Mosaic Company (The) (NYSE:MOS)

Chart of the Day February 1st, 2022

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  • stairm01: $ADM $MOS Looks like ADM is breaking out above a tight consolidation level. MOS is in the accumulation phase. AG stocks. The season is the reason.
  • stairm01: @DAN Ag stocks $MOS and $ADM. MOS looks to be in accumulation phase and ADM is breaking above a consolidation area. Both are below the 200 dma which I know you don't like.
  • stairm01: $MOS Moving nicely. Long stock and short 32.50 puts for this week and next. AG stock
  • Zimzala: $FMC $CTVA $MOS $NTR Basic Materials Sector getting hit this morning. Have 1 share of $FMC as a tracking position...
  • maracom: Good morning all! Booked a little $SQQQ profit, probably too early as usual... The generals (Sevastopol admirals?) are still being taken out back and disposed of... $AMZN breaking the 100, $GOOGL breaking the 50. Same story on $TLT and $UUP #Trading: Long: $EWZ $UNG $WPM #LTA: Long: $DVN $FCX $NEM $SLV $DVN Next support $45.3 $FCX In danger of free falling, but hasn't started just yet. #Watching $CF nice pattern, is up against resistance from early 2023, will look for a small Phase 2 to pick up a starter to replace $MOS. $CTRA pausing at the 100sma, expecting a downward move again to the 200 when the 8 EMA catches up. Might get back in if it recaptures the 8ema. $URA $OII showing some strength but doesn't look like a breakout yet
  • maracom: Good morning all! Small bounce for energy, not enough to convince me that selling yesterday was the wrong move. Precious metals closed well and opened well. I took a $WPM starter. $CCJ looking a little spicy this morning. #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $WPM $SCHW No bounce this morning, broke yesterday's low, I'm out. $EWZ resting $UNG no change still in the channel #LTA: Long $DVN $FCX $SLV (1/2) $NEM (1.5x) $MOS $AA $SLV nice close yesterday, small gap up today, looking to add. $FCX minimal bounce, looking for exits $DVN minimal bounce, looking for exits $MOS hasn't broken down yet $AA hasn't broken down yet
  • maracom: $MOS broken, sold
  • maracom: Good morning all! Lots whipsawing after #FOMC. The market has been expecting one more rate hike in Nov or Dec but when Powell said it out loud the algos went nuts, so I'm looking for today to provide more clarity on the direction of the next moves. B ...
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $DVN $FCX $SLV (1/2) $NEM (1.5x) $MOS $AA
    Closed a bunch of my oil exposure today $XOM $FTI $CTRA $OII
    Keeping with my precious metal positions $NEM $SLV, they are behaving normally in response to the dollar.
    $DVN is a real dog but I thin ...
  • maracom: ...
    #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA
    $NEM has showed high volume buying for several days, I'm overweight this one by about 50%, breaking above the 50 day today, next resistance should be around the 10 ...
  • maracom: Good afternoon all! #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $SCHW Booked profits my shorts $CCJ and $SQQ #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA Added 1/4 position to $FCX on pullback #Watching $FTI for a pullback to the 20 SMA to add back
  • maracom: Good afternoon all! Trying to stay light headed into #FOMC #Trading: Long $EWZ $UNG $SCHW Short: $CCJ BeCS $41/$42 Sept 22 Added 1/4 position to $SCHW, another test of 100ema passed today Starter in $SQQQ given that $NVDA is breaking down towards the 100 ema #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI (1/2 position) $FCX $SLV (1/2 position) $NEM $MOS $AA
  • maracom: ...
    - $FTI sitting on a 70% gain thanks to @Lou, We just got a really nice pop, I'm selling half, if we get a pullback I'll add some back.
    - Covered Calls: $XOM $120 Sept 29, $MOS $40 Sept 29, $FCX ...
  • maracom: Good morning all! Not many trades on at the moment, most sectors except energy in consolidation and since I'm already overweight energy I'm just letting that portion of my portfolio ride, selling a few covered calls here and there as we reach extende ...
  • maracom: Good morning all! Dollar rallying again today... #Trading: Long $URA $UNG $FAST $EWZ. Short $NVDA BeCS Sept 500/510 $SDS $SDS possible head and shoulders forming on the $SPY, I started a short position yesterday, added this morning. Stop is a close above $454 on $SPY $UNG downside gap yesterday, at the bottom of the trading channel, may get close out half if the close is bad $FAST break of yesterday's low, considering closing this one down, will wait for the close #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI $FCX $SLV $NEM $MOS $AA $SLV Got stopped out of half when it fell into the gap yesterday, will repurchase at a lower basis $AA had a large volume buying spike a few days ago, made it above the 20sma, pullback to the 8/20 crossover today, taking a starter. $FTI running out of steam, sold a $21 Sept covered call for 0.25 #Watching: $SCHW for 100ema restest
  • maracom: Good morning all! Bonds pulling back today after nonfarm, dollar rallying. I've been overweight energy for a while so I'm just enjoying the ride for now, still sitting on a bunch of cash. #Trading: Long $URA $UNG $FAST $EWZ. Short $NVDA BeCS Sept 500/510 $URA still breaking out #LTA: Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $FTI $FCX $SLV $NEM $MOS $FCX pop but still in consolidation, sold a $43 covered call. $FTI breakout. $GLD $SLV bearish engulfing candle mirroring $UUP
  • maracom: Good morning all! Still not too active, mostly focused on construction work on our new property, no major changes to my allocation but dabbling back into the markets here and there.
    #Trading: Long $URA $UNG, Following on the $FAST trade. Took a star ...
  • maracom: Good morning all! Have been absent for the past couple weeks because we bought and are remodeling a property, so stocks have been on the back burner. Have been selling into this rally and currently sit at 60% cash. #Trading: Still bullish energy, long $UNG $URA. Have a $NVDA 480/490 bear call spread on, might close it for break even ahead of earnings depending on how the morning pop goes. #LTA: Sold $SCHW after earnings for a 25% gain, pullback/gap fill suggests another regional banking issue remains on the horizon, watching. Long $XOM $DVN $CTRA $MOS $FCX $NEM. Gold miners in the pits for now with the dollar rally. Energy remains strong and I love collecting those dividends and covered call income.
  • bwcarnation1: $CF $MOS $iPI working good vol
  • maracom: Good morning all! I'm mostly in cash in my #trading account, although I have some $SDS and a $WEAT $7 covered call that is already in the money #LTA $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $SCHW $FCX $MOS $FTI looking good, I'll probably add a weekly covered call at $16 $SCHW have a $56 Jul covered call on $FCX have a $59 Jul covered call on
  • maracom: Hello all! #Trading: I'm back to all cash going into the weekend. VIX is at major lows, I'm looking for a volatility expansion/pullback in the indexes in the next week or two. $URA $DFS $CMC $AMD $BOIL - sold everything, not swinging anything into the weekend $URA - 8ema pause, booked profits @ $22.5 $DFS - At resistance (Feb highs), booked profits @ $116 $CMC - At resistance (Apr highs/100EMA), booked profits @ $48 $AMD - 135/140 Jun bear call spread, booked profits $BOIL - At resistance (100EMA), sold remaining shares @ $ 3.33 #LTA - $SCHW $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $FCX $MOS $NEM wow that's weird, majors are making a move and the minors are NOT, haven;t seen that in a while. $NEM broke above $43 resistance to the upper BB, looking for a test of the 200sma at $46.
  • DavidK: @maracom $URA $DFS $CMC $AMD $BOIL $SCHW $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $FCX $MOS #Trading #LTA we be thinking the same . Bought June 30 calls on $SQQQ , June 30 puts on APPLE which I sold 75 % of them for a nice profit just now , long $$ JUNE VXX calls and short next weekly VXX calls at a lot higher strike . Have June 30 MU puts .
  • maracom: Good morning all! #Trading: $URA $DFS $CMC $AMD $BOIL $URA - 8ema pause, stop @ 21.9 $DFS - Booking some profit here at $116, stop on the rest @113.9 $CMC - Working, coming up on 100SMA resistance $AMD - 135/140 Jun bear call spread working, booking profits $BOIL - daytrading #LTA - $SCHW $NEM $FTI $DVN $CTRA $PAA $FCX $MOS no changes today
  • maracom: @MongosPawn $WEAT Started bouncing when the dam in Ukraine got hit which took 1/3 of Ukrainian capacity offline. It's one of the reasons I've been holding on $MOS despite the pain
  • maracom: ...
    $FCX - rolled a $37 covered call up to $39 but looks like I'll still get called away. Very gappy rebound up, shows the risks of covered calls.
    $SCHW - in consolidation, have a Jun $56 covered call on ...
  • maracom: ...
    $SCHW in consolidation, have a Jun $56 covered call on
    $NEM hard pullback to the Nov lows, collected some income off a covered call that I bought back, collected a dividend on 6/1, stopped out of a pa ...
  • maracom: Hi all! Have been working hard at my #FTJ so haven't been posting much. We're also buying some property; my thesis is to buy a house hack when interest are near their highest (and therefore pressure on prices is at the max for the given supply). As f ...
  • maracom: Good morning all! My screens are all red except for $GDX stocks, bad week for my #LTA but profitable for my #trading. #LTA $NEM particularly strong today up 5% (largest component of $GDX). $MOS bad earnings, doing damage control as much as I can. $FTI long. $DVN stopped out of more. $SCHW could pull back to the 3/13 low of $45. #Trading: Almost in all cash after booking profits in $WPM $SH $MSFT BeCS. $PAAS long. $SH booked profits.
  • maracom: Good morning all. Getting killed on $XLE positions this morning, but $GDX and short positions compensating somewhat. Will probably book profits on my short positions today and wait and see what happens tomorrow. #LTA $FCX back to the 200, have a starter, looking to add. $DVN stopped out of a partial, yucky gap fill with more downside possible. $FTI long but ouch. $SCHW hard pullback today, long. $MOS hard pullback, near the lows. $NEM bouncing. #Trading $SH booking small gain. $TSLA short booking a small gain. $BITI still long. $WPM long, added more today. $PAAS long. $UNG still in consolidation, sold some calls the other day, buying them back for a penny.
  • maracom: Hi all, at my #FTJ today, but I got the notification of my short $NVDA stop being hit at just about the same time as @Dan added it to the #ATL, really nice breakout from a squeeze. Was definitely wrong on that trade, c'est la vie. #LTA: Long $NEM $FCX $DVN $FTI $SCHW $MOS, stopped out of $WEAT #Trading: Long $WPM $PAAS I'm still short $TSLA, long $BITI $SH with a BeCS on $MSFT but with the fed announcement providing a potential bullish catalyst I may shut these down, they're all roughly flat.
  • maracom: Good morning all! Minimal changes for me today, not much going on. #LTA Long $DVN $FTI $NEM $SCHW $MOS. $DVN $MOS close to stops. $NEM reversing a good initial earnings response, watching. $FCX Small starter to begin rebuilding this position near support. #Trading. Short $SH $TSLA $NVDA $BITI. Long $UNG. Starters in $GTLS $PAAS $WPM. $GTLS Not thrilled by the gap and crap, will look to book a small profit near VWAP. $MSFT Eyeing a 310/315 bear call spread for a pullback test to the breakout level.
  • maracom: Good morning all! Happy that $FTI posted growing revenue and that $GDX is getting a bounce today despite a stronger dollar. Not seeing much to do today... #LTA $DVN getting close to my stop watching wearily. Was stopped out of half my $WEAT yesterday. Might have to give up on the rest today if the close is bad. $MOS also doing poorly. Long $FTI $SCHW $NEM. Watching $FCX for a lower entry. #Trading. Short $SH $TSLA $NVDA $BITI. Starters in $GTLS $PAAS $WPM. Long $UNG still in consolidation.
  • maracom: Good morning all! #LTA Long $NEM $FTI $DVN $SCHW $MOS $WEAT. Glad I sold off $FCX, looks like I'll get a chance to reload at a lower basis at the 200sma. #Trading: Short $SH $TSLA $NVDA $BITI. I think I have the right idea overall for the next zag, but #bitcoin stings today although we're not testing 31k yet. Long $UNG, have a $GTLS starter. Taking starters in $WPM and $PAAS
  • maracom: Good morning all! Minimal changes to my portfolio. I have 30% cash in my #LTA and 50% in my #Trading. Open to new opportunities but wary of headline risk. #LTA: $FCX have been legging out gradually, sold some covered calls on the pre-earnings move. Negative post earning reaction, so I'm down to just a starter position. Still bullish #copper for the long term, but looking for short term lower levels to establish a lower basis. $NEM consolidating. $SCHW consolidating. $MOS $WEAT $UNG waiting for a catalyst. $FTI up. Sold some $52 DVN puts (I #wheeled out of $DVN at that level, and energy is showing some strength) #Trading: $NVDA short. $SPY short via $SH. #Bitcoin short via $BITI.
  • maracom: Hi all! At my #fulltimejob today so wasn't able to post but was able to make some trades. #Trading: My short positions are doing well. $NVDA rejected again at $280, BeCS will expire worthless, also short stock. Added more to $BITI. Opened $SH short $SPY which closed below the 8ema. Added to $UNG. $LTA: Bought back several covered calls for pennies $FCX $SCHW $BFLY. Long $NEM $MOS $WEAT $FTI
  • maracom: Good morning everyone! $SPY $QQQ struggling after $NFLX. #gold pulling back hard today despite modest $UUP move. I've been buying $NEM which was much closer to support than the high flyers like $GFI $WPM. I've got one more buy left for $NEM but if $GFI and $WPM start pulling back hard I'll be a seller of naked puts. #LTA: $FCX covered call. $SCHW added yesterday. $MOS $FTI no changes. $WEAT pullback to 8EMA possible add. #Trading: Short $NVDA and 280/282.5 BeCS. $BITI possible add today. $SHOP stop at 8EMA. $UNG pullback to 8EMA/20EMA possible add. $BFLY covered call.
  • maracom: Good morning all! News flow has been pretty positive and VIX is still heading down, so I'm trying a few short term bullish trades with low conviction. I'm also keeping some longer term bearish positions open as well. I've been buying the #gold pullback as well. #LTA: Bought $NEM twice (half a position), sold $NEM naked puts (half a position). Shaken out of $GOLD. $FCX, at half a position, sold covered calls on the last pop. $SCHW full position. $FTI half position no changes. $MOS half position. $WEAT half position. In 30% cash. # Trading: Following on the $SHOP trade. Closed $LULU short, she's looking pretty strong. Opened a $NVDA short at $280. Still short the 280/282.5 Apr BeCS, looking for this to expire worthless. $BITI half position. $HON BeCS closed for a loss. $UNG half position.
  • maracom: Good morning all! Not seeing much that is actionable at the moment. I'm out of precious metals at the moment but eager for a pullback buy opportunity. I added to $BITI this morning now that bitcoin is tapping the underside of the 2021 summer pivot lows. I'm sitting in half cash, waiting for the next shoe to drop. #LTA $FCX been paring this down, currently at a 1/4 position. $SCHW full position, 1/4 covered calls, will sell more covered calls at $54 level. $FTI no changes. #Trading $UNG trading this one off the hourly chart, closed really well yesterday but now breaking yesterdays low, sold 1/4 position. $NVDA 280/285 BeCS staying below $280. $LULU short 1/2 position, flat. $BITI added, 1/2 position. #Tiny positions - $WEAT small starter just watching. $MOS small starter just watching. $BFLY $2.5 covered call
  • champ: @debeers $CF....$UAN $NTR $MOS $IPI,....Watching, could be getting a rotation, don't really know....NP's...Yet....
  • champ: @champ $CF $UAN $NTR $MOS $IPI....I posted these 5-stocks this morning, at 10:28 and none of these stocks held onto their prices, they were at when I posted them..... ....Entry-timing is the only thing that counts....... and for those who are Full time investors, it is a little easier.
  • Margi1983: $MOS. Weekly bounce of 42 support still intact. Working to make it to the 50 and 200. Dirt cheap with a 6.38 forward PE and a 1.8% divi.
  • maracom: $MOS making a run from the 8 to the 20
  • champ: $ $36.50, I have a position because they are a little more diversified...and this move in this sector might continue...and I'm also watching these..$NTR $CF $MOS.
  • Rockstar: @scottrades $CF I am looking @ $MOS as well...
  • Carpe_Diem: @jpoko13 $DAR - I have been following this sector and the fertz closely as NG is coming down. I'm looking at $MOS $NTR $CTVA (Mentioned this one yesterday) $IPI $ADM. $DAR looks real interesting to me RHRN.
  • debeers: Didn't want dupes and had some. So for fert i chose $CF over Mosaic-Sold the $MOS, Sold $AMAT which is a great company so i could keep$LRCX, Sold $CRM because we really do have to get through the worst, and $FCX because too much of it went for new build in housing. NOW- $CF/$CVX and i'll rebuy $MTDR right before earnings, $LRCX keeper, $$LMT no one outspends the D's on defense and every time you turn around they get another contract, $STLD- unlike $NUE- the earnings for $STLD beat whereas $NUE was a big miss IMO. Will be adding some booze soon-probably Pernod Riccard.
  • bill52: $MOS $NTR $IPI Fertilizer having a good day on a sour tape. long $IPI.
  • scottrades: ...
    $MOS Just under the MAs
    $CF Up on good volume
    $NTR Needs to break out of the channel
    $PCTY Dan added to the ATL
    $OXY Watch for a PB
    $XOM Chasing now
    $COP Near the highs
    $CVE At the 50 Day
    $GOLD Watching
    $WPM Would like to see a PB to the 50 Day
    $NEM ...
  • maracom: $MOS $NTR $CF still holding up, I'm still in $NTR
  • maracom: $NTR $MOS $CF bullish engulfing candles, might move my $IPI money over this afternoon if they close strong
  • DrScience: $NTR $IPI $MOS $CF being bought. Fertilizers moving higher off the open.
  • maracom: @DrScience $NTR $IPI $MOS $CF I held through, seems like it was some kinds shakeout
  • gt: @DrScience $NTR $IPI $MOS $CF super interesting given how they got hammered yesterday
  • sierramp: Someone help me out, why are fertilizer stocks being punished today? Nat gas isn't up significantly. $NTR $MOS $CF
  • scottrades: @sierramp $NTR $MOS $CF Don't see any news at the moment.
  • maracom: @sierramp $NTR $MOS $CF Not sure, somebody thinks they know something however?!
  • sierramp: @FredsFreedom $CF $CF and $MOS bounced off the 50D. $NTR is above that but still not pretty if one owns it.
  • maracom: @sierramp $CF $MOS $NTR I’m holding full positions for now. No change to the trend yet although i agree its an ugly candle as of this second. But it may form a bullish tail by end of day or it may show a bearish engulfing, so we’ll have to see how the close goes
  • sierramp: @maracom $NTR $MOS $CF Stopped out of $NTR
  • scottrades: Re: Fertilizer Stocks $CF $MOS $IPI $NTR $SMG Seeing a bunch of mixed news items that could be playing a part in the downward move. Could just be a shakeout, but this is what I've found: "According to CRU Group, European fertilizer producers in the region are currently losing approximately $2,000 for every ton of ammonia produced. Much of the fertilizer production in Europe requires natural gas, and it is being shutdown due to high prices."
  • sierramp: @scottrades $CF $MOS $IPI $NTR $SMG Thanks Scott. Makes sense.
  • mhuie: @scottrades $CF $MOS $IPI $NTR $SMG Hi Scott; If some European fertilizer companies stop producing fertilizer, shouldn't the price of US companies increase?
  • scottrades: @mhuie $CF $MOS $IPI $NTR $SMG Maybe, but they still have to buy Natural Gas as well. Also keep in mind, stocks in a sector or group tend to move together. I'm speculating here, I have not done fundamental analysis on Fertilizer or Natural Gas.
  • mhuie: @scottrades $CF $MOS $IPI $NTR $SMG Thanks, Scott.. Would appreciate if you can do an analysis on the US fertilizers as the price of Nat gas is much lower here.
  • scottrades: @mhuie $CF $MOS $IPI $NTR $SMG I'm mainly a pattern based trader and any analysis would be just on what the chart is doing. None of these are setup in high probability patterns right now for my style of trading. I would keep watching them near their 50 Day MAs and if they can firm up and go green, that would be a sign that they are being supported where they should be.
  • Docoof: #Fertilizer Stocks $CF $MOS $IPI $NTR $SMG — Coal, Lumber and Food Under Threat by Potential US Rail Strike (Bloomberg, September 12)
    * Lumber surges while fertilizer industry prepares for worst
    * ‘Bad news for farmers and food secur ...
  • Explorer: $ADM $CF $MOS -- got to eat -- early entry this week
  • maracom: $IPI $MOS $NTR nice intraday strength/HOD going into a friday, me likes
  • woodman: #Ferts #AgInputs are bouncing after pullbacks to prior consolidation levels. $NTR $MOS $CF $ADM $IPI.
  • maracom: @woodman $NTR I also take work trips to Kansas and I see $NTR, $MOS, and $CF signs all over the fields, and talking to farmers, a lot of them tried to minimize their fertilizer this season because of the high prices, but if we see a decrease in yields this year because of that, then they won't be able to skip next season as well even if prices are high
  • woodman: @maracom $NTR $MOS $CF - interesting, thanks.
  • Docoof: @maracom @woodman $NTR $MOS $CF If this is accurate, there has been a decent amount of recent $CF insider selling. (I frankly don’t know how much this does or doesn’t matter.): (Aug 30) CF Industries is Tuesday's biggest loser on the S&P 500 after insiders reduced their holdings in the company in recent days with the stock coming off an all-time high. Shares trade -6.5% on Tuesday and are more than 10% lower during the past two days. According to SEC filings released late Friday, CEO Tony Will and two other executives sold more than $18.1M of shares at average prices above $110 each (I, II, III).
  • debeers: This morning sold $NTR to double down on $MOS. Kept $CF best of class for wheat and bought $PXD want 1 oil just in case and the divvie is now 10.5%.
  • maracom: @debeers $NTR $MOS $CF $PXD I also sold some $IPI, agree $CF has really been outperforming the sector. I've been playing the laggards though hoping for some catch up action although I think we're due for a pullback in the Ag space
  • kycol: The only thing I have left green is $MOS; tight stops are working. Folding my tent for today; will see what Monday brings...
  • vcondry: @kycol $MOS Monday's have been the worst day of the year on average...however a crappy friday could bode for a rebound monday fwiw
  • debeers: $CF biggest/$MOS/$SNOW/
    $WDAY on the upgrades and at a very v ry good price :
    Societe General to 255
    UB S the lowest- 185
    CSuisse to 215
    Loop to 225
    Deutsche Bank 230
    $ULTA- stay with this one of all the retailers this one is the best.
    this is a com ...
  • debeers: OIL TELL-Rig counts down for the first time. The energy so to speak should be in $CF/$MOS Sometimes mall you have to do is follow the breadcrumbs. Put your money in oil only when rig counts start ticking up/
  • champ: @debeers $CF $MOS...per $BKR, the U.S. weekly rig-count was up plus +3.. at 765, the Prior week it was down -1.
  • debeers: $ULTA-blowout earnings!! Expected 2..2 B Co did 2.3B Same store Sales- UP 14.4%/ versus the 10.4% expected Per share did 5.70 vs the 4.96 expected My only retail, doesn't disappoint-it just doesn't. YAY$ACLS/$CF/$MOS/$NTR/$SNOW/$ULTA and a soupcon of $AJG SNOW/$STLD/$ACLS faves and of course the Beauty Queen-$ULTA
  • roddog101: @debeers $ULTA $ACLS $CF $MOS $NTR $SNOW $AJG $STLD agre ULTA very solid numbers, my thesis was wrong.. But I am amazed it isnt up more than this
  • debeers: @roddog101 $ULTA $ACLS $CF $MOS $NTR $SNOW $AJG $STLD -Let the No new estimates have come in as of yet. Tough category because re--openings can be not only affected by mass and prestige . Bold and playful looks and equally strong trend in the "clean look."
  • debeers: Taking off 1 oil because the price is dropping and adding in $MOS. World hunger never goes down and Ukraine has just exacerbated it. While i think that wheat may slightly outperform corn---Corn will do very well and hate to be prosaic but with corn its MOSAIC
  • woodman: @Eng_trader $IPI - See also $MOS $NTR
  • maracom: was accumulating $IPI last week. It broke out of a good base today. $CF and $MOS doing well also but don’t have as much room to run. Oh I see @Eng_trader posted first. Sorry!
  • bill52: $MOS $NTR $IPI fertilizer working this morning. long.
  • woodman: #Ferts #AgInputs - $NTR continuing its ascent as it moves through last week's high. $MOS looks like it's trying to follow.
  • Justhanging48: @woodman $NTR $MOS #Ferts #AgInputs Thanks for mentioning this one earlier in the week. Got some and then added yesterday. Looking good as you say.
  • woodman: @Justhanging48 $NTR $MOS #Ferts #AgInputs - Which one did you grab? NTR?
  • Justhanging48: @woodman $NTR $MOS #Ferts #AgInputs Yes, bought NTR and added. Thanks!
  • woodman: $NTR $MOS $CF - Some green in a sea of mostly red today. These three #AgInputs #Ferts stocks are holding up decently today. #Agricultural
  • debeers: @woodman $NTR $MOS $CF #AgInputs #Ferts #Agricultural -How in the heck do you suppose China is going to feed their people???They are without the fert stocks they need. Heck we don't even have to have a fertile imagination to bet on the ferts and nice to see the charts agreeing with the fundies. by the way didja really think $ARCH was gonna take a back seat to anyone???
  • majida_perveen: @scottrades Thoughts on $MOS, moving along 8EMA for a while?
  • scottrades: @majida_perveen $MOS This is another commodity trade, which I think is a hard one right now. I think you'd want to set an alert at 55.55 and look for a push on volume.
  • woodman: @majida_perveen $MOS - I have $NTR instead of $MOS.
  • debeers: @woodman $MOS $NTR -i dont have $MOS have $NTR.
  • woodman: $MOS $NTR - mentioned by @debeers over recent days (thank you!), I started a position in these yesterday to which I have added this morning. .
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Stock Price $25.56
Change -4.38%
Volume 12,535,500

Mosaic Co is producers and marketers of concentrated phosphate and potash crop nutrients for the global agriculture industry.

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