Devon Energy Corporation (NYSE:DVN)

Chart of the Day December 27th, 2022

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  • rnrdallas1939: @champ $KMI #Info #265-Oil-wells #Frack #without-water #has #Oil-production #ready #103 #Investment #Yield Word on the street is that there others. such as $DVN are looking to buy oil/range parcels of land from families that have held them for years, It is not unusual for a family to have 100's oil/rangeland acres west of Dallas-Fort Worth. Not a month goes by that my wife does not get a letter offering to buy her chunk. Same for her sister.
  • champ: @rnrdallas1939 $KMI $DVN #Info #265-Oil-wells #Frack #without-water #has #Oil-production #ready #103 #Investment #Yield....Yes sir..exactly that is happening,............ however this is an #Oil-field with 265 existing Oil wells on it, with all of th ...
  • Cjauger: Bought $XLE @ $95.84 and $DVN @ $51.21. Also added small $VRT
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XLE $DVN $GDX $NEM $VZ
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XLE $DVN $GDX $NEM $VZ
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $GDX $NEM $XLE $DVN $VZ
    - Watching $FTI again, which is bouncing at the December lows/the July consolidation region but also looks like it has a date with 200sma
  • vitoB: Lookin to go long $GDX picks and $PLTR and to add to energy longs $WES $CVX $DVN $CTRA
  • DavidK: @vitoB $GDX $PLTR $WES $CVX $DVN $CTRA $NEM $PLTR got a downgrade and price target cut to 13 . I bought some March puts .
  • vitoB: @vitoB $GDX $PLTR $WES $CVX $DVN $CTRA … picked $NEM 39.85 $PLTR 15.99 and $DVN 45.80 PLtR dtrade
  • vitoB: @DavidK $GDX $PLTR $WES $CVX $DVN $CTRA $NEM … yea thanks. Just lookin for a push back to at least even. Jeffries had a hold on it all of last year. So a little late to DG it now imo
  • stairm01: $NRGU A leverage energy stock that its holdings are divided 10% equally into 10 energy stocks. $CVX $COP $DVN $EOG $XOM $MPC $OXY $PSX $PXD $VLO I entered this morning at $433.60. Stop at $439.65
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Back to the 21 EMA $QQQ Under the 21 EMA $IWM Filling the Gap $DIA Closed under the 8EMA $DXY Reverting to the mean $TNX Despite the Hawkish tone, close near the lows $TLT Off the 21 EMA $XLE Support art the 50 Day $USO Needs a higher high $SMH Needs an upside reversal $XHB Watch for a gap fill $GLD Watch as it comes into support $GBTC Above the 21 EMA $ETHE Bounce near the 21 EMA $NVDA Basing near the 50 Day $MSFT Basing $SMCI At the 50 Day $COIN Choppy $MSTR Saylor selling 5000 per day $MARA Needs to tighten up $TOL Watch for a gap fill $PHM Holding the 21 EMA $XOM Trying to get above the 50 Day $KMI Breaking out of a base $DVN Close to resistance. $LPG Trending $PDD China Stock $NVO Above all the MAs
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XLE $DVN $GDX $NEM
  • vitoB: Lightening up on $HIMS Will add back later. Added $DVN as well. $RES and $CVX too. Bought back $MU short
  • billyzeke: @vitoB $HIMS $DVN $RES $CVX $MU Took some off of $HIMS too, thanks @woodman for bringing this one to my attention.
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $BIL $NEM $DVN
    - I got shaken out of $FCX at the 200sma and missed the gap up. Sad but there's a good chance I'll get the chance to buy again at the breakout level.
    -Energy has had a good bounce. I like staying in energy for the dividend ...
  • curtis: Market looks like it will be higher on open. I will be trimming some positions that didn't get stopped out yesterday. I think oil is going higher. I have $CVX looking to add at 140 on a dip I have $DVN - I think this get's bought out added $WFRD yesterday (small). Stopped out with a profit: $ARM $ELF New Buys: all small positions. $WFRD $AVGO $ADBE $MELI $META $CRS $WAB underwater $OLLI - like this with consumers feeling inflation pinch. Long Will be adding on pull backs. Long: $BA looking for $320 in 2024/25 China will be buying more aircraft. This will go higher if they don't screw this up again. Looking to Trim: $SN $AMZN
  • maracom: Good morning all! I put my $NVDA Dec 460/450 bear call spread back on now that earnings has passed with a flat response. My logic is if slowing guidance is enough to overcome blowing out the revenue expectations, then it seems like institutions are foreseeing less rapid growth which therefore lowers the growth premium, but we do have the christmas rally coming up so I may be wrong again. $GLD is holding it's gap despite a bounce in the dollar today. $XLE back under pressure today. I want to cost average back into some more energy in my #LTA but I think there's still time for the pullback to run its course towards lower prices. #Trading: Long $WPM $UNG $EWZ Short: $NVDA $KRE #LTA: Long $BIL $NEM $SLV $DVN $FCX
  • maracom: Good morning all! #preciousmetals popping today. $NVDA at ATM is the big news (I closed my BePS for a 11% loss) but $GLD is also back at ATH and the mining stocks are surging today. I'm wayyyy overweight $WPM and $NEM. $UUP coming up on the 100sma, $TLT coming back up. #Trading: Long $WPM $UNG $EWZ Short: $KRE (long Dec $43 puts) -One more day of patience on $UNG would have been prudent, it's testing the summer lows today -$EWZ gapped and is now extended, sold some covered calls. #LTA: Long $BIL $NEM $SLV $DVN $FCX -$FCX recaptured the 50sma -Waiting patiently for $CTRA to tap the 200sma -Out of $FTI for now, need to see a higher daily low print before I'll go back in
  • maracom: Good morning all! $FTI pullback yesterday spooked me a bit because of it's magnitude, so I sold off my remaining shares today but I'll keep an eye on a low risk re-entry point. $NVDA is resting below 500, looks like earnings will make the decision. I'm within a few percent of breakeven so I'll probably wait for Monday but will likely close my BePS down before earnings. Retail popping off lately, seems to be some bullish sentiment regarding holiday shopping. #Trading: Long $WPM $UNG $EWZ Short: $NVDA (460/450 Dec BePS) $KRE (long Dec $43 puts) #LTA: Long $BIL $NEM $SLV $DVN $FCX -$FCX retesting the 50d from below. We already know energy is under pressure and that recession expectations are durable. Dr. Copper will give us more macro insight soon.
  • shoredriver:
  • shoredriver: @shoredriver $DVN #OT #BondLadder ...This was for $FTI....not sure why it pulled here...usual wonky Forum bs.....will it ever change.....
  • maracom: Good morning all! Energy still pulling back, as expected. Stopped out of a $FTI partial but I'm eager for a chance to sell some $CTRA naked puts. $UUP weak again, #preciousmetals having another good day. #optionsexpiration tomorrow may lead to some bearish swings as well #Trading: Long $WPM $UNG $EWZ Short: $NVDA (460/450 Dec BePS) $KRE (long Dec $43 puts) #LTA: Long $BIL $NEM $SLV $DVN $FTI $FCX - Stopped out a $FTI partial, possible head and shoulders forming. It's been a powerhouse but today is a big shot across the bow, and I'd rather move to the sidelines and wait for more price data. -Planning to re-enter $CTRA soon, watching for a retest of the 200 and recenty lows to sell a naked put.
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $BIL $NEM $SLV $DVN $FTI $FCX
    - Copper still under pressure, highlighting China and threat of US recession so I'm still selling covered calls on $FCX
    -Looking to add more $FTI and $CTRA back into my dividend/energy portfolio if we get som ...
  • shoredriver: $DVN...$UPST report after....
  • shoredriver: $FANG...beat on revs....$DVN Tues after...
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $DVN $FTI $FCX $NEM
  • maracom: Good morning all! Nice to see the $SPY $SPX bouce at the Feb/April highs support line. I might consider going long $SSO but with big tech earnings this week I think I'll just stick to playing the $TLT for a reversion to the mean. #Gold and #Oil are having reversions to the 20day. #Natgas looking interesting opening right around friday's open, two opens at the same level, I think I'll buy some more. #Trading: Long: $UNG $WPM $COIN Long calls: $TLT Nov $86 -$UNG added another 1/5 position, now at of 3/5 a full position -$WPM raising my stop to $42.8 to protect profits #LTA: $DVN $FTI $FCX $NEM $GLD $SLV $BIL
  • maracom: Good morning all! Sorry I haven't been posting, been doing OT at work and putting in hours on the remodel. $GLD chart has been explosive, as expected when geopolitics heats up. Due for a pause but we're gonna be attacking the all time highs again very soon, I've bought multiple times in the last week and a half and I'm very overweight precious metals right now. #Trading: Long $NUGT $WPM $UNG $COIN, Short $SDS -Booked profit on $SDS and $NUGT this morning before the weekend -Had a $8 covered call on $UNG that will expire worthless -$UNG is just getting started, seasonality will be kicking in into the end of the year -Follwing @Scottrades with a $COIN starter #LTA: $DVN $FTI $FCX $NEM $GLD $SLV -Half positions in $DVN and $FTI. -$FCX reported good earnings but is still under pressure from decreasing demand in China for copper.
  • maracom: My remaining (small) portfolio is having a 3% day, guess the shorts decided not to carry into the weekend #Trading: Long $UNG $WPM #LTA: Long $NEM $FCX $SLV $DVN
  • maracom: Good morning all! $XLE broke hard yesterday, I'm pretty much out of energy except for $UNG which is starting to show signs of life. There could be some other bounce trades out there but I'm not seeing anything too tempting, maybe a $TLT long call for a reversion to the mean trade. Seems like the default move to hide in tech is the main play right now but I'm still uninterested. Main thing I'm keeping an eye out for is a $UUP pullback #Trading: Long $UNG #LTA: Long $NEM $FCX $SLV, tiny $DVN placeholder
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $FCX $NEM $DVN $SLV
    - I'm likely to add to $SLV soon, looking for an hourly higher low today.
    - $FCX really expected this to break down further but so far is showing some resilience
    -$DVN I sold into the recent bounce, have a 25% position ...
  • maracom: Good morning all! Dollar surging again, precious metals taking it on the chin, which is really the only big position I have left. Even though they are down they are still behaving normally in response to the strong dollars, so I'm holding through. #Tankers still looking good today #Trading: Long: $EWZ $UNG $WPM $TNK #LTA: Long: $DVN $FCX $NEM $SLV $DVN Lightening up on some $DVN here around the 8EMA $FCX In danger of free falling, but hasn't started just yet. #Watching $CF which is pulling back today. $RIVN put in a higher low and had a good day yesterday despite the tape
  • Lou: @champ $LBRT $SLB $HAL $FTI $PUMP $KOS #Thanks - holding $FTI and $HAL, as well as $RIG $WFRD and $DVN.
  • champ: @Lou $LBRT $SLB $HAL $FTI $PUMP $KOS $RIG $WFRD $DVN #Thanks.....Yes sir, I knew you were, #Good-Work....and I also know, that you are going to be making your family Happy at Christmas. ~~~~ Take a picture for us this year, because we need to see them smiling......and we all need to make are families smile, when we are still alive................
  • Lou: Replaced my $RIG with more $DVN - so far, so good.
  • maracom: Good morning all! Booked a little $SQQQ profit, probably too early as usual... The generals (Sevastopol admirals?) are still being taken out back and disposed of... $AMZN breaking the 100, $GOOGL breaking the 50. Same story on $TLT and $UUP #Trading: Long: $EWZ $UNG $WPM #LTA: Long: $DVN $FCX $NEM $SLV $DVN Next support $45.3 $FCX In danger of free falling, but hasn't started just yet. #Watching $CF nice pattern, is up against resistance from early 2023, will look for a small Phase 2 to pick up a starter to replace $MOS. $CTRA pausing at the 100sma, expecting a downward move again to the 200 when the 8 EMA catches up. Might get back in if it recaptures the 8ema. $URA $OII showing some strength but doesn't look like a breakout yet
  • Lou: Sticking with my #Energy positions - $ET $FTI - both very big; $RIG - half of a position; $DVN $WFRD $HAL - lesser. As another #anchor-to-wimdward, added to my #MarylandMuniLadder. Done for the day, I think.
  • maracom: Good morning all! Much as I support reducing the federal budget, I don't like my investment accounts to be at the mercy of the competence of Congress, so I'm still in 75% cash, leaning more short than anything else. $UUP still up, $TLT still down, institutions still raising cash as well. But if the FBI wants to offload some Mendez gold, I'd consider buying... #Trading: Long: $EWZ $UNG $WPM Short: $SQQQ Booked some $SQQQ profit at 20.7, still have a starter #LTA: Long: $DVN $FCX $NEM $SLV $DVN Next support $45.3 $FCX In danger of free falling, but hasn't started just yet. #Watching #CF up while the other fertilizer stockers are down #DOW refined oil products play, got an upgrade today #URA #OII
  • maracom: Good morning all! Small bounce for energy, not enough to convince me that selling yesterday was the wrong move. Precious metals closed well and opened well. I took a $WPM starter. $CCJ looking a little spicy this morning. #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $WPM $SCHW No bounce this morning, broke yesterday's low, I'm out. $EWZ resting $UNG no change still in the channel #LTA: Long $DVN $FCX $SLV (1/2) $NEM (1.5x) $MOS $AA $SLV nice close yesterday, small gap up today, looking to add. $FCX minimal bounce, looking for exits $DVN minimal bounce, looking for exits $MOS hasn't broken down yet $AA hasn't broken down yet
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA (1/2) $FTI (1/2) $FCX $SLV (1/2) $NEM (1.5x) $MOS $AA
    $DVN 10 days of fairly relentless selling. Part of that was the dividend but it's made a -12% move in that period of time, now at the bottom of a sideways wedge, underp ...
  • maracom: $DVN has been a real downward missile since the ex-dividend date. Really frustrating
  • scottrades: @maracom $DVN That pattern is now called The F35
  • scottrades: @scottrades $DVN In all seriousness though, I'm actually shocked that this one hasn't followed some of the other energy plays. It was a legit darling of IBD in 2022.
  • maracom: @maracom $DVN Agreed. I've followed the conference calls since its a core of my long term holdings, and beside Nat Gas languishing leading to a smaller variable dividend I really don't know why it's underperforming so badly with $90 oil.
  • sbw1: @maracom $DVN I've been watching $DVN thinking it was going to hold around 48.8 or so. I have also been interested in $CVI and $LPG
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $DVN $FCX $SLV (1/2) $NEM (1.5x) $MOS $AA
    Closed a bunch of my oil exposure today $XOM $FTI $CTRA $OII
    Keeping with my precious metal positions $NEM $SLV, they are behaving normally in response to the dollar.
    $DVN is a real dog but I thin ...
  • Henry: @maracom $DVN Mark Fisher was just on CNBC He thinks Nat Gas will be much higher this fall/winter, surprisingly high. He at least shaved, unlike the other guy.
  • Lou: Got the #CantHelpIts and started $DVN - small
  • Lou: I've got the energy bases covered - Big - $ET $FTI Moderate $RIG Starters - $DVN $HAL $WFRD Not for today or even this month, but I'm expecting a ramp up.
  • maracom: @Lou $ET $FTI $RIG $DVN $HAL $WFRD I'm rooting for you. I have a history of selling too early
  • Lou: @Lou $ET $FTI $RIG $DVN $HAL $WFRD Ouch! My starters could have been better timed. Fortunately, they're starters.
  • maracom: @Lou $DVN #CantHelpIts There was some buying volume into the close... that may bode well but the indices look awful
  • Lou: @maracom $DVN #CantHelpIts - I've raised a good bit of cash, am holding decent positions in fixed income and high yield equities, so I am able to concentrate on energy and energy service names in my stock/MLP unit holdings and trades. I'm comfortable with where I am in my investment journey.
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA
    $NEM has showed high volume buying for several days, I'm overweight this one by about 50%, breaking above the 50 day today, next resistance should be around the 10 ...
  • maracom: Good afternoon all! #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $SCHW Booked profits my shorts $CCJ and $SQQ #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA Added 1/4 position to $FCX on pullback #Watching $FTI for a pullback to the 20 SMA to add back
  • maracom: Good afternoon all! Trying to stay light headed into #FOMC #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $SCHW Short: $CCJ BeCS $41/$42 Sept 22 Added 1/4 position to $SCHW, another test of 100ema passed today Starter in $SQQQ given that $NVDA is breaking down towards the 100 ema #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA
  • maracom: ...
    - $FTI sitting on a 70% gain thanks to @Lou, We just got a really nice pop, I'm selling half, if we get a pullback I'll add some back.
    - Covered Calls: $XOM $120 Sept 29, $MOS $40 Sept 29, $FCX ...
  • maracom: ...
    - $SLV Was previously stopped out, now at the bottom of a channel, bought 1/2 position back this morning for a lower basis.
    -$AA successful retest of prior low, added 1/4 position, now at 3/4 ...
  • Henry: @TraderB $DVN The people who have banned Nat Gas stoves and furnaces sell it every time it goes up.
  • Henry: @TraderB $DVN The Weekly nat gas chart looks similar The Daily it's just chopping around between 46-55
  • TraderB: @Henry $DVN it’s not looking as “strong” as other oil & gas producers & thanks for the observations
  • maracom: Good morning all! Dollar rallying again today... #Trading: Long $URA $UNG $FAST $EWZ. Short $NVDA BeCS Sept 500/510 $SDS $SDS possible head and shoulders forming on the $SPY, I started a short position yesterday, added this morning. Stop is a close above $454 on $SPY $UNG downside gap yesterday, at the bottom of the trading channel, may get close out half if the close is bad $FAST break of yesterday's low, considering closing this one down, will wait for the close #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI $FCX $SLV $NEM $MOS $AA $SLV Got stopped out of half when it fell into the gap yesterday, will repurchase at a lower basis $AA had a large volume buying spike a few days ago, made it above the 20sma, pullback to the 8/20 crossover today, taking a starter. $FTI running out of steam, sold a $21 Sept covered call for 0.25 #Watching: $SCHW for 100ema restest
  • maracom: Good morning all! Bonds pulling back today after nonfarm, dollar rallying. I've been overweight energy for a while so I'm just enjoying the ride for now, still sitting on a bunch of cash. #Trading: Long $URA $UNG $FAST $EWZ. Short $NVDA BeCS Sept 500/510 $URA still breaking out #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI $FCX $SLV $NEM $MOS $FCX pop but still in consolidation, sold a $43 covered call. $FTI breakout. $GLD $SLV bearish engulfing candle mirroring $UUP
  • maracom: ...
    Added $FCX, held the $38 level. $SLV doing good work. $NEM still in a downtrend, at lower bound trendline support but $GLD looking constructive
  • maracom: Good morning all! Have been absent for the past couple weeks because we bought and are remodeling a property, so stocks have been on the back burner. Have been selling into this rally and currently sit at 60% cash. #Trading: Still bullish energy, long $UNG $URA. Have a $NVDA 480/490 bear call spread on, might close it for break even ahead of earnings depending on how the morning pop goes. #LTA: Sold $SCHW after earnings for a 25% gain, pullback/gap fill suggests another regional banking issue remains on the horizon, watching. Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $MOS $FCX $NEM. Gold miners in the pits for now with the dollar rally. Energy remains strong and I love collecting those dividends and covered call income.
  • CaptQueeg: $DVN Bouncing well off the 50 dma. Check 5 min chart.
  • kingtug13: $DVN - Started small position, stop just below the 50ma
  • maracom: Good morning all! I'm mostly in cash in my #trading account, although I have some $SDS and a $WEAT $7 covered call that is already in the money #LTA $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $SCHW $FCX $MOS $FTI looking good, I'll probably add a weekly covered call at $16 $SCHW have a $56 Jul covered call on $FCX have a $59 Jul covered call on
  • maracom: Hello all! #Trading: I'm back to all cash going into the weekend. VIX is at major lows, I'm looking for a volatility expansion/pullback in the indexes in the next week or two. $URA $DFS $CMC $AMD $BOIL - sold everything, not swinging anything into the weekend $URA - 8ema pause, booked profits @ $22.5 $DFS - At resistance (Feb highs), booked profits @ $116 $CMC - At resistance (Apr highs/100EMA), booked profits @ $48 $AMD - 135/140 Jun bear call spread, booked profits $BOIL - At resistance (100EMA), sold remaining shares @ $ 3.33 #LTA - $SCHW $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $FCX $MOS $NEM wow that's weird, majors are making a move and the minors are NOT, haven;t seen that in a while. $NEM broke above $43 resistance to the upper BB, looking for a test of the 200sma at $46.
  • DavidK: @maracom $URA $DFS $CMC $AMD $BOIL $SCHW $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $FCX $MOS #Trading #LTA we be thinking the same . Bought June 30 calls on $SQQQ , June 30 puts on APPLE which I sold 75 % of them for a nice profit just now , long $$ JUNE VXX calls and short next weekly VXX calls at a lot higher strike . Have June 30 MU puts .
  • maracom: Good morning all! #Trading: $URA $DFS $CMC $AMD $BOIL $URA - 8ema pause, stop @ 21.9 $DFS - Booking some profit here at $116, stop on the rest @113.9 $CMC - Working, coming up on 100SMA resistance $AMD - 135/140 Jun bear call spread working, booking profits $BOIL - daytrading #LTA - $SCHW $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $FCX $MOS no changes today
  • maracom: ...
    $FCX - rolled a $37 covered call up to $39 but looks like I'll still get called away. Very gappy rebound up, shows the risks of covered calls.
    $SCHW - in consolidation, have a Jun $56 covered call on ...
  • shoredriver: $ 8%......
  • cmaxwel1: @DAN $ADBE $BA $PLTR $DVN $OLLI $AI $TSLA 205 call august
  • maracom: ...
    $SCHW in consolidation, have a Jun $56 covered call on
    $NEM hard pullback to the Nov lows, collected some income off a covered call that I bought back, collected a dividend on 6/1, stopped out of a pa ...
  • sbw1: @champ besides $KMI what is your opinion on $DVN and $CVI
  • champ: @sbw1 $KMI $DVN $CVI ....I like both and I have held positions in both before...... .....and actually I like a lot of the other Names in this sector also.... however yesterday $CVX had a great upgrade, so I'm in holding $CVX for few weeks or more and I'm also trading $VLO and $GUSH for now. For me $KMI, is long term. However I need a Market on all of my positions and I also have Trailing-stops on all of my positions. LOL
  • shoredriver: $DVN....nibble....
  • shoredriver: $DVN...nibble.....
  • maracom: ...
    $MOS gave me a really hard time after earnings. I sold 3/4 with the plan to trade it down. We got a reversal candle yesterday so I added back 1/4 and looks like today is another reversal candle so I added an ...
  • shoredriver: $DVN......nibble......
  • maracom: Good morning all! My screens are all red except for $GDX stocks, bad week for my #LTA but profitable for my #trading. #LTA $NEM particularly strong today up 5% (largest component of $GDX). $MOS bad earnings, doing damage control as much as I can. $FTI long. $DVN stopped out of more. $SCHW could pull back to the 3/13 low of $45. #Trading: Almost in all cash after booking profits in $WPM $SH $MSFT BeCS. $PAAS long. $SH booked profits.
  • maracom: Good morning all. Getting killed on $XLE positions this morning, but $GDX and short positions compensating somewhat. Will probably book profits on my short positions today and wait and see what happens tomorrow. #LTA $FCX back to the 200, have a starter, looking to add. $DVN stopped out of a partial, yucky gap fill with more downside possible. $FTI long but ouch. $SCHW hard pullback today, long. $MOS hard pullback, near the lows. $NEM bouncing. #Trading $SH booking small gain. $TSLA short booking a small gain. $BITI still long. $WPM long, added more today. $PAAS long. $UNG still in consolidation, sold some calls the other day, buying them back for a penny.
  • maracom: Hi all, at my #FTJ today, but I got the notification of my short $NVDA stop being hit at just about the same time as @Dan added it to the #ATL, really nice breakout from a squeeze. Was definitely wrong on that trade, c'est la vie. #LTA: Long $NEM $FCX $DVN $FTI $SCHW $MOS, stopped out of $WEAT #Trading: Long $WPM $PAAS I'm still short $TSLA, long $BITI $SH with a BeCS on $MSFT but with the fed announcement providing a potential bullish catalyst I may shut these down, they're all roughly flat.
  • maracom: Good morning all! Minimal changes for me today, not much going on. #LTA Long $DVN $FTI $NEM $SCHW $MOS. $DVN $MOS close to stops. $NEM reversing a good initial earnings response, watching. $FCX Small starter to begin rebuilding this position near support. #Trading. Short $SH $TSLA $NVDA $BITI. Long $UNG. Starters in $GTLS $PAAS $WPM. $GTLS Not thrilled by the gap and crap, will look to book a small profit near VWAP. $MSFT Eyeing a 310/315 bear call spread for a pullback test to the breakout level.
  • maracom: $DVN added
  • cmaxwel1: @maracom $DVN (existing position, sell jun 2 65 calls on it)
  • maracom: Good morning all! Happy that $FTI posted growing revenue and that $GDX is getting a bounce today despite a stronger dollar. Not seeing much to do today... #LTA $DVN getting close to my stop watching wearily. Was stopped out of half my $WEAT yesterday. Might have to give up on the rest today if the close is bad. $MOS also doing poorly. Long $FTI $SCHW $NEM. Watching $FCX for a lower entry. #Trading. Short $SH $TSLA $NVDA $BITI. Starters in $GTLS $PAAS $WPM. Long $UNG still in consolidation.
  • maracom: Good morning all! #LTA Long $NEM $FTI $DVN $SCHW $MOS $WEAT. Glad I sold off $FCX, looks like I'll get a chance to reload at a lower basis at the 200sma. #Trading: Short $SH $TSLA $NVDA $BITI. I think I have the right idea overall for the next zag, but #bitcoin stings today although we're not testing 31k yet. Long $UNG, have a $GTLS starter. Taking starters in $WPM and $PAAS
  • maracom: Good morning all! Minimal changes to my portfolio. I have 30% cash in my #LTA and 50% in my #Trading. Open to new opportunities but wary of headline risk. #LTA: $FCX have been legging out gradually, sold some covered calls on the pre-earnings move. Negative post earning reaction, so I'm down to just a starter position. Still bullish #copper for the long term, but looking for short term lower levels to establish a lower basis. $NEM consolidating. $SCHW consolidating. $MOS $WEAT $UNG waiting for a catalyst. $FTI up. Sold some $52 DVN puts (I #wheeled out of $DVN at that level, and energy is showing some strength) #Trading: $NVDA short. $SPY short via $SH. #Bitcoin short via $BITI.
  • maracom: Really liking the $DVN chart actually. Confluence of support from the 50d, 20d, and a recent gap up. Clear place to set a stop. Adding
  • maracom: @maracom $DVN Similar charts in $CVX $EOG $FANG $HES $OKE
  • maracom: $DVN Still have a half position in my #LTA. Not willing to get rid of all my #oil exposure since geopolitical risks abound and any shock can send energy stocks back up. Getting a little bump up to 8 EMA, still getting juicy premium for calls, selling weekly $62 covered calls for .80 today. Hunting for a home for the other half of my energy allocation, considering $XOM vs $SLB $HAL vs maybe Lou's $FTI
  • maracom: Hello all and happy end of 2022! Been traveling, haven't been trading over the holidays. Heading into 2023, I'm taking a wait-and-see approach. I've been stopped out of everything except $GDX (including $NEM in my #LTA and $WPM and $SLV in my #Trading acct) $XLE ($DVN in my #LTA), and $XME ($AA and $FCX in my #LTA). I've been stopped out of pretty much everything else I tried to trade for the #GrinchRally including $AMAT $ENPH $AAPL which were all losses. I think there's a fair chance that the markets continue downward in January and even though I've been bullish $GDX $XLE $XME, a nasty enough selloff can easily hit them as well, so I'm basically headed into 2023 in half cash with relatively tight stops on everything, and I'll wait for Mr. Market to let me know what the plan is.
  • Docoof: @champ $OIH $ONG $XLE $ERX $ERY $XOP $GUSH $DRIP #ETFs #Great #Russia #Oil-production Thanks, champ. The big difference between $OIH and the others is that $OIH does not have any holdings of this sort: $XOM, $COP, $PBF, $DVN, $VLO, $OXY, $CVX, $HES, $EOG, $FANG, $APA, etc. It exclusively consists of OFS stocks. All 25 of its holdings: $SLB, $HAL, $BKR, $TS, $NOV, $RIG, $VAL, $HP, $FTI, $PTEN, $CHX, $WHD, $NEX, $LBRT, $NBR, $OII, $XPRO, $RES, $HLX, $PUMP, $WTTR, $SLCA, $DRQ, $CLB, and $OIS.
  • maracom: Precious metals still holding up just fine. I’m still at full positions in $GDX $NEM $SLV $WPM. $XME under some pressure, still in $FCX and $AA, watching for an entry into steels. $XLE $DVN pullback to the 8ema, not doing anything wrong yet. $ENPH inside day, just have a starter. $AMAT and $SMH a real dog today, stopped out of a partial, still have a starter watching the text of the 50sma and 100sma, fair chance it continues to chop between these and the 200SMA.
  • maracom: @maracom $GDX $NEM $SLV $WPM $XME $FCX $AA $XLE $DVN $ENPH $AMAT $SMH also watching $RUN which is a weaker chart than $ENPH but has a very clearly defined risk. Might enter if we see an intraday double bottom
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Stock Price $38.96
Change 2.88%
Volume 8,624,200

Devon Energy Corporation is an independent energy company engaged mainly in the exploration, development and production of oil, natural gas and NGLs.

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