Altria Group Inc. (NYSE:MO)

Strategy Session June 9th, 2016

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  • mopick: $MO, another NH. Still paying almost 9%. Long-term hold.
  • mopick: $MO, NH, long-term holding. Up almost 15% ytd, close to 9% yield. For income, tough to beat.
  • MongosPawn: $MO Another green day. Huge volume recently. Dividend tomorrow.
  • Henry: $MO Yieldhog has moved 10% in 2 weeks and yields 8.7% going forward long-long term
  • Henry: @pilotski @Lou #Yieldhogs I'll throw in $MO and it's 9.7% yield. I own both $JEPI and $JEPQ Both are covered call generating income strategies and index funds. The first uses the S&P 500 the later the Naz 100. Since the Super Six are all Nasdaq stock, the dividend tends to be higher. When the market goes down, so will both of these funds and their related indexes. Both had a 20% drop from their highs into October. JEPQ is pushing new highs, JEPI is still down about 11%. If you understand that there is always risk in investing in the stock market, I don't see the downside with either funds for income.
  • Lou: @Henry $MO $JEPI $JEPQ #Yieldhogs Thanks @Henry - I've been in $JEPI, needed the cash at the wrong time and got clobbered. @MO is more of a hold. I'm leaning to TBills with target maturities for ST cash. At least I avoid the SALT on the yields.
  • Henry: #WallSTBets some unexpected ones on the top 10 list $MO $PEP $SY a Chinese medical aesthetics, wish I could read Chinese $PEP $MO and $LM which used to be the symbol of a regional brokerage
  • JustJeffPlz: $MO flagging $40. 9.8% dividend stock
  • Henry: Good morning team $IEP $RIVN Uncle Carl has made a deal to de-link the stock price from his loans. If he gets a margin call, then in theory it won't affect margin price. Gap up for $RIVN the #3 stock on WallStreetBets, $TSLA is #2 and for reasons beyond me $MO is number 6
  • Henry: $MO $CRON The buzz on Altria is that they are in talks to buy Cronos. This was Last Week's news.
  • JustJeffPlz: @scottrades is anyone looking at DIVIDENDS for income? $GNL $MO $CALM
  • scottrades: @JustJeffPlz $GNL $MO $CALM Not really my specialty but good info. Thanks for sharing! I think there are still a lot of Long Time SMM Members who want #YieldHogs, so feel free to point them out when you see em.
  • sgiseller: @JustJeffPlz $GNL $MO $CALM These charts make me dizzy despite the nice div. I'm looking @ $flng 8.5% $arcc 10.50%. $efr 10.79% currently. FWIW
  • joelsg1: @JustJeffPlz $GNL $MO $CALM I like $ARI, and bought some this am around $9. Commercial floating rate REIT lender pays 15.25% distribution quarterly. Smart managers, but in commercial real estate in US and Europe, so only put a portion of your income portfolio in this one and try to get it at $9, solid LT support there.
  • joelsg1: @joelsg1 $GNL $MO $CALM $ARI And to juice the divi, you can sell upside covered calls against.
  • Rockstar: ...
    Good morning. During the week after triple witching in December the $DIA has been up 23 of the last 30 years with an average gain of .8% for the week. Well yesterday did not start the week off very well and the next two days are very important for t ...
  • MongosPawn: $MO Broke through previous resistance of $46.60 on 4th attempt last week. As of today above 200 dma. Let's see if it can hold it.
  • jwstich: @Doug1 $ETJ $O #Yieldhogs #LongGame Thanks for your response. I think your idea about posting after hours and on the weekends is a good one. I subscribe to a advisory service that follows BDC's. If it doesn't violate any SMM rules I would be glad to share it with you. I also agree that many of the SA authors are continuously buying and I do not actually trust there advice. I have used $MO as a bond substitute but am not really sure this is wise either. I have sold some naked puts but one must be cautious or use spreads. The premiums are not great. $MO is down about 10% since Jan, but I have made purchases in the upper 30's and low 40's so combining that with a 7 to 8% dividend has worked to give me a small % gain. Must be patient to await proper buys.
  • Doug1: @grcjr @LOU $PXD #YIELDHOGS Watching the dividend posts. What do you guys think of $MO RHRN? It has a dividend of over 8% and the stock is down about 25%. Thanks Doug
  • Lou: @Doug1 $PXD $MO #YIELDHOGS - Sorry, I haven't been in $MO for many years. I'm not a pure dividend investor, though I don't mind receiving some as icing on capital gains cake, or as a bit of downside protection if I'm wrong.
  • Doug1: @Lou $PXD $MO #YIELDHOGS Thanks Looking to do some dividend investing.
  • jwstich: $MO down almost $4.00. Morgan Stanley down grade. Is there anything else? Ex-div on 6-14
  • Wykeman: $MO Looks to resume uptrend. 6%yield recession stock
  • Pokersmith: @Wykeman $MO see also $XLP
  • jwstich: $MO up 1.70. Anyone know why?
  • bla00109: @jwstich $MO Yesterday their earnings beat on REV and EPS. What other safe alternatives are there to park cash in a simultaneous inflationary/ contracting economy? In Feb, I've parked a ton of my IRA/pension funds in this -- currently yeilding 6.27% div.
  • jwstich: @bla00109 $MO thanks. agree.
  • RedLeaf1: @bla00109 $MO Agree. After closing out of $PM and $MO many years ago in long term accounts, I am going back in for the reasons you stated.
  • mharps: @mopick #Hi-Yielders holding $XFLT and $EFC, $MO very small posiiiton
  • mopick: @mharps $XFLT $EFC $MO #Hi-Yielders, have $MO as well. Your $XFLT looks very similar to my $PFLT. The latter was doing great until the last three days.
  • mopick: $MO, new high, $VZ, on fire. In on both from below. Shows you what kind of market we have.
  • DAN: ...
    $SPY -- Big down week. No momentum. Only volatility
    $DJI -- no buyers.
    $DJT -- Cinderblock index.
    $MDY -- Nope
    $IWM -- Nope
    $QQQ -- Really bad week.
    Outperforming Sectors: $XME $XLE and $XLV. These may not be the best “swing trades” (w ...
  • Scrappyjud: $MO Not a big mover but solid, in an uptrend with a nice dividend. Looking to break out.
  • Wolf: @cmaxwel1 $NLY $AGNC $ARI $CLM $HRZN $NEWT $NMFC $NRZ $OCSL $OFS $OXSQ $PSEC $TPVG $WHF $BTI $EPD $ET $ETY $HTGC $KMI $LADR $MAIN $MO $SAR #REITs #Yieldhogs $NRZ Raymond Janes raised PT form 13 to 13.50. Up 4%. Goes Ex Div 4/1. Correction $NRZ
  • cmaxwel1: @BF $NLY $AGNC $ARI $CLM $HRZN $NEWT $NMFC $NRZ $OCSL $OFS $OXSQ $PSEC $TPVG $WHF $BTI $EPD $ET $ETY $HTGC $KMI $LADR $MAIN $MO $SAR #REITs #Yieldhogs (I have $KMI also, that is a winner too!)
  • BF: @AndStars $NLY $AGNC #REITs #Yieldhogs My income portfolio >8% hogs $ARI, $CLM, $HRZN, $NEWT, $NLY, $NMFC, $NRZ, $OCSL, $OFS, $OXSQ, $PSEC, $TPVG, $WHF. The 6-8ish% $BTI, $EPD, $ET, $ETY, $HTGC, $KMI, $LADR, $MAIN, $MO, $SAR, $PAA, $BXMT Some are providing entries
  • bla00109: @bRobert $MO X-div today, to be paid on Apr 29. Probably explains price rise today. Holding it in my retirement accts
  • 1winkie: $MO - new 52 week high today - Long
  • bRobert: $XLU what is interesting is that this group is setting all time highs in supposedly a rising interest rate environment Unusual for this group to be up 15% in 2 weeks Uncle $ED and $MO strong WEEKLY bases imply more upside potential
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $XLU $ED $MO yes, I've been pounding the table about this...see $AEP et al...
  • bRobert: @Pokersmith $XLU $ED $MO $AEP Kinder and gentler Strong suggestions
  • Pokersmith: @bRobert $XLU $ED $MO $AEP lol 🙏
  • 1winkie: $MO - over 5% yield - holding up - Long
  • Cjauger: $MO breaking out
  • 1winkie: $MO analyzed by 27 analysts. The buy consensus is at 75%. So analysts seem to be mildly confident about $MO. Long
  • Cjauger: @scottrades $AR would you consider commenting on $MO during the strategy session?
  • scottrades: @Cjauger $AR $MO Yea, I forgot to cover it last night. Nice move out of the base yesterday. Working now, I think you could add some.
  • 1winkie: $MO - breaking out ; Long
  • bRobert: @1winkie $MO Heading to $60 + dividend kicker Small piece Long $PM from below
  • 1winkie: @bRobert $MO $PM Same here long $PM from below
  • bla00109: $MO bought: 1. cup and handle formation since Sept 2021 2. has been in high horizontal base for 7 weeks. BB tight sqeeze, and just broke out with decent volume over last 2 days. 3. Dividend 6.77%, div coverage about 70% --(admitely not perfect but div is probably safe). 4. A boring stock that's going up. What else has a nice looking chart is this choppy market? Comments would be welcome. -- David
  • Cjauger: @scottrades $AR $MO thank you @scottrades
  • scottrades: My video notes: $SPY Trend is down. $QQQ Yikes. $GLD Holding up great $SLV No #SilverSqueeze Yet but working fine. $GDX Some miners are extended but as long as GLD is good… $GDXJ Same $XLP trying to get back above the 50 Day $SQQQ Bearish QQQ $SPXS Bearish SPY $FAZ I hate that this looks bullish.. #Crypto Bitcoin is a bit boring, so I bought another NFT Today.. $NEM High Flag potential. $WPM Low volume pullback $GOLD Still extended. $EGO Same $CMC In trend, good volume $RIO Bit of a flag $AA Working.. $CF Still in trend but whippy. $AR Bought some of this today. $PXD Good volume today. $DVN Still fine. $HES Holding the 21 EMA. $BROS at the 50 Day $COST Bubbling under the 50 Day. $MO Following $PM
  • Cjauger: @bRobert $MO my only position, thank you for pointing out
  • Cjauger: $MO at HOD nice and tight price action
  • bRobert: @Cjauger $MO I've been long $PM but this one should work Juicy dividend while you wait
  • Cjauger: @bRobert $MO $PM its my only position, thanks for pointing out. Nice base, juicy dividend
  • Cjauger: $MO trying to break out, strong volume on the intraday chart
  • Cjauger: $MO into blue skies
  • marklesparkle: @Cjauger $MO Yep thanks to @scottrades for the heads up
  • bRobert: $PM Prior posts $120+ WEEKLY reversal base dividend kicker nhs EXTENDED Pullbacks $MO $60 potential with kicker Smoke em if you have em
  • 1winkie: @bRobert $PM $MO Great to see your back!
  • bRobert: @1winkie $PM $MO Thx VERY relaxing mental /physical reset Planets didn't collide Worlds didn't explode
  • CaptQueeg: $mo Moving well on below average volume, and squeezing.....will this turn out like $PM?
  • bRobert: @Cjauger $PM $MO setting up as well Larger dividend kicker
  • 1winkie: $MO - A "golden cross” has formed on its chart and, not surprisingly, this could be bullish for the stock. This could mean the long-term trend is changing.
  • Suz: @1winkie $MO That happened around Jan 7, it's been tinkering around in a $2 range since then. I think if the market really starts to go somewhere this one will work out pretty well. People gotta have their smokes.
  • mopick: @Suz $MO, speaking of smokes, am in $BTI. Similar yields, great chart. NH.
  • scottrades: ...
    $MO Building a handle
    $MOS Working
    $CF Building a high handle
    $FCX Volume through the 50 Day
    $ZIM Trending up.
    $AER A bRobert idea. Sitting on the MAs.
    $COIN Trying to firm up but still under the MAs.
    $MARA Trying to change the trend.
    $HUT Just ...
  • ProfMike1: $MO. Tobacco stock: yes. It is. Value: yes, and therefore, not very exciting. But, good long-term hold (?). You'll make $. MAVGs ordered: 8d > 20d > 50d > 200d. Squeezing: Bollinger bands @3.3% Just had Golden crossover 50d and 200d 5% < 8d
  • Enrique: @ProfMike1 $MO Good spot! I sold half my $MO position last year but might be a good time to re-enter by selling some puts. Thanks!
  • bRobert: @mopick $BTI WEEKLY Extended but continues the climb $PM. $MO. equivalents. Huge. dividend. kickers. at the highs Smoke em if you have them
  • bRobert: $KO nh $PEP close $PG $175/$200 (Great weekly Actually all are )) $PEP $MO $PM right there Not what you look for as leaders in the market
  • bRobert: $MO. $60 weekly target $PM. $125. 20%. AND. Div. kickers STRONG
  • mopick: @bRobert $MO $PM, don't neglect $BTI. Great chart.
  • bRobert: $XLI 10% correction with range breakdown weekly $CAT won't help $190 potential if daily H&S top triggers $DE Best in space but potential move back to range bottom $IYT $240 WEEKLY target 1 4% away But if $240 breaks $200 is in the conversation with weekly M top Watch and react Having a lot of cash ready to deploy at the right time will be a huge asset Easy to see what is working now on the long side and they are becoming extended and are at risk of coming in a bit eg Oil Trailers Consumer staples $XLP at the 50D $MO $PM at the highs Short trades continue to work well or plenty of cash on the sidelines patiently waiting for the coach to call a play with your number.
  • bRobert: @bRobert $XLI $CAT $DE $IYT $XLP $MO $PM $URI WEEKLY H&S top discussed many times Throw back to the 50w from below on good earnings Ran into heavy resistance Look at the daily 20/50/200d ceiling = low risk short entry just above yesterday Watch for a lower low and a move closer to the 200W
  • bRobert: $PM WEEKLY high base $125 potential with flag trigger 20% + dividend kicker $MO $60 $PG $180 WEEKLY target div $SIVB $540 M bearish target acquired in $XLF whack job np Potential Support in this area
  • jwstich: @bRobert $PM $PG $KO $PEP $XOM also $MO
  • bRobert: @jwstich $PM $PG $KO $PEP $XOM $MO Smoke em if you have them. Yes
  • Henry: @Des $XXII is an alternative low nicotine tobacco company. Since the Surgeon General's report, we have been told that tobacco companies control the amount of addictive nicotine in their ciggys. If $MO is going to lose market share to a low nicotine cig, they are going to produce their low nicotine cig in a familiar brand faster than you can say Dan Fitzpatrick. I view it as a penny stock, subject to the pump and dump on social media.
  • Roadrunner: $PG $KHC $K $CAG $IBM $PEP $MO $MDLZ to name a few re: rotation on volume
  • woodman: @Roadrunner $PG $KHC $K $CAG $IBM $PEP $MO $MDLZ - $XLP
  • Roadrunner: @woodman $PG $KHC $K $CAG $IBM $PEP $MO $MDLZ $XLP That too lol
  • Pokersmith: #Vices Nothing like a pandemic that affects the lungs to motivate people to smoke 🙄

    Cigarette sales rose last year for the first time in two decades, according to the Federal Trade Commission. 8 million more cigarettes were sold in 2020 compared ...
  • jwstich: $MO $PM $BTI Surprised that there are no posts on the above three stocks. They are down from about 3 to 6% based on a patent infringement suit on the IQOS tech which heats tobacco rather than burns it. Some suiits were filed in Europe against $PM with no adverse results to $PM. IQOS is very limited in $MO. I think the drop in price is overdone in $MO. It currently yields over 8%. I might wait to see what the stock does today. What do you all think??
  • artistcove: @scottrades $PYPL Thanks Scott. I enjoyed your video last night - you mentioned $PM in a positive light. Do you feel similarly for $MO? as well.
  • scottrades: @artistcove $PYPL $PM $MO Altria is under the 50 Day and therefore a riskier pattern because it's running into resistance.
  • mopick: $MO, sells Ste. Michelle Winery in WA, largest winery by far in that state, our largest customer. $1.2 B to private equity. Watch $MO next week to see if there's any traction, 7%+ yield.
  • Henry: @mopick $MO I did not know they owned booze. I like those wines though the are now sold in Costco.
  • indigo1948: @mopick $MO - added $MO to my dividend account about a month ago due to the dividend.
  • lostsheep: $MO making a turn higher Smoke em if you got em
  • joelsg1: $MO Expecting a bounce from 50d into earnings 4/29. No chance nicotine levels being lowered by govt. edict, so bogus drop.
  • Wolf: $MO Once it finds bottom, may be about tradable bounce. 7+% Dividend should attract buyers.
  • veghead: $MO mentioned by WOLF this AM clawing back near HOD
  • scottrades: Big move lower on $MO
  • bwcarnation1: @scottrades $MO all tobacco stocks down on potus wanting to lower nicotine levels to non additive levels
  • wanda1616: @melchisedek the ESG scores are manipulatable by the companies. some top "ESG" plays end up being $MO and $PM for example
  • Mikev200: $MO nice, recent high. maybe res @ 200week... LT JUN calls.+
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Stock Price $50.39
Change 0.32%
Volume 21,937,100

Altria Group Inc through its subsidiaries manufactures and sells cigarettes, other tobacco products, machine-made large cigars and pipe tobacco. It also maintains a portfolio of leveraged and direct finance leases.

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