3 Stocks I Saw on TV (AAPL MSFT TWTR) (June 13, 2016)
AAPL MSFT LNKD MSFT TWTR LNKD TWTREvery night we watch the same shows, Fast Money and Mad Money, and we want to USE those ideas the grow OUR money. Well good trading takes more than just pushing the buy button, in the morning, to buy the stocks you saw on TV last night. I’m here to help you MAKE money on THESE 3 stocks I saw on TV.
I’m going to start with Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ). They had their Developer’s Conference today, and apparently Siri’s going to be smarter and a little more user friendly, right? Okay, big whoop! I like the gal just as she is, basically clueless. But here’s the deal: They were talking on Fast Money about the question, has Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ) peaked? Honestly guys, that’s a question you should have been asking about 20 percent ago. My suggestion on Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ) is this, I’ve said this before, and you Appleonians, I’m really not doggin’ on Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ), it’s just on TV a lot, and this is 3 Stocks I Saw on TV, rather than these are 3 Stocks I Saw on TV, Except for Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ). So when it’s in the news I’m on it.
But look, this is in a downtrend. We could say, “Oh, well here’s a flat triangle.” Fine. So do this: Look at the 40-week, which is the 200-day moving average. Wait for the stock to breakout above that, and that’s a buy signal for you. If you had waited for that to happen you would still not be long Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ). Because it tried once, it tried twice, it’s never done it. So I would suggest, I’ll say it again, steering clear of Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ). When you’ve got the ultimate Appleonians on CNBC talking about maybe the stock has peaked, then that’s a problem. Now, if they KEEP talking about it, it might be time to buy. But for now, I think you just steer clear of Apple ( NASDAQ:AAPL ).
Now, what about Microsoft ( NASDAQ:MSFT )? Microsoft ( NASDAQ:MSFT ) is buying Linkedin ( NYSE:LNKD ) for $193.00 a share. This is a big move on Linkedin ( NYSE:LNKD ). There’s no trade here, it’s $193.00 a share. If you want to do this for 79 cents and hope the deal goes through, great! But this is just a stock that I was looking at, Microsoft ( NASDAQ:MSFT ). This is a good acquisition for them. I’m not going to talk about the valuation or anything like that. I’m just talking about the picture. Seriously, $49.00 is the line in the sand. This stock has been trading sideways for a while. The dividend, not much to write home about, but it is enough to send a card. But the stock is at support. If you look at the weekly chart you can see, generally speaking, this stock has been drifting higher. THIS IS NOT A TRADE. This is an investment. This is an entry IF you have been looking to own Microsoft ( NASDAQ:MSFT ). I would have to say this is a pretty safe dividend. If you’re looking to own Microsoft ( NASDAQ:MSFT ) this is an entry for you. NOT as a trade, but as an investment. Irrespective of any of that though, you keep your stop a little bit below today’s intraday low.
Now, Twitter ( NYSE:TWTR ). They were talking about this on Fast Money as a potential acquisition candidate. This is kind of what’s been going around all day, “Oh, if Linkedin ( NYSE:LNKD ) got bought then what about Twitter ( NYSE:TWTR )?” Okay, I’ll just say it, I think those are fantasies by people that tend to wander around lost and in darkness. And I’m not talking about people that are TALKING about whether Twitter ( NYSE:TWTR ) might or might not be ACQUIRED, that’s a fair question. But somebody who would say Twitter ( NYSE:TWTR ) is a good PROPERTY to buy. Like, “Oh sure, I want to buy Twitter ( NYSE:TWTR ).” I wouldn’t buy the darn thing for $14.55 to own one share, let alone the company. And I don’t think you should either.
The stock is at support, we’ll call it 14.00, but it’s actually just a little bit below that. This has been something that folks have been talking about all the way down, “Is Twitter ( NYSE:TWTR ) and acquisition? Oh, maybe Facebook should buy it. Maybe Google should buy it.” For crying out loud, why doesn’t General Electric buy it? This is just not a stock that I think is going to go anywhere anytime soon. Now, I could be wrong. We see what happened with Linkedin ( NYSE:LNKD ). Something is not an acquisition candidate or it’s not on the table all the way until the time that it is. So who knows? Maybe Verizon is going to come in and say they don’t just want Yahoo ( NASDAQ:YHOO ), but they want to get Twitter ( NYSE:TWTR ) too. I would just say, look, this is a stock that’s a risky stock to own. I think it actually has more downside than upside. If you’re buying the stock because you think somebody else is going to buy it and you’re going to make a bunch of money, good luck with that.
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