Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX)

Chart of the Day January 3rd, 2023

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  • PTinME: What a paradox? After all negativity, broken charts, $NFLX and $META earnings reaction, if we close at these levels it will be one of the best weeks of the year!
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Can we get some follow through tomorrow? $IWM Here’s what I want to see $DXY Under the 8EMA $TNX Back to the November Highs $GLD Holding the 21 EMA $GDX Outperforming $XLF Above the MAs $SMH Just under the 50 Day $IBIT At the 50 Day $MSFT Earnings $GOOGL Earnings (Buyback and a Divy) $SNAP Earnings $META Bounce $ARM Watch 103.75 $GS Watch 424.60 $MS Watch 94.10 $IBKR Working $NFLX Needs a higher high $NVDA Watch 841 $NEM Watch for a Pullback $PAAS Above the MAs $WPM Great volume $AEM Breaking out
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY $QQQ Day 2 of a rally attempt $IWM Ceiling above $DXY Under the 8EMA $TNX Still above the 8EMA $TLT 87 Support $GLD at the 21 EMA $GDX At the 21 EMA $XLE Back above the 8EMA $XLF Banks moving $SMH Under the 50 Day $IBIT Above the MAs $TSLA Earnings tonight $NVDA Still under the 50 Day $GOOGL Reports Thursday $AMZN At the 50 Day $META Earnings Tomorrow $NFLX Potential Gap Fill $GS Breaking out of a base $MS Whippy but nice weekly. $HUBS Earnings next week $ANET Rebound into Earnings? $ELF Watch the 50 Day for resistance $NVO Above the 50 Day $SNPS Support at the 200 Day $CLSK Chart of the day last week $MSTR Hodling the 50 Day
  • PTinME: @Egmagur $NVDA $NFLX Good morning! $NVDA up $NFLX flat. Might be able to sell into some strength on today's little bounce. Fortunately, my average cost for the $NVDA calls is only 11.39 and $NFLX is 7.72
  • PTinME: $NVDA, $NFLX Good morning all. If we get a QQQ bounce, $NVDA should not have any resistance until 50EMA at 840 and NFLX should have no issue filling Fridays gap to a little over 600. I"m new and just looking for some levels to watch. Of course I'm looking at these levels "if" $QQQ bounces 2 percent.
  • bigbartabs: @DAN ... yes, all we have to do is look at the weekly chart for the $FNGS stocks this morning... $META $AAPL $AMZN $NFLX $MSFT $NVDA $GOOGL $SNOW $TSLA. The story is unfolding.
  • Egmagur: @PTinME $NVDA $NFLX I am long NVDA via a 565/605 bull call spread (bought that for 26 many months ago). Alas, I was also long four SMCI 750/810 spreads that expired Fri. Luckily, I sold them for about a 50% gain around 11am or they would have expir ...
  • PTinME: $NVDA, NFLX. Hi everyone. Anyone else long these though May Calls? I nearly had my face ripped off with $NVDA 900 and $NFLX May 17's. New the market was broken but took a chance on both of them when they were down around 4-5 percent thinking there would be a bounce.....
  • traderbren: $NFLX - just fyi - some downside gaps to monitor at: 575.78 (which will fill on the open), then 559.20 and 498.96 NP.
  • vitoB: @traderbren $NFLX haha was just typing this, lookin at the 559 one as well as the Jan pop
  • DAN: ...
    With respect to specific stocks, Netflix ($NFLX) is lower even after beating on subs, earnings and revenue. But they lowered their Q2 guidance and investors only care about growth. They really don't care about yesterday. I view Tesla ($TSLA) the s ...
  • vitoB: 59er 559 $NFLX 860 $SMCI
  • scottrades: Watch for $NFLX to take out HOD.
  • vitoB: @vitoB $NFLX $SMCI added to nflx
  • vitoB: @vitoB $NFLX $SMCI sold nflx at 575
  • vitoB: @vitoB $NFLX $SMCI will try SMCI again at 828
  • vitoB: @vitoB $NFLX $SMCI nope pressing too much ticker done
  • curtis: @scottrades $NFLX (added , looks like 59 minute trader entry)
  • champ: Day-trade .....$ $564.33...and I'm thinking about a possible swing, if I make it that far.
  • champ: $NFLX...still zigzagging, hasn't settled down yet.
  • PTinME: @champ $NFLX Sitting right at the earnings gap up around 550 three months ago. $QQQ We are not just down 5 percent from the highs but down percent in 5 trading days.
  • vitoB: @vitoB $SMCI as well as the big moves down in $NFLX and $JPM on earnings that were pretty much 'not bad'
  • sgiseller: $ARM not sure what is driving this beat down other than $NFLX and some never heard of analyst targeting $100
  • Cjauger: @sgiseller $ARM $NFLX $ASML missed earlier this week, that started to drag the chips down. Other than that, it is the way of the market @Dan has warned us to tread carefully. For once I paid attention to that warning
  • PTinME: $QQQ Again, a little bounce in the AM before selling later in the day. If we can close above 435 might be the start of something good. $NVDA seems to be holding 50 day. Maybe $NFLX and other earnings can pull us out of the slump?
  • PTinME: $NFLX.....Hi, does anyone know the implied move after todays earnings? Thanks:)
  • BarryC: @PTinME $NFLX About 10% ($30 CALLS, $30 PUTS)ish
  • traderbren: @PTinME $NFLX Pre-earnings options volume in Netflix ($NFLX) is 1.1x normal with calls leading puts 5:4. Implied volatility suggests the market is anticipating a move near 7.3%, or $44.89, after results are released. Median move over the past eight quarters is 9.6%.
  • PTinME: @BarryC $NFLX Thanks Barry.........I have just one 600 put expiring tomorrow. Hoping it closes above 600 tomorrow but if not then my cost will be 580.
  • PTinME: @traderbren $NFLX Thanks.............I'm hoping the move is not to the downside........:)
  • PTinME: @traderbren $NFLX Maybe if the market likes the report it will be the start of a good earnings season and the market will take us to new highs:)
  • champ: @PTinME $NFLX ...All I know is, if they miss, what-out below...because this is hi-risk into earnings.
  • Henry: $NFLX Wow they reported right as the TOS bell was ringing. looks like a beat $5.28 vs $4.52 est
  • scottrades: $NFLX down 4% AH
  • scottrades: @scottrades $NFLX Looks like they beat expectations...but down for some reason.
  • PTinME: @scottrades $NFLX Was up to 640 at one point. Market is has not decided yet.
  • Henry: @scottrades $NFLX My reply got lost. They no longer want to report # of subscribers or revenue per subscriber
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ / $IWM Fresh Lows $DXY Bounce $TNX Near the recent highs $GLD Basing $SLV Basing $SMH Lower Low $IBIT At the 50 Day $MSOS Inside Day $SSO Watch for a reversal $QLD Watch for a reversal $NFLX Watch tomorrow $META Earnings April 24 $AMZN Watch the 50 Day $MSFT Watch for a reversal $NVDA at the 50 Day $CLSK Watch near the 50 Day
  • scottrades: @Henry $NFLX Ahhh
  • Henry: $NFLX They don't have an exact link to the Fast Money interview with Rich Greenfield, who thinks Netflix has plenty of pricing power and the reporting issue is a non issue.
  • PTinME: $NFLX Sold 600 put yesterday for 20 bucks. Expires at 4 right before earnings so unlikely it will be assigned to me. Or if it does I can put in a limit order to sell AH's and use the earnings move to dump it. Should be a good report like last time so unless overall market tanks this should be a good trade
  • shoredriver: @PTinME $NFLX does a weekly option expire on a Thursday? $NFLX reports after on 4/18....
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY/$QQQ Looking for a floor $IWM Watch 196.25 $DXY Higher High $TNX Higher For Longer $GLD Still in trend $GDX Watch today’s low $SMH At the 50 Day $IBIT At the 50 Day $AMZN Above the 21 EMA. Earnings April 25 $MSFT At the 50 Day. Earnings April 25 $NFLX Earnings Thursday, AMC $NVDA still above the 50 Day $TSLA Bottom of the Wedge - Earnings April 23 $SMCI Earnings April 30 $AMAT Near the MAs $ONTO Basing $ARM Watch for a move above the 50 Day $HOOD Channel $SPOT Channel, Earnings coming up $HEI Watch 200
  • scottrades: ...
    It feels to me that we’re moving into a bit of a traders market which means we want to hold our winners but be open to trading around a core position as we get into some potential bumpy roads ahead. That said, there are some strong stocks that ...
  • PTinME: @scottrades $DBC $GBTC $MSTR $NFLX $META $AMZN $NVDA $NET $SNPS Good morning Scott.......On $NVDA. I'm seeing the 21day just shy of 900 and the 50 all the way down at 800. I'm new to charting and still using free software though. I'm confused as what you might be seeing as a swing trade unless this goes above 900?
  • scottrades: $NFLX Still in trend
  • Mikev200: $NFLX HOD I'll watch and see for Next week.
  • JosephM: $NOW/$NFLX/$KKR/$CART/$NET..a few to look at
  • traderbren: $NFLX - getting close to popping the top. Long.
  • Bert953: Interesting Volatility squeezes I saw this morn just banging thru charts. $MLM $AXON $CRM $CRWD $ISRG $LLY $MA $META $NFLX $NOW $NVDA $SMH $SOXX $FROG
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Non Farm PayRolls tomorrow. $IWM Downside Reversal $DXY Above the 50 Day $TNX Did not move up on Fed Comments $SMH Stopped at resistance $GLD Buyers into the close $SLV Big breakout $GDX Near the highs $USO Big move up $XLE Watch for a pullback $XME Metals catching up $IBIT Strong amid the weakness $TSLA Wedge $NVDA Under the 21 EMA $NFLX Still above the 21 EMA $HUBS Take over talk $LMT Watch this slope $LZ Pinching $GOLD Extended $AEM High Base $AG Watch for a Pullback $FNV Watch 122.30 $RGLD Watch 124.80
  • Bert953: $NFLX bearish engulfing, weak Chalkin moneyflow, price closed below the 8dEMA yesterday and selling continuing today.
  • scottrades: ...
    $NFLX Also working
    $NVDA Extended but working
    $GS Watch for it to firm up
    $PLTR Dan mentioned adding it to the ATL, support at the 21 EMA
    $SQ 87.70 Breakout alert
    $UBER Watch 81.30

    Let's have a fun day!

  • billyzeke: @scottrades $MSTR $COIN $AMZN $GOOGL $META $NFLX $NVDA $GS $PLTR $SQ $UBER "The Price of Cocoa more than doubled since January and that price impact has not been passed onto consumers yet." As a chocoholic, I find this news very disturbing!
  • Henry: @billyzeke $MSTR $COIN $AMZN $GOOGL $META $NFLX $NVDA $GS $PLTR $SQ $UBER As a fellow Chocoholic, how does that have anything to do with any of those tickers?
  • billyzeke: @Henry $MSTR $COIN $AMZN $GOOGL $META $NFLX $NVDA $GS $PLTR $SQ $UBER I just quoted from and replied to @Scott's post so it stuck them in there.
  • scottrades: My notes: Watch $FROG to leap over this price.. $SPY 4 Days down $QQQ At the 8EMA $IWM At the 8EMA $DXY Green on the day $TNX Lows for the day $GLD Above the 8EMA $GDX Under resistance $XLF Holding the 8EMA $XLE Expect the expected $XBI At the 50 Day $SMH Basing $IBIT Resting $AMZN Low volume pullback $GOOGL Close to a pivot $MSTR Lots of short interest $PLTR Support at the 21 EMA $HOOD Still working $GS Above the MAs $MS Above the MAs $MA Back to the 21 EMA $MLM Basing $NFLX Trending $MNDY Watch 239 $AXON In trend $PEGA 2 Strong Quarters, Basing $ASND Flag
  • JosephM: $NTNX/$DOCU/$NFLX...$NFLX is this what they call wedging up? I moved on.
  • JosephM: $NFLX/$NTNX/$NOW/$DOCU...just a few that caught my eye. Good numbers. I like $NTNX here. Comp 91, A minus A/D.
  • Boone.ruth: @phgruver morning all! Taking some Profits on $SOUN Long $MELI $NFLX $ARDX $NVDA $CAVA.
  • Boone.ruth: $NFLX. Liking the close
  • PTinME: @traderbren $NFLX Yes, it's actually outperforming NVDA today!
  • Mikev200: $NFLX has left the building
  • PTinME: @traderbren $NFLX Hi.............Looks like it was catching a bit earlier but seems to wanna go back to the 550 level again. I only have 50 shares but still would prefer to not see it fill the gap down to 500. This is not like NVDA as it's not even close to the all time high two years ago.......Don't know what to do here except hold.
  • traderbren: @PTinME $NFLX - decide on your line in the sand (Oh crap I'm wrong) based on the number of shares you purchased and your cost-basis and the loss $ you are prepared to take i.e. 4% - 8% as you can't afford to lose your dough/capital. What you don't want to see -- it move below 554.37 (maybe a partial stop on your position) and if it breaks below 537 then it may start to fill the gap to the downside. What you want to see is it move above 563.70 and preferably take out 567.80 to stay in the trade. Good luck.
  • traderbren: $NFLX - moving above yesterday's high and showing signs of getting a bid.
  • PTinME: $NFLX Hello all, this might have been covered Friday evening but can anyone thing of a good stop for NFLX with a decent amount of wiggle room?
  • traderbren: @PTinME $NFLX - under the 8ema - 554.54 ...or a little lower. A break below may trigger a fill of the gap below on market weakness.
  • traderbren: $ADBE, $WDAY, $NFLX - primed to move higher....
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY /$QQQ FOMC Tomorrow $IWM Watch tomorrow $SMH Still the place to be $XLI Nice base $XBI Nice Base $MSOS Extended $XHB Still in an uptrend $XRT Above the MAs $FBTC Working from below $ETHE Actionable today $DXY Watch tomorrow $TNX Watch tomorrow $AMD Earnings $MU At the 21 EMA $MSFT Earnings $GOOGL Earnings $SBUX Earnings $NFLX Coming into support $SHOP Basing $MDB Watch 426 $TSLA Just wait. $FIX Nice one. $FAST Holding the Earnings Gap $CPRT Near the 50 Day $V Watch for a pullback $COIN Long for a move to 160
  • DAN: ...
    For about 5 minutes today, I was tempted to put on some volatility compression option trades on $GOOGL $MSFT and/or $AMD. But, after the a$$kicking I took on $NFLX I decided to step away from the felt table and keep my chips in my pocket.

    As I typ ...
  • DAN: $NFLX is strong as death. I keep waiting for it to roll over and reverse...but it just keeps trickling higher. I feel like Captain Ahab, and Netflix is the big white whale.
  • marklesparkle: @DAN $NFLX Aaaarrrggghhh there'll be an extra round of grog for the first man to spot Moby Dick
  • rnrdallas1939: @marklesparkle $NFLX aye matey
  • vitoB: ill try the $NFLX short idea, shorted one share at 579
  • DAN: @marklesparkle $NFLX I'm avoiding this like the plague. I'm short a bunch of puts that expire today...and some next week. But they are so far out of the money that they're about worthless. I'll close them down at the first sign of a reversal...but I suspect that a lot of money is waiting to buy NFLX at the first sign of reversal.
  • DAN: $NFLX -- FYI -- I closed my short call position on NFLX. It would probably have worked...but the stock is running today and I'm not stubborn. If I see the stock peak, then I'll re-initiate...but it's not something I'm fixated on. First loss is the best one...always.
  • Henry: $URI looks like yesterday's $NFLX
  • Motorman: @Henry $URI $NFLX Thanks for your note earlier. Took a look at open and then lost track. Got away.
  • billyzeke: @Henry $URI $NFLX WOW! The only problem I see with that is....I dont own any.
  • Motorman: @Henry $URI $NFLX Target $650 on weekly, Thoughts?
  • Henry: @Motorman $URI $NFLX I'll say NFLX (no position) stalls out here at #Day_2 at 560 URI is only #Day_1 I think it can run to $675 tomorrow.
  • Motorman: @Henry $URI $NFLX #Day_2 #Day_1 Thanks, appreciate your posts.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Working but extended. $QQQ Same $IWM Still above the MAs $DIA Basing $DXY NEar the 200 Day $TNX Near the 50 Day $SMH Extended $MSOS Smokin’ $GLD Near the 50 Day $GBTC Above the 50 Day $IBIT Looking for a higher high $AMZN Earnings Feb 1 $AAPL Earnings Feb 1 $GOOGL Earnings Jan 30 $META Earnings Feb 1 $NFLX Watch the gap $NVDA Working $INTC Reported tonight $TSLA Wait. $COIN Imperfect Wedge $GCT Watch 24 $FIX Holding the 50 Day $KKR Short base, Earnings Feb 6
  • Craig97003: $NFLX Netflix is up over 9% in extended hours. They got more subscribers than expected..... Sorta wish I had more shares of this one...
  • traderbren: $NFLX - just fyi - open upside gap at 566.88 - not that I expect it to get there today as it will open way outside the 3rd std BB.
  • DAN: ...
    Good morning. Futures are up a bit this morning after Netflix ($NFLX) posted a monster report with higher than expected revenues and big subscriber gains in the 4th quarter. The stock is up nearly 10% from yesterday's close.

    For what it's worth, I ...
  • DAN: $NFLX is still going. Institutional buying here. $NVDA is also breaking out decisively above $600. This position is doing well. It's saving my daily P/L. I opened an iron condor option trade on $NFLX a couple of days ago and the big move in NFLX has that trade at a max loss. That's "ok" with me because I decided what that max loss would be, so I can't gripe about it. My goal when I am swing or day trading is to always have a profitable day. Typically that happens if I'm trading well, but sometimes it doesn't.
  • EWTrader: @DAN $NFLX $NVDA As a newbie here, I have to ask: do I close the bear call spread portion of our iron condor now or do I wait to do something later or nothing at all?
  • DAN: @EWTrader $NFLX $NVDA It's a good question. I don't think there is any advantage in closing it now. It's at max no matter how high the stock goes, your losses will remain the same.
  • vitoB: ould say this for the rest of the week, but feelin a little blowoffy to 4900. really wanna see where $NFLX ends the week as a playbook to play earnings pops.
  • wineinquirer: @DAN $NFLX $NVDA Really appreciate your transparency here, Dan. Life's not perfect, nor is trading! Most financial "advisors" would much prefer to hide this. Kudos to you for all you do. You wear your heart and soul on your sleeve.......... Looking forward to the Mentor classes in April.
  • DAN: @wineinquirer $NFLX $NVDA thanks wineinquirer. I don't have a real "persona" like a lot of guys in my business. (I watched Loudermilk with my wife last night. Jennifer said, "I think you could play that part. I think they modeled it after you).
  • wijimmy: @DAN $NFLX $NVDA @DAN @DAN $NFLX $NVDA .. That's Great....yes could be you wife also gave me that same complement .. .. If you like Sebastian Maniscalco and sports betting give this a try "BOOKIE".. watch the trailer.. .. .. I'm sure you watched this all ready.. The Kominsky Method.. Awesome old guy show.....with Michael Douglas, Alan Arkin, trailier.. .. ..
  • traderbren: $NFLX - bearish engulfing print based on today's action...going into earnings tonight. NP
  • Motorman: @traderbren $NFLX Yes, also NP. was up in Pre on news of deal with $TKO
  • champ: $NFLX....nice bounce, however I don't see anything must be on their Web-site.
  • traderbren: @Geewhiz $NFLX - let's see if it holds tomorrow based on guidance. Maybe not.
  • Geewhiz: $NFLX Plus $26 AH Now plus $30
  • Vineet: @Dan $NFLX would this price action deem it primed for breaking out?
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Stock Price $631.37
Change -0.43%
Volume 3,118,840

Netflix Inc operates as an Internet television network providing TV shows & movies which include original series, documentaries & feature films. The Company has three segments namely Domestic streaming, International streaming & Domestic DVD.

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