One comment

  1. avatar crart says:

    Josh, your subject matter is of great interest to me. I know you are very intelligent and knowledgeable in the subjects. But I have a very hard time getting any information from your videos. You have a very staccato voice inflection. Slow then rush through the main subject and verbs of a sentence. But worse are two very distracting thing you do during the videos. The fillers ‘ah’s’, ‘like’, ‘ya no’s’, the ‘what nots’, ‘so;s’, etc.. You are doing the presentation, thus when you keep asking the viewer “You Know” it stops the viewer from listening and a mental shift to try to respond to you. If you are presenting good precise data, you don’t need and you can not get an acknowledgment form your video audience. Eliminate your fillers, prepare a factual informative sentence forming several into a paragraph and meaningful though. The second is the visual, continual movement of the cursor, screen changes, point of interest, and even subject. I am trying to just keep up to where you are and therefore missing what you are trying to impart. Plan a thought you want to cover, show and say the thought without bouncing all over the place. Keep me visually and listening on the subject. This is not a GRIP, but a critique that I hope will help. There is an expectation for the money I am paying for OMM education. These videos are not conversations, because I can not respond during the presentation. I expect them to be more of a lecture from a qualified speaking professional.


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