down 22% today Don't know why but I'm sciddish about this one, any thoughts
  • jackies: $TRC, $ANN, $SMI, $ARX, $CLWR, $SGI, $BGMD, are all up today. Sometimes it's good to keep stocks like that on my radar, even if I'm not going to buy today after a big 12 to 30% up move.
  • wachholder: $OCZ, $MSTR, $SGI Relatively strong stocks in a terrible tape. Not many folks talk about $MSTR, but it is a nice trading stock with a small float and business software seems to be working.
  • echgroup: $SGI - remain strong in this down market.
  • Chamaco: $SGI - Yes, I'm watching but I'd like to see some kind of pullback to establish a good risk reward entry point. Someone called it out last week as it was breaking out (you maybe?) But I did not jump in early and just watched it zoom. Didn't want to chase it, buy it, then have it pullback.
  • Chamaco: $SGI - Yes, I'm watching but I'd like to see some kind of pullback to establish a good risk reward entry point. Someone called it out last week as it was breaking out (you maybe?) But I did not jump in early and just watched it zoom. Didn't want to chase it, buy it, then have it pullback. Sorry reposting here versus the other thread...not sure how to delete from other thread...
  • wachholder: $SGI, Chanaco, took a nibble right into the close as it held up ok. There is selling into strength, so I'm not ready to get aggressive. $OCZ also had a nice day, though price stopped right at Feb 14's high.
  • wachholder: $SIMG, also noted $SGI had a similar day today (Thurs). $SIMG actally opened lower (Wed), then rallied into the close. It held up nice today.
  • echgroup: $SGI - is breaking out.
  • Chamaco: $SGI - thanks for the heads up. Feel like I am chasing it so I will hold off and see if I get a better entry point. Looks like a winner!
  • C.K.: $OVTI - Wow, I missed this one....wanted to go long 2/24 on the earnings release but thought I'd wait for it to settle down ...not about to chase up here now at $33.49. @Dan said to watch today which I forgot to do that and missed the boat. Too involved in some other trades $SGI and ARUN. Congrats to those who went long this a.m. ck
  • debrup: Volatility scan: $SPF PACR $ZQK EXEL $SGI LPX CPII AMLN $LMNX AXL $O MTD $AVNW EQR $CI SBUX HGSI MWW $MDT NDAQ $XRM VECO $SKS MED $OII R $BRE JOE these are some of the more interesting looking results from a volatility scan on the Russel 3000. Maybe someone finds a winner among them. Have a great weekend.
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Stock Price $55.67
Change -2.62%
Volume 592,820

Silicon Graphics International Corp provides hardware and software technology within large-scale x86 cluster computing, HPC, Internet, Cloud Computing, large-scale data storage environments and visualization platforms across many verticals & geographies.

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