East West Bancorp Inc. (NASDAQ:EWBC)

Sector Spotlight June 9th, 2017

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  • traderbren: #Weeklies -- some to keep an eye on based on their Weekly set ups: $EOG, $MT, $WRB, $PACW, $EWBC, $AIG, $CNOB, $FCCO, $GCBC, $MCBS, $MS, $PCB, $RGP, $SYBT, $AIG, $BBL, $BG, $EMN, $EQH, $LPLA, $STM
  • champ: $XLF, the markets need positive earnings news from these financial/banks, to keep the markets on track...$CATY $TKB $EGBN $BBT $EWBC $WAFD $FNB $KEY $MTB $MS $SBNY $STI, a flat market really works for my profits.
  • traderbren: $EWBC -- looks very constructive here.
  • DAN: Good morning. The big news today is the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise this morning during a baseball practice in Alexandria. News is still coming in and there are a lot of conflicting reports. While I anticipate that this will dominate som ...
  • efrain007: @DAN $DJUSBK $KRE $WTFC $EWBC $HDB $MS $C $FITB $XLF $XME $KIE $XL $AHL $ITA $HON $LMT $GD Hi Dan, do you see any stocks in the $XME that you like?
  • DAN: @efrain007 $DJUSBK $KRE $WTFC $EWBC $HDB $MS $C $FITB $XLF $XME $KIE $XL $AHL $ITA $HON $LMT $GD Right now, the only one that looks interesting is Newmont Mining ($NEM)...and I wouldn't buy that one unless it falls back to $34. In this weird market, I want to buy as close to resistance as possible. Breakouts really aren't working right now. Other than that, I'm watching steel stocks, but have not taken any position.
  • Nepenthe: @DAN $DJUSBK $KRE $WTFC $EWBC $HDB $MS $C $FITB $XLF $XME $KIE $XL $AHL $ITA $HON $LMT $GD $NEM "As close to resistance as possible?" Why resistance if break outs are failing? Just curious.
  • Bridget: $EWBC made another nice move today to a new high. I mentioned this yesterday.
  • issues: @Bridget $EWBC did you buy any? Do you own any?
  • Bridget: @issues $EWBC I did not. Wish I had.
  • pookie: @Bridget $EWBC forgot to thank you, picked some up yesterday.
  • Bridget: @pookie $EWBC awesome!
  • issues: @pookie $EWBC pookie? What a cute name. Rhymes with cookie. Love it!
  • pookie: @issues $EWBC long double o's, only sounds like cookie if you pronounce it like the cookie monster.
  • Bridget: Notes: Energy - after this last drop it seems to have found a bottom. The fact I finally bought puts in energy yesterday makes me further believe that it is done going down. I still like $MPC and $TSO. $HES and $ESV are seeing a bounce. XLF - So many financials showing a recovery move. Here are some of my favorites: $C $JPM $FAS $HBAN $FITB $KRE $ALLY $AMTD $ETFC $SCHW $EWBC $HDB Chemical stocks are working - $DD $DOW $CC $EWN $SHW $MMM $ASIX Bio/health stocks that are working: $ALKS $ESRX $MYL $MRK $JNJ $MDT $CI $CNC $ABT $ABBV
  • Bridget: $EWBC IBD50 stock breaking out today
  • MartyW: @Bridget $EWBC Is there a list of the IBD 50 stocks somewhere on the Stock Market Mentor site?
  • Bridget: @MartyW $EWBC no, that list changes quite frequently. You will have to subscribe in order to get an up to day list.
  • issues: @Bridget $EWBC Hasn't been on the IBD 50 list since 5/20. Thank you anyway for the note.
  • Bridget: @issues $EWBC guess that must be the last time I updated mine. oops. Thanks!
  • tradeforfamily: $EWBC This is a regional bank, mostly California catering to Asians. Reported good earnings today. I am familiar with how this bank works, had a business account with them. Starter position.
  • issues: @michaelH $FBK #Bridget How did you find this $FBK stock? It's got minuscule volume! So anybody buying any quantity will push it one way or the other. I prefer a little greater volume. Some bank/financials on the IBD this week include: $BOFI (we hold ...
  • issues: @issues $GILD My advice to myself; Sell the dog called $GILD and bury it. It's long overdue. It's beginning to smell bad. IBD this week 11 new additions: $BABA $BC $CAVM $EWBC $LOGM $LRCX $MRCY $MTCH $QRVO $TCBI $ULTA taken off the list are: $ASB $CPE $CRTO $GNTX $MBFI $MIDD $PACW $TTC $UAL $WNC $ZBRA If you look at the charts of the ones taken off, I don't see that much difference from ones they added. I wonder if they just play games with us and switch them around or if they really have a way to compute price/volume/upgrades or just throw a dart. Anyone work for IBD could intelligently answer this problem. Why would they take $WNC off? Why would they add $LOGM? It should be the other way around. Add WNC and take off LOGM! Or $UAL chart looks like $EWBC or $QRVO
  • issues: I can see rotation out of financials and am thinking of shorting some of them. I am wondering what they are rotating into. Consumer staples, metals, oils... Dana's Hogs... As look for clues as to where the big money is going I look at the IBD 50. Here's what I see in this weeks list. The following financials are in this weeks IBD 50: $BOFI $CFG $FRC $GS $HOMB $MBFI $MS $OZRK $SCHW $SIVB $STL $WAL. As you look at these charts you can see most are dropping. At some point they will be good buys. How low before that? Wait to see the green day, ok? The new additions in this weeks IBD 50 include $ALGN $CRTO $FCB $FRC $MCHP $MIDD $MXL (Gone are $EWBC $FFIV $LOGM $LOPE $URI $UVE). That's my research for today.
  • issues: ...
    The other reliable source for good info is the rating system on Investors IBD, since they give overall/Composite and Accumulation ratings as well as industrial group ratings. I record the IBD weekly 50 to see which companies/industry groups are lead ...
  • issues: @captron banks; I still like these regional banks/financials but still can't push the buy button because they are so high: $FITB $ZION $AMTD $STI & $SCHW & $EWBC. So do any of you hold any of these or have recommendations?
  • issues: Looking at financials, I like the following: $SIVB $AMTD $STI $BOFI ( up 17% in 10 days?) The best on the 10 day chart shows $AMTD $STI $FITB. PE's AMTD 27 (their own web says Reduce) STI pe15 FITB pe 11. But earnings increase goes to $SIVB (SIVB is on the IBD 50 this week as well as $BOFI $CFG $EVR $EWBC $STL $WAL). My favorite would be FITB, STI and SIVB (SIVB has been on the IBD 50 for weeks)
  • issues: @Kid2old $MSCC Ouch! That's a good stock that I had on the list to buy. I guess I'll wait. Some of the others ones on my list were: $CARB $EVR $GIMO $GATX $MCHP (was a steady Eddie) $MIDD $MTSI...I had on the list the banks; $TCBI $PLBC $EWBC $EBMT but instead bought 1/2 position in $XLF
  • janner0814: FYI @Alexandra: Pre-Market Earnings: $ABT, $APH, $ASML, $BABY, $BBT, $CP, $DOV, $GPC, $HAL, $MS, $MTB, $NTRS, $RAI, $STJ, $STX, $SVU, $TUP, $UNF, $USB Earnings after the Close: $ $AXP, $BDN, $BJRI, $BRKL, $BXS, $CATY, $CCK, $CLB, $CNS, $CTXS, $CVBF, $CVTI, $EBAY, $EGBN, $EGP, $EWBC, $EXPO, $FNB, $FTI, $GGG, $HLX, $HNI, $HXL, $KALU, $KMI, $LHO, $LRCX, $LSTR, $MAT, $PKG, $RLI, $SCSS, $SLG, $SLM, $STLD, $TBI, $TSCO, $UMPQ, $URI, $VMI, $WDFC, $XLNX $VXX $NUGT $XIV $SVXY #ETN #FEES #WIDOWMAKER
  • Bridget: Notes: Financials are up today. $JPM $KEY $MET $MS Railroads still marching higher $UNP $CSX $JWN coming out of a squeeze and an inverse head and shoulder on the weekly $NFLX moving higher still Automakers saw a lift today $F $GM Some industrials are working $ROK $BHI IPOs at new highs $MOMO $LITE $CLSD $HZN $CRBP $AAAP (almost) $NPTN at a good buy point $GBX I really like this trend Solar seems to have bottomed $CSIQ $FSLR $TAN High Volume breakouts: $PH $BEAT $HBAN $TEDU $SIVB $SHOO $PAG $EWBC $LNC $FHN Breaking down: $KIM, $PM, $CLX $XLP
  • issues: I'm trying to decide on one of these banks $HMST $ZION $EWBC. I like these b/c they're in an excellent industry group, IBD group 42. The best chart is $HMST and $ZION. But $EWBC has an $AMTD Accumulate rating. PE for $ZION is 19. PE for $HMST is 12. $EWBC has a pe of 17.6. $ZION and $HMST are building a high base while $EWBC is climbing higher... Ideas appreciated.
  • Tim S: Notable earnings after Wednesday's close $ALB, $AXP, $CCK, $CLB, $CYS, $EBAY, $EPB, $EWBC, $IBM, $KMP, $NE, $RLI, $SCSS, $SLM, $SNDK, $STLD, $UMPQ, $URI, XLNX
  • Tricia: Earnings after close: $AXP, $CYS, $EBAY, $EWBC, $FFIV, $IBM, $KMP, $LHO, $NE, $QCOM, $SCSS, $SLM, $SWKS, $SYK,XLNX, $YUM
  • Marty: Regional Banks - A few months ago @Dan mentioned these should not hurt as much because of low to zero exposure to Europe. 3 month charts are pretty. Some are right at 52 highs. Some bull flaggin'. Some at the end of July/start of Aug mrkt breakdown. $EWBC - East West Bancorp Inc $FNB - F.N.B. Corp $CBSH - Commerce Bancshares Inc $BOH - Bank of Hawaii Corp $CBU - Community Bank System Inc $CTBI - Community Trust Bancorp Inc
  • Aiko: ...

    Zacks5 New (This week's additions - most recent first)
    $B ...
  • jojo1480: Regional Banks, cking 7575, you might take a look at $EWBC, exposure to China. No position yet.
  • Medlar: ...
    $EWBC * East West Bancorp Inc. * gapped up
    $HAS * Hasbro, Inc. * gapped up
    $RSH * Radioshack Corporation * gapped up


    $CEF * Central Fund of Canada * gapped down
    ERTS * Electronic Arts Inc. * gapped down
    $FOSL * Fossil Inc. * gapp ...
  • JimMac: Finviz.com free screener. Another screen to use that touches on @Dan's thesis of buying off of the SMA-50 is Price below SMA-20, Price above SMA-50. This screen will produce stocks in the general buy area of bouncing off of the 50-Day SMA but below the 20-Day SMA. For what it's worth, this screen($5-$20) is producing stocks in a few sectors including Basic Materials (Oil & Gas services and drillers), #Financials (Regional Banks, Reit's & Insurance Carriers),Technology (Software $ Semi's). Ticker's: $AA,CSIQ, $CIG, $EWBC, ME, MI, PCX, $PVA, $PDS, $PHM, SUG, $ZION, $SE, $SHO, $TLAB, YSI, $BX, $VSH, USG. To name a few.
  • rjg: @Dan and team, Still trying to learn but trying some small trades. $EWBC pulled back to the 20dma and I bought a small position @14.45. I put a stop at the 50dma, 13.56. I am looking for a target price of about 16.50. Should it start moving up would you put on a trailing stop? Any comments or criticisms are welcome.
  • Sizzle: snm, I wouldn't put $BAC in that group. Their earnings looked pretty punk and with their last two acquisitions, I don't know what they can hope to pull out. But I've also got to tell you that I'm no good reading the #financials of banks - there's just too many places where crap (or good stuff) can be hiding. I like $WFC, especially without WB. I also like $USB and $FITB as a special situation. I like $JPM, but they might have gotten themselves in some deep doo doo with Lehman. But I don't like any of them enough to open a position, yet. And I'm watching $EWBC just because of the chart. The closer it gets to the 50 DMA, the more I'm tempted to take a flyer.
  • royboy34: $EWBC - Well, with this morning's downgrade, this one is now sitting at the 50 DMA. I'm not comitting any dry powder right now, but thinking of dabbling before end of day with a tight stop just below whatever today's intraday will be.
  • farshid: hi @Dan. here couple of stocks. $CVD, $C ,$BTU ,$EWBC and KRE. thanks. @farshid
  • iancleghorn: Pacific Banks We are focusing on the big money center banks, not that I would knock $MS @Morgan Stanley, for example. However, the bank segment that is prospering best is the Pacific Bank sub- segment (MG417in TeleChart.) I sorted the group of 66 banks by capitalization to dispose of the thin traders. Here are some good looking charts within the 15 largest banks in the area. (BAC is not included because it's considered a money center bank.) UB UnionBanCal # San Francisco $CA $ZION Zions # Salt Lake City UT $BOH Bank of Hawaii # Honolulu HI $SIVB SVB Financial # Santa Clara $CA (Has offices in China, India and Israel. Serves entrepreneurs in the technology and life sciences, private equity, and premium wine industries # almost worth buying just for the glamour.) $UMPQ Umpqua - Portland OR $GBCI @Glacier # Kalisell $MT $EWBC East West # Pasadena $CA FTBK Frontier Everett WA @Ian
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Stock Price $93.07
Change 1.54%
Volume 662,037

East West Bancorp Inc is a bank holding company. It offers a range of banking services to individuals and small to mid-size businesses through its subsidiary bank, East West Bank and its subsidiaries.

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