Arm Holdings plc (NASDAQ:ARM)

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  • Wolf: @Henry $TSM In retrospect, $TSM is not down much more than $ARM, $AMD or $NVDA.
  • woodman: $ARM bouncing and going to take a run at the overhead VWAP, not that I have a lot of confidence here. We'll see.
  • woodman: $ARM - I was busy with other things but now see I stopped out on $ARM.
  • woodman: @phgruver $MU $SMH - Within the sector, I'm still in $NVDA and $ARM.
  • indigo1948: @woodman $MU $SMH $NVDA $ARM - ditto - also jettisoned $MU this morning.
  • Mars: For Training Room - Thoughts on $CRWD, $ARM, $KBH s'il vous plait.
  • joelsg1: @Mars $CRWD $ARM $KBH On $CRWD, my biggest winner from last year and continuing this year (though not my biggest), all cybersecurity getting a boost from news $GOOGL is talking a $23B offer for the "Wiz",a startup featuring AI based threat detection/response, backing off now. $CRWD is about 34% above its 200d, which makes it a tough add here, and I think $370 is a key level to hold. It reports 8/28 after $FTNT 8/6 and $PANW 8/15 and usually reacts to both, so a wait and see for now. Good luck.
  • woodman: @RichardinME $NVDA $MU -re Big Tech, I gave up on $DELL with a small gain, but I'm still holding $NVDA (long term mentality with this one and is fine still in a wedge/weekly pennant) and $ARM (continues to stay top BB complex) and, for the time being, $MU as it treads the 50d. MU is more concerning, though.
  • ZMan2: $ARM is up 5% midday.
  • Cjauger: @woodman $MU I have $ARM it held up so much better than $NVDA through the last 2 weeks and $NVDL
  • woodman: @Cjauger $MU - Yes, I'm in MU. Also in $NVDA $ARM and $DELL.
  • dgrobo: $ARM and $ANET hold some of each, both look extended. Way this market goes, probably will defensively sell some. Extended stocks don't stay extended for long it seems.
  • woodman: $NVDA $ARM - continuation.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Lowest volume of the year $QQQ Extended $IWM Tightening up $DXY At the 50 Day $SMH Above the MAs $XLK Still in trend $XLF Lots of Financial earnings next week $XLE At the 200 Day $URA Watch 30 $GLD Above the MAs $GDX Above the MAs $TSLA Near December resistance $AMZN In an uptrend, Bezos Sold more today - 862m $NVDA Above the MAs $SMCI Higher Low $AMD Inside Day $ARM Above the MAs $AMAT New ATH $LRCX Earnings July 24 $IBKR Earnings Next week $SCHW Mentioned in the forum, Earnings Next week $TTD Trending, good volume $PLTR Near the Yearly High $HOOD Support at the 21 EMA $TWST Flag
  • Henry: $META $ARM $AMZN $GOOGL Strong this am, $AVGO gapped up but is giving it back
  • romanalexk: $ARM is following through. Working well.
  • champ: $ARM......#BreakOut....stuck for now at $181.00
  • bigbartabs: @Henry $META $ARM $AMZN $GOOGL $AVGO ... same with $NVDA
  • champ: $ARM...maybe $179.00 will hold..??
  • ZMan2: $ARM is up 6% & hit 52 week high this morning on no news that I can find.
  • Motorman: @ZMan2 $ARM holding also, consolidating big move.
  • ZMan2: $ARM up 3% at the close 30% above its 50 day mva, but only 3.5% in the last 4 weeks. Lg since 5/17 24.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY /$QQQ Market closes early tomorrow $IWM Just under the 50 $DXY Rising Wedge $TNX At the 50 Day $SMH Holding the 21 EMA on low volume $XLK Support at the 21 EMA $IGV Close to the 2021 highs $IBIT Inflows back to positive. Tom Lee says 150K $ETHE ETFs should come this month $TSLA Power Gap $NVDA Holding the 21 EMA $AMZN 200 $SMCI See Dan’s note $AMD Great volume $ARM Support at the 21 EMA $AMAT Above the MAs $TSM Looks the same $LRCX Short flag $GOOGL Watch 186 $PANW Short base $NFLX New season of Perfect Match out now. $CYBR Watch 274 $PLTR Unable to hold the daily gains. $IREN Crypto stock $CORZ Above all the MAs $MARA Inside day $CLSK Watch 18.50
  • Pard: $ARM adding to position, looking strong.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Above the MAs $IWM Firming up $DXY Still above the 8EMA $TNX Under the 200 Day MA $SMH Consolidating along the 21 EMA $IGV Getting going $OIH Long slope $XBI Along the 21 EMA $ETHE ETF coming potentially July 4 $AMZN Look at that weekly. $SMCI Good volume off the 50 Day $ARM Holding the 8EMA $GOOGL Working $NFLX Watch 690 $ANET Breaking out $CYBR Watch 271.65 $NU Watch for a PB $NVO Along the 8EMA $IRM Watch 90 $ELF Watch 222 $PANW Curling up $FRPT Good volume, Watch 133 $PLTR Working, support at the 21 EMA $COIN Just under the 50 Day $MSTR Outperforming Bitcoin $MARA Watch 20.30
  • jeffrhen55: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $IWM $DXY $TNX $SMH $IGV $OIH $XBI $ETHE $AMZN $SMCI $ARM $GOOGL $NFLX $ANET $CYBR $NU $NVO $IRM $ELF $PANW $FRPT $PLTR $COIN $MSTR $MARA Thanks for the end of day wrap - appreciate you buddy! Was rooting for the Oilers down here in Dallas and thought McDavid would pull it out again (like he did more than once to my beloved Stars).
  • Bert953: @ZMan2 $ARM currently a spinning top, but 8dMA held as support. Could forma j-hook bullish pattern here. Chalkin money flow is strong, but may be leveling out. Price hit and regressed in the resistance zone from 2/12/24. Could be a good entry but Im not really interested
  • ZMan2: @Bert953 $ARM started scaling in 5/17 23. Jensen Huang tried to by $ARM for A Reason. I'm Currently up 44%
  • ZMan2: @Bert953 $ARM ment started scaling in 5/17 24 not 23.
  • Bert953: @ZMan2 $ARM way to go. You've got wiggle room for pullbacks. if the flag works, you could get a double.
  • woodman: Added to $ARM and $NVDA in the last hour of trade.
  • phgruver: @bigbartabs $MU Obviously, the market wanted more than it got. $AMD, $ARM, $DEL, $NVDA are all down as well.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Trend is fine $QQQ Clear support $DXY Back near the April highs $SMH Holding the 21 EMA $XLK In trend $IGV Watch 85.25 $AMZN Breaking out $TSLA Watch the 200 Day $NVDA Holding the 21 EMA $META C&H $MSFT Let it work $ARM Above the MAs $GOOGL Added to the ATL $AVGO Above the 21 EMA $BROS Great volume $NVO Back to the 8EMA $SNAP Watch for a PB $NFLX In trend $ANET Holding the 8EMA $PANW Watch 327 $TMDX Watch 149
  • AlexMorning: @Hawaiianmaxx $DELL $NVDA $SMCI $ARM Thank you for your advice which I followed. :) NVDA literally turned around just below the mid-point! Thank you again! :)
  • scottrades: $ARM short term support at today's low.
  • Henry: @scottrades $ARM right where my partial stop got hit
  • ZMan2: $ARM is up 6% on an upgraded by Gugeheim Securieties to $169 from $110.
  • ZMan2: Today $NVDA & $ARM up hand & hand at 6% at the close.
  • jwstich: CEO of $ARM, Rene Haas, is going to be on CNBC between 4:00 and 5:00 pm today. Stock is down 6 to 7 points today
  • Henry: $ARM Say goodbye to this one too
  • bigbartabs: @Henry $ARM ... looks like ARM might turn into LEG.
  • Henry: @bigbartabs $ARM Added back what I sold
  • jwheels: @Dan Looks like it was a rough day for the ATL stocks as 6 were stopped out today: $ARM, $COIN, $DPZ, $MSTR, $NVDA, and $PLTR
  • Henry: @jwheels $PLTR Someone downgraded them. I am still holding $ARM $COiN $MSTR and $NVDA but I have different entry points than the ATL
  • woodman: @StockMarketMentor $NVDA $SMCI $PLTR $DELL - $ARM - up over 100% since its 4/19 pullback bottom - makes it the Fab Five. :-) It made an all-time high on Tuesday and is pulling back a bit this morning to test that move. ($164 was the completion of a cuppish or V-ish configuration).
  • DAN: @woodman $NVDA $SMCI $PLTR $DELL $ARM Not gonna fight you on this, woodman. I'll take to have "sexy six" if anybody's got suggestions. Seven in Heaven. Great Eight. Gnarly Nine. Tremendous Ten?
  • dgrobo: @DAN $NVDA $SMCI $PLTR $DELL $ARM $TSM for number 6?
  • woodman: @DAN $NVDA $SMCI $PLTR $DELL $ARM - I love "Sexy Six"! LOL.
  • DAN: @woodman $NVDA $SMCI $PLTR $DELL $ARM We could make it the Slick Six. Super Six. Soooo many words that start with "S". ;-)
  • phgruver: @Margi1983 $QCOM Snapdragon competes with $ARM and $APPL. As for $INTC, not so much. All the smart-phone centric stocks are down. I don't think there's a problem, just a normal bout of profit taking prior to the end of the quarter.
  • StockMarketMentor: ...
    $ARM -- 122.18 to 153.60 (basis 126.70).

    $BAC 38.30 (basis 38)

    $COIN -- Remains at 224.65. Watch 50-day MA

    $DPZ -- from 498.65 to 518.00

    $HOOD -- Closing this for a small loss. “Closing $HOOD for a small loss. The stock is rollin ...
  • Margi1983: @phgruver $QCOM $ARM $APPL $INTC Thanks. $QCOM is at S3. Easy buy with a stop below the low of 217.50
  • champ: $META is back below $500 again...and dropping, could watch this price level in the coming days for a position...I'm currently not holding any tech positions.... because I took profits on all this morning. ......$NVDA $DELL $AMD $MU $ARM $SMCI $QCOM and others, however I will be watching to get back-in, after they settle-down and stop dropping...whenever they start a U-turn back-up. ....Let them all drop.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • ssoha20: when is the time to take starter position back in $DELL , $NVDA , $SMCI $ARM
  • joelsg1: @ssoha20 $DELL $NVDA $SMCI $ARM Assume a 10% decline from recent high and then look for entry.
  • Hawaiianmaxx: @ssoha20 $DELL $NVDA $SMCI $ARM I use Fibonacci retracements
  • woodman: $ARM holding the 8dEMA, fwiw. Another big volume day. They've been big both red and green of late.
  • Cjauger: @Onthemark $DELL $SMCI me too, then $ARM. We need $NVDA to get above yesterday’s high of $133.73
  • romanalexk: $ARM is holding 8-day ema perfectly. I might sell some if it gets too extended from 8-day ema.
  • ZMan2: $ARM is up over 5% midday % at 52 week high.
  • ZMan2: $ARM moved my stop up from $130 to $150.
  • champ: $ up $9.75 and is also strong again today.
  • woodman: $ARM - Wow, what an incredible move since mid April bottom. It has doubled since then to make an all time high. I was late with my buys in late May and early June in the $120s, but still can't complain. I'm just holding these crazy tech stocks until they falter.
  • Motorman: @woodman $ARM I was telling my dad about that one, filled the gap and then went exponential. double in short time.
  • ZMan2: $ARM Had to take some off the table.
  • ZMan2: $ARM is now up 9% going into the closing.
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Another new high $QQQ Trending up $IWM Just under the 50 Day $DXY Still above the 50 Day $TNX Rejected at the 8EMA $GLD just under resistance $TLT Trying to change the trend $TIP Trying to break out $XLK Rebalance June 21 $XHB At the 50 Day $IBIT In the boring zone $NVDA Most Valuable Company In the World $SMCI Breaking out $AMZN Sideways $AMAT Higher High $LRCX Same $ARM Strong $MU Top of the range $DELL 50 Day support $PLTR Working $GE Mentioned in the forum by Mike $AMKR Mentioned in the forum $MARA Just under resistance
  • Mpower27: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $IWM $DXY $TNX $GLD $TLT $TIP $XLK $XHB $IBIT $NVDA $SMCI $AMZN $AMAT $LRCX $ARM $MU $DELL $PLTR $GE $AMKR $MARA did you mess up the free vid title? It’s about $NVDA but you cover $ONON
  • ZMan2: $ARM is being added to the Nasdaq 100 index before the start of trading on June 24th.
  • Cjauger: @woodman $VRT $DELL did the same it is my third largest position $NVDA, $ARM then $DELL
  • woodman: @Cjauger $VRT $DELL $NVDA $ARM - we are fishing on the same side of the boat, as are many others I presume.
  • Cjauger: @woodman $VRT $DELL $NVDA $ARM Yess!! the theme is AI.
  • scottrades: $ARM Just Tested 164
  • Henry: $ARM Beasting long
  • Simar297: Did anyone added $arm at new all time high ??
  • shoredriver: @Henry $ARM ....the market is long in the tooth when Henry uses a term like beasting....
  • scottrades: $ARM new High
  • bobbybwana: @scottrades $ARM $ARM I have a good sized position, can I add here?
  • Henry: @shoredriver $ARM I'm afraid your right, see my post below.
  • Henry: @bobbybwana $ARM it wouldn't have worked out if you did it on Feb 12th. Dan would say buy it but put a stop at today''s or yesterday's low
  • BocaRick: @Henry $ARM into $QQQ 6/24 replaces $SIRI
  • scottrades: @Henry $ARM Agree with Henry. If you do add, put a stop at LOD
  • Cjauger: @scottrades $ARM and $NVDA. Semis defying gravity
  • wineinquirer: @scottrades $ARM Skimmed a little off the top after >20% gain. Going somewhat parabolic as it challenges a breakout. Will add back after a rest.
  • scottrades: @wineinquirer $ARM Good trading J!
  • Cjauger: Out of $RCL and took some profits on $ARM and $NVDA this morning
  • jeffrhen55: Closed $ARM position with a 24% gain. Will wait for pullback to re-enter.
  • Simar297: @jeffrhen55 $ARM is that will be 8ema around 144 ??
  • jeffrhen55: @Simar297 $ARM Believe it is.
  • Cjauger: @sgiseller #BTC Glad I took $MSTR and $IBIT out of my trading account. @Dan advice on good employees, on the one hand I had $NVDA and $ARM on the other crypto. It can truly be as simple as keep your good employees and fire the bad ones. I was surprised by the divergence between crypto and QQQ. It is a matter of timeframe, my coinbase account is HODL. In my trading account I have a shorter timeframe hence firings occur often
  • Hawaiianmaxx: @Cjauger $MSTR $IBIT $NVDA $ARM #BTC now that I have employees...I totally understand this analogy. Had to fire a girl already 😩
  • Cjauger: Bought back $ARM and $NVDA that I sold in the morning rotation
  • woodman: @Cjauger $ARM $NVDA - Still holding both.
  • Cjauger: @woodman $ARM $NVDA These 2 account for 51% of my account, I took some profits in the first hour of trading. Then looked at the chart and there is nothing in those charts that tells me that the trend is over, bought $NVDA back at 40 cents higher and $ARM back at $3.4 lower. Trying to swing less
  • Cjauger: @Hawaiianmaxx $MSTR $IBIT $NVDA $ARM #BTC OUCH!!! not fun when they are people. Stocks are a lot easier
  • woodman: @Cjauger $ARM $NVDA - Congratulations. They have been amazing, and for NVDA, "amazing" isn't a strong enough word to describe it.
  • Cjauger: @woodman $ARM $NVDA I see that you hold longer, trying to learn from you. I am just now finally recovering from the interest rate driven bear market. not getting shaken out anymore. It sure helps to be big in the right stocks. I read about Bill O’Neal, he would have just 1 stock, all in into 1 stock. I am beginning to understand that. Why not have 70% of my account in $NVDA and 30% in $ARM. Or 100% in $NVDA. Same for Jesse Livermore who would be short or long in just 1 stock
  • woodman: @Cjauger $ARM $NVDA - I am defintiely holding my winners longer - getting out of their way, letting them run, and trying not to foul things up by being too active. And ones that I've liked where I bought them and still think they can move up, I'm trying to give them a little longer to prove themselves so long as they don't become offensive. So, on the whole, yes, I've been trading less and letting hungry dogs run. I think trading less in a good market - if you're in the good stocks - works best, at least for me. And I'm in fewer stocks on the whole.
  • woodman: $ARM - what a run since mid April low. Now gunning for ath of 164. Still holding this one.
  • Cjauger: @PTinME $MSTR I got out of all crypto in my trading account, I did not like that my coinbase crypto account (HODL) was and is still going opposite of the $QQQ. More specifically the AI and even more specifically AI microchips $NVDA, $ARM
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Stock Price $154.60
Change 1.38%
Volume 5,938,360

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