1. avatar pamplonaTrader says:

    Stops. Dan usually uses wider stops on the spread trades then he does on the long calls / puts. That said, spread trades move much slower than straight calls and puts. They are a great vehicle for traders that cannot watch the market all day.

  2. avatar pahht734 says:

    I’ve done covered calls, and know that if the stock goes to that higher strike, I will have to sell my shares. In a700/710 Bull put spread, if apple spikes above 710.00, will I have to sell 100 shares of apple?

  3. avatar klarson18 says:

    Dan, great videos, I understand the purchase of spreads but like the above posts a little confused on the selling (closing). If the price of aapl was $730 upon expiration, would my broker automatically close out my positions and debit or credit my account? Would there be actual buying or selling of shares? Would i want to get out prior to the $730? I (we) need a little guidance on exit strategy! Thanks!

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