SPDR Oil & Gas Exploration and Production ETF (:XOP)

Chart of the Day April 28th, 2022

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  • bigbartabs: $XLE $XOP $UNG ... energy, seems strength is brewing
  • jabu43: @jabu43 $xop Breaking out today NP
  • jabu43: Watching $xop Trigger 141.13 Stop 137.94
  • bigbartabs: @oldtimer $USO $XOP $GUSH $UNG $XLE $XLF $XLV ... glad it helps. Over time... I have simplified my trading by staying at a higher level... mainly the index derivatives (1x triggering the 3x ETFs), and then the major sectors (the same, 1x triggering the 3x ETFs). Sometimes I'll trade some individual tickers... but that's not where I buy and sell in size, like I do at the index and sector level trades. I have enough trouble staying on top of indexes and sectors, let alone hundreds of individual stocks. Of course everyone has their druthers... developed over decades of trading. FWIW... all the best buddy... sounds like you are doing just fine at this crazy "job" we all decided to bite off! ==:O
  • Nepenthe: @bigbartabs $APPL Oh wise one. Just curious if you're still holding on to your $GUSH? I bought some yesterday as well but sold it for the moment. The $XOP is barely holding on to the 20ma, with a big red candle for the day. What say you? Cheers.
  • bigbartabs: @Nepenthe $XOP $GUSH ... same here... sold it when $XOP dropped below the 8dema. Pretty tough sledding across the board, now that 2023 came to an end. I'm guessing that new year profit taking is still king... with 16.5 months of income tax delay.
  • champ: @vitoB ...$USO and $XOP....could watch both of these for sector direction. Good Luck!
  • bigbartabs: @champ $USO $XOP ... I bought some $GUSH this morning, since the $XOP chart looks decent having risen above the 50dma. I'll add at the close if it behaves iteslf.
  • champ: @bigbartabs $USO $XOP $GUSH.....This is the only sector that makes sense today, will see what tomorrow brings....and I took profits off on all my positions, only holding a few small positions, I'm basically out of the Markets, for now. ....Good Luck and $GUSH should be low risk, with everything thats going on.
  • oldtimer: @bigbartabs $USO $XOP $GUSH Good Evening . . have been tracking your list that you gave to me a few weeks back. For a while the list was all above the 8WMA . . seeing a lot of items dropping below and have updated my charts with new trend lines. $UNG, $XLE, $XLF, $XLV maybe, and as you mentioned $XOP. Thank you again for the ideas and need to figure out my buying strategy. starting small
  • DavidG: $XOP, $XLE, $FANG Anybody notice that oil fell out of bed today?
  • champ: $TQQQ $SSO $SPY $UPRO $XOP $MDY ...these ETF's are HOD.
  • champ: $XOP this Energy ETF is also HOD.
  • woodman: @champ $XOP - I bought some $FANG today, though the BBs are still wide (but coming in fairly rapidly).
  • champ: @woodman $XOP ....On $FANG...I have a small Day-trade working also and it appears to be on a #Pre-earnings move and as-usual...it is moving off of the price of Oil, on every tick and on $CVX it had an upgrade this morning. Good Luck!
  • woodman: @champ $XOP $FANG $CVX #Pre-earnings - Thanks, same to you.
  • champ: $SSO $TQQQ $XOP ...I'm holding these ETF's and I have been Building tis morning.
  • Matt0311: @champ $SSO $TQQQ $XOP sometimes I see you put a trailing stop at positions, any rule of thumb how much the trailing amount is, percentage or absolute?
  • champ: @Matt0311 $SSO $TQQQ $XOP....For now, this is how I'm working...because this is #FOMC-day ...I don't have any stops on these ETF's, because they are dancing around, zig-zagging....... ....I'm just watching...is all I'm doing, watching the Sectors and the Markets....... ....and I had nice entry-timings, so I should be OK....until 14:00 ET, and that is the FOMC timing and then Powell will start his News Briefing at 14:30....... My eyes are in play today....I'm #eyeballing.......and I will harvest some profits at some point.....and I might even take down positions. Good Luck!
  • champ: $SSO $TQQQ $XOP ...as of Now....it looks like I will be swinging positions in these ETF's.
  • champ: Because the Markets had a decent #FOMC-day, I guess, we would have to expect a bounce in the morning, however the Markets never does what is expected....but maybe this time it will. ~~~ And I'm swinging risk again, with these Hope-trades, after taking some profits off, so I have swing-insurance on these trades ...$SSO $TQQQ $XOP $CZR $INTC $STNG.
  • champ: #Day-trade, might swing....$XOP..was at $142.50, this #Energy-ETF is moving-up... because the price of WTI-Oil is moving-up a little this morning. ~~~Trailing........
  • champ: $FND $PENN $INTC...I'm still holding these swing positions from yesterday and I added $XOP this morning.
  • champ: $USO ...$XOP....the pice of Oil is at a #triple-daily-low....RHRN.... ....should or could get the next bounce, then the sector should get a nice move. ....this is what the Day-Traders are waiting for, a Turn, maybe RHRN on the Daily.
  • champ: $XOP is HOD....however the sector is waiting for the Price of WTI-Oil to make a nice turn....
  • champ: $XOP ...however this is the real deal, this ETF is just one of the $$$-Trades to Hold in the Energy-sector.
  • champ: $GLD $NUGT $XOP....need to be sitting on a Gold-mine if something breaks-out in the Middle East........ ....and all of professional traders are waiting..... ....and for sure, they are all hard nose SOB's, because they really like wars.
  • champ: $XOP.....natural-Gas is HOD at $3.60 and that is helping... because $XOP is both Oil and N-gas stocks. ....$BOIL this ETF is a pure play on N-gas.
  • champ: $SSO $XOP $BOIL $INTC $WING $FND $PENN $DRI $WW......these are my current positions that I'm holding.
  • champ: @oldtimer $DJI $ITA $ITB $UNG $XLF $XLRE #ETF-trader .......need to be maybe be #monitoring the right ETF sectors....and the $SPY would be the first one to turn and then certain energy ETF's that dropped because of the price of Oil and Nat-gas dropped.... ...I'm not saying.. buy them but need to watch the right sectors....however your $UNG was a good one and still might be, will know more about that sector tomorrow......and $XOP has 2-sectors in it...both Oil and Nat-gas.
  • champ: @bigbartabs $SPY $SSO....Yes thats what many watch for.....however if the Markets were to get a slow turn, that might take more than a few Days.... ....and if it were to get back up to 8dma, traders might take profits at around that level, just never know what is going to happen.....and I sure don't know........ $SSO and $XOP......I will be swing both of these ETF's, 1/3 position size, for now.
  • champ: Another Nice day, Day-2...with a nice close, the tech $COMPX close on HOD and the $DJI also had a nice close, almost on HOD....... ....I'm not getting carried away....however I'm still swinging a few positions.....$SSO $XOP $PENN $FND $INTC $WW and a huge position in $SWVXX...... ....$AMD beat on earnings and thats positive for my $INTC position. ....$CZR had a real nice beat on their earnings, record setting and thats positive for my $PENN position.
  • champ: $XOP...at $143...maybe Watch this Energy ETF....because the guess is, the Price of WTI-Oil should move up off of this current price level $83.50.
  • oldtimer: @BARTABS . .Only three ETF s above the 8-wk moving average $GDX, $XLE, $XOP . . all of the others that were recently above are all now below . . I am not long any . .actually all in cash for now
  • champ: Watch WTI-Oil....because the $USO is dancing around....and for me, I'm still Holding $CVX and $XOP....and I added this morning.... ....$KMI...plus I'm still holding this pipeline company because they just reported on the Call, that all of their Businesses, all of their earning streams should be strong/stronger in this current quarter....... ....and for me that means, much stronger than their last quarter that they just reported on....I also added to this stock this morning.
  • champ: $XOP....if we were to hold this ETF, then we would be holding all of the major Names in the Energy-sector...and there are 61 Energy-names in this ETF........ ....and this ETF is for all of the believers, that believe that the price of WTI-Oil is going to break through that $100 $$$ price level and then could even continue climbing....... ....#Investment-position and we all need to Hold to be Rewarded. ~~~ Watch for Entry and #Hold-and-Build......... ....and for sure, have to expect Zig-Zags. ~~~Could hold a #Core-position and also Trade all of the Zig-zags, with Trading positions because the guess is, this ETF is going higher.
  • champ: $CVX $XOP...the price of WTI-Oil is up $1.78 at $90.10 and the sector is not really re-acting.
  • champ: $UVXY $XOP $CVX $EOG $FANG $NBR....this is how I'm working.....these are my only swing positions that I'm still holding.....and I haven't made any new Buys or Sells this morning..... ....however I did add to $UXVY....plus I'm Trailing all positions..... ....and I have a Buy-list that I'm watching.
  • Robert1965: @champ $UVXY $XOP $CVX $EOG $FANG $NBR $UXVY $FANG What is your trailing stop, looking to change my stop to trailing.
  • champ: @Robert1965 $UVXY $XOP $CVX $EOG $FANG $NBR ........on $UXVY and $NUGT it is $0.60 cents for now but I might be flexible and on my Energy positions, I'm watching the #price of Oil.......
    ...getting some #selling Now.....so I'm watching.....
    ...and I ...
  • champ: $XOP $CVX $FANG $EOG....and this driller..$NBR has a real nice upgrade, by $MS this morning ...OverWeight with a price target at $175, and this Energy target is now a New position this morning.
  • champ: $XOP $FANG $EOG $CVX $KMI....the price of WTI-Oil keeps zig-zagging and is now at $87, these are the positions that I'm currently holding in this sector and there are many others that I would also like to hold.
  • champ: $XOP...this energy ETF is HOD.
  • champ: $XOP $STNG....the U.S. is going to import more Oil from Venezuela and what that means is.....the U.S. doesn't have #enough Oil.....and the price of Oil and Tanker rates are probably going to keep going higher.
  • champ: $XOP...this ETF is also strong,..Energy names are making a move this morning....
  • champ: $FANG $EOG $XOP......the #News on Oil this morning is, Oil-Traders don't want to be short Oil, going into the weekend, shorts are covering and will/might continue....because of what's going on in Israel...could escalate.
  • champ: $FANG $EOG $PR $KMI $XOP.....I'm only going to hold Energy positions....and I decided that I'm not going to swing any stocks that aren't in this sector, for now....... ....however I might Day-trade stocks in other sectors.
  • ray: @champ $FANG $EOG $PR $KMI $XOP In addition to E&P and midstream petroleum companies, you might also want to consider Uranium companies. The demand for uranium is steadily increasing, and new supply (miners) will be several years out for the most part.
  • champ: @ray $FANG $EOG $PR $KMI $XOP ....OK..Thanks and maybe you could post some stock ideas to check-out.....
  • ray: @champ $FANG $EOG $PR $KMI $XOP I would suggest starting with these stocks. Look at these on a weekly basis: $UEC $UUUU $NXE There are several ETFs: $URNM, $URNJ, $URA to spread the risk around. For miners outside of the U.S. and Canada, there is ...
  • champ: @ray $FANG $EOG $PR $KMI $XOP $UEC $UUUU $NXE $URNM $URNJ $URA $SRUUF $GLD $SLV $CCJ ....Thanks..I will check this out or the weekend.
  • champ: @bigbartabs $ITA $ERX $GUSH #Energy-positions #risk-reward.....$XOP $OIH $NRGU....Yes everything in both of these sectors are working for sure....because people are dying, really sad ....$ITA and $ERX. We live in the right country, for now, however every place that there is killing going on, the killers have to cross their borders, in order to kill them.
  • BocaRick: $XLE $XOP back near low of day
  • DAN: My Notes: SS 100423 Fitz in Five: Here’s your trade on Tesla $TNX $SPY -- Holding 200-day MA. Very heavy. $DIA -- Implosion $COMPQX $XLE -- Pulled back to 200-day MA. This is NOT in an uptrend. It is consolidating below $95. $OIH -- Nope $XOP -- Note XHB -- Nope LEN -Nope TNX -- Going higher? Yikes! Bought too soon!! META -- MA Matrix. This is what you look for. Solid floor. CLS -- Not this. Too high! DUOL -- Nope. Choppy MSFT -- Not this. Low ceiling. ITA -- Stay away. Way oversold…might rally. But that’s your decision. ANET -- Steep Sept Decline PCAR -- Still in consolidation LAUR -- Needs more work. Always consider: “Right here, right now??” PKG -- Nope. MANH -- Watch closely SPHR -- No. UBER -- No. 50dma ceiling.
  • oldtimer: @bigbartabs $AAPL we have lost $XOP and $XLE on the 8 wk moving average ETF's.
  • bigbartabs: @oldtimer $AAPL $XOP $XLE ... not a good time to be bullish buying, pretty much across the board.
  • oldtimer: @Bartabs . . went through the list today . . $DJ-30, $GDX close, $RUTAX squeezing, SMH close, $UNG,$XOP I have been missing $XLF as being over but it dropped below recently. Long $TQQQ, $UDOW, $SPXL. $RUT never comes up on TC2000 so wondering what the 3x for that is . . thank you as always
  • champ: $XLE $OHI $XOP $GUSH $NRGU....check these out.
  • DAN: ...

    ATI Stocks:
    $WFRD -- Hooking into Phase III?
    $ALSN -- still working ok.
    $LPG -- Still working.

    $OII -- New multi-year high
    $TDW -- New ATH
    $RES -- Next leg higher. Stop would be below 8.86
    $NINE -- Watch this. Still in a bas ...
  • bigbartabs: @oldtimer $FNGU $XOP $GUSH $XBI $LABU $ITB $NAIL $GDX $NUGT $XRT $RETL $SMH $SOXL $XLK $TECL $XLY $WANT $DJI $UDOW $SPX $SPXL $NDX $TQQQ $RUT $TNA ... no problem. No system is perfect... but I've found that finding a process that matches up with what the majority / herd of seasoned traders stay within, is what you can depend on most. Finding that process is the key. The sad part is that it usually takes a lifetime to figure that stuff out! I've been trading for around 20 years now... and still feel like an idiot at times. Good luck... all the best...
  • bigbartabs: @oldtimer $FLR $RUTAX $UNG $XLE ... @oldtimer ... Of those pairs that I tend to track $UNG/$BOIL $XLV/$CURE, $ITA/$DFEN, $XLRE/$DRN, $XLI/$DUSL, $XLE/$ERX, $XLF/$FAS, $FNGS/$FNGU, $XOP/$GUSH, $XBI/$LABU, $ITB/$NAIL, $GDX/$NUGT, $XRT/$RETL, $SMH/$SOXL, $XLK/$TECL, $XLY/$WANT ... only $XLE $XOP are close to being above the 8dema. Also, $UNG is tough, since it doesn't correlate well with 3x $BOIL I always track the 4 index pairs... $DJI/$UDOW, $SPX/$SPXL, $NDX/$TQQQ, $RUT/$TNA... of which none are even close to the 8dema. The only one that could be worth starting a position is $DJI, that bounced off of the 200dma. All the best...
  • traderbren: $XOP - bearish engulfing print today.
  • traderbren: $XOP - breaking below the 20d
  • traderbren: $XOP - continues to break lower....below the 20d
  • DAN: ...
    $XOP -- ditto
    $OIH -- ditto
    $XLK -- Very toppy.
    $AAPL -- Short here, with a stop at 181.00
    $IGV -- positive action here

    $NFLX -- Chtr/Dis agreement not good for NFLX. Ad business will “take some time”. Need more balanced revenue. Mov ...
  • DAN: ...
    $XOP -- ditto
    $OIH -- ditto

    O&G E&S are working. These are “positions”, they are not exciting, but they are under accumulation.
    OII - 21.37 - 21.32 - 2023-08-22 - 21.50 Good mover here.
    TDW - 67.25 - 66.79 - 2023-09-01 - 62.10 ...
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Let’s follow up on $UBER $SPY Rest ahead of Non-Farm Pay Rolls $QQQ Tech Leaders are working $IWM Stopped at the 50 Day $DIA Pulling back to the MAs $UUP Was the other day a shot across the bow? $TNX Lower Low $SMH Above the MAs $ARKK Trying to get back to the 50 Day $GLD Fake out? $XOP Watch 150 $USO Close to a breakout $GBTC more ETF Delays $ADBE Breaking out $AMZN Actionable $META Didn’t close strong $NVDA Still in trend $MSFT Under the 50 Day still $TSLA at the 50 $SHOP Watch the low $FANG Energy still fine $AMAT Working $LRCX Great volume $ANET ATH $AMD Lagging $COIN Back into some support. $MSTR Watch the 50 Day $MARA Alert at 14 $RIOT Alert at 12.60 $LULU Watch tomorrow
  • bigbartabs: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $DIA $IWM $UUP $TNX $SMH $GLD $ARKK $XOP $XLV $GBTC $AAPL $ADBE $NVDA $AMZN $GOOGL $META $MSFT $TSLA $MARA $RIOT $COIN $MSTR $HUT $FANG $WDAY $AMAT ... Dan's NVDA target is 1200? What, for his future retirement party in 2030?
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ FTD - Jolted Higher! You can be long here, imo. $DIA Back Above the 50 Day $IWM Lagging $UUP Jolted Lower $TNX Still above the 50 Day $SMH Longer Term Support at the 100 EMA $GLD Good volume $ARKK Rebound $XOP Still holding up $XLV Good volume $GBTC Guess Who’s Back $AAPL Watch for an upside Gap Fill $ADBE In a squeeze $NVDA Dan’s Target:1200. All Time Closing High $AMZN Holding the 50 Day $GOOGL Trying to break out $META Just under the 50 Day $MSFT Holding the 100 EMA $TSLA Right at the 50 Day $MARA Power Move $RIOT Back in $COIN Above the 50 Day $MSTR Back in $HUT Retest of the breakout $FANG Curling up $WDAY New High $AMAT Chart of the day
  • scottrades: ...
    Oil and Gas stocks $XOP / $XLE are opening higher and should be on your radar, I’m surprised to see this as robust as it has been considering the recession rhetoric pouring out of some analysts over the past few months. Gas is still expensive, ...
  • bigbartabs: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $UUP $TNX $GLD $XME $XOP $XLE $SMH $ARKK $XOM $SLB $PR $COP $FANG $MTDR $FTAI $AAPL $NFLX $TSLA $NVDA $V $UBER ... looks like this morning that traders of $TSLA might be liking the 100dma
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Is $UBER ready to ride? $SPY/$QQQ Day 2 $IWM Above the 200 Day but no power $DIA Same $UUP The Headwind $TNX New High $GLD Trying to find support under the 200 Day $SMH Watch NVDA Earnings Wednesday $XOP Holding the 8EMA $XLE Holding the 21 EMA $URA Breaking out? $IGV Watch Friday’s Low $ARKK Holding the 200 Day $XLV Above the 50/200 Day $NVDA Upgraded before Earnings $AMZN 50 Day Support $ADBE Support at the 50 Day $ANET Still fine $TW Watch 85 $LRCX Holding the 50 Day $AMAT Above the MAs $LSCC Above the 50 Day on low volume $NOV Watch 21 $COP Watch 119 $FANG Watch 150.70 $OXY Sitting on the 8EMA $PR Huge volume
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ It’s a Day Traders Market $UUP Currency Wars $TNX Market is still deciding about Inflation. $GLD Not a Safe Haven $XME Near the MA Cluster $XOP Above the MAs $XLE Choppy but up $SMH Holding the 100 EMA $ARKK Bounce off the 200 Day $XOM Around all the MAs $SLB Above the 21 EMA $PR Made a new high today $COP Watch 119 $FANG Watch 148.70 $MTDR Trending $FTAI Short Base $AAPL Sloppy $NFLX Down near the 100 EMA $TSLA Watch the 200-Day Magnet $NVDA Under the 50 Day $V At the 50 Day $UBER Watch 45
  • wineinquirer: Liking the energy sector $OXY $SLB $XPRO $MRO $TDW $XOP $XLE All just made an appearance on my Priority or Watch list. Started a (small) position on $OXY this am ~60. $XRPO(a 2021 merger with Frank's International and Expro) has a couple of meaningful patterns (imho), one an inv h&s from 10/2021 to~3/2023 and a small c&h from Mar-July. Both seem to tgt low 30's. In the oil & services sector along w/$SLB, & $TDW). IBD 42/197 sectors. If you're not comfortable with individual names, $XOP or $XLE are a great alternatives with significant long term potential if you embrace the future of energy.
  • wineinquirer: @DAN $XOP $OXY $APA..........Looks like a sector to watch for pb (for the most part), but some are rocket launched right now!!
  • Docoof:
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/$QQQ Trend is up $UUP Above the 200 Day $TNX - Fed Members are signaling no need for a hike. $IWM Holding the 8 EMA $SMH Backtesting the highs $ARKK Holding the 8 EMA $IGV Working $XLK Working $XHB Back near the 2022 Highs $HACK Cyber Security breaking out $XOP Working $DBC Building a handle $BLOK Holding the 21 EMA #Bitcoin - Less Volatile than S&P Tech and Gold $META Flagging $MSTR Earnings $AMD Earnings $PLTR Working (Eanrings August 7) $CRWD Mentioned in the forum $ADBE Holding the gap $WDAY Working on dropping volume. $MRVL Holding the 8 EMA $LSCC Power move $MPWR Power Move $AVGO Holding the 21 EMA $RIOT Holding the 21 EMA $MARA Same $ONON Working. $PANW Curling up
  • scottrades: ...
    Most SPDR ETFs are above all their key moving averages, which gives me, and should give you, confidence in this market. If only one or two sectors were in uptrends, we would be worried, but the strength in things like $ARKK $XLK $SMH and subsequent ...
  • Docoof: #Oil #Gas #News $XLE $XOP $OIH Saudi Arabia's energy minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman said on Tuesday he would keep short sellers "ouching" and told them to "watch out", days before a planned OPEC%2B meeting to decide on future oil policy. "Speculators, like in any market they are there to stay, I keep advising them that they will be ouching, they did ouch in April, I don't have to show my cards I'm not a poker player... but I would just tell them watch out," he told the Qatar Economic Forum organised by Bloomberg. https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/saudi-arabias-energy-minister-warns-speculators-ahead-opec-meeting-2023-05-23/
  • bigbartabs: $XOP $GUSH ... could really take off if we get a debt limit deal that includes easier permitting of energy projects
  • traderbren: $XOP - breaking below the 50d
  • champ: $XLE $OIH $XOP $GUSH ....the Energy sector really got hit today and I have NP's in this sector.
  • vcondry: @champ $XLE $OIH $XOP $GUSH warmer than normal Europe great for Ukraine terrible for energy stocks. my $FLNG got pummeled.
  • phgruver: @vcondry $XLE $OIH $XOP $GUSH $FLNG $UUP (the USD) was up 1% today. That's all it takes to "pummel" energy stocks. Overall, though, I'm not complaining about the warmer than normal weather this week (especially not after Christmas week's record cold!)
  • Jazman0013: @phgruver $XLE $OIH $XOP $GUSH $FLNG $UUP I find it easier to deal with consistent weather. I don’t mind the cold if it stays cold. These swings mess with me. Painful too. If I just felt cold on a rainy day a sweater would suffice
  • bigbartabs: $XLE $ERX, $XOP $GUSH ... looks to be bouncing here.
  • cmbrick: $XOP making another attempt to cross the 200sma
  • champ: @cmbrick $XOP ....Yes sir ....because the Price-of-WTI-Oil, is now hanging around HOD $81.00 and if it keeps climbing, all the Chart will follow. LOL
  • issues: @cmbrick $XOP Holding $XOP and Bought $XLE and $VLO
  • Docoof: @champ $OIH $ONG $XLE $ERX $ERY $XOP $GUSH $DRIP #ETFs #Great #Russia #Oil-production Thanks, champ. The big difference between $OIH and the others is that $OIH does not have any holdings of this sort: $XOM, $COP, $PBF, $DVN, $VLO, $OXY, $CVX, $HES, $EOG, $FANG, $APA, etc. It exclusively consists of OFS stocks. All 25 of its holdings: $SLB, $HAL, $BKR, $TS, $NOV, $RIG, $VAL, $HP, $FTI, $PTEN, $CHX, $WHD, $NEX, $LBRT, $NBR, $OII, $XPRO, $RES, $HLX, $PUMP, $WTTR, $SLCA, $DRQ, $CLB, and $OIS.
  • Docoof: #ETFs $OIH and $ONG seek results that are intended to correspond to the performance of the MVIS® US Listed Oil Services 25 Index (MVOIHTR). — $ONG is 2x $OIH Friday at close: $OIH up 3.78% $ONG up 7.46% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $XLE, $ERX, and $ERY seek results that are intended to correspond to the performance of the Energy Select Sector Index. — $ERX is 2x Bull $XLE and $ERY is 2x Bear $XLE. Friday at close $XLE up 3.19% $ERX up 6.27% $ERY down 6.13% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $XOP, $GUSH, and $DRIP seek results that are intended correspond to the performance of the S&P® Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry® Index. — $GUSH is 2x Bull $XOP and $DRIP is 2x Bear $XOP. Friday at close: $XOP up 3.86% $GUSH up 7.78% $DRIP down 7.67%
  • champ: @Docoof $OIH $ONG $XLE $ERX $ERY $XOP $GUSH $DRIP #ETFs .....#Great post, nice Info, for re-capping all the ETF's that are in the energy sector....and it never hurts to go over them again. And the reason Why this sector bounced/turned on Friday was because........#Russia said that they might cut back their #Oil-production next year by 7%.......
  • Docoof: @LeAf $DRIP $XOP and $DRIP track the exact same index. $XOP is at hod and where it has been failing. So the bet is on $XOP to get knocked down around here rather than trading a pattern in $DRIP. This will be the 5th time I’ve done this trade: three have worked, one was a breakeven, and this is the fifth. Also, this is a final hour trade and then I’m out.
  • cmbrick: @Docoof $DRIP $XOP Just took half off of $GUSH trade from yesterday's bounce as $XOP approaches 200sma
  • Docoof: @cmbrick $DRIP $XOP $GUSH Nice! . . . and smart.
  • scottrades: Doing an ETF Review for the Strat Session today: $SPY Nice close. $QQQ Under the trendline. $DIA At the 50 Day $SMH Under the 50 Day $UUP 8EMA as Resistance $GLD Above the 200 Day $SLV Chopping higher $GDX Still Bumping up against the 200 Day $XME In the cluster $XLE At the 21 EMA $OIH Above the MAs (looks the best) $XOP Under the 200 Day $XRT October Support zone $XHB Near the 200 Day $XBI Back to the Middle $TLT Coming into the 50 Day
  • Docoof: @scottrades Here’s how I survive here as a rook. One 2x pos size trade today based on Dan’s 12/9 video. $XOP rejected at the 200d pre. (I know pre-market doesn’t really count, but I took it as an indication and was on alert.) Entered $DRIP after the open at 14.38 with stop below the lod ($XOP & $DRIP track, or have results that correspond to, the same index= the S&P® Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry® Index). $DRIP’s hod was at 15.75. Took profits a various levels and continue to hold some. In short, this is another big thank you to SMM.
  • scottrades: @Docoof $XOP $DRIP You're doing awesome. Great work and thank you for all your contributions and help to other members. You've gone from a rook to a ROCK. Merry Christmas and thanks again.
  • Docoof: FWIW Dan (Dec 9 video) suggested watching for $XOP to get rejected at the 200d, which it is now approaching. If it does, then there is where one could consider shorting it.
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Stock Price $134.81
Change -0.01%
Volume 3,974,000

The investment seeks to provide investment results that, before fees and expenses, correspond generally to the total return performance of an index derived from the oil and gas exploration and production segment of a U.S. total market composite index. The fund employs a replication strategy in seeking to track the performance of the S&P Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Select Industry Index. It generally invests substantially all, but at least 80%, of total assets in the securities comprising the index. The fund may invest in equity securities that are not included in the index, cash and cash equivalents or money market instruments. It is non-diversified.

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