Twilio Inc. Class A (NYSE:TWLO)

Chart of the Day July 7th, 2022

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  • vitoB: short $META and $TWLO
  • vitoB: sold out of $AMD $ZTS longs ... down on my $DASH short but still holding, added $TWLO $SG short
  • vitoB: think woods threw in the towel on $TWLO , nice short brewing here, np for now
  • shoredriver: $TWLO...reports
  • shoredriver: $TWLO...beat up 10%ish...
  • jeffslm: $AMZN $SNOW $TWLO bullish engulfing patterns
  • Angdionk: $TWLO squeezing with MA's out of order
  • Angdionk: $TWLO trying to move out of its squeeze
  • Aragorn: $TWLO is now below the 50 on the daily chart and the 8 has crossed the 21. It looks weak. I saw this is one that Cathy Woods added. It needs to retake the 50
  • Angdionk: $TWLO decent volume so far
  • pbwoody: $TWLO breaking through downward sloping trend line and 50 day crossing 200 day
  • Angdionk: $TWLO one to watch
  • Angdionk: $TWLO challenging resistance with decent volume
  • Cjauger: @Angdionk $TWLO setting up nicely
  • Angdionk: $TWLO starting to squeeze above 50 and 200dma ma's not in proper order
  • kycol: @BarryC Cathy Wood said $TWLO should move like $NVDA; I sold a weekly OTM PUT (FWIW)
  • Docoof: $TWLO Flying on big vol. (np)
  • BarryC: @kycol $TWLO $NVDA lol, she needs to lay off the crack!!
  • DavidK: @BarryC $TWLO $NVDA you might be on to something . Woods looks like she is on some kind of drug and her performance is atrocious. Reminds me of the old Merrill Lynch Focus 30 Fund ( maybe 20 can’t recall) manager who lost 80% in 1 year back around 1999-2000 time frame . I gave my broker 100k for college education for kids and said don’t lose it . I was building my business and didn’t really stay on top of it . Every time I asked wtf is going on , response , the manager is a genius , jait hold on . Crooks on Wall Street .
  • BarryC: @DavidK $TWLO $NVDA lol, I was a stockbroker for my first 22 years and understand the Wall Street BS. In fact, I'd be lying if I didn't say I once was one of them back in the day. Now, I'm an Investment Advisor and manage my clients money EXACTLY how I manage my own, BIG DIFFERENCE. Ohhh and I sleep real good at night these days!! :-)
  • Docoof: $TWLO Big vol buying pop.
  • DavidK: @BarryC $TWLO $NVDA Good to know your background ! Best buddy and college roommate had his own form for awhile and he showed me some of the shenanigans. Back in the day and even now , these so called brokers / investment advisors steer you to their in house products so they get a bigger chop . ( commission) Wells Fargo idiot put my wife in some of their bs products right before the Covid mess got fired up . I told her and him in a meeting don’t you put a dime in this market right now . He convinced her otherwise with his you can’t time the market bs and of course her dad had multi multi millions with this idiot . Well , she was down 40 % and freaking out and confronted Broker about it and he said , well your husband was right . Just hold on
  • Docoof: According to Barron’s, $TWLO is up on #News: Twilio stock rose Wednesday following a report that said activist hedge fund Legion Partners has met with the software company several times and pushed for divestitures and board changes. Legion, known for its role in the Bed Bath and Beyond shake-up, has held at least six meetings over the past few months to discuss ways to improve its cost structure and strategic alternatives, a report by The Information said, citing people familiar with the matter. Twilio declined to respond to a request for comment from Barron’s.
  • BarryC: @DavidK $TWLO $NVDA I know it all too well and have seen the worst of the worst. IF I told ya, you'd cash out, lol
  • Docoof: $TWLO On its sixth consecutive up day for a ~29% run. Up over 3% today. (np)
  • Docoof: $ARKK Arkk stocks having a strong day: $TWLO $DKNG $PATH $SHOP $ROKU $CRSP $U $COIN —$ARKK currently at $39.94 up 3.2%.
  • Docoof: @jpoko13 $ARKK Many of its top holdings are doing well today: $TWLO $DKNG $PATH $SHOP $ROKU $CRSP $U $COIN $TDOC $NTLA
  • geotheo: $TWLO Down 16% pre-market on target price cut to $50 from $75 by Stifel. Possible 59minute trade.
  • shoredriver: $TWLO..getting spanked...oh
  • jonwest88: @shoredriver $TWLO again Hah!
  • geotheo: $TWLO A brutal beat down this morning. Down 32%.
  • Motorman: @woodman $SNOWfall $MDB Due to $TWLO? Almost as ugly as $FNKO. NP in $TWLO.
  • jonwest88: @Motorman @woodman $SNOWfall $MDB $TWLO $FNKO Bringing up the rear as the wonder kids are taken out and shot $TEAM and $GTLB
  • champ: Day-Trade and I'm probably going to swing....$TWLO @ $96, nice move, however this stock can dance, the Set-up is ...going into earnings on Thursday after, Trailing.
  • bogiedog1: $ARKK looking at the top holdings to see what is pushing it up. Obviously $TSLA since their earnings. $NTLA today, others starting to show signs of life $ZM $TWLO $SQ $PATH and $ROKU $TDOC rebounding from earnings drops.
  • Rockstar: ...
    $ARKK has not fared very swell this year as $SQ,$TWLO,$ZN,$ROKU,$COIN,$TWLO and other major holdings have lost considerable value with $ARKK going from $126 down to $45. $Tsla has done well for $ARKK but not well enough to hold it up while other h ...
  • michaelH: #SHORT ideas $MATX $AXP $FB $JBHT and watching $TWLO use buy stops! 1
  • shoredriver: $TWLO...out with small follow thru....
  • shoredriver: $TWLO...Big beat...nice move in after...back in at 118ish.....
  • champ: $TWLO $NVDA $TSLA $CRM $DE $AMZN $GOOGL...took profits near the highs ...and on $NVDA....they had 7-product announcements...however this stock for me was sell the News and then maybe wait to get back-in....Out at $271.11...because in the last 5-days this stock bounced around $55....
  • champ: ...
    $TWLO and $GXO.. for example both made low turns and $NVDA also bounced off of a double bottom, I'm holding these 3, plus other swing positions and I'm #diversified ....and there were 100's of other stocks that had nice turns, just like these 3 did. ...
  • champ: $ $155.....Day-3.....Watch for Entry.....
  • champ: $TWLO...I'm in on this stock, yesterday....and others are working $FB but I missed $FB...
  • champ: $NVDA is setting-up for their #Investor-Day....and $TWLO is making a real nice turn also.
  • champ: $TWLO at $150 ...looks like this stock is getting a nice turn,...has #News.
  • DAN: ...
    $TWLO -- Still paying off the shorts.
    $TSLA -- Why would you be fixated on this stock? Don’t think of it as Tesla. Think of it as a chart. Would you buy this POS?
    $TWTR -- This has further to fall
    $FB -- 43% drop since September is pretty i ...
  • success: @DAN $BTU $hit $TNX $SPY $DIA $IYT $MDY $IWM $QQQ $TWLO $TSLA $TWTR $FB $DWAC $PFE $BNTX $MRNA $MOS $CENX $BKR $AA $OVV Dan - the mark is 666 . .wrist or forehead . . no economic or any other transaction without it . . hope to watch that show from a different and more favorable position . .
  • issues: @success $BTU $hit $TNX $SPY $DIA $IYT $MDY $IWM $QQQ $TWLO $TSLA $TWTR $FB $DWAC $PFE $BNTX $MRNA $MOS $CENX $BKR $AA $OVV We are totally with you Mr Success! A real high perspective - as in heaven! Right on!!!
  • DAN: ...
    $TWLO -- this was an obvious short/sell. If they’re in a downtrend, it’s for a reason. Sell the rips, and don’t buy the dips.
    $FB -- Here’s your chance to be the first to get in on the last big thing at a low price.
    Sectors ...
  • jonwest88: @wanda1616 $SNOW $MNDY $HUBS #Bullard $HUBS up to $561-566 a.hrs. Maybe tomorrow it will react similar to $TWLO or to a lesser degree, $DIS
  • Docoof: $TWLO reported and blast-off to the moon. Good for $ARKK’s 8th biggest holding.
  • Docoof: @Docoof $TWLO $ARKK Fourth Quarter Revenue of $842.7 million, up 54% Year-Over-Year Fourth Quarter Revenue Dollar-Based Net Expansion Rate of 126% Full Year Revenue of $2.84 billion, up 61% Year-Over-Year Full Year Revenue Dollar-Based Net Expansion Rate of 131%
  • jonwest88: $DIS ramping, $TWLO ramping. $ENPH just displayed a death cross with the 50 slicing downward through the 200; at the same time, today it jumped above the 50 and the 13 has penetrated above the 20. $ENPH price is now above all m.a.'s of note.
  • jonwest88: @Docoof $TWLO $ARKK $TWLO --if it holds tomorrow will exhibit a nice "w" bottom break out
  • Des: $ARKK has been a large seller of $TWLO last 3 days..
  • Docoof: @Des $ARKK $TWLO Do you mean selling $TWTR rather than $TWLO?
  • Des: Yes, sorry@Docoof $ARKK $TWLO $TWTR
  • Docoof: @Des $ARKK $TWLO $TWTR Just double-checking—Thanks
  • Motorman: @jonwest88 $DIS $TWLO $ENPH I think it went through on the pop but settled below the 50 and 200D. of note 50W is above.
  • DAN: Good morning. Just a quick note because there is not much to say. But there are a few important things to say.

    Futures were down this morning, but they mostly recovered prior to the open. The S&P Just opened flat. And that's just awesome! ...
  • bigbartabs: @DAN $TDOC $DOCU $TWLO $ARKK ... you must be in the habit of starting your posts with "... a quick note" ==:O
  • stairm01: @DAN $TDOC $DOCU $TWLO $ARKK Hey, got to have all of those drug commercials to pay for all of the "Wheel of Fortune" winners.
  • joelsg1: @DAN $TDOC $DOCU $TWLO $ARKK Difference between tobacco and pharma: 50 years of punishing and deserved litigation.
  • agiaccag: @DAN $TDOC $DOCU $TWLO $ARKK I think this is one of your best morning notes ever. I've been a member for a while. The trading rules can be learned but the discipline is what differentiates good from mediocre traders. That's why this business is so difficult. thanks for the "pearls of wisdom" .
  • Craig97003: @DAN $TDOC $DOCU $TWLO $ARKK Excellent Post, Dan. I haven't done a single trade today! Been reading and rereading your post! Thank you!!
  • MongosPawn: @DAN $TDOC $DOCU $TWLO $ARKK Best morning update yet. Great stuff all around. Thanks!
  • bRobert: $TDOC $60 WEEKLY H&S top target is within striking distance $SQ $120 close What a great list of short stocks $SPOT $ROKU $SHOP $ZM $TWLO Get them all under one roof $ARKK $71/$60 potential Will $TSLA be the lone winner or will it sink in the Wood ARKK to $600?
  • joelsg1: @bRobert $TDOC $SQ $SPOT $ROKU $SHOP $ZM $TWLO $ARKK $TSLA $TSLA back at the fulcrum.
  • bRobert: @joelsg1 $TDOC $SQ $SPOT $ROKU $SHOP $ZM $TWLO $ARKK $TSLA Equal opportunity stock Something for the bulls and bears I appreciate that Everyone feels that they have a chance Great stock for the avid trader
  • DAN: ...
    $FCX -- Weekly chart shows a nice picture.
    $TECK -- Great weekly chart. Breakout from $30. Daily…Phase 2 was two days?
    $NSC -- Resting, but still in a good spot to go higher.
  • DAN: ...
    $EXAS...But on the positive side, she owns $ZG and $PATH -- two big winners today.
    $TSLA -- Monster stock with boatloads of cash. Just resting now.
    Other stocks to watch:
    $ZIM -- Still holding up ok.

  • Motorman: $TWLO Entering GAP soon. $275 was bottom from May and last week. Cathie followed me and added off the bottom ;)
  • Motorman: $TWLO Perky, into GAP
  • Motorman: $TWLO day 3 off bottom. Bottom of channel from May.
  • shoredriver: $ 59'r today...watching for possible after
  • Motorman: $TWLO nice recovery 30 points off the floor.
  • shoredriver: $TWLO...maybe a 59'r in the morning.....maybe not.....
  • Angdionk: $TWLO trying to take back the 200dma
  • JohnGalt: @PhooeyQuai @wanda1616 $SQ $PYPL $MA $V $AFRM Good response @PhooeyQuai. I think $SQ will do well long term so I don't trade it but keep it in my investment acct. Same with $CRWD $TWLO $DOCS; long on all
  • Docoof: (FWIW) The 14 biggest holdings in $ARKW are all green: $TSLA $TWTR $GBTC $COIN $TDOC $U $ROKU $SHOP $SQ $SPOT $TWLO $DKNG $ZM $PTON
  • bRobert: $TWLO. 50WEEK. bounce. long consolidation of a monster 500%. move Reversal base above the 30/200d. triggers above the 50d. with a $410. target $500/$540. long term. with a WEEKLY breakout 50%. potential. Multi year winner Buy a pullback bounce from above the 50d. There is a speed bump at $380 which will likely lead to a retest pf the 50d from ABOVE BUY the bounce
  • bRobert: $TWLO. 50 WEEK bounce. Reversal base. consolidation. Bigger multi year Cup base $400/$500. targets. HUGE
  • Motorman: @bRobert $TWLO Sold partial with break of 200 day at 249, risk mitigation. Retraced back up, add back now or wait to clear 50D?
  • bRobert: @Motorman $TWLO Any pullback. bounce with. stop. just. below 20/200d. floor. is close. $410. target with. trigger. > 50d. You can. add on pullbacks. above the 50d. for. multiple scaled. entries. or. just wait for. that
  • bRobert: $ZS. nh. WEEKLY. C&H like breakout continuation $300. target 1. $350. longer. reports. 9/9 $CRWD. nh. WEEKLY. C&H breakout. $350. reports tomorrow. reports. 9/1 $OKTA. Daily breakout $300 target 1. $350. long term $DDOG. WEEKLY C&H breakout $140. target 1. acquired. FLAG has. $160. target Reported. already $TWLO. WEEKLY reversal base. 50 WEEK bounce. $400/$500. Expected. pullback from 50d. ceiling. $410. with move above ADD on pullbacks. ...... Here with stop. <. 20/200d. just below. AND OR pullbacks. from. ABOVE. the 50d. = A+ floor support Strong. WEEKLY bases.
  • bRobert: $TWLO. H&. top. acquired. at $330. bounce. 50W. bounce as well. np Window shopping
  • woodman: @bRobert $SHOP $TWLO $CRWD $ZS $FTNT #EasyRider #NoDrama - LOL. Yeah, who would want that....
  • bRobert: @woodman $SHOP $TWLO $CRWD $ZS $FTNT #EasyRider #NoDrama Absolutely but only if you like a boring ride straight up.
  • woodman: @bRobert $SHOP $TWLO $CRWD $ZS - Hands down, in the cyber-security area, $FTNT has been a much better stock than $CRWD all 2021. I remain a holder of FTNT. There's been no let up all year and it has been an extremely easy stock to hold. It's been one of my #EasyRider #NoDrama stocks.
  • bRobert: Several big cap tech names have been acting poorly. and are at risk of having further declines unless the price action improves quickly. Great stocks can wash out. $SHOP. H&S. top. Cure. Stay > 50d. and get back >. 20d $TWLO. Failed. breakout in July. (STOPS). and downhill H&S. top. Cure.....recapture the 20/50d $CRWD. Range breakdown Bear flag warning. with failure at the 50d. back > 50d. $ZS has been s much stronger stock. lately. Trading. > 20d. close to the high. (it could change) Stop. < 20d. There are others. Give your troops a thorough inspection
  • Mpower27: @DAN $IIPR $CLF $ENPH $CRWD $FVRR $COIN $SPY $DIA $XLF $MS $GS $QQQ $ARKK $FATE $TWLO $SQ $TSLA $TWTR $ROKU $ZM $PACB $TWST $NLY $AAPL $BOOT $REGN $PANW $ALGN $SNOW $SNAP $DXC I don't believe you ever explained the 3 day rule for the noobs.
  • DAN: ...
    $TWLO -- Alert $400
    $TSLA -- Alert $730
    $TWTR -- Alert $72
    $ZM -- I do like this. Rationale: We are seeing a big movement for either “work from home”, or “partial work from home.” And why not? As long as producti ...
  • bRobert: @wijimmy $WIX As a swing. TRADE. Tight stop. <. low eg. $271.90. May lead to much higher targets But I would prefer. $TWLO. RHRN. $DOCU $CRWD. $OKTA
  • wijimmy: @bRobert $WIX $TWLO $DOCU $CRWD $OKTA ... Took the $WIX trade .. I have plenty exposure to $ZS,$CRWD,$TWLO ira .. but will look into it for a trade
  • issues: @bRobert $ARKG $ARKK so which do you like better? I am buying ARKG since the chart is pointing up as in Break OUT! while ARKK is flat. I also like the lower price and the holdings. $ARKG is up (on the 3 month chart) 4.5% while ARKK is only 3.5%. The holdings for ARKG include: $TDOC $PACB $EXAS $REGN $VRTX $FATE $IONS $CDNA $TWST $VEEV. Holdings for $ARKK include: $TSLA $ROKU $TDOC $SQ $ZM $COIN $U $TWLO $SPOT Since we already own TSLA ROKU SQ ZM in ARKK, and don't own any of the holdings in ARKG we will buy ARKG. PS Look at the break outs in $PACB $REGN $FATE $IONS!! Powerful etf! with these big Break outs!
  • bRobert: $TWLO breakout $500 target pb bounces BIG CAP TECH $$ at the expense of most others
  • Wykeman: @bRobert $TWLO lol your post just beat me. Earnings 7/29
  • bRobert: $ARKK own it Trade one chart with many great members Alpha with perhaps a little less risk as an ETF ONE CHART to trade $SHOP $TSLA $ROKU $TWLO $SQ $PYPL
  • Bwhitty: $TWLO trying to breakout, watching volume deciding if I am too late.
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Stock Price $63.22
Change 0.94%
Volume 3,612,710

Twilio Inc provides a cloud communications platform that enables developers to build, scale and operate communications within software applications through the cloud as a pay-as-you-go service.

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