Time to ring the bell on Ring Central ($RNG) (October 08, 2019)
RNGRing ( NYSE: RNG ). This stock had a monster run on Friday and then it just continued Monday and then now we have today. Guys, this is the time to sell. Some idiot is going to buy this tomorrow, they always do. Missed out on it on the first day, didn’t get in on it yesterday because you were kind of chicken. Then today you are looking at this and you’re thinking, well this is my opportunity. I am telling you, even if this stock runs up to $180.00, $190.00, $200.00 tomorrow, this is the time when you literally have to sell this stock.
You think about it, on Thursday the stock opened at 122.00, now it’s up here like 3-days later, 3 trading days later it’s up 44 percent and you can see, volume today was higher than average but not that much higher than average and the stock closed down, not a lot but a little bit. And you can say, “Oh, this is a doji.” Yes, a doji reflects uncertainty, a push between the bulls and the bears. Well, guys, after a 44 percent run, uncertainty, I’ve got a pretty strong feeling the way this thing is certain to resolve, and that would be to the downside. So tomorrow morning, this is really easy, tomorrow morning you need to be taking profits on this thing.
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