Affirm Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:AFRM)

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  • Cjauger: $AFRM Picked up a starter In pre market
  • Cjauger: $AFRM kaboom,
  • scottrades: $AFRM trying to hold the 50 Day
  • traderbren: $AFRM - major bearish engulfing print today. NP....but I lost sight of it this morning as it would have made a nice short for a day trade.
  • bigreek42: $afrm moving
  • vitoB: $AFRM long dtrade
  • vitoB: out of the $AFRM and $ULTA 59ers
  • vitoB: lookin at $AFRM on the back of this news on capped fees for $V and $MA...this is just the first shot imo
  • vitoB: $AFRM dtrade long
  • vitoB: @vitoB $AFRM ...taken half off, re
  • romanalexk: Good morning! $AFRM is worth watching. Earnings reported. The stock went down but nothing deadly. It holds above all major moving averages. It might need some time to rest. For now just watching.
  • BarryC: Hi Everyone!! GM!! Im currently #LONG: $AFRM, $BX, $IBIT, $MRVL, $PATH, $PSTG, $XBI and some JUNK $UPST CALLS...
  • vitoB: $AFRM placeholder 40.50
  • BarryC: I bot $AFRM... NOT a great set-up...
  • romanalexk: $AFRM nice move but earnings today. I will be watching
  • Cjauger: @romanalexk $AFRM I hate it when I can't buy a stock I am watching that is setting up beautifully because of earnings
  • romanalexk: @Cjauger $AFRM Me too. I will be watching it for any opportunity to grab some.
  • Motorman: $AFRM Down 22%, glad did n to chase. NP.
  • Motorman: @Motorman $AFRM Seems to have reversed. Question on delinquencies.
  • Bogie: $AFRM like the pullback
  • Cjauger: $AFRM bouncing at the 50
  • Cjauger: $AFRM working
  • Cjauger: $AFRM walking along the 50
  • BarryC: Hi Everyone!! Hope all is good in the hood :-) I'm currently #Long: $AFRM, $AMD, $EYPT, $JNUG, $KKR, $MSFT, $MSOS, $NVDA, $NVO, $RMBS, $SNOW, $SPOT, $UPST & $XME (I also do have some PUTS as hedges, as you can see)
  • BarryC: @BarryC $AFRM $AMD $EYPT $JNUG $KKR $MSFT $MSOS $NVDA $NVO $RMBS $SNOW $SPOT $UPST $XME #Long #FWIW My Big Cap Tech options are deep in the monies and expire this week.... I haven't yet decided IF Im rolling them OR letting them exercise.
  • BarryC: Hi Guys... Im currently #Long: $AFRM, $AMD, $EYPT, $JNUG, $KKR, $MSFT, $MSOS, $NVDA, $NVO, $RMBS, $SPOT, $TJX $UPST & $XME... I ditched $UBER and $BABA yesterday... and MAY ditch $NVO this am. As a general rule (for me).... If I buy something and not rewarded fairly quickly, Im NOT going to pretend that, that was my original thesis... I can ALWAYS buy things back.
  • jeffslm: @BarryC $AFRM $AMD $EYPT $JNUG $KKR $MSFT $MSOS $NVDA $NVO $RMBS $SPOT $TJX $UPST $XME $UBER $BABA #Long - $BABA up over 7% this morning
  • BarryC: I dont make predictions because I will ONLY let the price action tell me BUT we MAY get some rotation into the Small-Mid Caps... I am long some $UPST & $AFRM and will look for a pivot to potentially add...
  • Motorman: @BarryC $UPST $AFRM $AFRM up nice today, any news?
  • BarryC: @Motorman $UPST $AFRM Not that Ive seen... Looks like they're playing catch-up as expected..
  • Motorman: @BarryC $UPST $AFRM thanks, had a good position sold for a profit. Looking to get back in.
  • romanalexk: @DAN $AFRM, $SPOT, $GTLB, $DDOG
  • DavidK: $AFRM- provides buy now pay later at Wal mart ? Wow , nuts . Lots of $$ being thrown down the drain. Most of these customers will default . Not sure how the program works ( credit card type set up ? )
  • curtis: @DavidK $AFRM (This will be the when it busts).
  • romanalexk: $AFRM I closed my position couple days back at a handsome profit. It continues to march higher. The profit could have been much handsomerrrrrr LOL but what I got works great withing my trading strategy.
  • camaro69: @romanalexk $AFRM I was impressed by how you traded this. Great job harvesting the profits!
  • romanalexk: @camaro69 $AFRM Oh Thank you! It is very nice of you! It is all @Dan and @Scott training and teaching.
  • Mckirdie12: $AFRM took some profit still long but would like to add back would that be wise or wait for it to pull back to MAVG? Scott
  • Mckirdie12: Thoughts on the action on $AFRM? is this right?
  • stairm01: @Mckirdie12 $AFRM If you don't own it, it's too late to buy. It's up 33% in 3 days and it's outside the 2nd std dev BB. Wait for pullback and buy on first green day. If you own it, sell some to take profits.
  • Mckirdie12: @stairm01 $AFRM great advise
  • champ: $AFRM, nice stock, in the right sector, however it keeps getting the hic-cups and the Doctor said that they will go-away, at some point.....if you hold your breath, for long-term.
  • romanalexk: $AFRM I sold the other half of the position
  • DAN: $AFRM -- if you're aggressive and don't mind chasing, $AFRM is going parabolic. Up about 18% from where the last proper buy point was, but the stock is running hot on very high volume for the second day in a row after great earnings. Anyway, just pointing it out. No position.
  • sgiseller: @DAN $AFRM looked at options (dec 25-45 strangle but premium is small, risk reward not there for me at the moment.
  • Cjauger: @DAN $AFRM Bought a few, As per Barron's buy now pay later option reached a record high, up 43% from the same period last year
  • romanalexk: $AFRM is making some moves. Full position.
  • romanalexk: $AFRM sold half the other half at breakeven.
  • romanalexk: $AFRM is a rocket. Very unexpected but pleasant development.
  • scottrades: @romanalexk $AFRM Pretty clear breakout
  • romanalexk: $AFRM is marching higher.
  • romanalexk: $AFRM has been resting around pivotal point after the initial breakout and natural reaction. Worth looking at it.
  • Auto: $AFRM above the 50/200 higher low added long daily
  • camaro69: $AFRM trying to break out
  • Naing: $AFRM little extended on daily but might hit 23 before pulling back
  • Aragorn: $AFRM inside day and up
  • Aragorn: $AFRM - is on the move again inside day and up 17.53 the trigger it is now 18.96. Above 19.58 will be inside quarter and up. Monthly we are above the 8ema again and basically no moving averages above to worry about until the 21ema on the monthly at 34.96. This looks good for higher
  • Auto: $SQ $SHOP $NVDA $MSTR $RIOT$AFRM BERY added long from below daily
  • Auto: @Auto $SQ $SHOP $NVDA $MSTR $RIOT $AFRM $BERY added long $DPZ watching to add to short
  • BarryC: Hello Ladies and Gents... I went home #long: $EXPI, $FLNC, $MARA, $NVDA, $TSLA & $UPST Got stopped out $AFRM and $GOOG yesterday... They arent broken necessarly, just had them on a TIGHT leash. Im STILL watching.
  • BarryC: Hi Everyone... I added some positions yesterday and keeping them fairly tight. #long: $EXPI, $FLNC, $AFRM & $MARA I also STILL have #long balances on: $GOOG, $$NVDA, $TSLA & $UPST Ohh and BTW LFG $MARA!!!!!!!! :-)
  • BarryC: @BarryC $EXPI $FLNC $AFRM $MARA $GOOG $NVDA $TSLA $UPST #long #long Just as a matter of reference.... My stop on $EXPI is $18.60 Stop on $FLNC is 24.60 & Stop on $AFRM 15.50 My other longs are up and just managing things accordingly BECAUSE Managing Risk is EVERYTHING in this game, DON'T FORGET!!
  • BarryC: @BarryC $EXPI $FLNC $AFRM $MARA $GOOG $NVDA $TSLA $UPST #long #long Sorry, One last thing... Just trying to be as transparent as possible. I added $GOOG last week (around here) and my stop on the add is 121.50.... I have room on the other portion and will attempt to hold that as long as it cooperates.
  • BarryC: Im trying some $AFRM against $15.50ish
  • BarryC: So, I put on 4 new positions today IF ya missed my posts... $FLNC, $EXPI, AFRM & $MARA I'm going home #long: $AFRM, $EXPI, $FLNC, $GOOG, $MARA, $NVDA, $TSLA, & $UPST
  • Aragorn: @Auto $AFRM is on a tear. Go Baby go
  • Henry: @champ $AMZN has a deal with $AFRM
  • champ: @Henry $AMZN $AFRM....#Thanks, thats good to know....however for now, I'm not even looking for Tech Investments..... .....because for me, the tech sector Now, is mostly only for Day-trading.....and thats been working really well, for fast #In and Out trades..... .....I make money, $$$$.. off of the Herd.
  • Aragorn: @Auto $AFRM I have been trading this with my step son. Good Luck
  • Auto: @Aragorn $AFRM Awesome! she is sitting right at the 200 daily 50 is turning up to the 200 golden cross in the future. I'm long weekly
  • Auto: $AFRM added RHRN long
  • Auto: $MU $SBUX $ZIM $AFRM $FOUR added early staying late
  • Auto: $AFRM working on a bull engulf daily
  • Auto: $CHPT $AFRM added early staying late
  • Auto: $AFRM it's alive getting ready for take off daily long from below
  • bud_ozborn: @Cjauger $AMZN $AAPL $AFRM $SOFI $UPST $STNE also among many others
  • Auto: $HTZ $AFRM added long from below
  • Wykeman: $AFRM Close enough to the $30 target1 Posted...
  • Wykeman: $AFRM HOTD Buying continues. Expect zig zag. But has room to go higher...imo
  • Wykeman: $AFRM Did take some off..$30 still attainable. This zig zags. Posted
  • Wykeman: $AFRM Zig zag Got long Friday ..$30 potential
  • shoredriver: @Wykeman $AFRM ....$UPST.....fat weeklies to sell also..
  • Auto: $HIMX $BROS $AFRM added long from below
  • Auto: $MU $AFRM SBUX added early staying late
  • champ: $ $26.50 ...this is a Trade #idea....Day-4 off of the low-turn at $14.00.
  • shoredriver: $ 23% for day....17% after....
  • gt: $AFRM early days but i am watching $AFRM. not in any rush, just building my watchlist. it's been a good few wks to take some time off.
  • shoredriver: $AFRM....continued perkiness.....
  • shoredriver: $AFRM..up over 50% in a week....still going....n ice weeklies to sell.....
  • shoredriver: $AFRM....continuing.....
  • shoredriver: $AFRM...more love today....decent vol......
  • shoredriver: $AFRM....HOD....
  • shoredriver: $AFRM.... finally showing some life....buyout chat....long
  • mradams0621: #shinny object #falling knife $AFRM Down hugely for 2 days. Could get a little snap back OSB trade, but is it RHRN? Not that confident it's done yet.
  • vitoB: @mradams0621 $AFRM #shinny #falling honestly this could go to single digits with another dumb tweet, lol.... i usually like the DCB trade, shorting at these levels looks too obvious, but it is Friday where a rush to the exits keeps looking likely
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Stock Price $44.93
Change -0.11%
Volume 10,697,400

Affirm Holdings Inc offers a platform for digital and mobile-first commerce. It comprises a point-of-sale payment solution for consumers, merchant commerce solutions, and a consumer-focused app. The firm generates its revenue from merchant networks, and through virtual card networks among others. Geographically, it generates a major share of its revenue from the United States.

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