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  • debeers: $RH-YOUR IF/THEN TRADE -IF housing goes up (since $TOL doesn't miss), THEN- in my opinion, $RH recovers took it small but IMO the bottom is in. Overall what i noticed today is that the softening in employment is very good for yupscale stocks- For example-- you could buy downscale but in Cali weddings are up and the big spenders haven't slowed down one bit hence $ANF the chart tells what the fundies know.
  • kenb: $RH after the recent earnings report sell-off, it's finding support at the 50d. Watching.
  • debeers: here's what i see in retail now: $ULTA down 78.83 or 15.17% $ELF 164.94 down 11.25 percent or 20.68 bucks $RH down 12.60 $BURL downh 8.84 or 3.99 Abercrombie is down 71 cents on a 130.69 dollar stock IMO this is the best of breed because the trick is controlling supply and no one does that better than Fran.
  • joelsg1: @traderbren $DJT $RH #Shorts Nice.
  • traderbren: #Shorts - successful shorts via puts today $DJT and $RH. Closed my $DJT put when it bounced near the 20d. Still holding puts on $RH....may close by end of day if it firms up.
  • joelsg1: @traderbren $DJT $RH #Shorts Exactly which put on $DJT, please.
  • traderbren: @joelsg1 $DJT $RH #Shorts - I went with short dated Puts to minimize the loss if wrong. - I bought the 5-Apr 48 puts this morning and closed them when the stock moved below 45.50
  • jimopt1018: @traderbren $DJT $RH #Shorts
  • Bert953: $RH took off like a rocket ship. I havent been in their stores in years since the one by me closed. they sell unusual housewares. I bought some Blenheim's red hot ginger ale there once as an example of the eclectic stuff they sell. (Its really good, but spicy as the name says and expensive and hard to find locally.) They really dont sell hardware as the name implies. Guess they r up on improved guidance, but Im skeptical.
  • marklesparkle: @Bert953 $RH Chat with @Debeers on that one
  • joelsg1: @Bert953 $RH Their model changed a few years ago, fewer stores like showrooms taking orders for delivery. Np. Bad experience with their overpriced metal patio furniture and pads.
  • shoredriver: $RH...reports tonight..options pricing a 30ish point move either way...
  • Motorman: $RH down. NP.
  • JosephM: @Motorman $RH now up. go figure.
  • shoredriver: $RH.....big miss on both bottom and top line...and it is up...lol....np
  • Motorman: @JosephM $RH Yes went to almost 50day, tempted to get in but bounced pretty fast. Not chasing.
  • debeers: $RH-wrong----- so gone. Went to the local $RH store last night. Still too much inventory IMO.
  • shoredriver: $RH...looking at strongish close...earnings 4/3
  • debeers: $RH-bought at EOD because
    1. it was close enough to the 312 that a brilliant chartie told me to look out for.
    2.AAAAnd the volume was above average
    3. AAAND the institutional support is 87.5 %
    4. and housing is looking up (those $TOL< homes need ...
  • debeers: $RH-By the way---if your taste is just in your mouth, these folks can be really helpful--just sayin'
  • debeers: $RH Lots of Boohooing about retail sales dropping--BUT you know what wasn't dropping Furniture and home decor-----so i thought well well well...... upper end should do even better so i bought $RH which looks like it could be set for a recovery.
  • debeers: $RH update- So who just did filings?? Berkshire Hathaway Lone Pine Capital and Vanguard! all bought.
  • debeers: When I buy a stock, i always want to know who is behind me----in other words--who dipped their toe in the water first. I said I bought $RH because i saw increased buying by the folks who are much smarter than i am-- here's an example: FMR LLC Amount Beneficially Owned: 1,878,930 shares (b) Percent of Class: 10.312% In other words--these guys invested to own over 10 per cent of all of the shares of this company.
  • shoredriver: $RH...knock that bougie pig down...np....yet
  • shoredriver: $RH $LULU $MTN. $AVGO..$DOCU..report after the bell...
  • shoredriver: $RH....bougiesta's running away from...
  • debeers: $AAPL/$BA/$LLY/$MSFT/$NVDA/$PANW/$RH
  • debeers: $RH-damn those first thing in the morning decisions! So here's the why of the buy after the first 1/2 hour: turns out that $RH opened its first caviar and champagne bar in New York Shorthand: folks with money have more money than folks with no money and they want to be around folks with money not the pretenders.
  • debeers: $TOL-decided although $RH ok $TOL is a lot safer.
  • bigreek42: maybe $rh found temporary bottom. I still dont get the disparity in today's pricing with $qqq and $sqqq
  • vitoB: $RH i was early on this but right near key ma's around 300. but back above vwap....I think overall discretionary retail could bottom over the next two weeks.
  • bigreek42: $rh still looking for a bottom
  • vitoB: @bigreek42 $rh ...yep did not see it slicing through the 150 and 200 without even hiitin a speed bump...loser
  • Lou: @vitoB $rh - even now, it's not low enough. All those folks who were furnishing homes for work at home environments, and having upgraded because of low interest rates, are done with their shopping sprees. Beautiful and elegant designs, but it doesn't do $RH much good when buyers are out of the market. Still a decent short.
  • vitoB: sellin all $WPM $CRON sellin some $RES buyin some more $RH $FSR $RIOT
  • vitoB: still holding my $RH from Fri close, it just clipped the post earnings low but is above the 309 level now. if its an open candle close,315, slingshot engaged. i know we're real close to the key moving avgs, but this company buys its own share and it could be close enough that its a soft support zone
  • vitoB: $RH 59er esk
  • debeers: @vitoB $RH -said not to hold over earnings.Let's see what the reaction to Miami is IMO.
  • vitoB: @debeers $RH ..good call..in at 330 playin for another 15 mins
  • vitoB: @vitoB $RH ...added...algos tried to hit the low again but came back to 330
  • vitoB: think you could have another 59er like trade off this recent plunge down to 310.$RH. this stock has huge moves on earnings, but really the results were not that bad. They have bought back so much stock...they do have a ton of debt, but this seems excessive. 3day rule see how it closes on a friday. big losers on fridays have not really recovered from my vantage point
  • marklesparkle: @vitoB $RH vito did you see my message to you yesterday about the EIA.gov website for the weekly petroleum and natural gas reports
  • vitoB: @marklesparkle $RH ...sorry i did not
  • marklesparkle: @marklesparkle $RH its free and very informative. Its more of a learning things than trying to make a trade from it. A lot of interesting lingo that I find interesting
  • marklesparkle: @marklesparkle $RH oh and did I mention it was interesting lol
  • vitoB: @vitoB $RH ...saw it now...thanks
  • marklesparkle: @vitoB $RH welcome
  • mopick: @vitoB $RH, agreed! Actual earnings beat estimate, $3.93 vs $2.56, gross margins contracted a bit though. Noticed that Wells Fargo has an overweight, price target increased to $375. Citi, buy rating, price gotes to $440. Goldman, the outlier, has a sell rating, price increased to $237 from $176. Am following closely, as you rightly stated, this stock can really move!!
  • Henry: $RH Earnings and down she goes $30
  • debeers: $RH-not holding thru earnings after the anxiety about rate increases.
  • debeers: $RH-sold this bought $AVGO.
  • jonwest88: @debeers $RH $AVGO I like this one, got some last week, and added on the drop on Friday.
  • debeers: $RH-had sold this one previously at 382 but i thought about how good the $TOL numbers consistently are and it thought to myself---what are you gonna put in that expensive home BOB'S DISCOUNT FURNITURE? WAYFAIR? IKEA? No, unless you are a moron, these would not be your top picks.........so i bought it back seeing that its above the 20 day.........just sayin'
  • shoredriver: @debeers $RH $TOL ...hoping we will have nice run into earrings 9/7......
  • marklesparkle: @debeers $RH $TOL Its like my old saying"you don't put a 10$ saddle on a racehorse"
  • debeers: @shoredriver $RH $TOL -yup
  • debeers: $MTN-Labor Day is the last day to buy special pass at a discount for all of its resort $HAL- when oil goes up, which it is now, servicers tend to outperform $RH- One way or the other the moves after earnings tend to be dramatic.
  • Henry: $RH Where is @Debeers? This use to have a 700 handle. I think it's going back there. long
  • Boone.ruth: @Henry $RH cant afford their furniture but maybe a nibble at the stock
  • debeers: $RH-cashed.
  • vitoB: @debeers $RH nice trade. i was messin around with $ARHS which is a similar store in my area. did not get back in unfortunately
  • debeers: $RH-@vitoB-just a blind squirrel finding a nut.
  • debeers: $RH-about 1 dollar from a 52 week high. Turns ou high level execs and highly paid ee's are working from home. Quel surprise!
  • DAN: @debeers $RH I like RH. Very high short interest. My assumption is that the execs are sitting on RH chairs and sofas. If it was at 52-week lows, they'd be working on Ikea furniture. :-)
  • debeers: $RH-do ya like it now?? When you coulda had it for less yesterday? $CAT-housing shortages and infra. $CRM- actually raising prices 9% on some products
  • Henry: @debeers $RH up $100 in a month
  • bigbartabs: @Henry $RH ... inflation doesn't compute with the Marin County rich. When I first started my tech career in 1978, we lived in San Rafael, then later in Novato. I can attest.
  • debeers: $TOL- Blackrock JUST bought 10.3% of the shares. Misses on earnings-none forthe past 6. Never seek to ask for whom the bell $TOL s-it tolls for thee. LONG- needed to see a major hedgie buy first. Got one. So lets think about this for a minute--okay time's up. Wealthy folk buying $TOL homes and what will they furnish them with? Oh, yeah-$RH furniture.
  • debeers: @debeers $TOL $RH -BlackRock purchased $TOL.
  • debeers: $RH-filings just came out and Gary isn't selling his shares and owns 23.36% of the co. When i consider the $TOL sales in Florida and Texas, i seel the upscale consumer buying the high end. This isn't the stock for those who must trade down to Wally's world because grocery inflation is outta site.
  • Henry: @wjj3 $TSCO I agree with Scotty. I don't know why a $RH is roaring back and tractor is just sitting there. Maybe it needs to show up with good earnings. I don't care for my local store, there is no one in the store to help you. Yeah I know there is a shortage in the workforce, but if I go to the local Ace Hardware, I've never seen so many employees since they hey day of downtown department stores.
  • shoredriver: $RL....up 6% on beat ..np... $RH $COST tonight....
  • Henry: $RH predicting markdowns to clear inventory, challenging 2023 because of mortgage costs and US economy. However they are always upbeat, planning a big opening in the UK this year and elsewhere in Europe next year and eventually down under.
  • Henry: $RH sold off hard yesterday on news that Warren and Charlie sold their holdings. It has recovered all that. Needs another $11 to get outside of last weeks' candle
  • shoredriver: $RH....knock that porker down....
  • joelsg1: $RH Covered remnant of short on Buffett complete dump.
  • Jim88: nice gap up for $RH
  • debeers: $RH bombs. No one cares about what their furniture looks like. They care about what they look like and they want to be out and about. T^hey wear LULU outside and swim in pools and have no bely fat and no saddlebags and wear makeup and they don't want to postpone happiness anymore..
  • debeers: $RH so sorry for the typos.
  • shoredriver: $LULU $RH....reports after the bell...
  • shoredriver: $RH....looks like Wed after
  • Angdionk: $RH acting well
  • issues: I bought a couple of cheapes; $PRQR added to $ARDX. Added to $CALM, $RH & $DD $DRI $HD and started positions in $FOUR $MMP. Trend is your friend, eh?
  • Angdionk: $RH poking above downward trendline
  • Angdionk: $RH hanging in its wedge pattern
  • joelsg1: $RH Closed small profitable short, Santa Claus coming?
  • issues: Some of the earnings are coming in with results in the AH on $MANU $AVGO $RH $CIEN $CHWY $LULU $DOCU $EW and $COST etc. I was tempted to buy AVGO before the report but thought why take the chance, roll the dice... We hold positions in RH LULU and COST.
  • joelsg1: $RH Failed at the 200d driven up by Buffett add, looking to re short on any bounce back to $290. Np yet.
  • shoredriver: $RH...nice follow through from earnings...up another 5.5% non vol...long..
  • vitoB: @shoredriver $RH like that turn. Missed this
  • shoredriver: @vitoB $RH ...long from 258 ish and selling chub weeklies.....
  • debeers: $AAPL/$$MTDR/$RH/$SNOW/$ULTA/$UNH
    The WHYS of the BUYS
    1.$AAPL-5G? no! 5 GEE!
    2.$MTDR-Not only blows out earnings but also got a very nice credit upgrade. NEVER has a permit problem. consistently high performance or i wouldn't be in it. Relative stre ...
  • debeers: $RH-lowered its own future outlook due to housing slowdown and it is optimistic on guest houses and recreational portion of its business. I have yet to see them not beat but i believe in the short term the stock won't move with the lowered outlook
  • debeers: $ALB/$AMD/$CI/$DKNG/$LULU/$RH/$RSG/$TSLA/$ULTA-only 1 not performing
  • debeers: $RH- results: LONG FORM----RH REPORTS SECOND QUARTER RESULTS SECOND QUARTER 2022 HIGHLIGHTS Q2 GAAP NET REVENUES OF $992M VS. $989M LY Q2 ADJUSTED NET REVENUES OF $992M VS. $989M LY Q2 GAAP GROSS MARGIN INCREASED 350 BASIS POINTS TO 52.8% VS. 49.3% LY Q2 ADJUSTED GROSS MARGIN INCREASED 350 BASIS POINTS TO 52.8% VS. 49.3% LY Q2 GAAP OPERATING MARGIN OF 23.6% VS. 25.2% LY Q2 ADJUSTED OPERATING MARGIN OF 24.7% VS. 26.6% LY Q2 GAAP NET INCOME OF $122M VS. $227M LY Q2 ADJUSTED NET INCOME OF $217M VS. $252M LY (1) Q2 GAAP DILUTED EPS OF $5.37 VS. $7.09 LY Q2 ADJUSTED DILUTED EPS OF $8.08 VS. $8.48 LY (1) SHORT FORM: Hey, Gary, you had me at no tax liability, impeccable books, and the courage to open the NY Guest House today.
  • debeers: $RH-guest houses in New York starting at 7500 a night and 50 requests already. Travertine marble bathrooms etc etc The Champagne and caviar room will be open this week in NYC location When the London Guesthouses open they will include the largest herd of white deer in the world Cannot wait to see the developed Napa Valley properties when they come on board ***************** Best Quote of the call in my opinion: "The journey of invention and innovation is not a journey of duplication."
  • debeers: $RH-of course YOU can't buy it here. i can and did pre going into earnings end of first week in September.
  • woodman: $RH still on the rise, moving through another level of resistance here into a new level of supply from April.
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Stock Price $344.28
Change -1.33%
Volume 955,781

Restoration Hardware Holdings, Inc operates as a luxury brands in the home furnishings marketplace offering furniture, lighting, textiles, bathware, decor, outdoor and garden, as well as baby & child products.

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