Chart of the Day December 28th, 2022

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Chart of the Day
December 28th, 2022
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NVDA Weekly Chart

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  • PTinME: @Cjauger I'm starting to think it's best to not trade crypto. Just hold $IBIT, $MSTR, and $COIN and they will just be a lot higher if not this summer than next year. Too much trading in the overall market and less of a guarantee. The market will "pro ...
  • PTinME: $NVDA I'm short with a cover stop at 845. Just 50 shares and hoping to ride it down to around 800.
  • scottrades: $NVDA trying to push above 844
  • kenb: @scottrades $NVDA Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) is set to be featured on CBS' 60 Minutes on Sunday as the semiconductor giant has surpassed $2T in market value.
  • scottrades: @kenb $NVDA That's probably bearish...lol
  • scottrades: $NVDA Above all the MAs, looks actionable today
  • PTinME: @scottrades $NVDA Scott, Do you see any resistance in the 900 range?
  • scottrades: @PTinME $NVDA Round numbers should always be considered built-in resistance or support zones.
  • StockMarketMentor: Nvidia ($NVDA) has regained the 50-day moving average and daily volume is running 23.3% higher than usual.
    The ceiling on this is at $875 so far, and it's looking like we could get continued buying. While there is still plenty of overhead resistance ...
  • champ: @StockMarketMentor ...I'm in $NVDA and $MSTR....
  • champ: $NVDA...is on the move
  • PTinME: $NVDA What a ride. I was short and got covered at 845. Then went long with a stop of 880. Now I'm about even:)
  • PTinME: @PTinME $NVDA WISH I held onto my May 17 900 calls. I'm afraid to see what they would be trading at now
  • PTinME: @StockMarketMentor $NVDA $META Dan, if we can hold the close today does this mean we could see NOV-March over again?
  • PTinME: $NVDA Watching the 875 level. Lot of resistance. Maybe there will be profit taking before the weekend?
  • DAN: @PTinME $NVDA $META Hope so. But I can't look that far out. We have to take it as it comes. It's more and more obvious that the Fed is, as usual, very far behind. They are guessing. But because they hold the keys to interest rates, and because they are political, you've got an incompetent yet very very powerful entity that can do unpredictable things. In fact, the only thing that IS predictable is that, whatever they do, it'll be the wrong thing. ;-)
  • DavidK: $NVDA - up $100 or so in 2 days ? Weekend coming . I think if I owned this I would be scaling out or way back . Me , I am buying a few puts into the close and see if I am right . 💥 out on 3 puts for 46% gain in 30 min .
  • DAN: $NVDA is powering into the close. Bodes well for a continuation of the snapback rally.
  • StockMarketMentor: I like the market close this week, though I wouldn\'t get too lathered up about it. The S&P is still below the 50-day moving average which is typically the place where traders will short the market. I\'m not saying that this WILL happen...I\'m just saying that it DOES happen. $NVDA regained the 50-day moving average on just slightly higher-than-average volume. $CAVA rebounded hard off the 50-day moving average on more than double average volume. $META looks like it\'s in jail between $450 - $420. $CMG is up for the second straight day on higher volume after reporting strong earnings. (Riley, my Mexican Street Dog, is very happy about the price action in Chipotle. That\'s where we found her and she\'s still a bit nostalgic.) Have a good weekend. --Dan
  • champ: $NVDA $MSTR...both have a nice close and I'm swinging 1/4th size, on each, with the other 3/4th... Insurance swing Profits in the bank..... and hopefully will be able to add back next week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • marklesparkle: @StockMarketMentor $NVDA $CAVA $META $CMG Lets hope you guys take her there for a nostalgic anniversary meal
  • PTinME: $NVDA Anyone thing this could be a good short? Small position with a cover around 840?
  • PTinME: @Henry $NVDA Did not finish my coffee and thanks for pointing that out:) Seems like it might be a good trade if I could short closer to resistance but don't know if I will get above 800?
  • scottrades: $NVDA trying for an upside reversal. We're in a traders paradise... @Champ must be loving this... :)
  • billyzeke: @scottrades $NVDA @Champ is too busy raking in the dough this morning to read and reply to messages. lol
  • champ: @scottrades $NVDA ....Nothing is easy, however this was a nice Trade, for those who moved in on the Open........ ....however the Markets, also took blood from all the swingers........ and I was mostly out of the Markets yesterday on the close, however I had some swings, so I'm bleeding this morning also. Now the Next move is unknown and the easy guess would be, going to see a lot of zig-zags now. Good Luck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • PTinME: $NVDA shorting today is not paying off well.
  • scottrades: @PTinME $NVDA Rarely profitable to short a gap down...just like (except in rare occasions) it's rarely profitable to fomo into a gap up.
  • PTinME: @scottrades $NVDA Thanks. I was going to close all my long positions today but instead decided to short NVDA as a hedge. Turns out I'm down about 600 on the short position but my account is up about 4K due to keep the long positions. Still not a very good feeling to take chances like this.
  • scottrades: @PTinME $NVDA You could consider Options as a ways to hedge Long positions. I'm sure @TraderGeekSam could help over at OMM
  • PTinME: @scottrades $NVDA Thanks Scott!
  • PTinME: $NVDA. Short is not working out but I think we have resistance at 840?
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Can we get some follow through tomorrow? $IWM Here’s what I want to see $DXY Under the 8EMA $TNX Back to the November Highs $GLD Holding the 21 EMA $GDX Outperforming $XLF Above the MAs $SMH Just under the 50 Day $IBIT At the 50 Day $MSFT Earnings $GOOGL Earnings (Buyback and a Divy) $SNAP Earnings $META Bounce $ARM Watch 103.75 $GS Watch 424.60 $MS Watch 94.10 $IBKR Working $NFLX Needs a higher high $NVDA Watch 841 $NEM Watch for a Pullback $PAAS Above the MAs $WPM Great volume $AEM Breaking out
  • vitoB: $NVDA 805 dtrade long
  • DAN: Question: Didn't I suggest closing all or most of the stocks on the ATI list a week or so ago? I've been scrambling so much that I'm a bit confused. Somebody throw me a bone, because I see $META $IBIT $COIN $MSTR $DKNG $AMZN $HUBS and $NVDA still open.
  • wineinquirer: @DAN $META $IBIT $COIN $MSTR $DKNG $AMZN $HUBS $NVDA I do recall that your suggestion was to close out most, if not all, in the name of playing defense, Dan
  • billyzeke: @DAN $META $IBIT $COIN $MSTR $DKNG $AMZN $HUBS $NVDA Yes, last Friday you said you had no stocks to worry about going into the weekend and that we should have been out to by that point.
  • DAN: @DAN $META $IBIT $COIN $MSTR $DKNG $AMZN $HUBS $NVDA That's what I thought. Sorry I didn't deactivate them. (I'm going to put on a couple of new ones...short ETFs. Market sucks, and will suck harder).
  • PTinME: @wineinquirer $META $IBIT $COIN $MSTR $DKNG $AMZN $HUBS $NVDA I think Dan is trying to say that this is not a good time to be long anything. But in the end what we do with our accounts is a personal decision. I have a few things open but very small positions. The market could go higher but it's more likely to go lower. If we can just keep small positions or just step to the sidelines we eventually find another uptrend where money is easy.
  • DavidK: @DAN $META $IBIT $COIN $MSTR $DKNG $AMZN $HUBS $NVDA an old saying from years ago , when someone states “I thought “ smartass reply is “ you thought like Nelly , thought cat shit was jelly and ate it .”
  • JosephM: @DAN $META $IBIT $COIN $MSTR $DKNG $AMZN $HUBS $NVDA I have noticed this isn't maintained that well. Names will stay on well after the recommended stop. Confusing. Have a good day.
  • scottrades: Good morning Team! Futures are up slightly after a bounce day yesterday being led by semiconductors. Most of the Majors like $NVDA, $AMD, $TSM and $ARM are well under their key moving averages. Nimble traders could look for bounce trades but remember ...
  • PTinME: @scottrades $NVDA $AMD $TSM $ARM GM Scott. I"m seeing $NVDA possibly gapping up to 840 if we don't sell off today. That was is a key moving average and it seemed to slice right though there on Friday so does it make sense that this would be the first resistance level?
  • scottrades: @PTinME $NVDA Here are some short term resistance levels.
  • PTinME: @scottrades $NVDA Thanks! Looks like it's fighting one right now premarket!
  • Henry: @PTinME $NVDA It's got to get out from yesterday's candle
  • scottrades: @PTinME $NVDA The battle is underway..
  • PTinME: $NVDA If it can break 827 it could be a good trade up to 740 area.
  • joelsg1: @traderbren $TSLA Yes, but also on last page of release text, accelerating launch of new and more affordable models beyond previously announced. Also, their capex in the Q was huge, much probably to $NVDA.
  • vitoB: @joelsg1 $TSLA $NVDA these joke "analysts" with bs rational on stock spike and $2000 price targets really tick me off
  • joelsg1: @vitoB $TSLA $NVDA Good for selling upside calls against stock.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ Day 2 of a rally attempt $IWM Ceiling above $DXY Under the 8EMA $TNX Still above the 8EMA $TLT 87 Support $GLD at the 21 EMA $GDX At the 21 EMA $XLE Back above the 8EMA $XLF Banks moving $SMH Under the 50 Day $IBIT Above the MAs $TSLA Earnings tonight $NVDA Still under the 50 Day $GOOGL Reports Thursday $AMZN At the 50 Day $META Earnings Tomorrow $NFLX Potential Gap Fill $GS Breaking out of a base $MS Whippy but nice weekly. $HUBS Earnings next week $ANET Rebound into Earnings? $ELF Watch the 50 Day for resistance $NVO Above the 50 Day $SNPS Support at the 200 Day $CLSK Chart of the day last week $MSTR Hodling the 50 Day
  • joelsg1: @joelsg1 $TSLA I'm done analyzing the E event, best call in years: Musk and team focused and optimistic, promising Q2 better than Q1 and this year even with this start better than last; COGS coming down fast, though capex up big (mostly to buy $NVDA products); multiple new and affordable models coming sooner than thought using modules from the new next-gen platform by retooling existing production lines, as a bridge before dedicated robotaxi; and to me an overlooked Easter Egg in the slide deck showing a Tesla app user summoning and customizing a Tesla ride for now with a driver, definite $UBER competition. Up over 13% ah, while $NVDA up and $UBER down. Narrative change which I hope drives the stock price for more than a brief ride.
  • PTinME: @Egmagur $NVDA $NFLX Good morning! $NVDA up $NFLX flat. Might be able to sell into some strength on today's little bounce. Fortunately, my average cost for the $NVDA calls is only 11.39 and $NFLX is 7.72
  • PTinME: $NVDA, $NFLX Good morning all. If we get a QQQ bounce, $NVDA should not have any resistance until 50EMA at 840 and NFLX should have no issue filling Fridays gap to a little over 600. I"m new and just looking for some levels to watch. Of course I'm looking at these levels "if" $QQQ bounces 2 percent.
  • vitoB: $IOT its in the forbidden AI bucket, but with it right near 150dma and a clear place to put a stop, I started a position at close on friday and am keeping it. sold the $NVDA from friday close, still holding $AMD since it is also in the 150dma zone.
  • billyzeke: @vitoB $IOT $NVDA $AMD Sold the NVDA i bought on friday too, got more out of it than I expected.
  • bigbartabs: @DAN ... yes, all we have to do is look at the weekly chart for the $FNGS stocks this morning... $META $AAPL $AMZN $NFLX $MSFT $NVDA $GOOGL $SNOW $TSLA. The story is unfolding.
  • Egmagur: @PTinME $NVDA $NFLX I am long NVDA via a 565/605 bull call spread (bought that for 26 many months ago). Alas, I was also long four SMCI 750/810 spreads that expired Fri. Luckily, I sold them for about a 50% gain around 11am or they would have expir ...
  • PTinME: $NVDA, NFLX. Hi everyone. Anyone else long these though May Calls? I nearly had my face ripped off with $NVDA 900 and $NFLX May 17's. New the market was broken but took a chance on both of them when they were down around 4-5 percent thinking there would be a bounce.....
  • billyzeke: Trying to pick the bottom on $NVDA has given me nothing but stinky fingers..
  • makebackthemill: @billyzeke $NVDA only for Proctologists
  • billyzeke: @makebackthemill $NVDA Im done with that, was just being stupid and stubborn.
  • makebackthemill: @billyzeke $NVDA Welcome to the club.
  • PTinME: $NVDA Broken the 50 but does anyone see any support before it visits the 200?
  • billyzeke: @vitoB $NVDA?
  • vitoB: @billyzeke $NVDA ha yea...
  • joelsg1: @PTinME $NVDA Yes, 50% retracement of move from around $450 12/1 to $975 3/25 is about $712, around 5/12, that's my planned add point for now, of course subject to change.
  • billyzeke: @vitoB $NVDA I got knocked out of this thing twice today trying to catch a bottom but I bought it again near the close at 760 hoping for a bounce. Down $85 on the day seems like overkill to me.
  • PTinME: $QQQ Again, a little bounce in the AM before selling later in the day. If we can close above 435 might be the start of something good. $NVDA seems to be holding 50 day. Maybe $NFLX and other earnings can pull us out of the slump?
  • scottrades: $NVDA Battle at the 50 Day
  • joelsg1: $NVDA Tweezer alert on 10 min. ST only.
  • joelsg1: @joelsg1 $NVDA Nice 30-minute trade using Friday's itm calls, but now out.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ / $IWM Fresh Lows $DXY Bounce $TNX Near the recent highs $GLD Basing $SLV Basing $SMH Lower Low $IBIT At the 50 Day $MSOS Inside Day $SSO Watch for a reversal $QLD Watch for a reversal $NFLX Watch tomorrow $META Earnings April 24 $AMZN Watch the 50 Day $MSFT Watch for a reversal $NVDA at the 50 Day $CLSK Watch near the 50 Day
  • scottrades: ...
    As I mentioned last night I think you want to eye up some Semiconductor stocks like $SMCI and $NVDA, just make sure and watch the Earnings dates as some of them are close to reporting.

    Watch for new highs from market basket ETFs like $SSO and $QLD ...
  • PTinME: $COIN, $MSTR, $IBIT, $NVDA, $GLD. My account was down 4 percent yesterday and I almost stepped aside. Held on and account closed flat. Everything but $NVDA is below support "I think" so I'm going to lighten up by selling into any strength today. Had things not firmed up yesterday I would have been in a world of hurt.
  • joelsg1: $NVDA First 10 minutes has been the time each day this week to lighten up, did so again today.
  • champ: $NVDS is HOD, which is a short on $NVDA.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Lower Low $QQQ Lower Low $IWM High Open, low close $DXY Down on the day $TNX Down on the day $GLD Still above the MAs $USO Down $TLT Up $SMH Failed at the 50 Day $IBIT Undercut the 50 Day $SSO Would like a lower open $QLD Would like a lower open $NVDA On the 50 Day $MSFT Watch for an upside reversal $SMCI on the 21 EMA $NVO Just under the 50 Day $OWL At the 50 Day $HEI Watch 200 $WING on an Earnings Launch Pad? $MJ Pot Stocks near the 50 Day
  • texgecko: IBD sends out messages about promising charts that may or may not work out. Recently semis / semi equipment mentioned as not quite ready but worth watching: $KLAC (which doesn’t seem to want to break the 50 day.) Earnings 25Apr. $ASML (same with 50 day) Earnings tomorrow $QCOM I’ve still got a small position in $NVDA so I’m keeping an eye there too. Other SMH royalty that seem to make the cut for a watch list are $MU, $AMAT, and $LRCX
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/$QQQ Looking for a floor $IWM Watch 196.25 $DXY Higher High $TNX Higher For Longer $GLD Still in trend $GDX Watch today’s low $SMH At the 50 Day $IBIT At the 50 Day $AMZN Above the 21 EMA. Earnings April 25 $MSFT At the 50 Day. Earnings April 25 $NFLX Earnings Thursday, AMC $NVDA still above the 50 Day $TSLA Bottom of the Wedge - Earnings April 23 $SMCI Earnings April 30 $AMAT Near the MAs $ONTO Basing $ARM Watch for a move above the 50 Day $HOOD Channel $SPOT Channel, Earnings coming up $HEI Watch 200
  • traderbren: $NVDA - back above the 8ema and 20d
  • joelsg1: $ANET Rosenblatt double downgrade to sell target drop to $210 from $330 is based on most of the AI "spoils" going to $NVDA.
  • scottrades: ...
    $NVDA found support near the 50 Day and could be swingable above 876.
    $AXON Mentioned Tuesday, nice volume yesterday, watch 325
    $AMZN Upside reversal off the 8EMA yesterday, watch 187
    $MSTR Broke out of a wedge pattern I’ve been posting about ...
  • champ: $NVDA $SMCI.....still early however could see the Markets turn today, need a drop and then watch for a turn.
  • champ: $SMCI $NVDA...both are HOD...had the turn on these money trees, Now we will see what happens.....
  • KenB0707: $NVDA well out of the downward channel - see chart from KenB0707
  • champ: $NVDA....HOD....looks really positive off of all of that positive News-flow that keeps coming out daily......new Upgrade by Raymond James, they raised their price target to $1100.00 from $850..... ....Plus #Barron's came out on 4/11...with real Positive reasons/views....... ....Plus Cantor Fitzgerald...has this stock as their #Top-pick in semis..... and as long as the Markets are working, the #Tech-sector, the $COMPX, it will keep on zigzagging higher...... ....and the $COMPX is HOD.
  • champ: $NVDA...the #next short term price target is $967 and that was the March 25th high, plus the 52-week high.
  • woodman: $NVDA added to this long term holding today.
  • djgustoso: @KenB0707 $NVDA Wish I had bought more when it was down at 850, but it was so hard to buy there, especially with all the yellow flags but it looks like the weak hands have folded and now it's giddy up time again.
  • champ: Buy high or Buy low...and as we all know, it work better for our profits if we try to Buy low, however it seem that many just don't have the Patiences or the Working-capitol to Hold and then just Wait to be Rewarded. $NVDA $SMIC .....however it is always Fun to chase stocks like these, with nice Day-trades, off of there Low turns........ ....on a Days when it becomes obvious, that the #odds are positive for a Market turn, like what happened today and I was posting about that early today, on both of these stocks, however I my took profits, so I'm Out-for-Now.
  • RD: @woodman $NVDA Just saw this now, $NVDA broke out today from a falling wedge similar to $MSTR yesterday.
  • champ: @woodman $NVDA...Yes sir ...and for me...I keep making $1,000's of new $$$ by Trading these type of stocks, when they start to #turn-back-up off of their most recent lows....and these type of real nice stocks, only fall back because the Markets turns lower. However I'm back-out for now. Good Luck!
  • billyzeke: @champ $NVDA $SMIC #odds I bought back into $NVDA yesterday at 836, added a tad more around 870 today, and plan on riding this horse until it bucks me off. Yee-haw! :) I expect some resistance here around 900-905
  • champ: $NVDA...HOD and could close on a new HOD....strong and it broke thur $900.......I did get back-in, for a swing. ...$COMPX...HOD and is also strong.
  • champ: $NVDA...huge volume going into the close, in the last 15 minutes, over 4m shares, even the Day-traders taking profits, couldn't drop this stock....now even strong in the AH.
  • champ: $NVDA...many times these #nice-momentum-stocks will continue in the AH and could even continue in the PM, in the morning,....going into the open...........I thought that maybe the Day-traders would drop this stock going into the close and I was wrong about that........because it only dropped a little....and then moved right back-up......... .....over-thinking, #over-trading can cost traders some profits, however I'm holding a swing now, after losing around $4 a share in profits because I moved off........ .....I should have only took profits on 1/2...and then moved that 1/2 back-in, when I saw... that I was #wrong.
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Here’s why you should be bullish on India $INDA $SPY / $QQQ 50 Day Support $IWM Near the 50 Day $SMH In trend $DXY Still a headwind $TNX Does this matter? $GLD Goes doesn’t care about rates $GDX 8 EMA Support $USO Flag $XME Handle $URA In trend $IBIT Tightening up $AMZN Working $GOOGL Working $NVDA Back above the MAs $MSFT Near the highs $AXON Support at the 8 and 21 EMA $ANET Holding the 8/21 $COIN Support at yesterdays low $MSTR Out of the wedge $HOOD Power Bar $CLSK Maybe finding a floor $DXCM Watch 142 $HUBS Working $NET At the 50 Day $TOST Good volume
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Stock Price $113.06
Change 0.69%
Volume 292,804,000

NVIDIA Corporation is engaged in creating the graphics chips used in personal computers that bring games and home movies to life. Its has two reporting segments: the GPU business and the Tegra Processor business.

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