Medical Properties Trust Inc. (NYSE:MPW)

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  • Wolf: $MPW Up 21% on news about Seward bankruptcy. $MPW moved to the cash basis of accounting for all its leases and loans with Steward effective December 31, 2023, due to the ongoing operational and liquidity challenges faced by Steward. This resulted in the reserving of all unpaid rent and interest receivables at December 31, 2023 and the reversal of previously recognized straight-line rent receivables. In addition, the Company recorded impairment charges on certain real estate assets and on its 9.9% equity interest in Steward.
  • Wolf: $MPW Missed earnings and Rev by 4%. Down 2% PM. Will be interesting to see if the dip buyers or sellers win.
  • mepcc1: @Wolf $MPW #Earnings Schwab shows tomorrow 5/9-before open.
  • Wolf: $MPW Down 15% PM on high volume. Don't see any news.
  • lance1161: @Wolf $MPW A tenant filed for bankruptcy
  • wijimmy: @lance1161 $MPW ...more to come... FREE HEALTH CARE... no good for Landlords of Hospitals...... JUST WRITE IT OFF !!! {hahaha}
  • lance1161: @wijimmy $MPW No position, doesn't sound good
  • rnrdallas1939: @lance1161 $MPW looks like $MPW is going to supply the DIP money while the bankruptcy goes through. Too big to fail?
  • Wolf: $MPW #FORM-4 Looks like some inside selling this yesterday AH.
  • Wolf: $MPW #Earnings Fidelity is showing earnings on 4/25. Earnings Whisper is showing 5/22. Last earnings was 2/21, so I tend to agree with 5/22. Anyone have a date?
  • champ: $MPW...this zigzagger is also looking positive, #X-date tomorrow, 4/19, for $0.15...and there Div #Yield is 12.58%, plus could also take a look at their positive News-flow.
  • champ: @PhilHarmonic #Markets....$JETS $UAL $ALK $CPA $PAA $KMI $MPW, I'm swing these positions..... ...and I sure like your #nice-Photo and that is exactly what I'm taking about ....because I have to go to the Bank everyday, with all of that Green stuff....... ...and on a possible Correction, I'm watching and it could happen at just about anytime, however I can't talk about those reasons Why...but I'm on #High-Alert. LOL
  • champ: @champ $JETS $UAL $ALK $CPA $PAA $KMI $MPW #Markets #nice-Photo #High-Alert...I'm swinging.....what I'm talking about....too many Typo's, time to hang it up.
  • Wolf: $MPW #upgraded by Deutsche Bank from Sell to Hold.. Up 1% PM.
  • champ: #Nice....$MPW....and the #X-Date is 4/19, also has a New-upgrade.
  • Wolf: $MPW Selling majority stake in 5 Utah hospitals. Up 15% PM.
  • champ: $MPW...$5.28...took full Profits with 2 sells, this morning...because I was holding a large position, way-up on positive News, great squeeze, they sold 5-hospitals in UTAH.
  • champ: $MPW...I'm #back-in at $4.71...on this Low-turn...because they just announced 2-deals that delivered $1.1 billion in Cash, plus they announced a dividend of $0.15, a Yield of 15.04%, looks like Insiders are share holder friendly and are also working for their Profits....Trailing at around Entry, after taking profits this morning at around $5.28.
  • champ: $ Back-in Entry did not hold, so #I-moved-off of this position and there might be a next time...??
  • champ: $MPW at $4.73...#Medical-Properties is a real estate investment trust (REIT) and it looks like the Trade-able LOD was at $4.57, this morning, plus this is still swing-able...because of that new News this morning, put this #Yield stock has a great div ...
  • champ: $MPW....HOD...and this Yield stock is up about 4%.
  • Wolf: $MPW Truist Securities maintains hold, raises PT from 4 to 4.50. No immediate reaction.
  • champ: $MPW...this Yield stock had the low-turn at $4.16....and the Div is 14.12%...will see if it is....back-on-track.
  • Wolf: @champ $MPW Have you seen any news about the march Dividend? It's overdue.
  • champ: @Wolf $MPW ...Know I haven't seen anything....other than they haven't released their X-date yet....and that date could be released anytime now.
  • Wolf: $MPW Some insider buying yesterday. Not much movement in price, just mirrored the markets.
  • champ: @Wolf $MPW......I did get back-in with a large spec at $4.37 and I will add if it drops.
  • champ: $PAA is HOD and is still doing that happy zig-zag dance higher and I'm also still holding $KMI....and I did get back into $MPW after taking profits..near that high-turn lower, the other day...because it just moved-up too fast.
  • bobbybwana: @champ $PAA $KMI $MPW $PAA bought this one in February and I think it was on your recommendation. Should have bought more. Thanks @champ.
  • champ: @bobbybwana $PAA $KMI $MPW....YourW...and thats nice to know........I have been adding/building.....and maybe try to come-up with a building plan that works for you, earlier, next time, on stocks that are working.... ......and while building, could add with stops around entries....on each add-on...... ....however think about some-type of a building plan ...for the future. I'm happy to know, that $PAA is working for you...Good Luck!
  • champ: $MPW is up of my #Yield stocks is moving up nicely this morning...and I'm also still holding $KMI and $PAA.
  • champ: $MPW...nice Green stairs this morning, I added because something is going on.....and I'm looking but I don't see anything...anybody see anything..??
  • champ: $MPW is up 17% now..........
  • champ: $ up over 19% now...
  • Henry: @champ $MPW
  • champ: @Henry $MPW....OK...that explains this move, #Thanks.
  • champ: @Henry....$MPW.....#Thanks again for taking-the-time...and I took full profits, on that turn off of HOD.
  • champ: This #Yield stock...$PAA is at $17.30 and it had a nice upgrade to $23 this morning and I'm also holding $KMI and $MPW.
  • rnrdallas1939: @champ $PAA $KMI $MPW #Yield hog nice see a #Yieldhog post. Some others that show some strength $ET $EMB and a spec $PBR. Who knows what Brazil will do but that 19.66% div. is nice.
  • Wolf: $MPW Huge transaction on yesterday close, 45M shares. Normal 90 day volume is 26M. Not much movement PM this AM.
  • champ: $MPW...#Medical-Properties...up another 3% and is still zigzagging higher, #Yield stock.
  • champ: $MPW, Medical Properties...this #Yield stock is working nicely and I'm also holding $KMI and $PAA.
  • champ: $KMI $PAA $MPW....these Yield stocks are still working, with a lot of room to continue climbing climb.........and on Medical Properties, they have upgrades as high as $7.00, with a div at 13.67%.
  • phgruver: @champ $KMI $PAA $MPW ...After YEARS of holding $KMI, I am only down $112! Maybe I'll break even sometime this week. Woo Hoo!!! :-) It's been a steady income payer, so I haven't been too worried. Energy may be starting a bull run. It's sure been beaten down long enough.
  • champ: @phgruver $KMI $PAA $MPW ...Investing... as we all know, is all about Entry and Exit timings...hopefully you added on my Entry post. Good Luck!
  • champ: @phgruver $KMI $PAA $MPW....and as you already know, the positive on all #Yield stocks are, we get paid too hold. LOL
  • Wolf: $MPW #Upgrade by BNP Paribas from Neutral to outperform. Up .14 (3.5%) PM.
  • champ: $ $4.30, #Medical Properties, is another nice #Yield stock, that pays 14.25%...and was upgraded this morning to $6.00. I'm parking profits in this stock...and I'm also holding $KMI and $PAA...and I'm still building.
  • champ: $PAA, at $16.60....#Plains-All-America-Pipelines, this #Yield stock, that has a 7.73% div... was upgraded this morning to $19 by $WFC and I added, I'm parking a large Cash position in this company. ~~~$WFC management, has a huge customer base, in their #Wealth Management division. ....Watch for Entry, this has entry timing...and so does both of these Yield-stock $KMI and $MPW.
  • Wolf: @champ $PAA $WFC $KMI $MPW #Plains-All-America-Pipelines #Yield #Wealth I have a starter in $AMLP. It is an ETF that invests in oil service and pipeline LP's without the K-1 forms. Its yield is 7.5%. Up 1% today, about 3% in my position.
  • champ: @Wolf $PAA $WFC $KMI $MPW $AMLP #Plains-All-America-Pipelines #Yield #Wealth......Thats a nice ETF, however I would rather target companies, than an ETF..... and K-1 forms are not a problem and for me, it only adds a minute or so on your tax-form, been using them for 30 years or so and I never had a problem and if the form comes in late, I just add it to the next year, which is OK, not a big deal at all for me. Good Luck!
  • ruskinq2: $MPW wondering if the 47% short float might be wrong? there are issues for sure, but still 75% institutional owned...just jumped up over the 50 day...
  • wijimmy: @ruskinq2 $MPW ...NO.NO.NO... Insurance companies are paying the Hospitals less,,,, Sometimes the Hospital doesn't get paid at all... (the Illegal's and people without coverage are getting FREE RIDES in these hospitals $MPW owns) I wouldn't want to be a Landlord {RHRN} of Hospitals that aren't getting paid .....
  • Wolf: $MPW @yeildhogs Added on pullback. Pays 11.86% Div.
  • Wolf: $MPW @yieldhogs Green volume still increasing. Watching for close above 5.80
  • Wolf: $MPW @yeildhogs Clean break through the 50DMA and upper BB. Some profit taking right now.
  • Wolf: $MPW took a nice profit on 1/12 4.5 and 5 short puts.
  • Wolf: $MPW @Yieldhogs Testing the 50 DMA again. Has decent option chain, so buy write might work. 11.5% Div. Ex 12/6
  • Wolf: $MPW @yieldhogs This is giving you a chance to get in near the 20 DMA. Bought shares and opened $5 12/22 short straddle. Small position until it set a direction.
  • Wolf: @DrScience $MPW #Yieldhogs Looks like this one may have found bottom. They beat FFO/share 10/26. Also Medical Properties Trust, Inc. Confirms Long-Term Strength, Stability and Performance of Business Model in Third Quarter Results. Broke above recent trend yesterday. Watching next week. Also has a good option chain. ATM call/put one month out is 1% Day traded covered calls and naked puts last week for a decent profit.
  • DrScience: $MPW #Yieldhogs @jan2138 This yieldhog has turned into a yield-dog. The company cut their quarterly dividend this morning from .29 to .15, dropping yield from 16.69% to 8.63% going forward. The high yield was a red flag, but last week, a WSJ article (read here: ) poured gasoline on internal fires burning the company and its stock. Lawyers are lining up -- not a good sign -- to see if they can generate some nice fees regardless of whether stockholders get any of their money back as price has fallen down to one-quarter of its 2021 high.
  • wijimmy: @DrScience $MPW #Yieldhogs .. had a good run...$MPW reit landlord of Hospital's ... Hospitals defaulting due to higher rates causing vacant buildings...and bankruptcy to Hospitals... Add in patients not paying medical bills and getting free healthcare (ie... immigrants and to many medicaid patients ) The hospital can't stay a away drugs and free labor Doctors/Surgeons/Nurses need to get paid.....
  • LFYoda: Looking for a solid high yield stock to park some of my money in. Recommendations? Long term so price fluctuations not a big deal, just company longevity. I’m looking at $LADR $MPW $NLY $VOC thoughts…
  • Kid2old: @LFYoda $LADR $MPW $NLY $VOC MAIN - I have money parked in $MAIN. Pays 0.225 around the 5th of the month. About 7% now.
  • mopick: @LFYoda $LADR $MPW $NLY $VOC, I would strongly recommend $RNP, solid collection of Reits from a very reputable company, yielding over 8%., pays monthly. Also, $ARCC, largest BDC company with a great track record, nevery has cut its distribution, yield over 10%. Others like $JEPI, probably my favorite, from JP Morgan, yielding over 11%, writes covered calls on their positions, pays monthly. $UTF or $UTG from Cohen & Steers, utilities and infrastructure. Solid company!! BTW, I would strongly advise you NOT to buyy $MPW. This company's financials are not great, dividend cut very possible.
  • LFYoda: @Kid2old $LADR $MPW $NLY $VOC $MAIN thanks!
  • LFYoda: @mopick $LADR $MPW $NLY $VOC $RNP $ARCC $JEPI $UTF $UTG thanks!
  • ruskinq2: $MPW hospital REIT big div big short interest triple bottom?
  • issues: I was surprised at how many of the IBD 50 stocks were replaced! 23 out of 50 are new! That's half. I can't see any difference between the charts of those replaced with the ones they kicked off. There's no sense that I can see in the difference between the old and new. The only observation is the "new homes" were abandoned including TREX. And some of the tech were gone. For example these are new on IBD 50: $AAWW $BRO $BX $CLF $EPRT $EW $JBHT $JEF $LIN $MPW $MRVL $NFG $NMRK $PFE $PSA $QLYS $REXR $SF $SIVG $SPG $STE $VRTS $WGO. We own mrvl, pfe qlys sivg and are buying SF and VRTS in the morning Mon.
  • Docoof: @issues Some general themes/sectors encompassing the IBD 50: Semis/Semiconductor-Related and Data Storage: $AOSL, $SGH, $ONTO, $KLAC, $TER, $SIMO, $STX, $LCRX, $AVGO, $MRVL Real Estate/REITs: $CBRE, $LSI, $EXR, $EPRT, $SPG, $REXR, $NMRK, $PSA, $MPW Financials: $CUBI, $WAL, $JEF, $SF, $SIVB, $BX Medical/Bio/Healthcare-related: $AMN, $EW, $PFE, $IQV, $VRTX, $STE Builders and Lumber: $BLDR, $CCS, $GRBK, $LPX, $WFG Insurance-Property/Casualty/Title industry group: $KNSL, $FNF, $BRO (Insurance Brokers) Transportation/Transport-Related: $ZIM, $AAWW, $JBHT
  • Ben: Reaching out for ideas for high yield stocks for a family member. Besides $NLY; I have $T, $MMP,$PAA, $STWD $MPW...there are several oil/gas stocks w/ high yields but I don't feel good about their values. Any thoughts about this list or your on suggestions are most appreciated.
  • james056: @Ben $NLY $T $MMP $PAA $STWD $MPW $EPD @ 7.76% dividend. However, it's been trending down lately and got knocked into ugly yesterday. Careful with $T. No one knows what they are going to drop the dividend to. Speculation is a 50% cut.
  • jjohn: @Ben $NLY $T $MMP $PAA $STWD $MPW Check out $CIM $NEWT $TCPC $IEP and $SAR
  • champ: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OXLC $AGNC --- $CVX, the CEO said on CNBC, that they were Not going to cut their Dividend, I think he said that yesterday. They can't cut it now or everyone would sue them. I'm now holding a position.
  • Margi1983: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OXLC $AGNC I am holding $GSBD $MAIN and $UTF. Not too thrilled with results these past 2 months. Sold many others on Feb 20-26 to fund my retirement annuity
  • issues: For you hog farmers! Do you know which of your hogs have cut their dividend? Dana used to keep us appraised of them but I'm not sure which are good to hold - at this point. We are still holding these with the dividend shown on Ameritrade: $OFS (35%) $ARCC (16%) $TSLX(12%) $MAIN (13%) $MPW (7%) $NRZ (4.5%) $CIM (25%) $MRCC (22%) $NLY (22%) $OCSI (11%) $OXLC (42%) (and also we have no position in $AGNC). Obviously OXLC won't be paying 42% so they (along with the rest) will probably have to cut their dividend. We are still holding all except AGNC = NP
  • issues: @champ $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OXLC $AGNC $CVX Thanks for your post Champ. I picked up a starter position in CVX. Thank you!
  • phgruver: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC That will take a bit of research, and the data, at this time, is unreliable. Last quarters projections will have little validity next quarter. Many of the #Yield_hogs are vulnerable to loan forbearance. If small businesses and mortgagees are given a couple months holiday from making payments, these businesses won't be able to make their payments either. I suspect that most of them will choose to suspend the dividend for a quarter, or maybe two, rather than actually cut it, though, because when cash flow returns to normal, their ability to pay dividends will also return to normal. I'm just holding. I don't think any of the ones I own are in danger of going Chapter 11....
  • issues: @phgruver $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC #Yield_hogs Thanks Dr Phgruver. Which ones are you still holding?
  • phgruver: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC #Yield_hogs For various reasons and in various accounts, some of which predate SMM, $NLY (my oldest holding), $NRZ, $NEWT, $ARCC, $MAIN, and, against Dana's advise, $CLNY. All put together, though, they don't represent 5% of my holdings, even before this disruption.
  • issues: @phgruver $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC $NEWT $MAIN $CLNY #Yield_hogs Hey thank you Dr Phgruver!! Appreciate your comments. I will watch for entres, err entries, (not food) for a buy. Perchance you could sub for Dana!! You look to have a lot of experience in this area. I would vote for you!! Do you want the job?
  • phgruver: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC $NEWT $MAIN $CLNY #Yield_hogs I learned a lot from Dana, but I didn't learn THAT much. I am trying to keep up with the ones I'm invested in, but Dana had a long list that he reviewed each quarter. That's a lot of work!
  • msing3: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC $NEWT $MAIN $CLNY #Yield_hogs Issues thanks for your original question, I have been wondering if now is a good time to place some yield hogs in a LT portfolio ? Should we wait and look for a solvent YH that did cut or suspend their dividend so that is baked into the current price ? Leaning toward adding NLY, CFRA reiterated a buy on NLY on 3/30 with a price target of $8. Knowing very little specs on these YH it does look enticing.
  • mulligan: @issues $OFS $ARCC $TSLX $MPW $NRZ $CIM $MRCC $NLY $OCSI $OXLC $AGNC The following yield hogs have paid their full dividend this month $TCPC $GPM $HTGC $HRZN $LADR $NEWT $TPVG . $WHF is due to pay today - waiting for it to show in my account. $NRZ cut their dividend from .50 down to .05 due to margin calls impacting liquidity. None of those I listed that have paid already have indicated what they intend to do next quarter... we'll see.
  • b0lbachchan: $MPW - Buy with Stop Loss below 50 MA or wait for bounce ? I am planning to take some position now and add more later at bounce of 50 MA or reversal from here
  • b0lbachchan: $MPW - Thoughts ? Good Div - Missed buying yesterday... Take small position now ? or wait ?
  • arthur: $mpw down today,issuing more stock at 17.29, still above 200 ma, good dividend, chart in uptrend, favorable outlook, not sure if a good time to add or just watch.
  • issues: @arthur $MPW down to 200 day. We are still holding for the dividend. Don't know why the drop.
  • Henry: @issues $MPW The debates?
  • beachreader: @Gary $YY $SPX $DJT $NSC $CSX $KEX $MATX $NDX $MDY $PTLA $RDUS $PLNT $BEAT $CTSH $HUYA $JD $AUDC $FOXF $POOL $MPW $CHD $SHSP $LYFT $T $BA $IBM $QD $PFE $ETSY $NFLX $ALLE #NOTES any updated thoughts on $HUYA? thx
  • JBed: $PLD $MPW Keep an eye on these two REITs, which are moving up today. Bonus: dividends.
  • steve71: @JBed $PLD $MPW In $MPW as well since Dan noted it. Summary of Motley Fool: "Healthcare property REIT. 3/4 portfolio is acute healthcare hospitals and 1/4 inpatient rehab hospitals. Great opportunity. Healthcare demand will soar. Only 15% of properties are REIT owned so lots of potential acquisitions. Leases are triple net. 5.3% yield is only a 73% payout so dividend is safe and has room to grow."
  • JBed: $PLD $MPW looking positive. Pullback today in $PLD was quickly snatched up by buyers. These are REITs with good dividends.
  • JBed: @JBed $PLD $MPW $MPW just triggered my alert. Adding here if the apparent breakout is confirmed. 5.31% dividend.
  • JBed: $MPW @Dan talked about this recently. It looks like it may trigger that $8.90 alert in the coming days. Long.
  • Gary: ...
    15. $MPW – From Thursday. I have an alert at $18.85...likely to fire tomorrow. Consider this on strength. Watch this at $19
    16. $CHD – Entry was $68. Next AGGRESSIVE entry would be $72.20 (watch this tomorrow). Alert $72.15.
    17. $SH ...
  • rachel: ...
    $MPW -- Alert $18.85
    $FIVN – holding at 50-day MA.
    $TNDM – GSL holding. Request for coverage. This is resting. Wouldn’t expect much of anything until the price consolidates and soaks up more supply from Feb-March buyers. (weak h ...
  • StockMarketMentor: A Price Alert has been triggered for $MPW Medical Properties Trust Inc.. Click here to view associated video clip:
  • spmeyers: @DAN $MPW are you buying this breakout? the base is nice, but volume is weak
  • DAN: @spmeyers $MPW Yep. Starter position. I would be more confident, but the volume is 41% lower than average for today, so that's a bit of a concern...enough of a concern to have me taper back my size. I have a lot of stocks in my account right now, ...
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Stock Price $5.76
Change -0.17%
Volume 18,278,100

Medical Properties Trust, Inc. is a self-advised real estate investment trust which acquires, develops, leases and makes other investments in healthcare facilities providing state-of-the-art healthcare services.

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