Energy Transfer LP (NYSE:ET)
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- champ: @phgruver $KMI $PAA $ET $EPD $WMB #negative #why #anybody....Yes could be #Thanks. ....Hanging in on the flat-line today, after a daily U-turn off of LOD.
- champ: $KMI $PAA $ET $EPD $WMB....I was looking around to see if I could find any #negative News on #why all the Pipeline companies were down today.....and I couldn't find anything.... ....did #anybody see anything on the reason why they were down....??? looks like all of these drops started right after the open. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- phgruver: @champ $KMI $PAA $ET $EPD $WMB #negative #why #anybody The volume in $KMI was only 9.7M, the 15DMA is 13.2M, well below average. I say it was opportunistic profit taking.
- Henry: What set fire to $ET? Bought it for my wife's IRA 3 days ago
- shoredriver: @Henry $ET ..MLP in an IRA......
- Henry: @shoredriver $ET Only a problem if there is >$1,000 UBI
- indigo1948: @Henry $ET - I have been holding $ET in a dividend account for quite some time - up 47%. The annual dividend yield is 6.8% and the chart very strong.
- mopick: $ET, On FIRE, up another 4%.
- mopick: $ET, $EPD, $MPLX, $KMI, ho hum, all new highs today. Perfect sector for this market, stocks still not expensive, all sporting significant yields.
- mopick: $EPD, ath, midstream oil companies seem to be a good place to invest given the new administration. That Keystone XL pipeline will now go forward. Reuters reports that the EU is considering replacing LNG from Russia with that of the US. Long this & others; $ET, $MPLX & $KMI. All offer very attractive yields as well!
- champ: @mopick $EPD $ET $MPLX $KMI ...Exactly and that will start on Day-1, however the Markets always look we all know or should know.....and I'm in this sector also. Good Luck!
- champ: @mopick $EPD $ET $MPLX $KMI ...Check-out $EPD, their Form 10-Q that they just filed on 11/8 and see what you think..??
- billyzeke: @champ $KMI Nice! I have $ET which is doing very well also
- lance1161: @billyzeke $KMI $ET Good for you Champ you have been posting/pounding that for a long time in and out...
- billyzeke: $ET one of my energy/dividend plays is breaking out today.
- mopick: $MPLX, new high for this energy midstream play. Own the trirfecta; $ET, $EPD & $MPLX. In a nod to our Champ, added $KMI recently as well. Love those attractive dividends.
- BocaRick: @billyzeke $ET earnings are tomorrow?
- billyzeke: @BocaRick $ET Yes, I've been in this stock for a while mainly for the dividend so I will be holding through.
- Lou: I'm still here, though I've limited my online activity significantly as I'm dealing with a myriad of personal issues - age, moving to a senior community, selling my home, etc. etc. Just FYI - $FTI is still a large holding and great news in the CC; my few biotechs are performing; love my massive position in $ET for income, ditto $EPD (much smaller); and $DBRG is finally showing some life. I'm very bullish and very long on this asset light global digital infrastructure giant. Looking for significant upside from here.
- marklesparkle: @Lou $FTI $ET $EPD $DBRG I'm glad things are going as good as they can for you
- Lou: @marklesparkle $FTI $ET $EPD $DBRG - thanks! My latest issue is that I'm dealing with a#FootDrop issue. PT, special device to let me walk heel/toe and seeing docs to find out whether there's a surgical or other solution that might fix it. I miss my long brisk walks and am now confined to old people's cardio machines in the gym.
- marklesparkle: @Lou $FTI $ET $EPD $DBRG Damn well you are doing the things that need to be done so good job and cardio is cardio my friend Doesnt matter if the old people do it too lol you're doing it
- sierramp: @Lou $FTI $ET $EPD $DBRG Good to hear from you Lou. That is a lot for anyone to be dealing with. I hope you get a good solution for your foot. Being able to get out to walk - or walk on a treadmill - is good for body and soul. Keep after it.
- billyzeke: @marklesparkle I'm holding on to a few $NVDA, $MSFT, $IBIT, $HOOD, $MSTR, $ET, and my latest bottom fish that Im trying to hold on to longer term - $ASML. If I can't get some decent cushion in something pretty quick I have a hard time holding on when the market is gyrating like this.
- mopick: $ET, new high. In from below, still yielding close to 8%.
- jwstich: anyone know why $OKe, $ PAA, and $ET are down this morning
- kingtug13: @jwstich $OKe $ET $DIG - oil is down big overnight.
- Lou: Looking to add to very large long in $ET if it drops back a bit or, if I can find some puts that make sense to sell, I'll do it that way.
- PhilHarmonic: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs Wishing you good luck and good health.
- Lou: I haven’t posted for some time as I don’t really have much to say that would be useful here. I’m holding and trading around a handful of stocks and a #MuniBonds ladder. In my self-managed account, I’m holding and trading ar ...
- champ: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs....Nice to hear from you...stay in touch. Take Care!
- Lou: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs How could I have forgotten my very large position, massively appreciated, $FTI.
- sierramp: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs Hi Lou, thanks for posting. Good to know what you are trading. Having a spouse in memory care must be incredibly hard on you. It's good to hear you have a lot of support from your family and staying active with the gym and training. Good to hear from you. Have a good weekend.
- billyzeke: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs Good to hear from you Lou, hang in there, and have a great weekend!
- woodman: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs - Thanks for the update and for checking in, Lou. Stay healthy, active, keep spending time with family, and live life as best/as much as you can.
- joelsg1: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs Best thoughts and wishes. Perhaps take a test drive in a Tesla Plaid S to literally lift spirits ;)
- mhuie: @Lou $ET $EPD $ARDX $HUMA $VKTX $BA $WFRD $DBRG #MuniBonds #biotechs Take care, Lou Monica
- mopick: $ET, raised their full year profit forecast, added, yield, over 8%
- mopick: @jwstich $UTF #Infrastructure, I own $JEPQ, $JEPI, $O, $ADC, $VICI, $EPD, $ET
- mopick: @champ $KMI #New-4-year-High #Drill-Baby-Drill, prefer $ET, better ytd performer plus yield of over 7% higher. New high today.
- champ: @mopick $KMI $ET #New-4-year-High #Drill-Baby-Drill...They are running close togetter, ET is up $2.61, YTD off of LOD....and $KMI is up $2.55 YTD off of LOD....... we will see which one outperforms in 2024. .....However I'm #diversified, because I'm also holding equal-$$$ in $PAA...and that I keep posting about also.... and it is up $3.86 YTD off of $PAA is the clear winner..... so as of now, we are running around equal....... ~~~ So the race is on and we will see who the winners for 2024, will be. Good Luck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- mopick: @champ $KMI $ET $PAA #New-4-year-High #Drill-Baby-Drill #diversified, also have $EPD, which is trailing both of them unfortunately
- champ: @mopick $KMI $ET $PAA $EPD #New-4-year-High #Drill-Baby-Drill #diversified.....the second 1/2 of the year should be better and it could turn out to be much better, we will see.
- dgrobo: @dgrobo $WES So the AI bot blesses $WES along with a few others. I have owned some $ET for about a year. It's up 20%, combining capital appreciation and reinvested divis. Folks brag about their 5% savings accounts. I put some of my cash in these types of stocks in lieu of a bank account. Pretty stable with higher yields. See also $GLAD (kind of a berkshire hathaway type conglomerate but small pays 8% divi)
- Lou: Good morning all. I’ve not been very active in the markets lately, so I’ve not had anything to post. I’ve just instructed my concierge rep at Fidelity to prematurely exercise a large number of $8 calls for 1/25 that I’ve owned for more than a year. $ET goes ex- tomorrow and yesterday afternoon it reported outstanding results. Have a great day.
- rnrdallas1939: @rangerrb1 $BXSL #yieldhogs Nice to see a new, to me, face in # yeildhog world. If you are still looking try $ET P$PBR. kind of the ying and yang in the energy world. LTH I have a strong stomach.
- Lou: @champ $KMI $PAA $ARCC $JEPO $MAIN $BIZD #yieldhogs #Thanks #Yield-stock-ideas Add a couple of more pipelines, $ET and $EPD as well as the $DBRG preferred $DBRGPRI. CAVEAT - $PAA $ET $EPD are to be avoided in IRAs, Roths 401s and any other tax-deferred accounts. They can generate #UBTI.
- champ: @Lou $KMI $PAA $ARCC $JEPO $MAIN $BIZD $ET $EPD $DBRG $DBRGPRI #yieldhogs #Thanks #Yield-stock-ideas #UBTI.......Yes...let's add those on. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- champ: @champ $KMI $PAA $ARCC $JEPI $JEPQ $MAIN $BIZD $ET $EPD $DBRG #yieldhogs #Yield-stock-ideas....making a list...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- phgruver: @champ $KMI $PAA $ARCC $JEPI $JEPQ $MAIN $BIZD $ET $EPD $DBRG #yieldhogs #Yield-stock-ideas I have $MAIN in one of my ROTH accounts. At a 5.92% yield, it's not exactly #YIELDHOGS territory. It pays monthly, though, and looks pretty darn good. @Dana got me into New Residential, which changed their name to Rithm Capital ($RITM). It took a big hit on COVID, and has wallowed around a bit, without recovering to the pre-COVID levels. Still, it pays and 8.99% dividend, and has a P/E of 10. The dividends are well covered by earnings. It's a little extended, RHRN, but if it pulls back to around $10.75, it might be worth considering. As you suggest, on #YieldHogs, entry is everything. If you pay too much, you may find yourself underwater for a long time!
- Lou: @champ $PAA #X-Date - I like this a lot, thought about opening a position, but prefer $EPD and $ET in this space and I'm overloaded with both. Slightly higher yields and assurance of continually increased distributions - just sayin'. Good luck!
- Lou: $ET is moving nicely into earnings on 5/8 and the announcement of another distribution increase - it will be small but as-is it's yoielding 8.11%.
- Lou: @champ $PAA $KMI #X-Date - nice call - I prefer $ET to the two and am also holding $EPD, which I also prefer. I think that from a timing view, $EPD, by far the highest quality in the group, will be playing catch-up even if it has a slightly lower yield. USUAL CAVEAT - do NOT buy or hold any of the MLPs ($KMI is not an MLP) in any tax deferred account such as an IRA, Roth or 401 as UBTI can be assessed.
- Lou: All below aside, time to add to energy - I like $FTI $WFRD and at current trading prices $ET $EPD
- Lou: $ET again at a 52 weeks high.
- Lou: @Lou $ET - $EPD made a 52 weeks high as well.
- Lou: @Lou $ET $EPD -- as did $FTI
- Lou: @bobbybwana @champ $PAA be careful with the MLPs - avoid totally in tax deferred accounts such as IRAs, 401s, Roths - etc. Can create major tax issues from UBTI. Also, understand that when selling there may be gains from recapture of depreciation previously taken. Due diligence required for these investments. That said, I hold major positions in $ET and $EPD but to me they are #OneDecisionInvestments. I purchased them, add when I need more basis, and my estate will get a #StepUpIn Basis when I die. In the meantime I get great distribution cash flow.
- champ: @Lou $PAA $ET $EPD #OneDecisionInvestments #StepUpIn....OK will do, nice to know, #Thanks, I messed-up because I have them in one of my Trust-accounts...... ....and in one of my IRAs I have cash in SWVXX, getting over 5%... from now on, I will go your way....and I'm thinking about $PAA again.......because of all the analyst high stock price levels on $ $23.
- Lou: @champ $PAA $ET $EPD #OneDecisionInvestments #StepUpIn #Thanks - I'd advise that you close out the IRA investment ASAP to minimize the tax bite. If the income is less than $1,000, no UBTI. That's one you should not delay. The corporate pipeline companies like $KMI don't present the same problem.
- Cjauger: @Lou $PAA $ET $EPD #OneDecisionInvestments #StepUpIn Good information thank you for sharing
- jonwest88: @Lou $PAA $ET $EPD $KMI #OneDecisionInvestments #StepUpIn #Thanks I still hold $ET avg cost in each account ~ $10.5. And the divs keep rolling in
- Lou: @champ $KMI $PAA #Upgrade-price-level-targets - pipeline companies are doing well today. My largest and favorite position is $ET - now at 52 week high, and $EPD pushing up against it. Both are MLPs as is $PAA. My usual CAVEAT - MLP pipeline stocks should never be purchased or traded in any tax deferred accounts such as IRAs or 401k.
- champ: @Lou $KMI $PAA $ET $EPD #Upgrade-price-level-targets ....For me when they are working...Drill Baby Drill .....I want to have large positions...... ....and when they turn, I'm Not going to hold them. .........Everything for me is about #Timings. Good Luck!
- rnrdallas1939: @champ $PAA $KMI $MPW #Yield hog nice see a #Yieldhog post. Some others that show some strength $ET $EMB and a spec $PBR. Who knows what Brazil will do but that 19.66% div. is nice.
- Lou: @champ $KMI #CopyCat-sellers #Low-risk-entries #over-sold - I agree with you that pipeline companies are oversold and I'm thinking about an entry to $KMI My largest position - is $ET and I have a substantial position in $EPD. However, those are MLPs and I don't trade them. Like you, I'm thinking about KMI and if I do enter $KMI it will be to swing trade.
- Lou: @Lou $KMI $ET $EPD - what's stopping me is that I don't want to start new positions ahead of Friday's #OptionsExpirations. Should be pretty volatile and I'm guessing that everything will drop.
- champ: @Lou $KMI $ET $EPD #OptionsExpirations....could be, we will see and last month all of my positions went-up on that last Options Friday....and I'm still building. Good Luck!
- Lou: @champ $KMI $ET $EPD #OptionsExpirations - I hope that history repeats itself for both of us. Good luck to you as well.
- champ: @Lou $KMI $ET $EPD #CopyCat-sellers #Low-risk-entries #over-sold...I'm parking Cash in $KMI and so far I haven't been trading, I have #only been building and I have been a happy swinger....and I always do expect the normal zig-zags...but today, is not a normal day for pipelines.
- Lou: @champ $KMI $ET $EPD #CopyCat-sellers #Low-risk-entries #over-sold #only joined you in $KMI at $17.49 just to keep some cash working.
champ: @Lou $KMI $ET $EPD #CopyCat-sellers #Low-risk-entries #over-sold #only....OK, thats nice to know.... and I'm holding a nice size position.....
....however I also have a large pile of Cash, sitting in SWVXX, just waiting to move into something and may ... - SMM4Learner: Some Enegy stocks seem to trend higher on bullish engulfing... $ET, $XOM, $ERF,
- Lou: @wijimmy $WFRD $LPG $TNK $STNG $TDW $XPRO $FTI #Tankers #Oil #Gas #MLPs - depending on your age, MLPs may be a godsend. If you are a senior, think about changing your CPA rather than not owning MLPs in your TAXABLE account, but not in an IRA or similar. MLPs pay you a nice tax deferred distribution, reducing your cost basis. and, if held until your death, your estate gets a step up in basis. If distributions exhaust your basis before your death, the excess is treated as a capital gain, LT or ST, depending on when you purchased the MLP units. I love my MLPs, am very long $ET, which produces more quarterly cash flow from distributions than I'll ever spend, and $EPD which is the creme de la creme of the genre. As I said above, I'd rather change CPAs than not own my MLPs.
- Lou: @Margi1983 $IOVA $FTI - you're welcome @Margi. Now that you're at a young retirement age, think about dipping your toe into $ET and/or $EPD.
- Margi1983: @Lou $IOVA $FTI $ET $EPD I am 68 and retiring this November. I need you to explain the logic of not holding MLP's in IRA/SEP accounts. Are you suggesting them only for taxable accounts because of the tax deferment?
- Lou: @Margi1983 $IOVA $FTI $ET $EPD - tax deferment is the second reason. The first and more important reason is that earnings by the MLPs i recommend are subject to tax on unrelated business income (UBTI) and these MLPs generate a ton of such taxable income. They more than eat up your profits and appreciation.
- Margi1983: @Lou $IOVA $FTI $ET $EPD Got it. I will dip my toe with $EPD on a pullback via my taxable account, not my IRA's, per your advice. I am sure my CPA will hate the tax work, but that's what I pay him for
- Lou: @Margi1983 $IOVA $FTI $ET $EPD - Good luck. The tax accounting is not at all difficult for knowledgeable CPAs. The K-1s and tax support from the MLPs are excellent.
- Lou: Feeling the love - my four largest positions -$ET $DBRG $FTI and $ARDX are all soaring.
- Lou: Adding to my massively oversized (relative to my portfolio) $ET RHRN with the expectation that a modest increase of the quarterly distribution will be announced in the next few days, following in step with today's announcement by $EPD. As I always post when I mention $ET and $EPD - these MLPs are NOT SUITABLE for tax deferred accounts, such as IRA., 401 etc. -
- Lou: Happy New Year all - For years, on the last day of trading, I've made a buy based on my perception (is it guess?) of something that I believe will perform well next year. Generally, it's been a stock in which I already had a position. This year it won't be different. I am now trying to decide on today's buy. The candidates are $ET $EPD $DBRG $FTI. I will post my decision as soon as I enter the order.
- Lou: @Lou $ET $EPD $DBRG $FTI - as tempted as I was to buy more of all four, because it is a smaller position of mine than the other three, I added to $ARDX.
- jonwest88: @Lou $ET $EPD $DBRG $FTI $ARDX I chose months ago and added a few times to $ET, still paying over 9% too. For exploration investment still have a small profitable position in $FANG.
- Lou: @jonwest88 $ET $EPD $DBRG $FTI $ARDX $FANG - good choice - $ET is such an oversized position for me that I can't add any more. It's what I call my "one decision investment.'" Because distributions reduce one's basis (they're treated for the most part as return of capital), on sale they are gains, and on top of that there would be significant depreciation recapture, the tax bite on sale would eat away much of any gain. At my age, and with the great tax deferred cash flow, I'm determined to hold $ET (and $EPD) for my estate. At that time, under current tax laws, there would be a step-up in basis and my heirs would be able to sell without tax consequences. That said, I think that it's still a great buy, even today.
- Lou: Added to $ET and started pilot position in $RELY, Otherwise, horns still in.
- champ: PipeLine-Companies.....$KMI $ET $PAA....Day-1 on this turn off of their most recent lows.
- Lou: Looking to weather a possible recession. I continue to build my LT bond portfolio and assured cash-flow vehicles. Added to 30year TBills and $TLT $TLTW. Also abit more to my overloaded $ET at 13.27.
- champ: @Lou $KMI $ET $EPD #construction #many-projects #large-list .....Unlike you, I'm a #trader off of Charts...and on this stock, this is #Day-4 off of the most recent I'm up nicely already because I had Entry-timing........ and now we will see where this goes in the next few weeks and months and if the Markets turn lower again.....I will for sure take #profits again...... ....every time I post on this stock, you always post the same thing to me.... however I #understand, that you hold your stocks a long time through bad markets and I don't..... ....for me I always try to capitalized off of the drops....... and good Luck to you also.
champ: @Lou $KMI $ET $EPD #construction #many-projects #large-list ....Lou ...I just want to point out to you again, that I'm a professional-trader, been doing this for over 45 years.....and you were a full-time Attorney.....
....and I was a full-time Stock ... - Lou: @champ $KMI #construction #many-projects #large-list - Good luck with the $KMI - I love pipeline companies but, in spite of the K-1s, my faves are two MLPs, $ET (now a relatively gigantic position in my portfolio) and a full position in $EPD. To me. because of tax considerations, they are one-decision investments that will be sold by my/my wife's executors when each of us dies and the estates can get a step-up in basis. I also own a ton of long date calls in both and short puts in $EPD. My bottom line on $KMI is that I wish you well in your investment but that's one in which I have no confidence and wouldn't touch in any timeframe.
- mopick: $ET, reportedly big option trades in advance of their earnings next week leaning heavily bearish. Have a relatively small posiiton in this as I prefer $EPD. I've owned $ET in the past but have always been a bit leery of management due to their past discretions.
- Lou: @mopick $ET $EPD - I'm very long $ET and have a full position in $EPD. To me, at this time, the units are #OneDecision investments. You buy and hold forever because selling them involves all sorts of unhappy tax consequences. Their #options are decent trading vehicles, but the MLP units won't be sold until, at death, the estate takes a step-up in basis and sells the holding. Despite the history screw-ups, I have total confidence in current $ET management and expect to continue to enjoy the generous tax deferred or advantaged (capital gain if out of basis), ever increasing distributions. The pipeline assets and other infrastructure are impossible to duplicate and are critically important to the energy security of our country.
- Lou: While today they are not the flavors of the day, I'm handcuffed to very large positions in my two MLPs - $ET and $EPD. Very large distributions well covered and were I to sell in my lifetime I'd needlessly pay lots of taxes.
- mopick: $EPD, new high. Long-term hold for me. $ET, back in, got an upgrade from RBC, $18 price target. $EPD is my go-to in this space, however.
- Lou: @mopick $EPD $ET - love them both - I have very substantial $ET position and good sized in $EPD. I think that RHRN $ET is a much better buy as it has a higher yield and better upside.
- Lou: @MongosPawn $FTI - you're welcome, but I'd be adding RHRN. Same with $ET and $EPD.
- jarmstr278: @Lou $ET $EPD #StepUpInBasis I agree both are great positions.
Lou: While @AndStars and @indigo1948 have posted good stuff in response to my $ET $EPD post yesterday, here’s my take:
When I invest in marketable securities I look for those that I believe will significantly increase in value and/or will provide me ... - Lou: PS to my post about $ET and $EPD - these investments are not suitable for IRAs, Roths and other tax deferred accounts!
Stock Price | $17.70 |
Change | -2.75% |
Volume | 26,710,800 |
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$22.29 24.09%
$16.94 16.45%
$9.55 14.87%
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$15.12 -36.03%
$18.59 -29.67%
$14.09 -25.60%

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