LL Flooring Holdings Inc. (NYSE:LL)

Strategy Session July 17th, 2013

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  • scottto_2: #InsideBarList - My OCD kicked in hard on this one - Thanks Sir @Aragorn - $AAL $AAOI $AAPL $ABC $ABT $ABUS $ACAD $ADI $ADS $AEM $AES $AFL $AGCO $AGIO $AIG $AKAM $AKTX $ALE $ALGT $AMCX $AMN $AMP $AMT $AMZN $AN $ANET $ANGI $ANTM $AON $APA $APD $APRN $ ...
  • natural: $LL still above the 8day, I'm buying this pullback.
  • zimzala: $LL Bounced off the 200SMA and above all the averages on increasing volume.
  • scottrades: @zimzala $LL Good volume so far today. One to watch into next week!
  • zimzala: $LL Tracking position at $26.10
  • scottrades: My Notes: $SPY Quiet and that’s ok. $QQQ Basing Near The Highs $GBTC Tightening. $TSLA Flagging a bit. $AMZN Working. $BABA Gap and Go. $MSFT Still working. $AAPL Quiet Inside Day $NVDA Big Breakout. $SQ Working. $FB Pullback on Low Volume. $GOOGL Working. $ZIM Holding the 8EMA. $YETI Nice work in the forum here! $TGT High Base. $SBUX Watch 114. $WMS Close to the highs. $BLD Watch for a Momentum move or PB to support. $LL Holding the 50 Day $FL MAs are curling. $SMH At the 8EMA. $AMAT above the 21 EMA but weak close. $INTC Negative reaction to NVDA News $AEIS Watch for a move over the slope. $FORM Watch 51
  • Angdionk: $LL converging MA's just above 50dma yesterday good for a watchlist
  • Jim88: $LL up nicely on volume
  • Auto: $WMT $LL adding to short $BBBY added to short $28.90
  • wijimmy: @champ $BCC #Boise-Cascade-Co TD says 2/22 but chase says 2/25 ..then $LL ,$BLDR are .. report 2/25, 2/26
  • champ: @wijimmy $BCC $LL $BLDR #Boise-Cascade-Co --- Yes $BCC is still unconfirmed and $BLDR is confirmed for 2/26/AM, they confirmed on 1/14 and #BlackRock huge New position was confirmed on 1/25................ On $LL I have #NP.......
  • wijimmy: $BLDR $LL $HD $LOW started trade this morning on $BLDR thx @CHAMP and watching $LL on pullback.. building materials all looking good... while home builders are down today $TOL,$KBH,$LGHI
  • Cjauger: $LL was stopped out/Shaken out
  • scottrades: @Cjauger $LL Same.
  • scottrades: Dan mentioned $LL. Close to breaking out of it's squeeze.
  • DBones808: @scottrades $LL ill buy the PB bouce at 33 if it happens. Thanks for the heads up Scott, alert set!
  • DBones808: $LL bounce at 33 watching
  • bRobert: @DBones808 $LL W in motion $36 potential Selling at $35 was EXPECTED from test of swing high
  • DAN: ...
    $SPY -- New administration will accelerate easy money market. Low rates; fiscal policy favorable; infrastructure; COVID lockups can now be lifted; and economic growth should be strong. 2020 was the year of cutting expenses. 2021 will be the year of ...
  • dkoran: @DAN $SNAP $SPY $MDY $IWM $QQQ $XHB $LEN $TOL $LL $SHW $IBP $JBLU $DAL $GNRC $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $PINS $SHOP $TDOC $XAL $LUV $UAL $SAVE $ALK $NIO $BL Respectfully disagree on market analysis over the longer term . There were 15 documents signed today where ZERO benefit the American people and economy . It’s is an American last Administration in power now . Many Americans lost their job today with the shutdown looming of the Keystone pipeline . . Couple this with an extremely overvalued market by any metric spells trouble coming . I know your work is shorter term oriented but when the Wall Street crooks decide to jointly hit the sell button the elevator falls fast
  • Cjauger: @dkoran $SNAP $SPY $MDY $IWM $QQQ $XHB $LEN $TOL $LL $SHW $IBP $JBLU $DAL $GNRC $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $PINS $SHOP $TDOC $XAL $LUV $UAL $SAVE $ALK $NIO $BL @Dan is spot on, markets will rock. Monetary, fiscal policy will juice this market up. Keep your eye on the charts.
  • DAN: ...
    $SPY -- Resting phase of a bull market.
    $QQQ -- Look at the weekly chart. Market is sleepy. Don’t try to make something happen.

    $AMD -- Stopped at 89.30. Entered 93. Set the stop tighter.
    $NLS -- stopped at 19.90. Kept stop tight, and tha ...
  • Wykeman: $LL Nice bo. Decent shorts. going higher imo
  • lostsheep: $LL new highs
  • lostsheep: $LL top of range
  • tartan: @scottrades $PYPL $SQ $BABA $CLX $ROKU $W $PTON $QCOM $WING $SWKS $CVS $GOLD $NET $SPCE $GM $HZNP $LL $MPC $AZN $WM $TTD $EL $DBX $AYX $ON $ZNGA $CWH $AMCX $MELI $SEDG $REGN $CPE $LDOS $AMRN $UBER $BMY $KPTI $LITE $HUM $WEN $BHC $MCK $CPLP Always appreciate a heads up on earnings I think $BILL is due to report this week also
  • Hans_Schultz1: $LL bounce off 20
  • Bwhitty: $LL holding onto a quarter with stop at 20 day. Giving back a lot.
  • Hans_Schultz1: @Bwhitty $LL I was stopped out of my last portion earlier this session. I keep checking back. So far not seeing a bounce. Really wanted to just hold this but I didn't have enough profit to hold through this. Watching @close and tomorrow morning to see. Might have more work to do before it resumes upward.
  • Hans_Schultz1: $LL sold the other half. Will watch to get back in. just needs to blow off some steam.
  • Bwhitty: $LL if anyone had trouble getting in looks like it is testing 8 day.
  • RuDu: @Bwhitty $LL I was wanting to be involved and I appreciate the heads up. Thank you
  • Bwhitty: @RuDu $LL Sure thing 👍 I hate looking back later in the day after I missed a entry.
  • dancemaui: @Bwhitty $LL The 8 day is really close but how much under would you set your stop? I'm not sure it's finished going down for the day yet.....
  • Bwhitty: @dancemaui $LL me personally just below 8 day because I would be chasing.
  • dancemaui: @Bwhitty $LL Thank You
  • Bwhitty: $LL giving back too much, needs a bounce.
  • Hans_Schultz1: $LL has had a really nice run for the last week. Might be time to ring the register.
  • Hans_Schultz1: @Hans_Schultz1 $LL I sold 1/2 Seems due for a rest. I don't believe this is the high though. short term stuff
  • Auto: $LL blast off! added
  • Bwhitty: $LL may be breaking out.
  • lostsheep: @Bwhitty $LL I just had an email alert go off by TOS is down Inside day and up
  • Wykeman: $LL moving nicely. took my starter last week. Posted.
  • Bwhitty: $LL I actually bought more on the small dip. I really like the way it has traded this AM
  • scottrades: @Bwhitty $LL Saw that alert trigger today. Nice work!
  • Bwhitty: @scottrades $LL At HOD now. See if I was thinking right.
  • Wykeman: $LL still acting well. Long.
  • Wykeman: $LL HOD Close to NH I took a starter today.
  • scottrades: My notes today: $SPY Up. $QQQ Down. $GDX Resting. $CCL See that A-VWAP? $SVM pointed this out this morning. Nice Move and out performed a lot of miners. $NET Dipped a toe. $SBUX Nice move today, low volume. Coffee with the 200 Day? $ON I bought some of this into the close $NXPI Another Semi in a Squeeze. $V Waiting for the BO. $NOW Nice slope. $JKHY See the slope? $LL Looking for a day 3 $DELL Mentioned on Friday in my video. Riding the 8EMA. Stop at 59.85. $AEIS Great numbers, small float. Watch for a buyable PB. $FND Not actionable yet, but one to watch. $WMT Not a fast mover but Earnings are coming up and could give you a trade.
  • bRobert: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $GDX $CCL $SVM $NET $SBUX $ON $NXPI $V $NOW $JKHY $LL $DELL $AEIS $FND $WMT Are we trading the same. market? Are focus of attention couldn't be more different.
  • scottrades: @bRobert $SPY $QQQ $GDX $CCL $SVM $NET $SBUX $ON $NXPI $V $NOW $JKHY $LL $DELL $AEIS $FND $WMT I made money today. Sorry?
  • Kharrison67: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $GDX $CCL $SVM $NET $SBUX $ON $NXPI $V $NOW $JKHY $LL $DELL $AEIS $FND $WMT the moral to the story.. there is more than one way to skin a cat??? All is good in the hood!
  • bRobert: @Kharrison67 $SPY $QQQ $GDX $CCL $SVM $NET $SBUX $ON $NXPI $V $NOW $JKHY $LL $DELL $AEIS $FND $WMT Yes.
  • bRobert: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $GDX $CCL $SVM $NET $SBUX $ON $NXPI $V $NOW $JKHY $LL $DELL $AEIS $FND $WMT Scott you misunderstand my post. No apologies for making $$. Not a smack down. Just an interesting observation. Often we are tracking similar game. As the market broadens., so does the choice of things to hunt. That's a good thing
  • ReneeH: @bRobert $SPY $QQQ $GDX $CCL $SVM $NET $SBUX $ON $NXPI $V $NOW $JKHY $LL $DELL $AEIS $FND $WMT fwiw, I'm making money from a buffet of my favs from both of your hunting expeditions. Thank you both!
  • Yuls: $LL trying to break out
  • stairm01: $LL Dang, we missed this one in the Homebuilders. Broke out of consolidation on volume on July 14. @scottto_2 posted about a new 52 wk high on June 29. No position.
  • scottto_2: $LL - 52-wk Hi. Also, you guessed it, #SpoutingHorn setup. Took a small position.
  • Auto: $LL 20% short int moving/working long
  • Auto: $LL $LEVI working added
  • Auto: $LL love those squeeeezzzes
  • bRobert: @Auto $LL 25% short Fuel
  • sierramp: @Auto $LL and ER, eps 44¢ vs consensus 3¢
  • Auto: $LL E tomorrow morning short int 22.5% looking at financials she could head north holding some over
  • Auto: $CCL $DAL $HA $LL added RHRN
  • Auto: $LL $LEVI break daily added $CRWD bear engulf daily sold long now short
  • scottrades: @Auto $LL $LEVI $CRWD Nice Squeeze on LEVI
  • Auto: @scottrades $LL $LEVI $CRWD yes on the daily and today 5 min
  • Auto: $LL holding $8.00 22.5% short int added watch $8.15 to add
  • joelsg1: @Auto $LL Do they still get most of their product from China? If so, political headwinds plus remember the 60 Minutes story of a while back about tainted products.
  • Auto: @joelsg1 $LL good question, I do remember, I day traded there stock in that time period ...did alright
  • Auto: $LL wants to go higher on daily watch $8.15
  • Auto: $AMZN $LL added $ACB added to short
  • Auto: $LL watch it to hold $8.05 to add
  • kbrowe: Notable earnings reports next week: HP Inc. $HPQ Dine Brands $DIN Palo Alto Networks $PANW and Shake Shack $SHAK on February 24 Home Depot $HD, Macy's $M Lumber Liquidators $LL Caesars Entertainment $CZR Virgin Galactic $SPCE and Saleforce.com $CRM on February 25 Lowe's $LOW Square $SQ J.M. Smucker $SJM Wendy's $WEN TJX Companies $TJX Etsy $ETSY and Box $BOX on February 26 VMWare $VMW Cronos Group $CRON Anheuser-Busch InBev $BUD Toronto-Dominion Bank $TD Autodesk $ADSK Workday $WDAY and Best Buy $BBY on February 27 Foot Locker $FL and Wayfair $W on February 28
  • debeers: @kbrowe $HPQ $DIN $PANW $SHAK $HD $M $LL $CZR $SPCE $CRM $LOW $SQ $SJM $WEN $TJX $ETSY $BOX $VMW $CRON $BUD $TD $ADSK $WDAY $BBY $FL $W $CRM is especially sneaky in the wayit trades: after earnings it drops and THEN pops--so if they make their numbers you can pick up a wad if you know for what to look.
  • rachel: ...
    $VIX—X – serious complacency…but that’s normal in this type of market.
    $MTCH – 50-day MA holding. Still in a channel, but this is a stock that moves higher.
    $IIPR – This is strong action. Should be pulling back ...
  • rachel: ...
    $SPX—very light feel to the indexes…but individual stocks are different. Breadth is not impressive at all.
    $T2108 – about 54% stocks above 40-day ma
    $T2107 – about 50% stocks above 200-day MA
    $VALUA – well below highs ...
  • debeers: @Sher $XHB $ITB $HD $LOW $Z $RMAX $RLGY $FNMA $ELLI $SHW $MHK $AWI $WHR $TTS $LL $ETH $LZB -Nice work, Sher!
  • schartline: @Sher $DELL $ABBV $HOME $BAC $LL $RIOT $GLUU $VIPS $CRBP $VIPS do I understand correctly that you took partial profits but that its also strong and you are still very long with apr/may calls? Thanks
  • Sher: $DELL - New long call position, May $62.50... $ABBV - Took advantage of AM pop and took profits on call position for a nice 2-day trade - This one fluctuates a fair amount, intra-day, and is more of a trading stock for me. $HOME - New position (June calls) - Cheap stock - Working with $BAC on possible sale - 50% retracement following earnings sell-off. $LL - New position - Like the chart, here - Riding along the 8-day MA and back above VWAP. $RIOT - New position - Long shares. 11:05 AM 04/05/2019 $GLUU - Took nice gains on April calls at HOD - 3-day trade. $VIPS - Took partial profits... $CRBP - Top pot performer, today - Holding April $7.50 calls... $VIPS - Strong... Very long April/May calls...
  • Wolf: $LL Beat earnings, missed on revenue. Down over 10% pre-market and still going.
  • Sher: ...
    The Pending Home Sales Index for January will be released on Wednesday. That may sound like a dated report with the month of February nearly complete, but in fact it has leading indicator status, which is why economists will be keeping a close eye o ...
  • JBed: $LL Got in @ $18.85.
  • JBed: @JBed $LL and out @ 19.78
  • champ: @JBed $LL ---That is what I like to talk about....#Bounce-Trade....#Good work!
  • champ: @JBed $LL ----A+
  • JBed: @champ $LL Oops: typo, got out at $18.78 for a small loss but avoided a bigger one. ;-) Thanks for the encouragement.
  • efrain007: $LL $VRNS down 22% and 19% pre market. Watching for a trade.
  • efrain007: $LL in 19.26
  • efrain007: $LL added 19.45
  • Christiane1: @efrain007 $LL where do you put your stop efrain007
  • efrain007: @Christiane1 $LL As of right now I have it just under VWAP at 19, but will be moving it up. I'm looking to trim near 21 if it keeps going.
  • efrain007: $LL not waiting for this, out for break even 19.40
  • efrain007: $LL sold for pennies and now at day high,...grrrr.
  • rachel: ...
    COTD: USFD Trade Review. Look at $VRNS, $LL, and $IPGP tomorrow...and $AAPL...and the $FANG complex
    $SPX – stabilizing. Faster trades are being rewarded in this environment. Either zoom way out, or zoom in.
    $DJI – stabilizing.
    1. $A ...
  • bRobert: $LL reversal pattern setting up. trigger >27 target $34+ 8d to cover
  • bRobert: $LL alert >27 Target $34
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Stock Price $0.84
Change 0.00%
Volume 565,781

Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc. is a specialty retailer of hardwood flooring in the United States, based on industry sources and its experience.

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