FedEx Corporation (NYSE:FDX)

Chart of the Day November 17th, 2020

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  • traderbren: $UPS & $FDX - still searching for a bottom. NP but interesting to note
  • kenb: @traderbren $UPS $FDX for any history buffs, the History channel has an ongoing series on the "Mega brands that built America", and the new episode aired this past Sunday night was delivery services featuring Fedex and UPS. The Fedex beginning story is very interesting, and worth watching.
  • traderbren: @kenb $UPS $FDX - thanks
  • Henry: $FDX day 3 holding the gap long-long term
  • Henry: $FDX up after earnings but it has dropped $10 in the last 90 min
  • jonwest88: $FDX Nice move, new 52 wk high if it holds tomorrow
  • jonwest88: $FDX $298 up over 14% $UPS up over 4% in sympathy
  • debeers: $FDX-Traditionally $FDX's best Q is the Christmas Q. FYI
  • Wolf: $UPS Down 8% on negative revenue outlook and cutting 12000 jobs. $FDX down 2.4% as well.
  • Motorman: $FDX Bouncing along 200day. 50 week 4% below for a stop. Have small piece. Next ER in March.
  • Auto: $FDX added long daily
  • stairm01: $FDX Just bought into FDX as it's filling the gap.
  • Auto: $FDX added long from below daily
  • debeers: $FDX-After the schmeiss, the relief as $FDX auithorizes 1B share buyback.
  • traderbren: @debeers $FDX - yep, would like to see it clear the 50d overhead at 253.66ish as we might see a bit of a gap fill trade...depending on the supply above.
  • Auto: $FDX added $SIRI added long daily
  • debeers: $ARDX the Woodie gift that keps on giving $BECN/$CAT- Loans fior housing increasing. $FANG/$MTDR-Refilling the petroeum reserves $FDX-Nice buyback and i think it puts a floor under the stock $LRCX-You don't see $LRCX offering to build a facotry in Israel because $LRCX calls its own shots $SCHW- Bought when Bettinger did at 50 and 49. Here's the axiom---Heads of cos sell for many reasons: College for kids/ walletectomies(-divorces)/buying homes. THEY ONLY BUY FOR 1 REASON- THEY BELIEVE THEIR STOCK WILL GO UP.
  • Auto: $FDX added long daily... lets see that gap fill
  • Auto: $FDX started position
  • curtis: $FDX don't buy the dip. Overnight not working, moving to non priority. Global Trade is slowing, This was a large part of their incremental business and profits. UPS is more of a domestic freight company. Even with 18% lower fuel costs. Result: Amazon is eating their lunch. $AMZN
  • traderbren: $FDX - closed the downside gap from 11/13 to the penny and bounced offering a nice 59min
  • Auto: $FDX 59er $AMZN $META $ADBE $RIVN $CRM $ARM added long daily
  • Auto: @Auto $FDX $AMZN $META $ADBE $RIVN $CRM $ARM $AMZN watching $155.12 to add again long weekly
  • Wolf: $FDX Missed earnings, bad guidance. Down $20 PM.
  • debeers: @Wolf $FDX -Fed X last good Q turned out to be 1st Q.
  • joelsg1: @debeers $FDX More than 50% above the implied move ah, which if it holds tomorrow shows terrible investor/analyst management.
  • dsmalls: @joelsg1 $FDX ramping up contract negotiations with their pilots. Negative earnings report, right at the peak of peak season. Coincidence? I smell a rat...
  • debeers: $FDX- remember the strike at UPS---who do you think went around and scooped up long term delivery contracts? $FDX-that's who.LONG through the holidays.
  • traderbren: $FDX - came close to taking out the prior high.
  • debeers: $FDX-RS at new high on market Smith.
  • Kid2old: @DAN, $FDX $WSM
  • Henry: $FDX Big beat $4.55 vs $3.74 est long/long
  • debeers: @Henry $FDX -YUP up about 10-13 bucks ah.
  • debeers: Might be a good time for discipline to triumph over wishin' and hopin' Have 8 stocks but all but 1 (my ittty bitty) all above the 21 day most at the 8 or above-$FDX above after earnings whic is up 12.50 $AMGN/ $ARDX/$AZO/$CEIX/$FDX/$LULU/$TXT/$X
  • debeers: @Henry $FDX now up 12.51. Big benficiary of the $UPS strike
  • scottrades: $FDX Nice open. Holding the 21 EMA
  • debeers: $FDX- less than 5000 of the ee's are union and those are from anm old airfreight op. Since $FDX was formed under the railroad act, it has always been non-union. It would be nice if the icons could catch up in real time. $FDX is 264 not 254!
  • debeers: $FDX-not 254 as icons show. 264 today
  • debeers: $FDX-While UPS workers are on strike, Fed-X is putting on a full court press to sign up their clients to long term contracts.
  • DougL: $UPS hod - playing catch up with $FDX
  • scottrades: $FDX breaking out
  • traderbren: @scottrades $FDX - yep, I was just looking at $FDX -- interesting considering the sh*tty quarter they just reported.
  • traderbren: $IYT - bearish engulfing print today which is hitting $FDX, $UPS, $JBHT, $KNX, $CHRW, etc....
  • debeers: $CAT- govt isn't going to give contracts to Komatsu y'know what i mean? $CROX-bot Woody and i think they're fugly but the $$$$ they make for you is a thing of beauty $FDX- of the 2 in the space, $FDX had the most toi improve and will-will it be pinched when oil goes up-yup but IMO you need 1 tranny and do you need trains that collide or indy truckers that get squeezed? $LRCX-IMO we go into April as a lion but we come out like a LAM $PXD-it could fall 10% and the divvie will cover it $SCHW- has inflows of money---not outflows $UNH-on a down day it covers you and continually raises premium and people dont leave it
  • JustJeffPlz: $FDX on uptrend, tracking upper Bollinger band, no position
  • debeers: $SCHW-KBW to 89 but of course the proof in the charts. What i want to see is them going down less each day and finishing green not red. $FDX-nice nembers contnuing cost savings $UNH- have you ever been in a football stadium??DE-FENSE Stay in doing your clothes and candy eating.IMO ($PG/$HSY)
  • debeers: $FDX- Goldman goes to 258/ Citi goes to 285/ RayJ to 285. Streamlining ops and improving tech.LONG
  • traderdl: $FDX strong
  • Henry: $FDX trying to climb out of the cellar. Big gap to fill.
  • elgie: $FDX last post was $FDX
  • elgie: $FDX (Sorry for confusing post) FDX is Moving up gentle channel off lows. Getting ready to cross above 50dma. Volume still pretty small. Any takers?
  • traderdl: $FDX warns again
  • traderbren: $FDX - interesting to note that $FDX is back to moving above the opening following further guide down in guidance. Could be so bad it's good. ;)
  • DAN: ...
    COTD: $NKE -- plenty of stock on the shelf. Really bad indication when Nike is down 53% over the past year, and it’s not rebounding. Shades of $FDX

    $SPX -- Holding at 3,600. If this breaks, 3,500 is the next level of support. Not the time ...
  • veghead: $FDX Volume spike NP
  • scottrades: @veghead $FDX Earnings release: FedEx reports Q1 adjusted EPS $3.44, consensus $2.80 - Reports Q1 revenue $23.2B, consensus $23.78B
  • jeff_free69: @veghead $FDX Early report on earnings, plus a cost cutting program
  • joelsg1: $FDX Released E early, revs up, profit down, stock up. Np.
  • BobG: $FDX I was listing to a podcast over the weekend and they mentioned that $FDX is now competing with the vertically integrated Amazon. So a portion of their lost sales isn't just the economy, but also lost sales to Amazon.
  • Henry: $FDX is above Friday's close. Don't bother looking at options there is hardly any open interest, bought a little
  • DAN: Good morning. Futures are down this morning by (seems like I need to create a custom F-key command to save the keystrokes required to type "Futures are down this morning by....) about 1.8% on a warning by FedEx ($FDX) that they just aren't doing ...
  • vitoB: @DAN $FDX if you are expecting down ten to twenty are you gonna close trades ?
  • DAN: @vitoB $FDX Stops are in place, vito. I'm looking at them now...but I've already suggested stops to cut the risk.
  • DAN: $FDX -- For you quick flipper's, it's looking like $FDX has printed a hammer pattern and will be moving up this morning. I guess traders are thinking that a 22% punch in the gut is enough.
  • Auto: $FDX adding
  • wjj3: @Auto $FDX you and Warren ?
  • indigo1948: @DAN $FDX - took a "very small" position - let's see if the pain is enough right now.
  • Auto: @Auto $FDX trying to find it's BB
  • Henry: $UPS is putting in a hammer along with $FDX
  • ruskinq2: $ARKK so why would any of the stocks in this fund give a hoot about $FDX problems?
  • veghead: $FDX perky
  • shoredriver: @veghead $FDX ...more limpy than perky......
  • veghead: @shoredriver $FDX It did go limp. I agree
  • vcondry: @BigOx I think he meant the typical 3:30 puke we have been experiencing. However today looks like bulls are gonna hold the line....Might have been a decent day for the market if $FDX didnt sh*t the bed last night.
  • marketdude: @vcondry $FDX I understand your comment but we have many types of investors/traders in this forum and it would be unfortunate if someone sold their stocks based solely on someone's baseless speculative comment.
  • vcondry: @marketdude $FDX No offense to anyone else here but unless @Scottrades or @Dan or @Rockstar say it I just always do my due diligence before taking the trade or action.
  • marketdude: @vcondry $FDX No problem I'm just concerned newer traders/investors blindly act on someone's comments (which they shouldn't do) but we were all there once and did "stupid" things
  • vcondry: @marketdude $FDX oh for sure! I still do my current portfolio value would tell you that! Yes maybe there should be a sticky at the top of this forum page that says "DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE....ESPECIALLY NEW PEOPLE" half joke half serious. Hope everyone has a great weekend! FWIW the Stock Market Almanac says be cautious next week so Bears might still be in the driver seat. (Disclaimer I know nothing...seriously!)
  • DAN: ...
    Fitz in Five: Here’s your trade on FedEx ($FDX)

    $SPX -- 3850 is the “bear market” level. Back there again. (weekly chart). Sentiment is really bearish. Short term, that’s bullish. Long term? Not even sure what that is any ...
  • traderdl: $FDX warns - down goes Frazier
  • Angdionk: $FDX consolidating around all major MA's just under them now watching
  • Hemal: $FDX #Possible trade-position. Green may act as support-buy point/Red should be stop. 7% Risk/20% plus Reward. If you are interested. Patience would be required. It is not a perfect base and may take some time to work.
  • debeers: $FDX-Berekshire Grey and Fed-X expand their robotic automation solutions relationship. Staying long here. Especially since oil is going down. Robots do not demand unions, living wages, or healthcare--at least not yet.
  • debeers: $FDX-ever notice how, when oil pulls back, Fed X delivers?LONG
  • champ: $FDX @ $ HOD...likes lower fuel prices.
  • bRobert: $FDX is DANGEROUS H&S top potential FAILED bounce here can test low targets $195 Given a choice, I'd rather be short Buy back only does so much CAUTION FLAG Test of 20/200d ceiling Lower high and right shoulder with failure
  • champ: ...
    .....$CZR $FDX $CROX $META $ZM $OLLI and $WFC.....and I didn't swing any of these stocks today, however I'm currently holding a Core position in $CZR and $PENN and $MGM, and I posted on these other 2 also, in the last week or so.
    .....I had a large ...
  • traderbren: $FDX - closing downside gaps
  • bRobert: $FDX retest of 200d from ABOVE Higher high looking to print lower low with green candle print Best chart in space Watching
  • bRobert: $SPY Still expecting quarter ending rally then swoon China tanked first Rebounding first $NIO $24 target 1 close $26+ target 2 200d ceiling /$40 potential when cleared $BIDU WEEKLY under 50/200w $180/$200 with move above Daily inv H&S base $155 Big speed bump $BABA WEEKLY reversal > 20w $140 with trigger $180- $200 with move > 200d/50w ceiling Daily reversal cup base $FXI Daily flat top triangle $35 with trigger $40/$42 with move > 200d $FDX Testing speed bump at the opening with earnings pop 50w ceiling TRAILERS /PROFITS Clear that and $240/$260 potential
  • debeers: $LUV-NEW BUY TODAY AND THE WHY OF THE BUY -1.Southwest continues to strategically hedge its jet fuel purchases, moves that have insulated the Company from price shocks and enabled growth opportunities that were once inconceivable, including international travel and service to Hawaii. What other domestic airlines do this? None 2. And who, might you ask is the ONLY carrier that $FDX uses? Oh, that would be Southwest. By the way, you can learn a lot when you are ast the stylist whose husband happens to be a $FDX manager. So i figure if $FDX traffic is doing better than average, get the idea.Now long Southwest
  • bRobert: $FDX W daily measured to $250 $220 - $235 width $15 Funny how that works Major speed bump $260 Poke above the 50w ceiling Looking for a retest from ABOVE A door to $320 opens > $260 ceiling Baby steps
  • bRobert: $FDX Pullback from the hard 50w ceiling Potential for a gap fill I will put on rally hat IF a move > 50w with $260+ potential Bearish stance on trucking 200w targets for most with failed bounces
  • vcondry: @bRobert $FDX earnings tonite as well
  • bRobert: @vcondry $FDX The stock ran with buyback news and active investor board seat award
  • bRobert: $XPO short set posted many times H&S top daily $40/$35 potential with dip under $45 $ARCB H&S top $55 200w potential longer $50 $FDX best in space chart Under the 50w expect the expected $260+ potential if cleared $IYT Watch for potential break of 200w
  • bRobert: $FDX the only trucker working but up against the 50w ceiling $260 potential IF cleared but expect the expected failure and be surprised Buy backs and active investor board seats goosed the stock Gap fill potential below np
  • bRobert: $ARCB. H&S. top daily Bounce. Under. 20/50d. ceilings $55. with trigger. WEEKLY. 20/50w. ceilings. above Careful Needs. to. clear them to make. meaningful advances. Same. set up for. many other truckers. $FDX. is the most. constructive. ABOVE. 20/50/200d $265. potential
  • bRobert: $IYT. up. 1%. after. a. 25%. correction. Sitting on the 200w. Further. shoe drop with flag break. below. Truckers not inspiring. except for. $FDX. $JETS. $15. target. Only 1%. bounce. Ugly weekly H&S. top
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Stock Price $254.64
Change -15.23%
Volume 17,438,100

FedEx Corporation provides a portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. It operates in four business segments: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Services.

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