KraneShares Dynamic Emerging Markets Strategy ETF (:KEM)

Strategy Session April 18th, 2018

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  • Mikev200:
  • beachnorwegian: $KEM.. Kemet has an all-cash buyout from a Taiwanese firm (approved by Kemet shareholders) for 27.20 and expected to close second half of 2020. Now trading down more than 12% from the sale price. Is this free money waiting for me, or is the 12% a valid reflection of the risk? Anyone?
  • kbrowe: @Mikev200 $KEM Another thought is whether they need gov't regulary approval on the deal and it is still pending. I went through this a few years ago on the $RAD $WBA deal purchase of some sub-set of stores. It needed FTC approval (related to anti-trust), in which a decision was never published. In the meantime the world changed and the both companies had to re-negotiate.
  • beachnorwegian: @Mikev200 $KEM Thank you. There's also probably a steep termination fee that at some point, the buyer may decide is better than consummating the deal.
  • Mikev200: @kbrowe $KEM $RAD $WBA YES, exactly, NOT approved yet..….I hear ya, I was in $RAD also!....
  • kbrowe: @Mikev200 $KEM $RAD $WBA I feel and share your pain with that. I had a long $RAD position from way below, and not having much experience with M&A, thought that all these deals go through as planned. I learned the hard way. Some times it's better to take the money and run with the profit as SMM is teaching me.
  • spmeyers: @beachnorwegian $KEM generally folks with smarts play these games -- maybe the Taiwan firm is getting whacked
  • Mikev200: @kbrowe $KEM $RAD $WBA yup, me too. Very nice profit from long term. When that deal started, I was like nice, even more upside, until I rode it waaaaaay back down. I need to watch my long term better. No way I should have rode it back down.
  • beachnorwegian: @spmeyers $KEM. "..generally folks with smarts play these games.." Ok. I'm walking away from it. :)
  • kbrowe: @beachnorwegian $KEM The deal was for 9$ a share, the price went up to $8.70, and I got greedy for that last .30 and held for the deal close. I had a very nice profit, didn't take it, and also rode way down. All that for just 30 cents more! There was also a possibility of another offer coming in that could have sent the price up. Well, that didn't happen. In the future if I am luckily enough to have another one of my companies get a buy-out offer at a premium price, is to at least sell half. Still refining my process as the more experienced mentors are teaching me.
  • bRobert: $KEM Arbitrage $27.20 buyout and high short interest Long partial post profits
  • Wolf: #Earnings AMC $KEM up on buyout offer
  • tnt: @bRobert has been pounding the table on $KEM for several months. Congratulations my friend!
  • bRobert: @tnt $KEM I stopped pounding after I injured my hand . The table was fine . ;) $28+ . was the measured move target . Buyout offer . $27.20 . Not too shabby. $25.60 . pre . 25% short 10 days . Some arbitrage left
  • lostsheep: $KEM nice move on the upgrade from Stifel. 26 pt. Cheap valuation.
  • bRobert: @lostsheep $KEM Owner Look for pb/b
  • bRobert: $KEM Huge earnings beat yesterday . Still green but well off HOD WEEKLY Wedge breakout $28+ Partial profits taken Will look to add on pb/bounces $BLD was another earnings winner. Same deal Will look for the pb/bounce Breakout from a very good base $HD Break ,$210 likely to rest $200/$205 M top
  • bRobert: $KEM $29 WEEKLY target Earnings tomorrow
  • Showmethemoney: @bRobert $KEM I just bought a small position. Hope earnings are good!
  • bRobert: @Showmethemoney $KEM Long term bullish Earnings....always a toss up
  • bRobert: $SYK $MDT $MASI nhs $KEM WEEKLY wedge breakout Daily phase 2 $30+ target $ZBH another joint company/ $SYK competitor nh $JYNT high base set up $25
  • bRobert: $KEM + high targets Look for pb/b WEEKLY breakout has much more to go $30
  • bRobert: $KEM . . WEEKLY wedge breakout .High volume . continuation . $29+ . 10% . short . 5d . Looking for pb/bounces
  • bRobert: $KEM . WEEKLY breakout . continuation. ADD on pb/bounces . $28 . 40% . upside
  • bRobert: $KEM $28+ WEEKLY wedge target Reports 8/1
  • bRobert: $KEM WEEKLY wedge breakout target $30 Setting up nicely Long partial
  • heyjack: $kem up 13% on earnings. Still below the 200 and right at the top of the range of the last couple months.
  • bRobert: @heyjack $kem Longer term hold. WEEKLY squeeze . VERY high upside . with bullish resolution.
  • Bob G: @bRobert $KEM this mornings pull back on the market is a perfect opportunity for those that missed the move in #KEM on friday. Pre-market sitting at the 50dma and where it was prior to lift off on Friday. bRobert, thanks for bringing this one out of the closet for us.
  • bRobert: $KEM . Watching. Will add on phase 3. $QCOM . Strong flag. $100+ . Long term hold $XLNX . Tight consolidation. Will add on trigger Long term hold
  • bRobert: $KEM . phase 3 watch
  • bRobert: $KEM . Squeezing/wedge on Daily and WEEKLY . Double the pleasure on a breakout $28+ . target . Reports 5/16
  • bRobert: $KEM Daily Squeeze breakout on above avg volume. . WEEKLY squeeze/wedge MACD cross. $28 target Reports 5/16 Long from just below. 50% upside. High earnings/revenue growth. PEG <<1 CHEAP A Renaissance Tech holding. As usual, I will add on pb/bounces ...
  • bRobert: $KEM . coiled. just below 50d .
  • bRobert: $KEM . . WATCHING . $30 . target Renaissance Tech holding . Very cheap. Daily/WEEKLY wedge WEEKLY line in the sand .
  • bRobert: $KEM WEEKLY pinch $28+ Long and patient
  • bRobert: $KEM Really cheap. WEEKLY chart is my road map. Squeezing. $32+ 77% Long
  • bRobert: $KEM $26+ from wedge MACD cross CHEAP growth Long
  • bRobert: $KEM W + Wedge $28 Long Cheap
  • bRobert: $KEM Setting up for a nice swing trade Wedge Early Doing the work . Patience required. $26+ target. CHEAP Not that means anything. Patient with partial Stop $16.90
  • bRobert: $KEM . $26 . MMT . Cheap Long from below
  • bRobert: $KEM . Gap fill next. Patient hold . Trigger > $19.25 . $21 . target 1
  • bRobert: $KEM Up nearly 5% and filling the gap. Very reasonable valuation and high targets. Another Renaissance Tech holding. A bo > $21 could run to $26+ Rest. go higher. I like the WEEKLY view. WEEKLY MACD cross. Wedge Tightening range.
  • geotheo: @bRobert $KEM What does "bo">$21 mean? Buy to open? Thx Got it. Break Out!
  • cpenotte: @geotheo $KEM bo>$21 said another way: Breakout above twenty one dollars.
  • bRobert: @cpenotte $KEM thx. for the translation.
  • bRobert: $KEM . Good reversal . Long term bullish
  • issues: @bRobert $KEM Humm. It doesn't look like a reverse to me. Yes I see the tail but it's still a broken trend, isn't it? It could go either way but down seems like the most obvious direction right now.
  • bRobert: @issues $KEM Stock in a trading channel 16 - 22 on the WEEKLY Bounced strongly off the bottom of the channel on very high volume. We will see how it trades from here.
  • bRobert: $KEM $21+ hurdle of 200d gets you to $26 Transparent trade with good risk/reward. Don't complicate things. Cheap Valuation and high growth with nice chart = $$$$
  • mulligan: @bRobert $KEM be aware that earnings are being reported before market open tomorrow.
  • bRobert: $KEM Alert > flag $21.10 $26+ targets long from below
  • bRobert: $KEM Mentioned several times. Cheap growth $22 target 1 . Looking at the WEEKLY setting up, MACD cross higher long term prices $28+ Long from below . Adding in scales
  • issues: @bRobert $KEM Robert you are right about cheap with a pe of 8! JUST EIGHT! Wow. Bought a starter KEM. $SWKS is pe of 11 and $NVDA is PE 21! Hope I am not too late but I have my finger on the trigger of KEM! Cramer mentioned it last night as cheaper than $XLNX with a pe of 31. AAPL has a pe of 12! But the very cheapest is $MU with a pe of 3! Three! Yikes!
  • bRobert: @issues $KEM $SWKS $NVDA $XLNX I analyzed it last WEEKEND Cramer stole my idea ;) Cheap isn't always good. In this case it is a mispriced stock taken down with the market. IMHO Good stocks get dragged down in market sell offs. Make shopping lists and be patient. Eventually the market reprices the good merchandise
  • lostsheep: $KEM - nice move today. pin action off some of the tech strength. nice valuation
  • bRobert: @lostsheep $KEM Your not lost. You are a shephard Good assessment
  • issues: @lostsheep $KEM IBD group 159 along with VICR. I like $VICR but considering the price - I am inclined to go with KEM.. Thanks!
  • Lavrock: $KEM - relative strength at day high.
  • bRobert: @Lavrock $KEM One of my favorites. Long
  • Sher: $SFIX, $CRON, $DBX, $IQ, $SGMS, $ADNT, $OSTK, $CLVS, $KEM - 9:05 AM... "Upside movement in several underlying call options indicates further near-term gains ahead" (SSE news post)
  • Lavrock: @bRobert $KEM The options trading on the 18th supports your analysis. Over 5,600 Mar 21 puts were sold. There also was call activity at the Mar 20 and 21 strikes. Many of the buys at 20 were part of a 20/24 spread.
  • bRobert: $KEM . An old favorite. Very high earnings/revenue growth . W bottom with +ADX cross and move >50d. Strong consistent support in the $16 area. Starting to print higher highs and lows. WEEKLY . Double bottom . MACD close to cross. Excellent risk reward.. HIGH upside with a cooperative market . Start small with stop just <20d. (Place a ruler under the most recent lows.) Add with confirmation on pb/bounces printing higher lows.
  • Wolf: #Watching $GNC Big miss, down 20%, $REV Run up on Friday, down 1% pre-market, $GILT 20% run up in Nov, revenue miss Friday, $KEM Flag pattern.
  • bsafriet: $KEM Has anyone been trading $KEM? Up on E/R beat, and very favorable refi of their debt. Is the pause today an entry opportunity? Long
  • Brian_M: @bsafriet $KEM At this point I would wait for it to get above yesterday's highs before buying. If it pulls back and finds support you could buy some at that point. (maybe the 50-day)
  • PhilHarmonic: $KEM Earlier I traded $KEM long and got .24 cents profit. Now Mr. Market is giving another short term buying opportunity. I find it difficult sitting in front of the computer monitoring price movement, wait for the best opportunity to pull the trigger.
  • Greendayguy: $AVAV Sweetness. I'm out. I never hold over earnings (yesterday I believe) any more, been burned a few times, primarily on $KEM last May. Have a great day everybody!
  • barbjim12: @Greendayguy $AVAV $KEM Nice move on $AVAV! I did the opposite and sold before earnings but had a nice profit anyway. So win some and lose some. Best to you.
  • Greendayguy: @barbjim12 $AVAV $KEM Right. Keep your cash and profits so we can live to play the next day!
  • Greendayguy: @DAN I agree Dan, I've been hurt badly by holding stocks over earnings, last one was $KEM in May, earirngs and revs. beat, stock got crushed. It's not worth the risk. There are too many fish in the pond.
  • DAN: @Greendayguy $KEM Agreed, Greendayguy. When you focus on making money rather than being "right" on a stock, things definitely get easier. A LOT easier. 8-) Dan
  • champ: @Greendayguy $KEM ---- Buy stocks after earnings....#on-sell-the-news....that is the best entries....but on targeted stocks. Just about everyone in the retail sector bounced. #AAXN was another one, in the tech sector but there are many....plan and watch around earnings.
  • mradams0621: $KEM I know I should have sold it when the head and shoulders gave a sell signal with measured move potential down to $18 ish. But I rode it out, it bottomed at $22.50 and is now testing the previous high. I'm expecting it to either break out from here and go higher, or test the 50 again from above, either will be a buy signal or for me, an add on. Arguments or confirmation of my thesis would be appreciated.
  • radarvector11: @mradams0621 $KEM Great fundamentals, seems to trend with 20 dma rather than the 50. I added after hammer formation on pullback, right now at top of bb. Looking for support around 25.
  • issues: @mradams0621 $KEM Do you mean inverse H & S pattern? I can see that. We are still holding as long as it moving in the right direction.
  • mradams0621: $KEM moving
  • mradams0621: $KEM head and shoulders completed pattern? But if it holds here and closes near the top today will that signal a "broken pattern"? Intended to sell it "late" based on today's price action. Dan made it sound like it should have been sold when the last attempt to bounce off the 50 did not hold up. Unless I see some serious volume and strong today I'm still leaning toward selling as head and shoulders measured move would target $18 ish , down from high of #30 ish. Upside target best hope previous high. Not a great risk reward. Am I overthinking this stuff? What are others doing with KEM?
  • rachel: ...
    $KEM – this is why we use stops, and protect profits.
    $BABA – oversold rebound. Watch for China stocks to rebound...but don’t ask for much.
    $BIDU – oversold rebound. Alert $222
    $TTD – Breakout. Ver ...
  • fallon1234: @bsafriet $KEM #1 #14 #1 Thanks for your thoughts. I have to learn to be patient. Just as a note, when I looked KEM up using IBD's Stock Checkup, in the Research tab, it #1 but now #2 behind APH. It's still #1 in the EPS rating. I think this is a group rating. I don't that's related to the IBD 50 list, just the group it's in...imho.
  • Ajax4Hire: @fallon1234 $KEM #1 #14 #1 #1 #2 #1 I see $KEM - Kemet Corp still using the 50day-MA as support. Yesterday, 2018-08Aug-08Wed volume shows 10:05am $KEM is above VWAP, cool; 10:10am to 10:50am 20% of daily volume on angry red bars 11:10am big down volume spike and then "they" go to lunch; 3:30pm "they" have to complete the sell order, sell, sell 3:55pm SELL! biggest spike in volume, 75k/6% in last 5 minutes. My guess is a 400k-500k of $KEM sell order(not a buy order). I'm still holding my $KEM.
  • bRobert: @fallon1234 $KEM #1 What makes you think anything is wrong?
  • Wolf: @bRobert $KEM #1 I set my stop too tight yesterday. Put a .10 trailing buy on, but didn't fill. Will buy back this AM.
  • fallon1234: @bRobert $KEM #1 .....because I hear Dan say that if the stock doesn't do what I expect it to do, then I'm wrong and need to get out of it. So, I'm confused as to how to think about KEM, since it didn't move higher from my entry but it's a strong stock in general. Am I thinking too short term? I do appreciate your thoughts :)
  • bsafriet: $KEM @fallon1234 @mradams0621 @Ajax4Hire @bRobert @Wolf @JustJoe @Wolfman @champ @Dan

    My stop was hit at 13:45 EDT today, out at $25.26. MorganStanley’s downgrade of chip makers this morning has pulled $KEM down as well. Today’s low is ...
  • JBed: @bsafriet $KEM Same here - stopped out of 75% of my position just below where you did. I'm hanging onto a few shares, just in case.
  • rachel: ...
    $KEM – nope. This is under distribution. Is this the best place for your money, or do you just want to be right?
    $TSLA – interesting how the stock is down below the tweet price. Hmmmm.
    Retail names are working:
    $M – Alert $41.00 ...
  • fallon1234: Hi Everyone....What happened to $KEM today. It beat on earnings and revenue. I bought it two days ago, #1 on IBD stock chart. I thought it was a good entry. I need to keep learning :( I guess I should have sold when it didn't do what I thought it would do....go up. Any thoughts?
  • mradams0621: @fallon1234 $KEM #1 I'm in from lower level around $22.50 so I can let it wiggle a little but I sure hope the 50 ema holds. I did not like the price action today, but it was down with the broader market from the open and failed to recover when the market turned. Not happy with potential head and shoulder formation. If it were to complete to the down side the price target would be around $20 near the 200 day ema, but I will not hold through that. Some nice volume at the close gives me hope. Wishing us all luck on this one. I still think it's a keeper long term but time will tell.
  • fallon1234: @mradams0621 $KEM Thanks a bunch for your thoughts. Much appreciated. IBD rates it as #1 in the group. The strong fundies and close to the 50ma was my incentive to buy when I did. I'm a longer term investor and don't want to give up too early on this one but if it breaks below the 50ma, I may have to reconsider. It did touch the 50ma and bounced up a bit, today.
  • bsafriet: @fallon1234 $KEM is #14 in the IBD 50, and has a 98 composite rating. I re-entered yesterday at the close after I forgot to grab it earlier in the day. It has found support at the SMA(50) and today was a successful retest of that level. No cause for concern. just keep a stop a little below the SMA(50). The market rested today - can not go up every day. Actually, not a bad day considering the news flow. But do not forget that the market is testing all time highs - be realistic with your expectations and protect your dough. Remember @Dan first two rules of investing: 1) Do not lose your dough; and, 2) see rule #1. Best wishes.
  • woodman: $KEM bouncing still.
  • sierramp: @woodman $KEM Nice move off the D50.
  • JustJoe: @JustJoe $KEM $HD $DOCU $QLYS There's obviously many more indicators pointing up, but workforce participation rates speaks to our country's growing domestic economy. In this era of trariffs and other global boogiemen U.S. domestic growth could make the our county the goto place to invest.
  • JustJoe: Bought starters in $KEM $HD $DOCU $QLYS...I'm bullish on the number of folks coming back into workforce...millions of folks stood on the side lines for the past 10 millions are coming back in. Employment for blacks, women and latinos is at the highest point in the history of the U.S. economy (in recent months). My past life as workforce analyst tells me this economy might keep moving ahead for many months. Anything could happen, but seeing more blue sky than clouds.
  • bRobert: @traderbren $ALB MANY perky names in the chemical sector. $TSE $KEM $CC more
  • Ajax4Hire: $KEM - Kemet seems to be using 50day-MA as a floor. Will starting a position when VWAP gives signal.
  • sierramp: @Ajax4Hire $KEM What chart are you using, 1 hr and VWAP30? Thx.
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Stock Price $26.05
Change 2.23%
Volume 201

Kemet Corporation is a global manufacturer of capacitors. Its product offerings include tantalum, multilayer ceramic, solid and electrolytic aluminum, film and paper capacitors.

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