• avatar imaginedreality says:

      Agree with Pard’s statement on delivery. It leaves no need for questions, simple and pointed explanation. No need for a detailed video on initiating the position. Hang in there Dan, we appreciate what you do for us. Enjoy Orlando, wish I could be there.

  1. avatar Colleen Chin says:

    Never got the original trade for PBR. When was it sent out? Did get a CORRECTION – PBR e-mail but with no content in the e-mail. Only thing on it was the cancel subscription link. Hmmm, not getting trades……only getting e-mails with cancel subscription on it. Are they trying to get me to go away? : o)

      • avatar dmandk says:

        Received 2 additional emails:
        At 4:38pm EST/Market time, received the Original Trade Email showing the wrong month as June.
        Then at 4:47pm EST/Market time, Received Gary’s email explanation that he was resending the Correction.

        Looks like the original Trade Alert arrived about 1 hour after it was sent. Hope the OMM team can figure out the email system glitch.

  2. avatar Dice says:

    I too like the above presentation of the risk/reward and the underlying thesis. However, like many others, the only email I got was the correction notice. It came in here at 1:44 p.m. (market closes at 2:00 p.m. my time). Will try for the trade tomorrow.

  3. avatar Robert says:

    A simple post on the bulletin board that an email has been sent out would be helpful. I receive a lot of eamil during the day and it is easy to miss one. If there is a simple general message on the OMM home page it would remind everyone that there is something new to check.

  4. avatar Arthur Merar says:

    i like to receive the emails directly not just posted on the board. If it would be highlighted “trade alert” that is fine.
    Personally i have developed a short hand in order to “see” the option suggestion clearly….
    BO (buy to open..)
    Call (PBR:july11:39) | (1.95, (3.05-3.25), 7.00)

    a quick review tells me the action, the particular “string” and my exit, purchase range, target)

    this allows me to do my regular Job and still review these suggestions


  5. avatar Chucky says:

    Dan, Pard’s comments echo’s how the silent majority feel. Looks like the beta testing is coming full circle. Love the fullness of your thesis, as it appeals to both novices and more seasoned traders. I especially appreciate “If not, then don’t take the trade….or simply adjust the trade to fit your risk tolerance. Thank you.

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