TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. (NYSE:TPVG)
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Make a Forum Post Become a member to view recent forum posts. Already a member? Sign in here.- Wolf: @cmaxwel1 $NLY $AGNC $ARI $CLM $HRZN $NEWT $NMFC $NRZ $OCSL $OFS $OXSQ $PSEC $TPVG $WHF $BTI $EPD $ET $ETY $HTGC $KMI $LADR $MAIN $MO $SAR #REITs #Yieldhogs $NRZ Raymond Janes raised PT form 13 to 13.50. Up 4%. Goes Ex Div 4/1. Correction $NRZ
- cmaxwel1: @BF $NLY $AGNC $ARI $CLM $HRZN $NEWT $NMFC $NRZ $OCSL $OFS $OXSQ $PSEC $TPVG $WHF $BTI $EPD $ET $ETY $HTGC $KMI $LADR $MAIN $MO $SAR #REITs #Yieldhogs (I have $KMI also, that is a winner too!)
- BF: @AndStars $NLY $AGNC #REITs #Yieldhogs My income portfolio >8% hogs $ARI, $CLM, $HRZN, $NEWT, $NLY, $NMFC, $NRZ, $OCSL, $OFS, $OXSQ, $PSEC, $TPVG, $WHF. The 6-8ish% $BTI, $EPD, $ET, $ETY, $HTGC, $KMI, $LADR, $MAIN, $MO, $SAR, $PAA, $BXMT Some are providing entries
- grcjr: $TPVG #yieldhogs - another to watch and nibble at on pullbacks. Current 9.49% yield. Not one to buy RHRN as it is sitting on the upper BB. Time to buy was a few days after xdiv. I've set an alert in my calendar to remind me to track this prior to next xdiv.
- grcjr: $TPVG #yieldhogs this hog went xdiv 6/15 and will pay out $0.36 on 6/30. Yield 9.46%, pays out quarterly. Stock appears to have bottomed out following the xdiv. The most recent earnings were off $0.08 so not all good news. Take a look. I added a couple nibbles.
- zimzala: @tradingcyber2 #yieldhogs #yieldhogs Do your research on these as a lot were affected with last years action: $PNNT $KKR $MITT $NMFC $AAIC $WMC $TCPC $HRZN $HTGC $MRCC $GSBD $TSLX $MAIN $IVR $PSEC $SAR $BCSF $VGR $NLY $UTF $OFS $NEWT $BX $TPVG $DX $DSL $OXLC $GEO $WHF $CSWC $EARN $LADR $CIM $JPS $NRZ $ICMB $CLM $CRF $CXW $LUMN $ETB $ETJ $ETO $ETV $ETW $ETY -I sold out of all shares purchased in these and hold only the dividends earned in all of these prior to last years crash. -The only ones I jumped back into with large positions around the crash are in $BX $NEWT $SAR $ETJ $UTF.
- zimzala: @pilotski #yieldhogs Here's a place to start though many changed there dividend payouts if them maintained since the crash: $AAIC $BCSF $BX $CIM $CLM $CRF $CSWC $CXW $DSL $DX $EARN $ETB $ETJ $ETY $GEO $GSBD $HRZN $HTGC $ICMB $IVR $JPS $KKR $LADR $LUMN $MAIN $MITT $MRCC $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRZ $OFS $OXLC $PNNT $PSEC $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TSLX $UTF $VGR $WHF $WMC Overweight $BX $CIM $CLM $CSWC $ETJ $NEWT $NLY $SAR $WHF
- sincity45: @DAN #YEILDHOGS $NEWT $PSEC $TPVG are at around new hi's, they are in my long term account never seen them this high before. Would selling here make sense and then buy lower?
- rnrdallas1939: @Obsxllc #YEILDHOGS take a look at $AGNC $EARN $HTGC $TPVG now I didn't say buy RHRN I said look.
- mopick: $TPVG, not sure if anyone is still in this BDC yield hog, one that Jan always liked. Great recovery, still yielding 12%. Outstanding earnings.
- Danzguy: @mopick $TPVG Yes, a ton of it in my brokerage account. Remnant from the good ol' days with Dana. RIP I ride out the ups and downs and don't really want to pick up any more on the downs. Be safe my friend!
- mopick: @Danzguy $TPVG, thanks, Danzguy! Hope you're doing well, too!!
- rnrdallas1939: I have noticed a few posts about #YEILDHOGS so I thought I would post the last list that jan2138 posted on the SMM website. I have culled a few that are no longer listed or dropped the div . $AGNC $AI $ARCC $BCFS $CIM $CLNY $CNSL $LUMN (was CTL) $DX $ERN $ETJ $ETW $ETY $EXG $GSBD $HRZN $IVR $LADR $MAIN $MRCC $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRE $NRZ $NYMT $NYMTO $OFS $OXLC $OXSQ $PNNT $PSEC $SAR $TCPC $$TPVG $TSVG $TWO $UNIT $UTF $VGR I have others, that I use, but this was jan2138 list. Now remember this is just a list not a recommendation just a place to start. The system is simple buy, get div, sell "rinse wash repeat". There is more to the process but it has to your process.
- Forexpro: @rnrdallas1939 $AGNC $AI $ARCC $BCFS $CIM $CLNY $CNSL $LUMN $DX $ERN $ETJ $ETW $ETY $EXG $GSBD $HRZN $IVR $LADR $MAIN $MRCC $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRE $NRZ $NYMT $NYMTO $OFS $OXLC $OXSQ $PNNT $PSEC $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TSVG $TWO $UNIT $UTF $VGR #YEILDHOGS Thanks, MrDallas1939, Be it noted that "BCFS" should be "BCSF" (for "Bain Capital Specialty Finance") which I've been long for quite some time. It went ex- a dividend of 0.34 today, and continues to pay out north of 12 percent. I will admit that the folks at the fund whose portfolio manager first mentioned the ticker to me refer to it as "(S)inking (F)ast", but that isn't fair on most days. The outfit continues to own quite a lot of shares. Here's hoping that you're doing well; all the best!
- antfarm: #Yieldhogs Added some, $NEWT, $HRZN, $TPVG to existing. These are BDCs and so far have shown a stable income stream. But they are reviewed and judged with every earnings release.
- zimzala:
- mopick: @zimzala $TPVG #yieldhog, I think you & I are the only ones still holding this. Bounced off of $11, look to add.
- mopick: @grcjr $NEWT #yieldhogs, glad someone is still in some of these. Unfortunately, have $MAIN & $TPVG in the BDC space. The latter is looking perky after earnings, supplies venture capital to fledgling Silicone Valley companies.
- grcjr: @mopick $NEWT $MAIN $TPVG #yieldhogs - I've been trying to figure which will still be there after the virus, as well as which are doing well now.$NEWT seems to be doing well now but I do not know how to do the complete review that @jan2138 would do. I do a basic scan and watch the charts. RE $MAIN I did not sell any when going down. I did add some on the way up. I'm almost even. Don't know if it will make it long term ... I'll let the earnings reports and price action tell me if it is time to close. Another 5.85% gain and I'll be even. Currently paying a 7.92% yield. Not bad. Not what it was.
- grcjr: @mopick $TPVG looks better than most. I'm in.
- phgruver: @mopick @grcjr $NEWT $MAIN $TPVG #yieldhogs I've been holding $NEWT for a pretty good while, and am just about back to even, since the March sell off. I bought it for the dividend, and am continuing to hold it for the dividend. The research I've done suggests that they are active participants in the PPP program, and that should make up for a certain amount of the revenue that they have lost due to COVID. $MAIN hasn't fared as well, but they were higher priced to begin with. They are supposed to have reported earnings this morning, but I don't see it. They did declare 4th quarter monthly dividends on Aug 4, so the quarter must be shaping up OK. If earnings are able to support the dividends, this might be a good time to add to this one.
- mopick: @grcjr $NEWT $MAIN $TPVG #yieldhogs, thanks! Yes, $NEWT has definitely out-performed $MAIN even though $MAIN is considered the class of the BDC space. Usually sells at a premium.
- shoredriver: @mepcc1 $HTGC $ARCC $TSLX $LADR $BCSF $NMFC $SAR $TPVG $NEWT $MAIN $OFS #earnings #UPDATE #yieldhogs ...As I have posted several times earlier....REITS are not a place I want to be in the current as well as future market environ.....esp those with large commercial portfolios.....
- phgruver: @mepcc1 $HTGC $ARCC $TSLX $LADR $BCSF $NMFC $SAR $TPVG $NEWT $MAIN $OFS #earnings #UPDATE #yieldhogs Weekend? This is Monday.... I'm still holding $ARCC, $MAIN and $NEWT, as well as $NRZ. It's too late to sell, so I'm just sitting on these. None are a very large position, though. All told, #yieldhogs shouldn't be more than 5% of your portfolio, even in the good times. I'm fully expecting that all of these will have to suspend their dividends for 2nd quarter, and maybe the 3rd.
- Ajax4Hire: @phgruver $HTGC $ARCC $TSLX $LADR $BCSF $NMFC $SAR $TPVG $NEWT $MAIN $OFS $NRZ #earnings #UPDATE #yieldhogs #yieldhogs $ARCC - Ares Capital Corp $MAIN - Main Street Capital and $NRZ - New Residential Investment Corp exhibit classic under-damped system. Boing,yoing,yoing,yoing,yoing. $ARCC Earnings report tomorrow(Cinco-de-Mayo) will start a new oscillation. $NRZ, $MAIN almost broken oscillation; $NEWT - NewTek Business Services HAS started a new oscillation.
- 86944T: @mepcc1 $HTGC $ARCC $TSLX $LADR $BCSF $NMFC $SAR $TPVG $NEWT $MAIN #earnings #yieldhogs THX. I’ve still got $UTF, $NRZ, $NMFC, $HTGC, $CIM. Thanks for the post.
- mepcc1: @yieldhogs #earnings #UPDATE - $HTGC $ARCC $TSLX $LADR $BCSF $NMFC $SAR $TPVG $NEWT $MAIN $OFS Of the #yieldhogs that I follow the following have earning this week: Mon 5/4 - $HTGC AH -they have also declared a $.32 dividend -ex date of 5/13 Tue 5/5 - $ARCC $$TSLX $LADR all AH Wed 5/6 - $BCSF $SAR $NMFC $TPVG all AH Thu 5/7 - $MAIN $NEWT also AH - $MAIN has also declared $.205 monthly div's however the supplemental div has gone away for now. Fri 5/8 $OFS (update) Any of you still holding some of these? Have a great weekend all.
- Danzguy: @86944T $NEWT $UNIT $HRZN $OXY $F $MITTT $RWT $NRZ #Yield Also look at $TPVG! Dana turned me on to that one a few years ago and it has performed sooo well!
- mulligan: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC The following yield hogs have paid their full dividend this month $TCPC $GPM $HTGC $HRZN $LADR $NEWT $TPVG . $WHF is due to pay today - waiting for it to show in my account. $NRZ cut their dividend from .50 down to .05 due to margin calls impacting liquidity. None of those I listed that have paid already have indicated what they intend to do next quarter... we'll see.
- mopick: $TPVG, now this is something one doesn't see every day, this stock at one point this morning was up over 90%%%. With that move I'm down now just 60% (LOL)!
- mopick: $TPVG, now up just 144%, that's not a typo! Low of the day, $2.80, now over $7.00. I believe that's what we call volatility. Hey, another day like this & I might even approach break-even.
- Tango: @mopick $TPVG let me get you my direct line!
- mopick: $TPVG, getting crushed here! No specific news that I can find. I guess recessions aren't especially good for bdc's (LOL).
- wijimmy: $CIM.. BUYBACK ..Any thoughts down 13% today.. Tough place to be with lower rates now at .025%-0% ..along with other yield hogs such as $SAR,$GBSD,$LADR,$NRZ,$AGNC,$TPVG getting crushed also... $CIM.. March 13, 2020 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Chimera Investment Corporation (NYSE:CIM) today announced its Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of up to $150 million of its outstanding common shares. The share repurchase program is expected to be funded through the Company's existing capital. The repurchase program announced today replaces the Company's previously disclosed share repurchase program (of which, as of the date hereof, approximately $85 million was available). Purchases made pursuant to the program will be made in either the open market or in privately negotiated transactions from time to time as permitted by securities laws and other legal requirements.
- pookie: @mopick $TPVG in hard times, BDC means bad debt company
- issues: @wijimmy $CIM $SAR $GBSD $LADR $NRZ $AGNC $TPVG We put in stops. What if they cut their dividend? Is it safe? Who really knows. But I do know this if it drops to my stop - I'm a seller.
- mopick: @Junior1 $NRZ $MAIN $DSL, am with you guys in the HOUSE OF PAIN! Too late to sell now, I guess. Just hope they survive and come out the other side stronger. Got $MAIN, $TPVG plus a couple of MLP's, $EDP & $ET (ouch!)
- Cokeman1959: @mopick $NRZ $MAIN $DSL $TPVG $EDP $ET I'm looking to start a couple of these names, I just wonder if there’s an inevitable cut in the dividend coming.
- phgruver: @mopick $NRZ $MAIN $DSL $TPVG $EDP $ET If the oil price war continues, your MLP's may be going bankrupt. I lost all my MLPs in the last oil crunch. I'm still holding several #Yield_hogs, $ARCC, $MAIN, $NEWT, $NRZ, $NLY. They are all in LT accounts, and when I factor in the dividends I've received, over the years, I'm still in pretty good shape. If they are well managed, they will pay for themselves in 7 to 10 years.
- mepcc1: @grcjr $AGNC $ARCC $BCSF $CIM $DX $ESG $ETJ $GPM $HRZN $HTGC $IVR $MAIN $MITT $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRZ $NYMT $OFS $OXLC $PNNT $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TWO $UTF $WMC #YH - Ditto - holding the same except for $OXLC & $AGNC - also some tracking, some larger positions.
- grcjr: @grcjr #YH $AGNC $ARCC $BCSF $CIM $DX $ESG $ETJ $GPM $HRZN $HTGC $IVR $MAIN $MITT $NEWT $NLY $NMFC $NRZ $NYMT $OFS $OXLC $PNNT $SAR $TCPC $TPVG $TWO $UTF $WMC - other possibilities to watch. All the charts look much the same. Let me know if I missed one of your favorites. I have positions in all of these. My faves may have.a large or even larger position, others just a tracking position. Trackers may be sold, others have been buy and hold. Some I have had for 12+ years.
- jwstich: @Dan1946 Agree that it is not a day to sell. Bought several BDC's this AM near the lows. ($MAIN, $TSLX, $NMFC, $HTGC ALSO $TPVG ((off ~30%, ex div tomorrow so it may drop considerably more, very speculative)) $MO down to $37.60. Been a horrible stock to hold over past 2 years.
- 86944T: #Yield I bought most of my yield hogs off Dana’s posts in Dec 2018 and Jan 2019 so they had substantial price appreciation in addition to good yield. Most have stopped out since I refuse to get up $10 in price appreciation for $1 in dividend. I keep alerts on all of them and update them nearly daily. With the recent market volatility, the low price alert gets hit, and the upper price alert gets moved down my me. I can buy all of them back at a price lower than they stopped out. So be careful if you are nibbling now. A lot of X-div dates are coming up soon and are listed below. $TCPC 3/16 $TPVG 3/13 $TSLX 3/12 $UTF 3/17 $ARCC 3/13 $BCSF 3/30 $CIM 3/30 $GPM 3/12 $GSBD 3/30 $HRZN 3/17 $IVR 3/28 $MAIN 3/17 $NEWT 3/17 $NRZ 3/20
- jwstich: @antfarm $TPVG Thank you for this nice update on earnings. @Dana would be proud.
- antfarm: @DrScience $WMC #Yieldhog $NEWT and $TPVG also report. NEWT has increasing earnings while TPVG hasn't. As DrScience says will be interesting.
- antfarm: $TPVG Declared a Q1 2020 dividend of 0.36 payable Mar 30th with record date of Mar 16th. The yield is 11.6% at todays closing price NAV decreased 1% from Q3 to 13.34. The trend this year has been 13.59, 14.19, 13.47 and now 13.34. The investment portfolio rose to 660.7MM. Net investment income came it at 11.1MM or 0.45 per share. The year trend has been 0.40, 0.41, 0.29 and now 0.45. For the year NII was 38.3MM or 1.54 per share compared to 35.0MM or 1.71 in 2018. Funded 170MM in debt for 16 Cos, of which 10 are new. The company holds 102 debt investments with 38 companies and 85 warrants and equity investments in 78 companies. The loan portfolio has an average weight of 1.94 with 1 being the best. There are 3 companies with a red or worst rating an increase of 1 over Q3 2019. This is a slight improvement from 1.97 for Q3.
- atlantadave3: @phgruver $TPVG #Yieldhogs Thanks phgruver. It is a little disconcerting to look at the stock, and have it say there is 0.00% yield. I lightened up a bit last week.
- atlantadave3: @antfarm $TPVG #Yieldhogs Anyone know what happened to the $TPVG yield??
- phgruver: @atlantadave3 $TPVG #Yieldhogs According to TDA, it's still .36/qtr, $1.44/year, or 11.62%. They announce earnings on March 4, ex-div will probably be around March 19, or so. Last quarter was a big miss, so expectations aren't too high.... (FWIW)
- mepcc1: #yieldhogs $WHF $WMC $NEWT $TVG $$OFS These are the last of the hogs that I track - they have earnings next week: Mon 3/2 - $WHF bh Wed 3/4 - $WMC $$NEWT $TPVG ah Fri 3/6 - $OFS bh
- Geewhiz: #Yield Hogs $NEWT $NRZ $LADR $TSLX $TPVG All getting clobbered. I guess if business goes south no one needs to borrow.
- pookie: @Geewhiz $NEWT $NRZ $LADR $TSLX $TPVG #Yield and they will have difficulty repaying existing loans.
- antfarm: $TPVG #Yieldhogs TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. (NYSE: TPVG) (the “Company”), the leading financing provider to venture growth stage companies backed by a select group of venture capital firms in the technology, life sciences and other high growth industries, today announced it will release its financial results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 after market-close on Wednesday, March 4, 2020. James P. Labe, chief executive officer and chairman of the board, Sajal K. Srivastava, president and chief investment officer, and Christopher M. Mathieu, chief financial officer, will host a conference call that same day at 5:00 p.m., Corrected the typo on the ticker
- Scruffy: @Jan2138 - $ARCC $DSL $LADR $MAIN $NEWT $NRZ $TPVG - These are the stocks I own in various accounts because of our friend Jan2138. All have been great long term holds. Without his guidance, I probably would not have ever heard of any of them. Thank you good man!! You will be missed by all of us here at SMM.
- mopick: $TPVG, anyone still holding this yieldhog? It's been a miserable performer of late, almost at book value now. Yield over 10%.
- Brice: @mopick $TPVG I am. In it for the dividend (10.5%), not capital gains.
- Margi1983: @Brice $TPVG I’m still long as a LT holding
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG announced that it has priced an underwritten offering of 5,000,000 shares of its common stock resulting in net proceeds exclusive of offering expenses to the Company of approximately $68.25 million, or $13.65 per share. In connection with the offering, the Company has granted the underwriters for the offering an option to purchase up to an additional 750,000 shares of the Company's common stock. This may create an opportunity.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG Book Value when they reported was $13.47 so it looks like the share offering @ $13.65 is accretive for current shareholders. Just an fyi which is positive. Also, it has moved up from the low of 13.65 to 13.92 now yielding 10.32%.
- Margi1983: @jan2138 $TPVG Wow these secondary share issues hurt, as my full position is now just above BE. Will not sell as I think this will go higher now and hopefully fill that 16 to 16.50 gap. Great entry point for those looking for retirement divi. Thanks for your help and I hope your appointments went well:)
- jan2138: @Margi1983 $TPVG I think it will go higher too. The last ER was not that good but as I said, I think it was an anomaly and better results will be forthcoming. I am hanging in there too.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG I added some here near the close @ 13.966.
- RedLeaf1: @jan2138 $TPVG Thanks for all the posts today. Hope you had a good day.
mepcc1: $TPVG @jan2138 @yieldhogs - Down 4.96% close to the 200 period ma on a weekly chart - Apparently there is a new offering in the works - no price yet that I can find:
"TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp. Announces Public Offering of Common Stock ... - jan2138: @mepcc1 $TPVG may be an opportunity developing.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG Up over 1% today. Those of us who added back in late November are fine as it consolidates and is sitting above our adds. If, as I suspect, they report a better quarter coming up, it should make a serious effort to fill the gap down we saw in early November.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG Take heart, it is up over 2% rhrn. Let's hope this is the beginning of a turn-around and support has been established.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG Don't be discouraged. Some of us have added since the earnings report which caused a huge gap down. I did because I think the substandard results were an anomaly, the yield is excellent, the dividend is safe , and I believe it will eventually fill the gap. It looks like it has begun to establish a support level from which it can begin to move up. Keep it on your radar screen.
- mopick: @jan2138 $TPVG, thanks for this! Feel better already, as I did add a bit recently. Still down 8%.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG I added some yesterday @ $14.34. It closed @$14.62. Traded at a low now on ex day @ $14.12. I missed that Bid in @ $14.23. It's moving up. Now going to sit and wait.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG My $14.23 bid was hit. Now @ $14.21. I'm done for now.
- wijimmy: @jan2138 $TPVG .. Jan, Thanks again... I added to my position this morning at $14.15.. my position price is now around $13 over 2 years... Riding your coat tales...has been FUN and Successful for me... If you get some free time over the holiday weekend.. Check out $SIX for some yield with growth.. ex.div today also... It's out of the box for a yield hog....$SIX was recently beat down a little ... and raised divide this Qtr...... it's not so vanilla..
- mopick: @yieldhogs, $TPVG, stock has been hammered here recently, down 11% this qtr. Goes ex-dividend tomorrow. @jan2138, your thoughts, please?
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG has been hammered of late. The ER was disappointing , but I think it was an anomaly. The yield is now 10.06. Also, it goes ex-dividend tomorrow and the adjustment will take it down to a level not seen since last spring. I think I will add a piece now to pick up the dividend and then another piece tomorrow depending on how it behaves.
- jan2138: @yuieldhogs $TPVG I put in a bid for some but have to head out to another med appointment. Back later.
- jwstich: @jan2138 $TPVG I also am basically following your plan. Difficult to know what to do with this stock as I was really not expecting it to fall much today since it is one day ex-div. There is certainly a possibility that some holders will capture the div. and then sell the stock further driving the price down. What ever I do it will be somewhat small. On one hand it could be an opportunity...…..on the other....well you know.
- mepcc1: @jan2138 $TPVG I've also put in a low bid offer in the hopes that it will get hit tomorrow with the drip from the dividend.
- Margi1983: #Yieldhogs Are taking a beating today especially $HTGC , $MAIN,$TSLX, and $TPVG. Long from awhile back in all of these. Any comments@jan2138
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG is off about 1.5% today and is sitting right on the 200 sma which has become support. It gapped down when they reported earnings. The report was not a good one, but I added another piece expecting Q-4 to show better results. It goes ex-dividend on 11/27/19 and the ex-div. adjustment will take it down some more. I am watching it with the intent to add some more depending on what it does after it adjusts.
- jan2138:
- Margi1983: @jan2138. Hope your health is well today. I see that $TPVG is down 10% this morning due to a -30 % drop in earnings. My cost position is at 13.46 so I am not selling. But the question is whether I add to my position now as it seems pretty stable at 15 to 15.14 in the first 2 hours today. Your thoughts?
- 86944T: @Margi1983 $TPVG I’m in about where you are. I found the conference call transcript on line and it seemed ok. Net, they missed the 3rd QTR, but believe the full year is ok. Q4 already looking good. Annual dividend covered. I didn’t dig into the financials like the master would.
- jan2138: @Margi1983 $TPVG I haven't had a chance to read the report. Will get back when I have read it.
- Margi1983: @jan2138 $TPVG .Thanks so much:)
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG reported AH yesterday and declared a Q-4 dividend of .36 which they have been paying like clockwork since Q-4 2014. NII was $7.9MM or .29 per share down from $10.1M or .41 per share in Q-2. The per-share trend has been .30, .34, .50, ...
- jan2138: @Margi1983 $TPVG I have added 2 pieces, one @ $14.91 and one @$14.84.
- mopick: @jan2138 $TPVG, thanks so much for this! Am long & staying the course. Look to add here.
- jwstich: @mopick, @jan2138 $TPVG I also purchased more. I am watching closely as it could decline a little more. I think Q4 should improve.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $BCSF $MFA $MRCC $NEWT $NMFC $PSEC $TCPC $TPVG report on Wednesday, 11/6/19.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG will report AH on 11/6/19. The CC is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. that same day.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG has been in an uptrend running along the 50 week sma since 10/2/19. The yield is 8.78%. The dividend record is a good one and NAV has been slowly rising as the portfolio grows. This is an excellent income vehicle with a potential for share price appreciation. Take a look.
- southernmum: @jan2138 $TPVG Thank you!
- Cokeman1959: @jan2138 $TPVG any idea why the share price dropped at the end of sept? It had 4 or 5 bad days in a row.
- jan2138: @Cokeman1959 $TPVG It was attempting to give us a good entry=:+)) Kidding, of course. I do not know. There was much larger relative volume on 10/3/19 when it hit the intraday low.
- jan2138: @yieldhogs $TPVG Late today as it was PET/CT Scans Day. $TPVG Is Maintained at Outperform by Wells Fargo. Price target raised from $15.00 to $16.00. They are light as it is at $16.58 rhrn. HOD $16.75.
- marrit: @jan2138 $TPVG hope all was ok
- southernmum: @jan2138 $TPVG Hope your results are excellent. I’ve been through PET/CT scans and know it’s difficult awaiting results. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I really appreciate all of your updates and advice.
- jan2138: @southernmum $TPVG Thanks so much.
- jan2138: @marrit $TPVG Thank you.
Stock Price | $7.52 |
Change | -0.13% |
Volume | 215,326 |
TriplePoint Venture Growth BDC Corp is an externally managed, closed-end, non-diversified management investment company. It originates and invests in loans that have a secured collateral position and are used by venture growth stage companies.
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$58.18 5.33%
$7.19 3.83%
$182.30 3.45%
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Dan Fitzpatrick
Stock Market Mentor gives you EVERYTHING you need to succeed in the market; all in one place. How easy is that? Dan Fitzpatrick and his elite community of traders share trading ideas, strategies and much more. Dan Fitzpatrick--a world class Technical Analyst, trading coach and regular CNBC contributor--gives you access to all of this with a 30 day trial membership for just $7.77. Get started TODAY and start trading better TOMORROW with the following premium content:
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