Planet Fitness Inc. (NYSE:PLNT)

Stock Watch May 31st, 2019

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  • traderbren: @woodman - LOL...I thought you might be sneaking in a mid-day work out at $PLNT. ;-)
  • traderbren: @woodman $LLY - sure looks are sporting a good shape after giving up your membership to $PLNT ;-)
  • woodman: @traderbren $LLY $PLNT Funny, I still am a Planet Fitness member. Injections would be easier, and maybe I'd get thin enough to acquire a social media following with Botox/lip-filler crowd, but it wouldn't clear the clouded mind like a good workout.
  • Henry: @romanalexk $LTH That chart looks nothing like $PLNT
  • romanalexk: @Henry $LTH $PLNT Yes Complete opposite). I will take a little at $21.70 on good volume with a stop below 21 ema.
  • traderbren: $SHAK - looks like @Woodman has been hitting the Shack after dumping his membership at $PLNT. ;-)
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Awaiting more Data $QQQ Awaiting Apple’s Breakdown $DIA Tap Dancing on the trendline $XLE Back in the range $GDX Holding up $KWEB Holding the gap $XHB Dan added some stocks to the ATL $XBI Tight $AAPL Not a good look. $MSFT The future? $BABA Strength in some China Stocks. $PDD Breaking out $KRYS Dan mentioned this one $CPRX I own this $ACLX Trying to move out of a base $LABU For those who like to live dangerously $MRK Breaking out $FCX Copper trying to move $WPM Still own this. $NEM Holding up. $GOLD 200 Day Support $XOM Sling Shot? Watch 110 $CROX Mentioned in the forum $CELH at the 50 Day $PLNT It is January $SBUX Clear resistance $BOX Nope.
  • jpoko13: $PLNT having a nice workout by breaking out
  • bRobert: $AER $100 $AL $50/$70 $ALK $75/$100 $BX flag trigger Low risk entry $130 /$150/$170 targets $MS 50d bounce Line in the sand trigger > $104 the WEEKLY is the draw $BIDU WEEKLY rehab continues Fashioning a cup Daily above all averages $185 reversal base Move > 50W and $180 has $200+ potential Watch list $PLNT 3 years of sideways base $115/$150 potential $RCL W weekly $100/$130 $CCL WEEKLY W $30 target 1 50W speed bump Higher targets long term Floating hospitality trades $DIS long term investment WEEKLY reversal base developing 20W/50w speed bumps but path to $190 - $300 long term $165 target 1 and 200d ceiling
  • woodman: @bRobert $AER $AL $ALK $BX $MS $BIDU $PLNT $RCL $CCL $DIS - CCL has been in my sights....
  • bRobert: @woodman $AER $AL $ALK $BX $MS $BIDU $PLNT $RCL $CCL $DIS $RCL the better company Above the 50W speed ceiling One to go
  • bRobert: $PLNT $100/$130 potential
  • bRobert: $PLNT. flag. $100 target 1. with trigger. $130+. long term. LONG WEEKLY BASE.
  • bRobert: $plnt. $100 target closer $130 longer term
  • bRobert: $PLNT flag trigger $100 target $130 WEEKLY target longer 18 months of sideways
  • bRobert: $PLNT. W. $80 - $90. Retest of. W. from ABOVE. W's are often retested Same as are most breakouts Why I don't buy them $100. target Look for flag trigger WEEKLY. consolidation. 1.5 years. $120+ . potential.
  • bRobert: $PLNT flag High base w $100 target 1 Sideways for a very long time $130 longer
  • bRobert: $PLNT $100 with flag trigger here $130 WEEKLY breakout potential shorts 5d to cover still
  • bRobert: $PLNT. W. $100. target. $130. WEEKLY target potential Bargain. priced. box. gym. franchise New year's resolution. spec for your portfolio
  • bRobert: $PLNT Unexpected W move $80 - $90 $100 target with trigger move above W Retest of the all time high $125+ potential if it has a successful weekly breakout 2.5 year base np That would be surprising and would imply no major downside related to Covid in 2022
  • bRobert: @bRobert $PLNT WEEKLY bullish MACD and 5/13 ema crosses in motion
  • woodman: @bRobert $PLNT - the Planet Fitness I belong to still seems pretty crowded. I try to go at low volume times.
  • bRobert: @woodman $PLNT Cheapest jungle gym membership / franchise
  • woodman: @bRobert $PLNT - Can't beat the price, except if blessed with one's own gym at home.
  • bRobert: @woodman $PLNT I always preferred the home gym No commute Nice management One of my sons established a home gym during Covid He missed the "ambiance" and went back after reopening Strict mask policy
  • woodman: Off to the gym, speaking of which $PLNT is moving back up.
  • bRobert: @woodman $PLNT LONG LONG LONG WEEKLY base $130 potential
  • bRobert: $PLNT Trade follow up Power move WEEKLY breakout to nh Pullback retest on low volume ............Buy the bounce Shorts $130 target 45% Similar to $VSTO Tight squeeze breakout from long consolidation Lower vol Flag pullback Gap fill and 20d bounce yesterday $70 target LOW RISK TRADE Avoid buying the breakouts Use the breakout as an alert for you to watch the stock closely for a pullback /retest /bounce Following this lower risk strategy will avoid CHOP and afford you a lower risk entry when it is clear buyer support is ready to push it higher
  • kbrowe: @bRobert $PLNT $VSTO Liked "Avoid buying the breakouts Use the breakout as an alert for you to watch the stock closely for a pullback /retest /bounce Following this lower risk strategy will avoid CHOP and afford you a lower risk entry when it is clear buyer support is ready to push it higher". Been incorporating this strategy into my process, and it has definitely improved my win percentages. Thanks.
  • bRobert: @kbrowe $PLNT $VSTO My pleasure I got tired of the chop and made a change that improved my returns Everyone likes a sale It is rare that a fresh breakout is not retested Again it is very rare Even if you pay more , it is lower risk trade buying a pullback bounce You see where support is as anxious buyers step in Stop just below The new shiny object is the breakout move that attracts early buyers The retest bounce validated the quality of the breakout move
  • bRobert: $PLNT BREAKOUT Pb retest .......Buy the bounce $130 Shorts $DDD Post earnings pullback WATCH for a nice bounce entry $100 weekly target $ARKK $135 Daily reversal $107 - $121 Triggered Flag pullback to 200d Retest Buy the bounce Stop < 200d $160/$250 long term HUGE 100% upside Leaps $ARKW $190/$310 Close to 100% upside WEEKLY Breakout Flag $180+ interim with flag trigger
  • Boone.ruth: @bRobert $PLNT $DDD $ARKK $ARKW where do you see the buying opportunity for $DDD. What price point
  • bRobert: @Boone.ruth $PLNT $DDD $ARKK $ARKW See where buyers come in but my guess is near the daily flag around $31.50 Possible 200d kiss Bounce Big Support 20/50/200d just below
  • Boone.ruth: @bRobert $PLNT $DDD $ARKK $ARKW thank you.
  • bRobert: $PLCE Breakout Flag Retest $120/$170+ with a bounce Resumption of the breakout SHORTS $CONN WEEKLY breakout teas Daily range breakout $30/$50 targets Shorts $PLNT Flag post breakout $120/$130 targets Shorts $VSTO BREAKOUT Pullback retest Still above channel Buy the bounce $70 target Shorts $CWH WEEKLY breakout tease Pinch Long consolidation $65 Shorts $DDS flag WEEKLY breakout $380 target SHORTS $GOOS WEEKLY breakout Nh Multi year base $65 Pullbacks $DRI mUlti year base Tight consolidation $210
  • bRobert: $PLNT $100 targt 1 acquired = profit zone Partials I posted the trade set up $130 WEEKLY breakout LONG BASE Shorts Just a piece Unequivocal strong weekly breakout ADD on retest bounce
  • slp20: @gatordave1 $PTON No. Planet Fitness just had blow-out earnings. Everyone wants to get out. $PLNT
  • bRobert: @slp20 $PTON $PLNT Long PLNT at $100 partial zone $130 longer term Shorts Pullbacks to add
  • slp20: @bRobert $PTON $PLNT It did well 2016-2019. Maybe we’ll get a repeat performance.
  • bRobert: @slp20 $PTON $PLNT Look how long that base is 2.5 years ! Power move breakout to target 1 $100 nh $130 longer LOOK for pullbacks
  • bRobert: $PLNT BREAKOUT nh $100 high base target 1 $130 W longer LONG multi year base Shorts 6days
  • bRobert: $CWH WEEKLY breakout retest BUY the bounce Tight squeeze breakout Big base Shorts A lethal combination $70 target Just a piece $PLNT partial profit zone but buy the Pb bounce $00/$130 targets Shorts
  • bRobert: $PLNT POWER MOVE breakout Daily /WEEKLY to nh $100/$130 targets PULLBACKS to add 2.5 years of sideways being unleashed Small partial Shorts 6+ days $CONN Motorman special READY to pop LOOK at the WEEKLY set up MONEY $26 WEEKLY breakout alert Shorts 11% 6d $50 target longer term $30 interim reports Dec $PLCE Near top of range EXTENDED Pullback bounces Speed bump $107 high Big money with breakout > $110 $140/$170 targets Shorts and this Big multiyear base will make the move POWERFUL
  • bRobert: $PLNT breakout Swing high test Long year + consolidation $130 WEEKLY breakout target potential
  • bRobert: $PLNT. LONG. weekly consolidation is. tightening above the 20W. Potential for a powerful breakout move. Alerts $84 to catch your eye. $130. potential with a. confirmed. breakout No need to invest a dime until triggered. Then add in scales on pullback bounces. np
  • woodman: @bRobert $PLNT - blast from the past. I was in it for a while - I think back in 2017-19 or thereabout. Can't recall exactly, but work life hit me hard in 2019 which affected everything else in my life. I still have a PLNT membership, though....
  • traderbren: @Woodman -- I see you've been hitting the gym $PLNT is trying to regain the 50 dma, but the 200 dma is still overhead. Not a pretty chart, but trust you are in good shape for the summer. cheers.
  • bRobert: @traderbren $PLNT Technically Much Easier ways to make $$$ RHRN Enjoy!
  • woodman: @traderbren $PLNT - LOL! - funny you should say. During my hiatus, my cholesterol and weight moved in the wrong direction, which is to say up! I have indeed gone back to $PLNT this summer, as a member.
  • traderbren: @woodman $PLNT - good for you! You put me to shame. Stay fit & healthy and enjoy the summer. cheers, B
  • woodman: @traderbren $PLNT Thanks, same to you!!!
  • Mitchell: ...
    $PLNT - shares have been trading in a wide range from the low $70's to the upper $80's all this year. The close above the shorter term downtrend line that has been in place since April could be setting up for next move to the top of the range. Earni ...
  • Bridget: I like $PLNT here. Support holding at $83. Watching for a breakout above 90 on the weekly chart
  • Bwhitty: $PLNT another try at weekly breakout today. after weekly C&H
  • Bwhitty: $PLNT added to a barely profitable position with stop at 76.89
  • Yuls: $PLNT pb to 20d sma, watching for a bounce
  • bRobert: $PLNT $90/$100/$135+
  • bRobert: $PLNT $135 Add on pb bounces > $90 = A+ breakout 50% upside Huge Long from below
  • Bwhitty: $SPY hey investors. Here is a list that motley feels is strong for entries today through 3 years. So not a trade per say but for smaller entries long term growth. Just passing along $ABNB $AMZN $ATVI $AXON $CRWD $FVRR $IDXX $LMND $NTDOY $PINS $PLNT $RMD $SLKZ $SNBR $TWLO $Z $ZM
  • bRobert: $PLNT $110/$140 Long Anti PTON trade working Though about a pairs trade with short PTON but I missed the best entry Close to completion soon
  • bRobert: $PLNT $110/$135 C&H s
  • bRobert: $PLNT ADD with flag trigger = nh print $110/$135
  • bRobert: $PLNT BREAKLUT pb BOUNCE hammer $100/$135 $BC $120/$140 $PII $170 $THO $200 C&H WEEKLY $CWH ADD rhrn $65 WEEKLY MMP breakout retest ....bounce BULLISH
  • bRobert: $GOOS $65/$70 C&H $PLNT nh $100/$135 $BIG $100+
  • bRobert: $PLNT Breakout to nh Pullback retest..............$105/$135
  • bRobert: $PLNT breakout Pullback retest seeing buying Still extended flag $135 longer term $PII breakout pullback retest $140/$170 C&H
  • bRobert: $PLNT breakout continuation Last speed bump $86.50 then open skies $100/$135 Long for a while
  • bRobert: $PLNT Nh $90 high base target 1 HERE /$135 longer
  • Herb: @bRobert Your $PLNT looks a lot better than $PTON and $NLS now!
  • bRobert: @Herb $PLNT $PTON $NLS You had no faith in my tea leaves ;)
  • bRobert: $PLNT Shorts 4+ days to cover $125 - $135 Stock is pumped $MTCH WEEKLY C&H $250 Love is in the air
  • Herb: @bRobert $PLNT $PTON $NLS As the Monkeys once said, "Now I'm a believer!"
  • bRobert: $PLNT $90/$135 potential breakout retest............
  • bRobert: $MTCH $250 target STOP < LOD $PLNT retest.....bounce $135 Survivors in the space
  • bRobert: $PLNT nice move as it tests speed bump at $85 $100 soon/$135 longer
  • bRobert: @scottrades $MTCH Love is in the air $250 $PLNT $100/$135
  • bRobert: $PLNT $90/$120/$135 targets coming out of congestion
  • bRobert: $PLNT I gave a hint earlier Breakout $85/$100 soon $125-$135 longer
  • bRobert: ...
    $PLNT Long term hold from below. Watching and reacting to earnings What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. $88/$135 potential
    $MTCH. $250. potential. Breakout. pb............
    $DKNG. $75/$100 . $PENN. HOLDING STOCK. $145/$170 . $WYNN. $1 ...
  • bRobert: $PLNT. I like the price action. Tight congestion and bullish. daily/weekly. 8% shorts. 4d+ Buy a small piece. >. $81.50. Target. $88/$135. potential.
  • bRobert: $PLNT reports atc Long from below $RICK Strong high base $70+ potential
  • bRobert: $PLNT W $88+ potential WEEKLY reversal/cup $135 potential
  • scottrades: @bRobert $PLNT Earnings tonight.
  • lostsheep: @scottrades $PLNT
  • bRobert: @scottrades $PLNT THX Posted my intent Long from below Cushion with a hedge
  • bRobert: $PLNT carrying my spec into earnings Long ride from below $135 WEEKLY
  • bRobert: $MTCH Nh getting closer to $175+ interim $250 longer Awesome I'm a romantic $PLNT bounce off 50d $135 WEEKLY target ADD if you like The anti PTON trade They are the gym survivors
  • bRobert: $PLNT $135 The anti PTON trade They are the survivors
  • bRobert: $PLNT Nice view on this planet Longer term hold from below with many posts WEEKLY CUP reversal base $125/$135 Earnings 2/18 They are the survivors in the space
  • bRobert: $MTCH $170 if W trigger > $150 $PLNT $135 WEEKLY target
  • cel55: $PLNT struggling to decide if I should dump it. Have 75 calls for Feb. 19th... EPS released 2/18.
  • cel55: @bRobert $PLNT do you still like Planet Fitness here?
  • cel55:
  • bRobert: $PLNT $20d bounce $135+ Breakout Falg retest...................Bounce
  • bRobert: $PLNT. breakout. flag. retest ............$125/$135. Stoo. <. 20d. with a bounce. soon $PtON. High base. C&H. $200/$250. with. nh trigger $MTCH. Consolidation. Pullback to. 50d. $180/$200. with. bounce
  • bRobert: $MANH Daily FLAG WEEKLY breakout from tight consolidation Long base $125/$160 $DOCU flag Buy the bounce $290/$450 WEEKLY MMP $OKTA flag in small reversal cup $282/$400 $ZS STRONG $250 high base $300 C&H $CRWD flag $270 with trigger $300 WEEKLY C&H $PLNT breakout retest the bounce $90/$135 $MTCH BUY or ADD with stop below $$180/$220 $LOW $180+ /$270 WEEKLY the prize The daily base is expanding $NAIL Holding $53 /$65/$100/$150 Patient hold Will add on pb/bounces
  • bRobert: $pton. $250 high base target with no trigger. Not too shabby $plnt. $135. Yin and Yang. Room for both
  • bRobert: $plnt . 100/$135. Plnt + vaccine. =. $$$$ $10/ month. Fitness empire for the people $mtch. Cup and a pinch. $180/200 Lonely hearts club winner $gush $62/$75 . $Hal $30/$40 $labu. $145/$230. Zig zags. Daily and Weekly c&h $docu. MMP $400. $okta $300/400 $zs 220/$280 $crwd. Weekly c&h. Chronic hand pain from pounding. $250/$300 $pii. ADD. $170 $cvna. 320/$400 $tlry 21/$40 . This May move like Bitcoin. Slow retrace to $200 glory days $cgc. Cleaner chart c&h daily. $50/$90 $spot $400 soon. $450/500 later $iipr $250/300. Secondary lurks and is abut opportunity on a dip
  • bRobert: $PLNT. volatility expansion. $135+. with speed. bumps. $MTCH. tight. handle. Big cup $180/$200 .
  • bRobert: $PLNT. going higher. $135. Pullback bounces $NNDM. BUY the flag. trigger. daily or. WEEKLY. $12 SOON. $16/$20+ later
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Stock Price $84.34
Change 0.32%
Volume 1,724,530

Planet Fitness Inc is a franchisor and operator of fitness centers in the United States by number of members and locations. The Company has three reportable segments: Franchise; Corporate-owned stores; and Equipment.

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