1. avatar seankila says:

    I’m assuming it was adjusted to reflect 25% below the price Dan filled his order at. Correct Dan?

    Also, it would be very helpful if you could provide what % of our allocated $ for options in our portoflio we should use for each trade. I.E. AAPL Oct 2012 $680 should be roughly 10% of what you allocate etc..

    • avatar Josh says:

      That’s correct. Once we get our fill, we adjust the stop price to maintain the same *percentage* stop.

      So for example, on a trade for 1.00 or better ($100) if we originally had specified a .10 ($10) stop and we were filled at .90 ($90) we’d adjust that 10% stop to .09 ($9) so it’s still a 10% stop.

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