1. avatar geewhiz says:

    Dow Futures RHRN hardly down viv a vis Nasdaq (read AAPL). This could be a stealth trade impacted only by OMM members. Bon chance! Cold and dreary back East, but that is what I expect. Expect the expected (my new vanity plate).

    • avatar Lone Wolf says:

      Jake – Conceptually, if the feb 72.5 were to open at 2.20 then the implication is MCD is opening under recent support…..which is the ‘idea’ behind the trade. I’m not Dan…but I’m sure he would counsel you to skip the trade.

  2. avatar gatordave says:

    Dan – I’ve been looking at MCD for a bounce from support trade and you have nailed one (actually 2.)
    Great presentation: Clearly explained with what, when, where, why and why now. Exit strategy is conservative and should allow all members choosing to exit at the target to get out. With the relatively loose parameters on the entry vs the prior close and theoretical values on a widely traded stock I expect most of the membership will have a viable opportunity to enter. Thanks.

  3. avatar howard sommers says:

    Dan, I assume you want the feedback. I’ve missed most of the trades putting them in as soon as I receive your email,including today’s. I use schwab streetsmart pro. I’m still eyeing the UNP may calls as UNP perhaps is starting to pullback…is this still a viable trade?

  4. avatar DC55 says:

    Beta Comment:

    It would be helpful to get the recommendation earlier on the east coast. It came after 9:30 pm.

    I saw it (via blackberry) this morning. I ended up being late to work by the time I fired up the computer and watched the video, put the order in. After all that I did not make it in to the trade. I guess I would be more understanding if this happened during the week but the market was closed over the weekend and MLK day.

    If I would have had a little time to think about the trade I might have been able take on a little more risk.

  5. avatar Dave says:

    People, don’t sweat missing the trade if the price never comes in. Actually, I thought this had the potential to be a fairly risky trade due to the very tight time window involved. Not only do you have to get in, but you also have to get out – maybe when everyone else is trying to. I’ll be interested in tracking this, though – even though I hold no position. Hopefully some of these trades are giving you ideas of your own on similar stocks that are maybe even setting up better. Keep your eyes on the earnings dates, though.

    • avatar Chucky says:

      Hi Arthur, To print try right clicking, select print preview. It should show all the pages from the graphs in the videos to the actual trade. Click to select those pages you need. Currently, I am using adobe and need to print 2 pages (the chart and the trade setup.) Hope this helps.

  6. avatar JO HENRY says:

    I got in higher than Dan said but I am still making profit. THanks Dan. I am doing so much better with you. Don’t care if I make as much, just want to be make money, a little bit at a time is fine with me. Keep sending a trade a week. You are “The Man”!

  7. avatar georgebailey says:

    Great format for the trading ideas. Can you add the updates to the trade as time marches on? ie: raise stops, new sell prices, add more options on strength —things like that.
    I will post a note in the forum, but I’ll mention it here also. The format you are using for OMM more user friendly and “neater” than SMMM. I would like to see the features incorporated into SMM if possible. Thanks for sharing your past errors or failures that I too am living through, although more recently than you. Maybe my future will be as bright.

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