1. avatar jackmcdevitt says:

    The new interface looks very nice. Tweaks. lost the fast speed voice and the top drop down banner interferes with the tickers. never see more than one row…

    Good work!



  2. avatar lewis79 says:

    Don’t see stock to be covered at the top of the chart when the video is in fast time.

    Don’t see the time of the video shown on the scroll bar at the bottom of the chart.

    Slow load on fast video mode.

  3. avatar alak248 says:

    The fast version button does not seem to work. I can do the download of teh version just fine (but the stock tickers on top do not show up). Also I just noticed that my login name shows up wrong. Mine is Alak248, it shows up as laksana ( I do not know who laksana is)

  4. avatar GunnarGalins says:

    1. Badly need the capability to expand the charts to full screen or near full screen.
    2. Clickable Tickers need to be fixed. I like to use them to selectively acelerate the video when I have to.
    3. I’d love to see added capability to the Clickable Tickers to do with a single click what I now do manually in tedious fashion:
    Select all the tickers in the list then copy and paste to my word document which is an ongoing log, Then convert from a single row to a single column list, Finally remove the link aspect of the ticker. Now I have a nice outline of all the tickers, in advance of watching the video, and while I watch I can easily add my own possible action notes and then have it as a nice permanent record.

  5. avatar Habanero Bob says:

    Trending stocks – Possible typo – I might be wrong but should UHN be UNH ?

    Nice clean website. I’m used to just hitting the double speed button but it doesn’t work. Found I have to sellect download for double speed which works well.

    Easier to navigate. Good job on design.

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