• avatar Tim_S says:

      The combination of the trade – purchasing the stock, plus selling the October 44 call – should cost you a total of less than $42.26

      Using myself as an example, when I opened the trade my total cost was $42.28 –
      Buy 100 shares at $43.25
      Sell an Oct 44 call for $0.97

      So with my example, if the XME price is above $44 per share by October expiration, then my shares get called away, and I get to keep the profit on the shares, plus the profit from selling the call – a total of ($0.97 + $0.75) * 100, or $172.00 (less commissions). If the shares do not get called away, then I still hold them at whatever price they are at, and I get to keep all of the profit from selling the call ($97.00).

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