Chart of the Day January 5th, 2023

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  • scottrades: $SPY Testing yesterdays high
  • PTinME: @scottrades $SPY Looks like if we close at these levels the trend will be changing?
  • scottrades: $SPY trying to tackle the 21 EMA
  • scottrades: @PTinME $SPY Let's see how the day closes..
  • bigbartabs: @natural $SPY $QQQ $GOOGL $MSFT ... since my trading is around 90% at the index derivatives level, not individual tickers... it doesn't change much for me... except for what those individual tickers contribute to the indexes themselves. The biggest ...
  • champ: $SPY...hard week, however with a nice 2-Day turn, to close the week-out......All have a #Great-Weekend........ ....and we just might have a few more #Happy-Days week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • Pard: @TraderGeekSam $META Excellent point. Regarding time horizon... how many folks have outperformed the $SPY buy and hold crowd from the 2007 high before the crash till today? So much of trading is a very bad idea for most. IMHO
  • traderbren: #Auction_at_1_PM -- let's see if the auction at 1 PM today creates some fireworks as it may spark a bounce if the 10-yr pulls back a bit. Also, the $SPY appears to be tightening up on the intra-day 1 Hr chart. Stay tuned ... and let's see what direction the market takes - Up or Down. ;-)
  • scottrades: @bigbartabs If we see $SPY above 507.40 and $QQQ above 430 - it could trigger a Follow-Through-Day... Watching for it..
  • champ: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ....#News always matters and earning reports also really matter....and those reports will move the Markets, they will move both the $SPY and the $QQQ, for sure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • bigbartabs: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ ... yes, above the 8dema would have been promising. But didn't for either.
  • natural: @bigbartabs @scotttades $SPY $QQQ How does the after hours reaction to $GOOGL and $MSFT change your thinking?
  • champ: @Henry $MSFT $GOOG....Yes sir and let's hope that both the $SPY and the $QQQ stay happy.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Can we get some follow through tomorrow? $IWM Here’s what I want to see $DXY Under the 8EMA $TNX Back to the November Highs $GLD Holding the 21 EMA $GDX Outperforming $XLF Above the MAs $SMH Just under the 50 Day $IBIT At the 50 Day $MSFT Earnings $GOOGL Earnings (Buyback and a Divy) $SNAP Earnings $META Bounce $ARM Watch 103.75 $GS Watch 424.60 $MS Watch 94.10 $IBKR Working $NFLX Needs a higher high $NVDA Watch 841 $NEM Watch for a Pullback $PAAS Above the MAs $WPM Great volume $AEM Breaking out
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ Day 2 of a rally attempt $IWM Ceiling above $DXY Under the 8EMA $TNX Still above the 8EMA $TLT 87 Support $GLD at the 21 EMA $GDX At the 21 EMA $XLE Back above the 8EMA $XLF Banks moving $SMH Under the 50 Day $IBIT Above the MAs $TSLA Earnings tonight $NVDA Still under the 50 Day $GOOGL Reports Thursday $AMZN At the 50 Day $META Earnings Tomorrow $NFLX Potential Gap Fill $GS Breaking out of a base $MS Whippy but nice weekly. $HUBS Earnings next week $ANET Rebound into Earnings? $ELF Watch the 50 Day for resistance $NVO Above the 50 Day $SNPS Support at the 200 Day $CLSK Chart of the day last week $MSTR Hodling the 50 Day
  • Cjauger: $QQQ and $SPY at LOD
  • traderbren: $SPY - keep you head on a swivel as we could see a relief bounce given the oversold nature of the market. Seeing the $VIX pull back here too. See upside interest in the May 10th - 509 Calls on the $SPY. If correct, we could see a bounce, although it was a squishy open this morning.
  • scottrades: $SPY HOD
  • Bert953: $dia holding above opening print ans well as yesterdays close. $IWM also above opening print, but below yesterdays weak close. $SPY and QQQ are lying at the bottom of the pool. If they dont start moving soon they may need lifesaving intervention.
  • joelsg1: @vitoB $SMCI Previous Q they pre-announced stellar revs around now before E, didn't happen this time, hence the drop. And of course now it's part of and trading with $SPY.
  • scottrades: $SPY trying to hold 500
  • TraderGeekSam: It's still early, but this rally lacks any oomph. Shorts have not been scared off yet. If we can't close above $SPX 5050, or we take out 5020, I'll have an $SPY hedge trade for OMM members.
  • Pard: @TraderGeekSam $SPX $SPY on thin ice here for sure
  • traderbren: $SPY - looks like that gap magnet wants to close at 497.37
  • scottrades: $SPY and $QQQ both made new lows on the day. The Setups that I explained last night did not trigger and so no real reason to get overly bullish on the indexes yet. We'll want to watch to see if that changes tomorrow.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ / $IWM Fresh Lows $DXY Bounce $TNX Near the recent highs $GLD Basing $SLV Basing $SMH Lower Low $IBIT At the 50 Day $MSOS Inside Day $SSO Watch for a reversal $QLD Watch for a reversal $NFLX Watch tomorrow $META Earnings April 24 $AMZN Watch the 50 Day $MSFT Watch for a reversal $NVDA at the 50 Day $CLSK Watch near the 50 Day
  • WaterSF46: @traderbren $SPY
  • traderbren: $SPY - heading for a gap close at 497.37
  • TraderGeekSam: $SDS, $QQQ, $SPY we came into this selloff with hedges (long puts or in the case of SDS, long calls). We closed our SPY puts for 3X and still have our SDS and QQQ postions on and took 50% and 75% partial profits. Yes, we have some losers at OMM (who doesn't?), but when it comes to hedging, I know my stuff. Got OMM? If not, come on by and give us a try!
  • scottrades: @TraderGeekSam $SDS $QQQ $SPY Nice job Sam!
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Lower Low $QQQ Lower Low $IWM High Open, low close $DXY Down on the day $TNX Down on the day $GLD Still above the MAs $USO Down $TLT Up $SMH Failed at the 50 Day $IBIT Undercut the 50 Day $SSO Would like a lower open $QLD Would like a lower open $NVDA On the 50 Day $MSFT Watch for an upside reversal $SMCI on the 21 EMA $NVO Just under the 50 Day $OWL At the 50 Day $HEI Watch 200 $WING on an Earnings Launch Pad? $MJ Pot Stocks near the 50 Day
  • scottrades: $SPY new Low
  • DavidK: $SPY - bought calls for a bounce . Up 8.5 % Lagarde on cnbc implying rate cuts across the pond in June .
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/$QQQ Looking for a floor $IWM Watch 196.25 $DXY Higher High $TNX Higher For Longer $GLD Still in trend $GDX Watch today’s low $SMH At the 50 Day $IBIT At the 50 Day $AMZN Above the 21 EMA. Earnings April 25 $MSFT At the 50 Day. Earnings April 25 $NFLX Earnings Thursday, AMC $NVDA still above the 50 Day $TSLA Bottom of the Wedge - Earnings April 23 $SMCI Earnings April 30 $AMAT Near the MAs $ONTO Basing $ARM Watch for a move above the 50 Day $HOOD Channel $SPOT Channel, Earnings coming up $HEI Watch 200
  • geothrills: Moved all my equity accounts to cash, even took my kid's college and my own 401K into fixed income options for a ~5% yield. Looks like the $SPY and $QQQ are going to break their 50 day moving average today, which is my line in the sand after the tremendous market run we've had over the past year. %2B50% trough to peak on the S&P from October 2021 to date. +75% on the QQQ. With the war drums beating and the inflationary pressures not abating as anticipated, I just think this market is going to have to AT LEAST trade sideways for a while, if not do a little retracing to the downside. I like being involved when the going is easier, and I just think it's not going to be very easy for a little bit here...
  • Nepenthe: @geothrills $SPY $QQQ No kids, so I took the Burgundy out of the wine cellar, Woodford Double Oaked out of the liquor cabinet, and the Chimay 750 out of the beer fridge. Cheers.
  • bigbartabs: @Nepenthe $SPY $QQQ ... no kids? Those 3 ARE your kids. And you always have to protect your kids!
  • Nepenthe: @bigbartabs $SPY $QQQ Indeed. Thank heavens for surrogacy.
  • TraderGeekSam: The indexes have been one-time-framing upward on the monthly charts since November. That means they haven't violated any monthly lows on a monthly closing basis. We still have half of April to go, but a violation and monthly close below last month's low would be a much bigger deal than a garden variety pullback as far as a larger major trend is concerned. $SPX below 5056 on a monthly closing basis $SPY below $504.91 on a monthly closing basis $QQQ 432.74 on a monthly closing basis
  • scottrades: @SMM4Learner It's the market conditions my friend. Turnaround Thursday saw no follow though. Look at $SPY, $QQQ and The US Dollar. Geopolitical Headwinds, uncertainty and leverage.
  • Cjauger: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ You said it yesterday during the SMM strategy session, someone is lying
  • scottrades: @Cjauger $SPY $QQQ Guess we know who... :) Thanks for listening.
  • Cjauger: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ yesterday I was getting FOMO, but was practicing seating on my hands. Hands were trying to jump out. I had to be very firm with them. I said No!! Stay down!
  • scottrades: @Cjauger $SPY $QQQ Great discipline! It's been great to see your progression over the years.
  • kenb: @Cjauger $SPY $QQQ same here, had to get away from the computer so I didn't do anything stupid like buying a breakout before it got away from me. Would have been foolish considering today's action.
  • Cjauger: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ thank you for guiding us
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Here’s why you should be bullish on India $INDA $SPY / $QQQ 50 Day Support $IWM Near the 50 Day $SMH In trend $DXY Still a headwind $TNX Does this matter? $GLD Goes doesn’t care about rates $GDX 8 EMA Support $USO Flag $XME Handle $URA In trend $IBIT Tightening up $AMZN Working $GOOGL Working $NVDA Back above the MAs $MSFT Near the highs $AXON Support at the 8 and 21 EMA $ANET Holding the 8/21 $COIN Support at yesterdays low $MSTR Out of the wedge $HOOD Power Bar $CLSK Maybe finding a floor $DXCM Watch 142 $HUBS Working $NET At the 50 Day $TOST Good volume
  • DAN: ...
    Scott and I were discussing the state of the market during the Monday training session and Scott remarked that last Thursday's big gap and reverse on the S&P ($SPY) really scared him. While the trend in the market is still intact, that was a bi ...
  • Bert953: $SPY testing the bottom of yesterdays low. Sitting on my hands as I was stopped out of just about everything by yesterday's close. As the Klingons like to say "today is a good day to die!"
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY CPI Tomorrow $QQQ Support at the 50 Day $IWM Sideways $DXY Watch tomorrow $TNX Watch tomorrow $GLD Higher High but extended $SMH Consolidation $XHB Around the 8/21 EMA $IBIT Back in the pattern $ANET Under a slope $MSFT Basing $AMZN Still in trend $AXON On the 21 EMA $CELH Under resistance $CRM Clear resistance $DKNG At the 21 EMA $DXCM Watch 142 $HUBS grinding around $NET Sitting on the 50 Day $LZ Tightening up. $TOST Above the 8/21 EMAs
  • woodman: @Bert953 #MrMarket -The bearish engulfings on Thursday were a bit concerning. $QQQ needs to hold the 50d, but the uptrend seems to have flattened and perhaps rounding downward. $SPY falling a bit below/teetering at the 20d support of this uptrend. Today/tomorrow may be important.
  • Bert953: @woodman $QQQ $SPY #MrMarket yes! as I said, keeping an eye on the exit
  • DAN: ...
    Yesterday we saw a pretty big shift in the market. Where Tuesday was tranquil and happy, yesterday was anything but! While the S&P fell just over 1%, the real trouble was in the chart rather than the number. The $SPY gapped up in the morning, an ...
  • kenb: @DAN $SPY $QQQ $VIX $AMD $NVDA $UBER $CYBR $MSFT $AMZN $NTNX $DKNG $HUBS $ANET $IBIT $COIN $META $MSTR I agree with this, the market mood has changed as you point out. "Take notice that the breakouts aren't working well, and the "pinch and pops" are pinching, but not popping. They're more like pinch and plops." You have given us pearls with this.
  • DAN: @kenb $SPY $QQQ $VIX $AMD $NVDA $UBER $CYBR $MSFT $AMZN $NTNX $DKNG $HUBS $ANET $IBIT $COIN $META $MSTR Thanks Ken. I'm glad that this makes sense to you.
  • scottrades: $SPY back above the 21 EMA. Active traders will want to use Yesterday's low as a hard stop. $SSO
  • DavidK: @woodman $INZY yea yesterday was my LARGE day. 80 $SPY puts and $IWM Puts made for best day of the year .
  • scottrades: Good morning Team! Markets are up overnight following remarks from Fed Chair Powell yesterday where he basically said the same things he had been saying. We just went through a modest correction that brought $SPY down near the 21 EMA but held in tren ...
  • bill52: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $TSM $NVDA $MSTR $FBTC $PENN $META Scott - outstanding morning note. I've been working on the same concept around maintaining a core position to ride a longer trend and trade around it for the zig zags. I agree that it can really test your nerves at times when you get the mild pullbacks as you never know if its something larger is looming especially after the last couple years. However, leaning on key technical landmarks definitely helps a bunch. I continue to make my fair share of dumb mistakes, but the are getting smaller and less costly. Thanks for the insight as you do a great job of articulating it.
  • scottrades: Fed Heads Jaw Wagging Fed Rate Cut expectations... $SPY
  • sgiseller: @scottrades $SPY The Sheeple just can't stand an up day
  • DavidK: @traderbren $DJI $SPX $NDX $RUT bought 80 $SPY puts this am and was taking a bath . Just sold them all for 75% gain . Still holding 40 $ IWM puts . $ $IWM hasn’t even started puking . Bought $BAC and $CENX Puts earlier also .As Ali use to say , it’s a white Tawnado !!!
  • scottrades: @SMM4Learner A close below the 21 EMA on $SPY and $QQQ is a Yellow/Red flag in my opinion. I think you want to be cautious on new positions.
  • Cjauger: Red bars on $SPY and $QQQ look a bit ominous
  • DavidK: @billyzeke I sold all trading longs this am and bought lots of puts in 4-5 positions. Already sold and profited handsomely on $SPY $IWM puts . still holding some puts on those into close . World is in total disarray and leadership is absent
  • billyzeke: @DavidK $SPY $IWM "World is in total disarray and leadership is absent" That's a fact!
  • Bert953: #MrMarket - just came back to my computer and see that the indexes fell off a cliff at 2pm. $SPY is a tall red candle breaking the 8 and 20 dMA's. Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
  • bigbartabs: @Bert953 $SPY #MrMarket ... since the dam broke, I've been watching the 4 major index's 15 minute charts ... they all look like a red Yosemite Falls.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Non Farm PayRolls tomorrow. $IWM Downside Reversal $DXY Above the 50 Day $TNX Did not move up on Fed Comments $SMH Stopped at resistance $GLD Buyers into the close $SLV Big breakout $GDX Near the highs $USO Big move up $XLE Watch for a pullback $XME Metals catching up $IBIT Strong amid the weakness $TSLA Wedge $NVDA Under the 21 EMA $NFLX Still above the 21 EMA $HUBS Take over talk $LMT Watch this slope $LZ Pinching $GOLD Extended $AEM High Base $AG Watch for a Pullback $FNV Watch 122.30 $RGLD Watch 124.80
  • Bert953: #MrMarket - another down day, with no evidence of strength from the 4 indices on the 10 min charts. $SPY below the 8dEMA and the 10min VWAP. Some of the generals MAY have found a bottom. Will it be a tradable low or a pitstop on the way down to Chinatown? Only time will tell. Lets be careful out here.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY At the 21 EMA $QQQ Under the 21 EMA $IWM At the 21 EMA $DXY Close to a pivot $TNX Above resistance $GLD Higher High $GDX Out of the triangle. $XLE Still going. $SMH Basing $XLK At the 50 Day $IBIT The halving is April 19 (est.) $DELL Still in trend $UBER at the 50 Day $NVDA at the 21 EMA $HUBS At the 50 Day $ANET at the 21 EMA $SNPS At the 50 Day $WING At the 21 EMA $CRWD At the 50 Day $NVO Good volume above the 50 $IOT Near the 50 Day $NET Good volume near the 50 Day $DKNG At the 21 EMA
  • champ: Here are a few of my Market-thoughts this morning, about April fools-day.....and the $SPY is Red now, down $1.06 and is now slowly dropping...and was Green.....#Computerized-trading is zigzagging the Markets this morning (stocks)......and that is slo ...
  • bigbartabs: @champ $SPY $SMCI $C $CZR $RRR $CROX $PAA $KMI $BIDU $DJT $IBIT #Computerized-trading #Copy-Cat-sellers #Payroll #close-today #Yet ... I'm guessing our pool is a lot cooler than 55 degrees this morning here in the foothills. Although looks like we might get some warmer weather by the end of the weak... which would be nice since we are meeting some friends in Tahoe Thursday to see comedian Nate Bargatze. Not having to chain up over the top would be nice.
  • sierramp: @bigbartabs $SPY $SMCI $C $CZR $RRR $CROX $PAA $KMI $BIDU $DJT $IBIT #Computerized-trading #Copy-Cat-sellers #Payroll #close-today #Yet Thursday forecast is for 35° / 23° with chance of snow 50% during the day, snow likely at night. Bring a coat.
  • champ: @bigbartabs $SPY #close-today #Yet.....#OT....Yes looks like warmer weather is on the way...... ....that show in Tahoe sounds like fun...and hopefully No-chains...... How long does it take you to get to Tahoe in normal weather......?? ....and how far are you from Denny's, off of 80, in Auburn.......??...it takes me around 4-hours to get to Denny's.
  • joelsg1: @bigbartabs $SPY $SMCI $C $CZR $RRR $CROX $PAA $KMI $BIDU $DJT $IBIT #Computerized-trading #Copy-Cat-sellers #Payroll #close-today #Yet Big dump over the top this past weekend, but fine now as I'm heading down tomorrow. My travel rule for High Sierra is always wait at least 1-2 days after storm to travel. 27 degrees and icy now.
  • SusanW: @bigbartabs $SPY $SMCI $C $CZR $RRR $CROX $PAA $KMI $BIDU $DJT $IBIT #Computerized-trading #Copy-Cat-sellers #Payroll #close-today #Yet Enjoy the show. He is a funny guy!!!
  • champ: Moving into Prime-time, Now we will see what everyone thinks about the new quarter, that the Markets started today.......Casinos are working................. ....Energy is also hanging in nicely............ Certain retail stocks are also moving nicely...... ....Banks and Housing are Red today, however $C is up again..... the Bitcoin sector is also having a Red-day...... .....so it is a Hit and Miss type of Day...so far....... and with 50 minutes left, the $SPY is still in the Red....and Now we will see what happens....... .....both Investors and Traders aren't doing very much......however the Hope is....the $SPY will climb back-up to the flat line.....and that would be a nice start for the new the quarter......however the $TNX, the 10-year rate, is holding everything back, is my guess...because it is up 1.23 and is at 43.29.
  • vitoB: lets really melt this sucker up $SPY
  • champ: The $SPY is HOD.
  • scottrades: My notes: COTD: Is $MSTR a huge short squeeze in waiting? FYI: Stock Market is closed tomorrow $SPY Great Quarter guys! $QQQ Basing $IWM Trying to break out $DXY Strong against others $TNX At the 50 Day $GLD Breakout $XLF Working $XLE Breaking out $XBI Support at the 50 Day $SMH Basing $IBIT Above the MAs $AMZN Still in an uptrend. $GOOGL Watch 152 $MSTR at the 8EMA $MS Breaking out of the downtrend $SQ Watch 85.90 $MLM Basing $AXON Watch 321.80 $FROG Basing $MNDY at the 21 EMA $PLTR Wait. $PSN Watch 84 $ASND Mentioned Tuesday
  • SophAgogo: @scottrades $MSTR $SPY $QQQ $IWM $DXY $TNX $GLD $XLF $XLE $XBI $SMH $IBIT $AMZN $GOOGL $MS $SQ $MLM $AXON $FROG $MNDY $PLTR $PSN $ASND Hey Scott ... wondering whether the $2m sell down by Michael Saylor yesterday $MSTR - https://archive.fast-edgar.com/20240328/A326F222ZW22326Z2P2422422RQ4ZK22Z262/ is just executive compensation and great timing or something to worry about
  • vitoB: took profits on 2/3 of position for all tickers below, dont like how $SPY lost the open
  • Bert953: #Mr Market is looking like a distribution day. The last 5 days have all been red candles on the $SPY. Yesterday tested the 8dEMA, printing a bearish left/right candle pattern. Chalkin money flow is way down at the bottom, also indicating distribution. The other indices also look weak. Ive had a few profit stops hit and Im tightening em up ahead of the long weekend. Time to see how far away the exit may be. Lets be careful out there.
  • Bert953: @vitoB $SPY YUP... see my note
  • scottrades: $SPY New HOD
  • TraderGeekSam: ...
    Over at OMM, we opened one new long-term (bullish) call spread on a beat-up technology position on Monday. We closed out the one short (bullish) put position expiring Friday for a 91% profit in six days and also took our first target of 50% profits ...
  • Pard: $SPY what just happened. Plug pulled
  • scottrades: My notes: Watch $FROG to leap over this price.. $SPY 4 Days down $QQQ At the 8EMA $IWM At the 8EMA $DXY Green on the day $TNX Lows for the day $GLD Above the 8EMA $GDX Under resistance $XLF Holding the 8EMA $XLE Expect the expected $XBI At the 50 Day $SMH Basing $IBIT Resting $AMZN Low volume pullback $GOOGL Close to a pivot $MSTR Lots of short interest $PLTR Support at the 21 EMA $HOOD Still working $GS Above the MAs $MS Above the MAs $MA Back to the 21 EMA $MLM Basing $NFLX Trending $MNDY Watch 239 $AXON In trend $PEGA 2 Strong Quarters, Basing $ASND Flag
  • vitoB: $SPY Powell presser close gap at 520.62, low of 515.80 , avwap from $NVDA selloff day, 514.49, that 515 level looks like a logical place for a retest next week imo
  • champ: $SPY is down only $0.08....and is flat for the day, the guess is, the Markets should #start to turn before the close, because the shorts should cover...only because they don't want to swing their short Day-trades into the weekend. FWIW....#TGIFriday.
  • champ: $SPY...it looks like this drop is going to continue into the close, looks like reversal-day off of yesterdays ATHigh..... ....however the $VXX $UVXY is flat......... ....$TZA $TZA $SDS $SQQQ....now I'm watching these ETF's, for direction. However nothing really going on Yet.
  • bigbartabs: @debeers $AVGO ... of the 4 index ETFs, $DIA $SPY $QQQ $IWM... $AVGO IS #3 this morning in gains. $FN $MSTR are #1 and #2.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY All time high close $QQQ Downside reversal $IWM Trying to break out $DXY Rate Cuts in Switzerland and Mexico $GLD Holding the 8EMA $GDX Clear resistance $SMH Would like to see it tighten up $XLF Breaking out $IBIT Consolidating, be patient. $ANET Working great $AMZN Weak today but still in trend. $GS Breaking out $MS Trend change? $SHAK Seen in the forum $BROS Mentioned this morning $PSN Mentioned by Dan $UBER Working $MLM Working $PLTR Coming into support $DECK Trying to break out $MSTR Weekly chart is better
  • vitoB: $SPY seems like market getting right to that line of scrimmage so to speak around 5175 pre announcement.love seeing the narrative that takes place in trying to explain algo driven moves and then reverse while they speak...
  • scottrades: $SPY at HOD
  • scottrades: @scottrades $SPY And a new 52 Week High. It's a bull market..
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Short slope $QQQ Short slope $IWM Above the 50 Day $DXY Watch tomorrow $TNX Watch tomorrow $GLD Watch tomorrow $SMH at the 21 EMA $XLK Upside reversal $IBIT At the 21 EMA $NVDA Lower High $AMD at the 50 Day $MSFT Along the 8EMA $AMZN Base $META Base $TSLA Cramer thinks its the bottom $ANET Nice rebound $UBER Above the 50 Day. $MLM Short flag $AXON Short Wedge $RCL Resistance $TGT Tight channel break. $COIN Off the 21 EMA $MSTR Owns 1% of all the Bitcoin
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/ $QQQ Did they save it in the last hour? $IWM Under the 21 EMA $DXY Pop $TNX Pop $GLD Holding the 8EMA $GDX Needs to tighten up $SMH New Weekly Low $XLK Basing $XLE Going $NVDA Consolidation $AMD Consolidation $ON Consolidation $HOOD Active Traders watch the gap. $GFF Holding the 21 EMA $MLM Still ok $TJX Above all the MAs $DIS Bounce off the 21 EMA $PPC At Multi Year Resistance. $XOM Mentioned a few weeks ago
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Stock Price $544.44
Change 1.12%
Volume 53,695,700

The investment seeks to provide investment results that, before expenses, correspond generally to the price and yield performance of the S&P 500® Index. The Trust seeks to achieve its investment objective by holding a portfolio of the common stocks that are included in the Index (the ¿Portfolio¿), with the weight of each stock in the Portfolio substantially corresponding to the weight of such stock in the Index.

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