PagSeguro Digital Ltd. Class A (NYSE:PAGS)
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- kenb: @vitoB $XP $MQ how about $STNE and $PAGS. no positions right now. All have similar charts.
- kbrowe: @BocaRick $STNE yes, and uplifting $PAGS as well. Both in the Brazil fintech space. NP
- Nepenthe: @kbrowe $STNE $PAGS Hard to buy a stock up 35% but there's a lot of space, 150%, between the 50 and 200 ma. Hmm. NP. Cheers.
- issues: Lows in our account today: $CNC $ENTG $FDX $IBB $ASAN $KLIC $LOGI $KSU $OSTK $PAGS $SEDG $TPX $TSLA $TSM & $UPS.
- issues: @scottto_2 $FOUR Thanks Scotty I was lurking at FOUR. It's in the same IBD group # 147 as $MA $V $PAGS $SQ $PYPL $DFS... The ones in that group that are were up the most in 10 days (until today) were: $GBOX $DLO $SQ $PAGS & $PYPL. I bought PAGS and hold SQ but can't seem to pull the trigger on PYPL (its a summit on the chart, and I don't want to be the one who plants the flag on top... if you know what I mean). We also are holding $MA and $V
- scottto_2: @issues $FOUR $MA $V $PAGS $SQ $PYPL $DFS $GBOX $DLO - Good info. Thanks for the added detail!
- Henry: #Unusual_Activity Dr J added to $TLT Apr 133 puts $PAGS Sept 55 calls $NKE he mentioned earlier buying of 140 145 calls that are now in the money.
- Angdionk: $PAGS trying to move
DAN: ...
$PAGS -- Alert $39.80
$IBP -- Breaking out.$SFM -- Stopped out at $25.50. Other GSL stocks are working fine.
- jbuc5222: $PAGS tight squeeze... look for a breakout
- Herb: Brazilian stocks bounced today: $BSBR $BBD $ITUB $PBR $PAGS $EWZ
- Herb: @jonwest88 $BSBR $BBD $ITUB $PBR $PAGS $EWZ $STNE That one has my number so I try not to think about it!
- scottrades: My video notes today: $SPY New Highs on low volume. Closed below VWAP $QQQ Closed just above VWAP $GDX Breaking out. Welcome back old friend. $SIRI Looked good all day, slapped back down near the close. $PAGS IBD 50 Stock Squeezing. Watch for a move above the 200 Day MA. $WPM Too extended to buy, but looks good on the weekly and monthly. $PING IPO Stock Squeezing $WAL In a Squeeze, you’ll want to see this hold the 50 day. $PNFP Just under the 50 Day MA. $CPRT High Squeeze $PZZA Squeezing higher $EPAM High dollar squeeze $BIP High Squeeze
- issues: IBD 50 new this week: $ASML $EDU $HEI $ISRG $PRGS $SAFE $SRC $TEAM $TER off the list $ACGL $CBRE $CMCSA $HDB $JCOM $MRK $PAGS $PYPL $VAR $YNDX.
- Bogeyboy: @issues $ASML $EDU $HEI $ISRG $PRGS $SAFE $SRC $TEAM $TER $ACGL $CBRE $CMCSA $HDB $JCOM $MRK $PAGS $PYPL $VAR $YNDX Thanks for sharing the IBD added list. Appreciate it.
- kbrowe: @Robert1965 $STNE I'm thinking it's taking a hit as sympathy for it's sister Brazilian payment company $PAGS reporting last night, and is down as well.
- Herb: @issues $CORT $PAGS $PAYC PAYC got upgraded today.
- issues: Looking to add to small position in $CORT. Wwwwwaaaayyyyy oversold! I am adding! $PAGS is dead. They were supposed to report earnings yesterday but still I don't see any reports. So that's probably why it's dropping. Stop at $29. But $PAYC is alive and doing fine in the payment processing sector. $CPRT at $90 in AH. Est .59 beat actual .65. Glad I held small position over earnings! Celebrate with champaign!
- kbrowe: @dyip96 $PYPL Not sure either, something to do with fintech payment processing in general. $SQ $STNE $PAGS all in that space down today as well.
- issues: $PAGS getting pounded. Still hold "some" with stop $35;. $PAYC sold out last month. Still in $PAYX and $PAYS. They are just not "paying" off.
- Herb: @issues $PAGS $PAYS $PAYX $AYS stay away from stocks whose symbols start with PA?
- issues: $BX Private equity firms Blackstone Group Inc and CVC Capital Partners Ltd are seeking to hire underwriters for an initial public offering (IPO) of Paysafe Group Ltd that could value the payments processing firm at more than $10 billion, including debt, according to people familiar with the matter. Just what we need! Another payment processor to add to my list $PAYS $PAYC $PAYX $PAGS etc
- issues: @issues $CHGG $CVBF $HEI $JPM $OLED $PAYC $PCTY $SSNT $TKR $URI $WH Here's what stocks are eliminated from the IBD 50 this week: $ACGL $FHN $GLOB $NMIH $NOW $PAGS $QIWI $SYF $TEAM $WAL $WDAY. We hold positions in JPM OLED ACGL GLOB PAGS TEAM and many many more. Looking at these charts I would have thought IBD would have added some of the ones they eliminated and taken off some of the ones they added. I guess they are right to eliminate $FHN $NOW $PAGS $QIXI $WDAY $WAL But that's why I subscribe to SMM. The IBD's $FFTY isn't doing that good at all. $SSO is better by far.
- DAN: Good morning. Stocks are up just a bit this morning. Did you notice that a Brexit deal has been made...though there's no telling whether the UK Parliament will ratify it. But it's big news...and the major indexes aren't reacting much at all. Not ...
- debeers: FINTECH-Ask yourself if these are really good plays.. What are the charts of Mastercard and V telling you? OK Do yoiu really suppose that, for other than a nano second that the Brazilian $STNE/$PAGS/$PAYS will work?In Portuguese the answer is NAO. Simpler in English-NO. Financial stocks and fintechs work when interest rates are going up. Do you see that happening? Well, do ya? Don't get sucked in.
- Sluggo: OK, here goes. There are basically 3 fintech stocks for the Brazil area. They are $PAYS, $PAGS and $STNE. $STNE has the lead presence there. They are all sucking tail pipe right now. Now can we please move on?
- greenpatrol: @Sluggo $PAYS $PAGS $STNE Paysign is based in Nevada USA, not Brazil.
- Sluggo: @greenpatrol $PAYS $PAGS $STNE Au contrare mon freur (to butcher the French language). Look deeper. I mean $SEDG has a main office in Fremont CA but the HEAD office is in Israel. I retain my original comment until proven otherwise.
- Sluggo: $STNE $PAYS $PAGS Out of $STNE. Just other places to allocate capital. The Brazilian fintech aren't really doing that well. All 3 of these belong in that group.
- issues: What was that silver etf USLV? I bought $BRFS $PPC and added to $AZUL $DRD $GOLD $LTM $NGD $PAGS $RDS/A. Tomorrow will tell the tale with the fed.
- Sluggo: $STNE Added. The fintech $MA $V $PAGS $STNE were all hit hard recently. $STNE held up the best and is now recapturing the 50d. Besides being a Buffet stock, this is the #1 payment processor in Brazil who's economy is probably the best in South America.
- gvianello: There are many stocks of large companies that have dropped significantly in recent days, @scottrades would you tell me if they are good opportunities for swing or B&H trades? $MA, $V, $PAGS, $KO, $COST, $PEP, $MSFT, $SBUX, etc.
- scottrades: @gvianello $MA $V $PAGS $KO $COST $PEP $MSFT $SBUX I don't like to be the first one to buy. Wait for confirmation of a reversal in progress. That means VOLUME.
- gvianello: @scottrades $MA $V $PAGS $KO $COST $PEP $MSFT $SBUX ok, thanks!
- mradams0621: @mradams0621 $IWM $FFTY #wierd Well not so strange after all with $FFTY listing its top 5 holdings as $OLED, $MTZ, $PAGS, $HEI, $PCTY, and most of those are having very bad day today.
- gvianello: $ma $v $pypl $pags $pays why are falling down all the stocks relatead with payments?
- spmeyers: @gvianello $ma $v $pypl $pags $pays good question; don't know
- Sluggo: @brett_anderson $PAYS I mean, if you want to play the Brazilian upswing in payment processors, See IBD today. $PAGS and $STNE are the 2 top players in this area. Why mess around with $PAYS unless you intend to short it? Yes, I have positions in both $PAGS and $STNE now.
- Sluggo: Facing Monday, this is my current portfolio: $ICE $BX $TWTR $ARWR $PG $LSCC $APPS $KEYS $MTZ $HXL $STOR $BLD $NUGT $ORCC $INMD $MDLZ $AJRD $OLLI $PAGS $WPM $AJRD $STNE $KTOS $TMHC
- Sluggo: @Aragorn $PAYS I think you meant to reply to the other guy, Aragorn. None the less, I am sure that he saw this. $PAYS puzzles me which is why I asked about the thinking. The forum dissects it on a daily basis when 7000 other stocks are out there. My 2 Brazilian picks and holdings? $STNE and $PAGS.
- efrain007: $PAGS moving over resistance to test all time high, for momentum traders.
- Sluggo: $PAGS Working well. Did we kick $PAYS out of the forum yet?
- efrain007: @Sluggo $PAGS $PAYS I'm watching it for support at 100d. Had a nice bounce from there in August. Though market could b holding it up today. Will only buy if it closes well with tight stop.
- Sluggo: @efrain007 $PAGS $PAYS I don't have emotions about any particular stock (well, excluding $KEYS) although $PAYS is getting close. This pattern is just too rough for me. It gets a lot of forum play.
- efrain007: @Sluggo $PAGS $PAYS $KEYS Yes, I've seen a lot of forum members interest in it. I've just been stalking for a low risk buying opp and today might be the day. If I buy at close it would be small and add on confirmation.
- coldevinc: @Sluggo $PAGS $PAYS this stock completely sucks all I have done is lose money on every type of trade I did with it.
- Sluggo: $PAGS Looking perky today.
- Sluggo: $PAGS floating gently down to the 20d. If you don't have any, this will put you in some consolidation, but a good time for a starter.
- Sluggo: Let me redo that...20 positions at current. $TSN $NUGT $ICE $STOR $HXL $WPM $CUB $BX $APPS $KTOS $TWTR $AJRD $MTZ $KEYS $LSCC $PAGS $EDU $ARWR $PINS $PG
- Sluggo: @Herb $TSN $NUGT $ICE $STOR $HXL $WPM $CUB $BX $APPS $KTOS $TWTR $AJRD $MTZ $KEYS $LSCC $PAGS $EDU $ARWR $PINS $PG Thanks! I work hard on it.
- Bogeyboy: @Sluggo $ICE $SBUX $TSN $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $KRUS $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $AJRD $HXL $KTOS $INMD Thank you very kindly for sharing this. I'll spend some quality time on it, this is quite a list. I could not manage this many positions. I will create a WL in my charting software. out of respect I will label Mr. Sluggo! Thanks much.
- Sluggo: I am not going to list this again for a couple of weeks, but here is my current portfolio (again, exculpatory clause: this is not a "YAY, me" thing. I work damn hard on this portfolio and I think it will benefit others. $ICE $SBUX $TSN $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $KRUS $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $AJRD NEO $HXL $KTOS $INMD
- Sluggo: Looking over my previous posts for errors (hell, yes I'm bored) I noticed that I stated that $PAYS is a Brazilian company. It is not. However, I still stand by selling $PAYS and adding to $PAGS. $PAYS was just a hassle.
- issues: @Sluggo $PAYS $PAGS If you're bored➢ If you’re bored, go to the mall, find a great parking spot and sit in your car with the reverse lights on.
- Sluggo: @issues $PAYS $PAGS Man, you have a low threshold for fun!
- Sluggo: $PAYS $PAGS All you people that are continuing to try to figure out $PAYS, take the easy way out and date her sister, $PAGS. That's what I did.
- Sluggo: $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $TW $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $NEO $HXL $CUB My current port right now. Get your pencils out. The reason I am bringing this up (besides the fact that I have way too many positions right now) is the fact that I have been positioning this for quite a while away from the trade crap situation. I still get hit, but not nearly as hard as high beta.
- baronp0329: @Sluggo $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $TW $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $NEO $HXL Wow, that's a lot of stocks. I'm very impressed on how you can be nimble and quickly manage all the "stops", "add" and "profit-sell" levels! You've got "SKILLS". I usually only have 5-10 stocks/options trades in each of my Trading accounts since I move in/out fairly quick for Day and Swing trades. My long-term accounts are handled by Wealth Money managers and those accounts can have 15-20 positions.
- Sluggo: @Sluggo $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $TW $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $NEO $HXL Not to mention my trusty crystal ball...
- Sluggo: @baronp0329 $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $TW $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $NEO $HXL Yeah, too many, I know. 2 were stopped out today. They usually take care of themselves. However, I get a lot of good ideas, and at the end of the day I go WTF???
- Sluggo: @Herb $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $TW $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $NEO $HXL $PINS $35.35 is the breakout point. Recent support at the 8MA could be your stop at $33.85 if it's a RHRN moment for you. I am already in. If not for the market turbulence, it would have succeeded.
- baronp0329: @Sluggo $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $LSCC $APPS $TEAM $KEYS $AFYA $TW $PAGS $WPM $ENPH $CUB $NEO $HXL Haha, that's funny! Bet that happens to many traders. Glad I joined SMM/OMM last year. Not only for the very good profits last year and H1 2019 but also for the many intelligent and friendly traders (and investors) with good sense of humor (like you, @bRobert, @Bigbartabs and others). I made good profits with other sites in the past but very bland members and environment. Have a good weekend Sluggo.
- Sluggo: @lostsheep $PAYS Got tired of dancing with $PAYS. I am dating her sister now, $PAGS.
- BellaVino: @Wolf #Growth-Stock-List The official list is 4 for now. I have notes from 8/13 in my book with a list of fast growing stocks to watch that Dan has on his watchlist. I see other members finding some trades on these like $APPS and $PAGS for example.
- Sluggo: $PAGS $PAYS The Brazilian sisters. Sold $PAYS and added to $PAGS today. $PAGS is the stronger sister, so she stays.
- sierramp: @Sluggo $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $HMSY $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $TW $PAYS $PAGS $NEO $AUDC What is your average holding time frame, are you a Swing Trader? Thx.
- Sluggo: @sierramp $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $HMSY $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $TW $PAYS $PAGS $NEO $AUDC Did you get an email with my response to this?
- Sluggo: $ICE $SBUX $TSN $HOLX $BX $FBM $HMSY $PINS $TWTR $CECO $ARWR $HSY $PG $NUGT $TW $PAYS $PAGS $NEO $AUDC My current portfolio...just FYI
- efrain007: $PAGS at new all time high, might work over day high
- efrain007: $PAGS working..... for now.
- Sluggo: $PAYS $PAGS The two sisters. $PAGS breakout today. $PAYS safe to go back in the water. I am going to split the difference and get a starter in both. Very nice fundies, but $PAGS is more reasonably valued.
- Sluggo: $PAGS $PAYS Picked up some $PAYS at $14.23 proper buy point. Picked up just a little $PAGS at $51.35, NOT a proper buy point. Gapped up at open to $49.50 and hovering right at the VWAP $51.00 to $51.50. This is a wild hair buy point, but I am in small. Intend to build.
- Sluggo: @lostsheep $PAYS Just a cheerleader now. Bought a bit of $PAGS today as well. Watching....
- DAN: Here's a list of fast growing companies -- good fundamentals. $ACMR $ADBE $APPS $BTG $BZUN $CODA $CORT $EDU -- which is in a squeeze and looks good here. $FISV $HUBS $IIPR $LPG $MPWR $NOW $OLED $PAGS - also in a squeeze, but reports earnings in a couple of days, so it's a risky stock to own. $PAYS $PCTY $PETQ $PFPT $QIWI $SPLK $STNE $TEAM $TPX $TRHC $VRTX $WIX You can see that several of these stock are either current GSL stocks, or former stocks. Might want to put these on a watch list and be vigilant for trends and entries. Dan
- Sluggo: @DAN $ACMR $ADBE $APPS $BTG $BZUN $CODA $CORT $EDU $FISV $HUBS $IIPR $LPG $MPWR $NOW $OLED $PAGS $PAYS $PCTY $PETQ $PFPT $QIWI $SPLK $STNE $TEAM $TPX $TRHC $VRTX $WIX @Dan, is there any way to print the posts in the forum? I tried a copy and paste, but no go.
- Sluggo: @Dan $ACMR $ADBE $APPS $BTG $BZUN $CODA $CORT $EDU $FISV $HUBS $IIPR $LPG $MPWR $NOW $OLED $PAGS $PAYS $PCTY $PETQ $PFPT $QIWI $SPLK $STNE $TEAM $TPX $TRHC $VRTX $WIX Waiting to reenter $STNE depending, of course, on the earnings tomorrow.
- DAN: @Sluggo $ACMR $ADBE $APPS $BTG $BZUN $CODA $CORT $EDU $FISV $HUBS $IIPR $LPG $MPWR $NOW $OLED $PAGS $PAYS $PCTY $PETQ $PFPT $QIWI $SPLK $STNE $TEAM $TPX $TRHC $VRTX $WIX You can copy and paste them. I do. It just seems weird. Open up "Notepad". Then copy what you want to print, and then paste it on the empty document. I just did it with your post. See attached. Dan
- Sluggo: @DAN $ACMR $ADBE $APPS $BTG $BZUN $CODA $CORT $EDU $FISV $HUBS $IIPR $LPG $MPWR $NOW $OLED $PAGS $PAYS $PCTY $PETQ $PFPT $QIWI $SPLK $STNE $TEAM $TPX $TRHC $VRTX $WIX Thanks, for the penmanship challenged among us.
- Sluggo: $PAYS I see some posting on this today. Not impressed with the stock. Needs to rebuild. $PAGS, the stronger sister, is bumping it's head against the 50d. Don't want to be here now.
- Sluggo: @Sluggo $PAYS $PAGS Sorry, I meant the 20d on $PAGS. Same theory applies.
- Rickg: Here's a list worth looking at, all close to b/o , My partial watch list..: $ATKR $STNE $ATUS $BAH $CCK $CLH $ECL $EHTH $EW $LSCC $NVCR $OLED $PAGS $PFGC $PRO $SC $SYK $TEAM $TRU $V .I've set alerts on all.
- issues: I bought/added to the following: $ROST $TMUS $NVCR $MA $V $OLED $COST $ARWR $LULU $DG $PAGS $PAYC $PYPL $SKYW $SLP $NVCR $SSO. Santa came early this year!
- issues: @scottrades $PAYS We hold just a hundred shares of PAYS and keep waiting for it to drop before adding. It may go up before down. Others in the sector include: $PAGS (chart looks like PAYS) $AXP $ASFI $EVRI $USAT $EEFT $MA $V $SQ. We hold PAGS MA V & SQ. After looking at the charts I just posted, I bought another 100 shares of $PAYS and added to $EEFT. It's just a matter of time before PAYS takes off. It's already above the 20 day. This is IBD group 7! An excellent group to be holding.
- captron: $PAGS - Just keeps climbing up. Whats not to like?
- issues: What's new on IBD 50? This week's new additions: $BPOP $CDW $DFS $ETSY $FND $FNKO $G $MNST $NGVT $OLED $PAGS & $TGE What's taken off? $AME $AMZN $ANET $AWI $BERY $CDNS $DISCA $MTOR $MTZ $REXR $SSNC $STOR $WLTW. As I look at the charts of those taken off vs those newly added, I wonder how in the world do they decide what to take off and what to put on. I don't think they use charts, b/c I don't see any pattern to their actions! Do you? Doing my diligent research on $NVCR mentioned today in the magnanimous Forum (here!): I found these in the same industry group #68 Med Products: $MDXG $QDEL $CFMS $zyxi & $ATEC Just looking at these charts, what do you see? $ATEC looks like an interesting flag pattern (phase 2?). What else do YOU see?
- issues: @justinp $PAGS It's on the IBD 50 this week!
- justinp: $PAGS Above recent resistance although light volume.
- issues: Bought $TEAM. Added to $KMI $PAGS & $KMI. Stopped out of partial $DWDP and $NXST!
rachel: ...
$PAGS -- Is this a good entry at this level. I love the chart and just want your feedback on this. If the stock break through 32 bucks will have more upside. Did I anaylsis this correctly. - bsafriet: $PAGS All things considered, $PAGS performed well today. Decided to join Warren Buffet and get on-board today. Entry at $31.10, looks like $PAGS will close off that price around $30.70
- issues: I was looking at credit card companies. IBD group 44 includes $MA $V $STNE $PAGS $EEFT $TPNL $FDC $PYDS ($3.15)- looks real interesting. We got stopped out of TPNL and still own PAGS EEFT MA and FDC.
- issues: I can see now why Champ doesn't like looking too much at charts b/c you BUY them. I couldn't help myself. I bought the following: $KL $SKYW $PAGS $STNE $DFFN $NMIH $TME and sold $HTGC $EVTC! I am looking too much!
- CraigReynolds: @issues $KL $SKYW $PAGS $STNE $DFFN $NMIH $TME $HTGC $EVTC Bad day for me too.
- issues: @CraigReynolds $KL $SKYW $PAGS $STNE $DFFN $NMIH $TME $HTGC $EVTC Craig did you buy or sell or sit on your hands?
- champ: @issues $KL $SKYW $PAGS $STNE $DFFN $NMIH $TME $HTGC $EVTC--- I look at charts every second of everyday. I #Never enter a position without a chart ...charts point out entries....and news helps. If you have positive news and the chart on your side, that is always entry. Where in hell do you come up with these type of " I can see why Champ doesn't like looking at charts....that is the dumbest statement I ever hear.... in the forum about any trader or investor.
Stock Price | $7.55 |
Change | 0.27% |
Volume | 3,704,770 |
PagSeguro Digital Ltd provides financial technology solutions. Its business model includes multiple digital payment solutions, in-person payments, free digital accounts, and issue of prepaid cards.
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$12.07 34.95%
$18.32 18.81%
$46.30 16.42%
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$23.00 -104.26%
$15.77 -85.28%
$64.94 -56.57%

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