1. avatar Ajax4Hire says:

    SLW awww, I was hoping you would go into more detail/analysis on Silver Wheaton than what you did which is to skip quickly to OVTI.

    I suspect the Silver, SLV and SLW will both bounce off 30.
    Silver is not only a precious metal it is an industrial metal.

    Silver-Tin is a replacement for the Lead-Tin used in electronic circuit boards.
    All circuit boards today must be lead-free so Silver is more than just a dollar hedge.

  2. avatar Ajax4Hire says:

    PCX, WLT

    I agree that there is a concerted effort by the US Federal Government to “outlaw” thermal coal, coal used for energy production. This is why Patriot, PCX is so anemic, it mainly mines thermal coal which is largely used in coal-fire electric generation plants. PCX can still produce and ship to China so the play there is to buy railroads as about 6% of US thermal coal goes outside the country.

    Metallurgic coal is used to produce steel, it is the carbon interstitial to lead that makes steel strong.
    Walter Energy, WLT is a metallurgic coal producer, WLT supplies the demand for steel from US mills which must also be is anemic.
    I extrapolate that steel consumers like GM, Ford, CAT, Deere must be slowing their demand for steel and they too will see a slide.

    My mattress is getting full. No where else to put my money do I feel safe putting my money.

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