Lineage Inc. (NASDAQ:LINE)

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  • mradams0621: $LINE $LNCO Wow, that was a great Divy holding for the longest time. Went Chap. 11 tonight. Thanks to all who helped me take the loss back when it was just painful. Trying to ride this downturn out would have been fatal.
  • mradams0621: $LINE / LNCO My oldest and largest position. Started years ago at $32 and doubled down several times on the way down. It just made a double bottom today at $0.32, now talk about oversold- so I sold everything in my IRA and put it all in $LINE.
  • mradams0621: @mradams0621 $LINE Wish I could have come up with something better. April Fool! And that's what I would be for sure if I had actually done that. Have a good weekend all. Try to find a few minutes to share a little in the weekend forum. It was once my favorite part of SMM. Still good sometimes, but not what it used to be. Happy April fools day to all. I'm out of here.
  • issues: @mradams0621 $LINE Mr Adams you really had me believing you. I thought, "This guy is amazing to hold the $LINE so long, and such big position." Then I read that he put it all in $NLY! Whoa! Where has this guy been during Dan's SMM Sessions? I can't believe it. Then I read that this was an April fool ON ME!! You got me you rascal!
  • Aragorn: ...
    NO INSIDE WEEKS - given the range we had this week not a surprise and form my big list of non ibd50 stocks only 3 of 700 were inside week $AGCO $HAL $LINE
    There a re aton of shooters on my big list but for the IBD50 daily shoote ...
  • champ: $USO - Some general info on what I saw on this oil price drop. I was ready for the inventory # and I held some oil stocks.....$CVX $XOM $BP $KMI $LINE $RIG and got back in $MRO and $OXY after the drop.. With one new buy $SLB. I rated all the stocks on this sell off ....1 thru 10 and some pipe line stocks never turned red or dropped very much. $SLB and $BP both of these stocks stay up over $1...they held up the best in this sector drop on my watch list.... along with $OXY it had a very slow drop and I got back in at $71.70. I don't have a clue where the price of oil is going but my stops are now back on ...I turned them off going into the #. Will follow up later...
  • champ: $FANG - Sold 1/2 this morning on the news that the tgt was lowered to $88 this morning at Topeka Capital but they said the stock still remains one of their top picks but it's dropping now and turned red just like $CXO did this morning I'm now out. Any oil stock thats red is now on the bottom of my watch list but I had a good run on both. I just want to point out that both of these oil stocks don't have dividends....many other do and I have positions in $CVX $XOM $OXY $NE $ESV $RIG $BP $MRO $KMI $LINE and also these 3 stocks that don't have dividends $CIE $OAS and $BBG. I think the stocks that have dividends might not drop as fast on any turn in this sector IMO. I have trailing stops on all position and some have brackets. Also watching $ position.
  • mradams0621: @champ $FANG $CXO $CVX $XOM $OXY $NE $ESV $RIG $BP $MRO $KMI $LINE $CIE $OAS $BBG $SLB Do you ever trade the ticker $OIL? Would you agree it is not a good choice as an oil holding position? I think it is just used for short term trading maybe?
  • raf: @jan2138 Do you still hold $GGN and $LIne. What is your take on them? Thx Raf
  • jan2138: @raf $GGN $LIne : I still have $GGN. Sold $LINE a long time ago. I don't like K-1 generators.
  • jan2138: @raf $GGN $LIne $GGN is a long term hold for me. It has been a terrible performer but continues to pay a livable distribution so, I am holding and waiting. I have not followed $LINE so, I am not up to date on it. Looks like they may, if they haven't already, suspend the dividend. CFO just left. Does not look too promising rhrn.
  • BocaRick: @GreenGhost $LINE $LNCO both up over 6% PM. NP. Nasdaq Pre-Market most advanced.
  • Dave: @GreenGhost - Ya, GG, and enough desire for an oil bottom that there's a bunch of non-derivatives that are moving up between 15 to 23% in my oil folder: High to low: $KEG (when I make profits on this stock, I know what to buy), $LNCO, $AREX, $LINE, $BAS, $EOX and the $UWTI next.
  • GreenGhost: $LINE suggest not trying to be bottom picking this stock ; posted on last weeks elimination of distribution ; as that was one of last remaining reasons to hold this stock IMO investors are dumping this stock with some real conviction look at the volume /institutional selling pressure last 2 days ; BIG red candles; stock continues to implode and down another 15% today. falling knife with no bottom in sight. Sister company $LNCO same type of drubbing/price action.
  • Forexpro: @GreenGhost, $LINE Thanks, GreenGhost, A Barron's article in the current issue suggests that only some hedges, done when oil was substantially higher, are keeping $LINE afloat. As those roll off, the author indicates that the math doesn't work, and that the company will not be able to meet its obligations. Didn't strike me as one to buy; there are nicer bottoms to pick, it would seem. Hope you're doing well; all the best!
  • GreenGhost: @Forexpro $LINE Where's my hedge? that's true with many of the E&Ps from what I've read $EOG $PVD et al the usual cast of characters. Suspect many underestimated depth and length of bearish oil market. Didn't we all? LOL. Price action in quite a few of those charts with oil continuing to trade down and down suggests that investors in quite a few of those names are waking up and smelling the coffee. Hope you had a fine weekend.
  • champ: Squeeze Radar Watch- $LINE $4.08 and $RJET $4.45 - I'm long both and I will swing both position.
  • GreenGhost: $LNCO $LINE Despite repeated assurances over past year by mgmt. that the remaining ( and already pared down) distributions were safe, these sister companies backtracked on that and wholly eliminated distributions and instead did some Balance Sheet re ...
  • rck89: $LINE $LNCO Any ideas on these companies? These yield hogs have killed me, since appears that nat gas prices are going to zero! @jan...hope you're around today!
  • issues: @rck89 WOW $LINE $LNCO Now these are charts that I would expect to see on the background wall of the Three Stooges or some comedy routine as a joke. I can't believe this. I don't think I've ever seen a worse chart. What to do now? It's obviously bothering you so would it be conceivable to consider the vague notion of letting them go. Really? What would you advise me if I asked you what should I do with these?
  • jan2138: @rck89 $LINE $LNCO: I am not in either one as they are K-1 generators, and I have stayed away from them almost entirely for several years. The distributions have been cut significantly and the prospects for the near term are not positive with all of ...
  • rck89: @issues $LINE $LNCO Yes I have been selling. But my "second guess" worry is that I'm selling at the exact bottom! Always painful. And after all nat gas has to go up someday when our weather patterns normalize...or maybe never. Thanks for your sage comment.
  • rck89: @jan2138 $LINN $LNCO $EOG Thanks for your thoughts. I'll do yet more reading on $LINE, but its probably too late to do anything, which can said of my other favorite "dog"....$EOG!
  • rck89: @DAN $RIG $LINE $LNCO So are options (small) the best way to play $RIG? And if we are fairly certain about a positive $RIG report, why not use $LINE or $LNCO? At least with the aforementioned stock are paying big dividends while we are watching the price of oil rise.
  • mradams0621: $GOOG $GOOGL If you were interested in the Google chart, why would you pick $GOOG over $GOOGL, or the other way around? Are they not the same company? Is it like the $LINE vrs $LNCO tax issue? Schwab business summary spells it all out clearly for the latter, nothing to explain the difference between GOOG and GOOGL.
  • ginny: @DragonFly $SN $LINE $BBEP got stopped out oof theee when they broke the 21. Had a nice gain.
  • DragonFly: $LINE - does this one have a funky status with taxes? IRA OK to hold - I can't remember...
  • jan2138: @DragonFly $LINE: if in an IRA, you need to be aware of the UBTI, Unrelated Business Taxable Income. If your holding of k-1 issuers generate more than the allotted amount for a deferred a/c, you will be taxed. Check it out with your tax advisor or look it up on Investopedia.
  • asinger12: $LINE any thoughts??
  • woodman: #oil&gas I posted a list of oil and gas E&P stocks the other day. As is apparent, many in this sector are continuing to run. I have multiple lists next to me, with some overlap, but I can't recall which ones I actually posted here. My main ones that I've been following have been $BBEP $NOG, $EXXI, $SD, $SM, $SN, $OAS, $LPI $PGH $ROSE $MILL $USEG $LINE $AXAS $EVEP. I bought a few of these. But so many are working within the sector, you can almost just throw a dart.
  • ginny: @asinger12 $LINE $SN $BBEP have started small positions. If they reverse, I will not be hurt too much. If they begin to run, I will add.
  • woodman: @moneyHoHo $NOG $SM $SD $SN $AXAS $LPI $USEG $ROSE $EVEP $TPLM $LINE - the ones I mentioned yesterday.
  • woodman: #Oil&Gas - I have no idea if energy has bottomed, whether this is just short covering, whether it will reverse down again, stagnate or continue up, but some that look interesting rhrn: $NOG, $SM, $SD, $SN, $AXAS, $LPI, $USEG, $ROSE, $EVEP, $TPLM, $LINE,
  • RON: $LINE somebody just decided they needed 100k of $LINE stock
  • RON: $UNG Gapped this morning and $LINE looks like a Boeing Rocket
  • jan2138: @GreenGhost $WMC $LINE: thanks for the warning. The yield on this ticker has been up at this level numerous times since August and they have paid 2 divs. since then. I think it is safe for at least another qtr. which will be declared in late March. All imho, of course. We shall see. Did you see the Barclay's downgrade from "Overweight" to "Equal weight" with a 12.00 price target, down from 29.00. Now, that's a timely call=: ))
  • GreenGhost: @jan2138 $LINE saw that one and I'll raise you one. Some rocket scientist came in with a $BBEP downgrade and PT cut today. Now that's getting out in front of things. Must be that exact same knucklehead at Barclay's.
  • GreenGhost: @jan2138 $LINE I hope you're feeling better these days. I did some extensive work on $LINE over the weekend which I'll post later but I'd be curious if you had any views on that one. The company's Jan 2 announcement of a big distribution cut coupled with a new $500 MM Blackstone funding line for balance sheet support and possible vulture M&A prospects has piqued my interest.
  • jan2138: @GreenGhost $LINE: Thanks for your good wish. I was in $LINE and several other K-1 generating tickers until a couple of years ago when my accountant suggested I get out of them if I could reinvest the funds elsewhere to advantage and eliminate the he ...
  • GreenGhost: @jan2138 $LINE Thanks for the thorough and thoughtful reply. K-1 are a pain I agree. I traded a lot of those precious metal ETFs and got a stack of K-1s at tax time several inches high. Often more trouble than they're worth. I'll post my $LINE research and if you've got the time and interest I'd enjoy any feedback you might offer. Thank you.
  • :
  • jan2138: @GreenGhost $LINE $LNCO: great analysis. At some point, I wish I knew when, but it will come, not only will yield seeking investors be happy, but they and total return seekers will be well rewarded if they even come close to picking the right entries. Times like this often present opportunities that in retrospect, we all wish we had taken advantage of. Is this really one of those times? I think it is setting up for one, and if so, these tickers could perform as well, if not better, as any in this sector. Management has demonstrated its competence and will survive this swoon.
  • GreenGhost: @jan2138 $LINE $LNCO Thank you that's much appreciated. Seems like the mgmt. is trying to get out in front of things versus a deer in the headlights reactive posture. I'm in whole hearted agreements with your commentary but I'm still standing back until spot oil can show me something or anything for that matter. I think we're closer to the bottom but who knows if this is the 5th inning or the 7th? I'd like to see more analysts lowering of price targets and buy recommendations as that typically signals the end is at least on the radar. Like the ratings agencies, the analysts are typically the last ones to capitulate in my experience.
  • GreenGhost: ...
    The board approves a 2015 budget with oil and gas capital expenditures of $730M - down 53% from $1.55B in 2014 - and a 56.9% cut in the annual distribution of both $LINE and $LNCO which are down -6% and -8%, respectively in active early PM activity. ...
  • GreenGhost: I'd tend to stay away from the smaller cap E&P names until oil starts to base AND move up. $55 oil is bad enough for these companies. The longer it stays down here, the more liquidity stress that translates into on these companies. The smaller ca ...
  • rck89: $LINE Added to existing stock positions @10.05 earlier today. Stock should be declining and it was strengthening! And they paid their monthly what's wrong with this story?
  • GreenGhost: @rck89 $LINE A looming debt covenant restriction, which if violated would cause an event of default on the one or all of the company's outstanding debt obligations. Of course, the company has no interest in causing an EOD, so it's in a box and may be forced to cut it's distributions. LINN Energy slashed by Baird Baird drops LINE to Neutral from Outperform, citing collapse in oil prices.Cuts price target to $10 from $21. Implies 1.8% upside. Firm anticipates upstream MLPs will be forced to cut distributions when debt covenants are triggered.
  • GreenGhost: @rck89 $LINE If its' public debt you can pull the debt agreement off EDGAR. If not try the company's website or as a last resort e-mail Investor relations.
  • mradams0621: #markets- if capitulation shows the bottom, yada yada- sold all my falling knifes at huge loses today. Out of $SDRL, $LINE, $CBI, and took profits in $SBUX just cause I hate the CEO's interviews, attitudes. I'm going to go chop wood until I get some self respect back. Have a great day all.
  • GreenGhost: $BBEP (DOWN 18%) and $LINE (DOWN 11%)Both continue their now accelerating free-fall today as the over leverage knife slices these stocks to pieces. Institutional distribution is actually increasing in these names suggesting further downside. The former got another late to the party downgrade today and the latter has already began liquidation of some of it's assets (see today's announcement). The price action is suggestive of these companies being under severe liquidity stress and IMO, however painful, still should be sold down here as it's possible some sort of liquidity event may transpire. I'm not saying it will but why risk your capital on that outcome? The yields on both are now 30%; the market is pricing in a distribution reduction or even possible elimination is very likely to occur.
  • mradams0621: $LINE Very scary article. . I was trying to ride this out in my IRA, thinking patience would be the best way to go and wait for it to make a come back. ...
  • Iceman: #Oil - independent oil and gas companies to AVOID. All these are small cap names, could be highly leveraged (I didn't check each one), and will be the ones likely to FAIL in an extended low oil price environment. $IVAN Ivanhoe Energy Inc. $EOX Emerald Oil, Inc. $MPO Midstates Petroleum Company, Inc. $LEI Lucas Energy, Inc. $ESCR Escalera Resources Co. $FST Forest Oil Corporation $LINE Linn Energy, LLC $ECR Eclipse Resources Corporation $REN Resolute Energy Corporation $CRK Comstock Resources Inc. $ROSE Rosetta Resources, Inc. $XCO EXCO Resources Inc. $EPE EP Energy Corporation $GDP Goodrich Petroleum Corp. $CRC California Resources Corporation $MEMP Memorial Production Partners LP $WHZ Whiting USA Trust II $TGC Tengasco Inc. $WHX Whiting USA Trust I $KWK Quicksilver Resources Inc. Do not speculate in names like this. Stick to SP500 energy companies and you will ride out this wave and participate in any recovery on the other side.
  • GreenGhost: Traders IMO should expect more of same from names in this sector. Note the extremely high current yield ( read market telegraphing unsustainable) and expected payout reductions ala $SDRL $BBEP, the MLPs et al Linn Energy, LinnCo plunge amid falling oil, Stifel target price cut Stifel maintains its Buy ratings for Linn Energy ($LINE -6.2%)and LinnCo ($LNCO -9.9%) but cuts its target prices for both to $22 (from $27 for LINE and $33 for LNCO), as the companies trade sharply lower amid today's oil price skid. On LINE, Stifel believes distribution coverage will be challenged should the current commodity environment persist during FY 2015, but that management is committed to maintain the distribution; investors should benefit from LINE’s moves to lower the corporate decline rate which lowers the maintenance capex needs. With ~$2.5B in liquidity, the firm thinks LINE could pursue $1B in acquisitions without being forced to access the capital markets.
  • rck89: @jan2138 $LINE $LNCO Hey Jan - I still own both of these nat gas stocks. Any news (or your thoughts) on the dividend for these it safe? Thanks.
  • jan2138: @rck89 $LINE $LNCO: I have been out of these for a while so, I am not up to date on the fundies. But, the dividend histories show very stable patterns. They just declared monthly divs. which are same as last month and many before that. That said, with developments in the oil market, it's difficult to say what will happen as we go forward.
  • LegionXIV: @jan2138 Is $LINE or $LNCO one of the yield hogs you follow? I have been long for some time and don't see why it has fallen so far. Thanks for any insights you may have!
  • ab2510: @LegionXIV - Aren't $LINE and $LNCO are tied to the price of oil.
  • jan2138: @LegionXIV $LINE $LNCO: I used to be in $LINE but got out when I exited most of my K-1 issuers. Not sure why it has fallen, other than it has suffered along with the oil market, as I have not stayed current on the fundamentals although, I see that $LINE has maintained and increased their distribution level as has $LINCO. Looks to me as it is too late to sell rhrn. I'd hang in there for a while as it seems to be establishing a base and support. You are being well compensated while you wait.
  • LegionXIV: @jan2138 Thanks for the insight. I see the rest of the oil MLPs have participated in this rally, but $LINE has not; so there must be something I am missing. Thanks again!
  • jan2138: @LegionXIV $LINE: perhaps, it is worth exploring adding.
  • dmgrevas: $LINE $LNCO - Looks like they could be putting in a low today. Any comments?
  • kwilson123: @dmgrevas $LINE trades with price of gas and oil. They should not in my mind but seem to act like commodities.
  • russ1030: @kwilson123 $LINE - Why wouldn't they trade with oil? Even though they are pretty well hedged, they still sell oil...
  • rck89: @jan2138 What's your current thinking on $SDRL, $LINE and $LNCO? Of course, these high yield energy stocks are suffering because of weak oil and nat gas prices, but are the dividends safe? And at what price do they begin to "cap" their wells? Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
  • jan2138: @rck89 $SDRL: I have posted my thoughts on this numerous times over the past few weeks. I am currently holding it anticipating that they will at least pay another dividend or 2 at the $1.00 level. I anticipate that they will weather the current swoon ...
  • mradams0621: @DrChucky why do you think that? Sure hope you are right. Long and underwater but in a long term IRA, so riding it out. If the Saudi's are doing another oil war, oil could go lower, and cap x will tighten up. Will that not hurt $CBI? I'm riding out oil for the long term with the divvy's in $SDRL, $ESV, $LINE, $LNG, $EPD, $KMP, and $CBI. Needless to say my account balance is not pretty and the pain is hard to look at but I'm still thinking I will be happy I rode it out in a couple years. But I do expect more pain before it's over. Were you serious on your opinion we may be at a bottom in oil? Not many voting with you!
  • beby138: $LINE- Added to my underwater position.
  • Oliver: OVER SOLD? Oil.. $BAS $SN $LINE $LNCO Basic Material... $SLCA $HCLP
  • rck89: $LINE $LNCO - I bought these stocks at a 9% yield (approx $30) and I've been crushed! I guess nat gas (and oil) prices "trump" yield levels. I don't know if this dividend is still safe...but what to do now? Thoughts, please.
  • beby138: @rck89 $LINE Same here under water 20% , I'm holding .
  • GreenGhost: $LINE another beaten down yield play which seems to be reversing hard today. Think you can buy it here with a stop at today's low. Note on daily how stock sold off awful at open, made a new low, turned and reversed upward and is now nicely up here on BIG volume. These are some of the tell tales signs of a near term reversal. Very oversold conditions and continued fall in UST yields seem to be catalysts for reversal.
  • mradams0621: $LINE $KMP $EPD $ESV $SDRL - Anything oily in my long term account is still red, and the only things that are red today. I'm thinking that means they still have not reached a bottom. I intended to ride it out with the divvy's to ease the pain but this lack of any rebound today has me wanting to give up - most likely right at the bottom.
  • jan2138: @russ1030 $LNCO: Russ, because this is a K-1 tax generator which I avoid because of the tax accounting etc., it's not one I follow. I was in $LINE and had a good experience before I sold all but one of my K-1's. $LNCO has a steady dividend history and the 9.25% yield is attractive. I have not kept up with the fundies, but I see press releases galore from the 2 companies which are full of positive comments. Looking at a div. adj. chart, it appears to have established support at the 50 day sma and is trying to move up. Not sure how the price of oil and gas are affecting it but there appears to be an entry, but I would not go all in rn.
  • russ1030: @jan2138 Thanks, Dana. Supposedly $LNCO trades the same as $LINE but they changed something so that they don't issue a K-1. I don't like those pesky K-1's either... :o)
  • rck89: $GPRO $YHOO $AAPL $NFLX $TSLA $HES $LINE Completed a several great size trades in close to the market's open this a.m.: STC $GPRO Sept 20 65 calls @6.2, BTO @4.9...wanted to roll to later maturity, but decided to "TTMR" (hope I got this acronym right!) STC $YHOO Jan 40 calls @6.3, BTO @3.25...will sell balance of positions closer to $BABA offering STC $AAPL Jan 100 calls @7.15...still have decent positions, but this morning's exuberance was too much to resist I was a bit slow on the uptake...should have had my orders ready to go on the open! Might have done a bit better...oh well! Not doing well this morning on $NFLX, $TSLA BuPS, and $HES. Still buying $LINE stock for yield.
  • rck89: $PCLN $AAPL $LINE $LNCO $FB My Good, Bad and Ugly trades of the day: BTO $PCLN Oct 1200 calls @30 - probably Ugly, since no upside price explosion as anticipated. BTO $AAPL Jan 100 calls @5.85 - probably Good, since I made good money yesterday and near term $AAPL "headlines" and analyst reports will be good. BTO FB Jan 75 calls @7.3 - SMM recommendation so it must be good ...I think? (-: $LINE, $LNCO - Good stock trades, given high yield 9% and possibility of higher oil prices, given increased geopolitical risks (see Mr. Obama later tonight).
  • rck89: $LINE $LNCO Here's a link to an interesting report from Credit Suisse on two of our yield hogs. Though both securities distribute $2.9, $LNCO is slightly cheaper...not really sure why?
  • JackB: @rck89 $LINE $LNCO LNCO has always traded cheaper than LINE, in fact the discount used to be much larger. My best guess is that for some people, there's a tax advantage to LINE vs. LNCO. Alternately, and maybe this is a case of paying more attention to what you own (I'm long a small position in LNCO, and to date, slightly wrong even when dividends are factored in) the multiple bearish Barron's articles seemed to focus LNCO more than LINE in people's minds.
  • Jadee: $LINE down over 2% $LNCO Down 1.5% today with the rest of energy looking as a good add point to my $LNCO holdings. Anyone see any news or reasons this will continue to fall?
  • clefferts: $LINE - holding up relatively well today with a 9.30 dividend.
  • tkcoretrader: $LINE Energy has acquired assets from $DVN.
  • tkcoretrader: $GOOGL $LINE $MNKD CSX YHOO $ABT $COP still good for me.
  • mradams0621: @dlh $KMB- long and love it. Cramer was pumping $KMI recently as I recall. At one time I knew the difference, but at one time I had a memory- now not so much. Is it a K-1 issue? Like $LINE VRS $LNCO?
  • BocaRick: @pcotton Weekend SS last video - energy - Dan reviewed MLP. $EVEP $LNCO $LINE $TWO you can open up that video and just click on the last few stocks
  • SeaKingA: #yieldhogs #MLP $LNCO $LINE For those who like large dividends but do not enjoy the tax consequences of a Master Limited Partnership, be apprised that LNCO is a holding company for LINE, paying dividends rather than distributions, and therefore, obvi ...
  • beby138: $LINE- Breaking out after long consolidation , nice div.
  • tina: @beby138 $LINE June 4th is their ex-dividend date, the 9.93% yield
  • tallal: @tina...$LINE ex is June 5th...I'm pretty sure.
  • vblegacy: @tina $LINE I have ex-div for 6.5.14
  • Iceman: ...
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 22 Puts
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 23 Puts
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 36 Calls
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 37 Calls
    $LQDT Apr 19 2014 17.5 Puts
    $NAT Apr 19 2014 7 Puts
    $NAT Apr 19 2014 8 Puts
    $NFLX Apr 19 2014 265 Puts
    $NFLX Apr 19 2014 275 Puts
    $NTAP Apr 19 ...
  • Tim S: ...
    $LINE - $MLP that, even after huge move last week, is still yielding 11.1%
    $MCC - September 4 selling put in a bottom. Currently above 50ma again and setting up to #squeeze. 10.9% yield
    $MITT - Gawd-Awful chart, but actually at a good entry #RHRN ...
  • redamber: $line - From RMP: By @Jim #Cramer | Jul 31, 2013 | 10:25 AM EDT I am seeing a giant put buyer in LINE--August 22s--so I figure raid coming from the usual territory...
  • redamber: $LINE - Line gives a K-1 which is taxable where $LNCO gives a normal #dividend. This article explains it:
  • redamber: $LINE - (IMHO) I believe this to be short covering only; today is ex-div date - the shorts must be out by $EOD or pay dividends. There were 2 bear articles on $SA over the weekend so I fully expect the bear raid to be sustained. Hedgeye is still tweeting about $LINE this morning. I am buying puts near close.
  • boba: $LINE @redamber - Thanks
  • redamber: $LINE - Weakening into the close -- thought it would be strong into close due to ex-div Could the Bears be attacking already? Any ideas?
  • redamber: I posted this last night but want to post it again today $BBEP and other MLPs are under attack by the short sellers. Hedgeye has another hack job on $BBEP on their site. Here is the article for reading $LINE Hedgeye has every intention of taking linn to $8/share. They are brazen enough to post this on twitter
  • Tim S: $LINE Hedgeye seems to be determined to win a pissing match with @Jim #Cramer - probably didn't help that #CNBC told @Keith McCullough he wasn't welcome on the network anymore. Sometimes ... the capacious egos of Wall Street just leave me shaking my head.
  • redamber: $LINE - My question is why did Linn mgmt. bring the SEC probe public. They weren't required to announce it. Once SEC probe ends and Linn is given an A-ok I will pounce and hope the bears get trapped
  • Tim S: @rck89 $LINE - if you are not already holding a position in this one ... here are my thoughts:

    1. Caution. This has been hit with catalysts lately, and even though the company announced it is maintaining its #dividend, just news of an informal SEC ...
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Stock Price $76.43
Change -0.35%
Volume 585,488

Linn Energy LLC is an oil and natural gas company. The Company acquires, develops various oil and gas properties in the United States.

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