Iron Mountain Incorporated (Delaware)Common Stock REIT (NYSE:IRM)

Strategy Session October 24th, 2017

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  • scottrades: $IRM testing resistance
  • tjv821: $IRM starting to climb after basing
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY / $QQQ Above the MAs $IWM Firming up $DXY Still above the 8EMA $TNX Under the 200 Day MA $SMH Consolidating along the 21 EMA $IGV Getting going $OIH Long slope $XBI Along the 21 EMA $ETHE ETF coming potentially July 4 $AMZN Look at that weekly. $SMCI Good volume off the 50 Day $ARM Holding the 8EMA $GOOGL Working $NFLX Watch 690 $ANET Breaking out $CYBR Watch 271.65 $NU Watch for a PB $NVO Along the 8EMA $IRM Watch 90 $ELF Watch 222 $PANW Curling up $FRPT Good volume, Watch 133 $PLTR Working, support at the 21 EMA $COIN Just under the 50 Day $MSTR Outperforming Bitcoin $MARA Watch 20.30
  • jeffrhen55: @scottrades $SPY $QQQ $IWM $DXY $TNX $SMH $IGV $OIH $XBI $ETHE $AMZN $SMCI $ARM $GOOGL $NFLX $ANET $CYBR $NU $NVO $IRM $ELF $PANW $FRPT $PLTR $COIN $MSTR $MARA Thanks for the end of day wrap - appreciate you buddy! Was rooting for the Oilers down here in Dallas and thought McDavid would pull it out again (like he did more than once to my beloved Stars).
  • Henry: $IRM own this and bought it for my wife and son. I first got in when it was yielding 5%, I think. It's not in my TOS account, so I rarely look at the chart. I didn't even see that they had earnings. Holly molley!
  • Henry: $IRM Blue skies. 4 percent divy long long term
  • Henry: $IRM breaking out on the weekly and monthly
  • Henry: @DAN $IRM is at the top of a range that it has been in for 2 years. Will it punch through the 58.5 range?
  • mharps: $IRM over the 50 nice div and long term holder
  • BocaRick: $IRM all time high, extended. usually on #IBD income sector with a 4.5% dividend, earning 4/28. will watch to add or sell some %
  • mharps: $IRM nibble-long range good div good er
  • Fuzz1: #brobert. Are you in $IRM yet?
  • Henry: $IRM 5.6% yield, not exactly a yield hog, but without the restraints REITs or companies that depend on interest rate spreads. The paper shredding is less 10% of their business, which is international and S&P 500. Making a triple bottom on the weekly, it's in my long term holds
  • Henry: $IRM pullback buying oportunity, 5% yield
  • Shopaholic526: $IRM Broke out today. Took a small position. REIT 5.2% div 9/14
  • vfr777: $IRM good for a swing - earnings 8/5 - dividend yield 5.66%
  • Henry: $IRM retesting a bo, 5.5% divy long long term
  • Roadrunner: $IRM new highs blue skies 5.6% ex-div 6.14
  • Margi1983: @Roadrunner $IRM Wow. great chart. Will wait for a pullback to R1 which is about 44.50
  • lostsheep: $IRM another bounce off the 8 to add
  • lostsheep: $IRM Ex div today offer an opportunity to get the div and own some more athan the 8ema and prior resistance now support. Not a screamer but low risk
  • wiswis26: @lostsheep $IRM isnt it going to sell off tomorrow after ex date?
  • lostsheep: @wiswis26 $IRM should have today. I believe. selling owners today keep the .62
  • Kimberley: @lostsheep $IRM if the stock shares are purchased no later than the day before the ex dividend date and held until trading starts on the on the ex dividend date the investor will receive the dividend payment The stock can be sold anytime after the market opens on the ex dividend day and the dividend will still be deposited in the investors account on the dividend payment date
  • lostsheep: $IRM continues to grondo higher looking to take out yesterday's high
  • lostsheep: $TWNK $IRM $KO $WLK $ICE $KMX $MMM $RDN $MAN $XRAY $PNC on my watch from weekend scans list. many have been mentioned or covered
  • lostsheep: $IRM in on this setup
  • matthe76: $IRM Boring but still steadily moving in the uptrend
  • BellaVino: @matthe76 $IRM Haven't looked at them in awhile. And 8.18% dividend too makes it really attractive.
  • MtChet: $IRM - Up 16% on earnings. 11.2% Yield! Long...
  • Wykeman: $IRM started this am. 7+% yield.
  • Junior1: @scottrades Here's a few Phase 2 VS candidates... testing the breakout levels $NEM $FIS $IRM no positions
  • DrScience: $IRM squeezing near the highs, trying to hammer out the top.
  • DrScience: $IRM inside day and up, moving above last week's highs.
  • scottrades: $IRM Popping out of a Squeeze. Getting some love from Jim Cramer today as well.
  • baronp0329: @scottrades $IRM Hey Scott. What did Cramer say about IRM?
  • scottrades: @baronp0329 $IRM Just that he's rather own it.
  • grcjr: @rnrdallas @jan2138 $IRM - I've not looked at this one before. 7.2% div. They have held or increased the div over that past 10 quarters (from $0.55 to current $0.61) Recent announcement of two large solar installations. Chart ok. Hmmm.
  • rnrdallas: @jan2138 $NRZ thanks for $NRZ you got me off the dime. Are you in $IRM ? Price and volume alert. added to
  • jan2138: @rnrdallas $IRM NP.
  • steve71: $EQIX Initiating a partial position on today's pullback to the 50 dma. Will likely add at the close. Equinix is a data center REIT favorably reviewed by Barron's twice this year. Double digit growth in major metrics, somewhat offset by forward PE 88. Other options are $COR and $IRM. June ER - Data center traffic up 26% in 2019. Revenue + 10% Net income 112% Diluted EPS 99% Net Profit Margin 93%
  • traderbren: $IRM - decided to play this on the cheap by buying an Apr $35 call @ 1.40. Would like to see it clear the 20d overhead.
  • rnrdallas: $IRM long term hold with 5% yield just keeps on going after pullbacks.
  • JBed: @rnrdallas $IRM Indeed. It was at a great buy point in August. Congrats!
  • rnrdallas: @JBed $IRM many good entry points this year. Zigs and Zags
  • Forexpro: Re: $IRM Hi, Friends, I added to a "half starter" position in $IRM this morning when my limit order was reached, stopped out now. Hope your day is going well; all the best! P.S. My anticipated support was the 50 percent Fib retracement, call it 34.55. I did give it a little room, but it refused to cooperate; out at 34.27.
  • Forexpro: Re: $IRM Hi, Friends, $IRM has dropped back to the 38.2 percent Fibonacci retracement level, which is where I like to begin buying, within an uptrend. I've only taken a starter; if it continues to retreat, I'm willing to add just above the 50 percent level, which is at 34.57. If it continues to fall at that point, the uptrend isn't necessarily invalidated, but the topside resistance at 37.75 already looks pretty formidable, and I won't be inclined to stay with it long if it fails to bounce. Uptrends sometimes turn into those nasty downtrend things Here's hoping that your day is off to a good start; all the best!
  • Geewhiz: @Forexpro $IRM Trying to back into position. $IRM STO 3/17 37.50 put @2.70 Thanks for inspiration.
  • Forexpro: @Geewhiz $IRM Thanks, Geewhiz, No thanks are due until you've covered your puts profitably. It looks as though it's trying to hold, but it certainly isn't rocketing back to the upside, as yet. :) Best of luck!
  • Forexpro: Re: $IRM Hi, Friends, Here's one that has just put in a new low, and stochastics are still sufficiently elevated to suggest that there is more to come on the downside. Trying to decide how to play it, but definitely "short into a bounce" than "buying the dip". All the best!
  • Bridget: $IRM coming out of a squeeze
  • Iceman: ...
    $IRM Oct 16 2015 30 Puts
    $LL Oct 16 2015 20 Calls (Covered)
    $NFLX Oct 16 2015 75 Puts
    $NFLX Oct 16 2015 80 Puts
    $NUGT Oct 16 2015 54 Calls (Covered)
    $RIG Oct 16 2015 17 Calls (Covered)

    $SVXY Oct 16 2015 49 Puts
    $SVXY Oct 16 2015 62 Calls
    $SVXY Oct ...
  • infocus: @Iceman $ARG $BOIL $CYBR $DUST $GTLS $IRM $LL $NFLX $NUGT $RIG $SVXY $UVXY $VIAB $VXX $WDC $WYNN $CHK $DD $ESV $GRMN $KATE $MU $SLG #OptionsExpiration #Monthlys #Oct2015 #FallingKnife #VXXGame - Amazing! What consistency.
  • Iceman: $INTC $IRM $MAT $MRO $SDRL #ShortPuts - Covered all the short puts below at a profit to avoid possible assignment tonight Bought to close INTC Jul 17 2015 30.0 Puts @ 0.58 Bought to close IRM Jul 17 2015 32.5 Puts @ 0.85 Bought to close MAT Jul 17 2015 24.0 Puts @ 0.05 Bought to close MAT Jul 17 2015 25.0 Puts @ 0.60 Bought to close MAT Jul 17 2015 26.0 Puts @ 0.55 Bought to close MRO Jul 17 2015 24.0 Puts @ 0.23 Bought to close SDRL Jul 17 2015 10.0 Puts @ 0.90
  • DAN: If you're looking at the market, you'll know that I'm stating the obvious. This is a major, broad selloff. Uptrends (based on daily charts) are not broken, but stocks are really under distribution.

    I really don't give a rip what the stated reaso ...
  • pcotton: #scanResults - good weekly trend and recent bounce (within 3d) off 40 week ma: $BEE, $EXAS, $IRM, $THS, $WU, $WYN
  • wilson: $IRM Anybody following this? Any reason why it's dropped to the 50-day EMA today?
  • Iceman: #ShortPuts #FallingKnife - mostly non-Oil/Oil Service names. These are long term plays. I will not be trading out of these for several months. In fact, I will be looking to add to these at higher prices. Sold 1 $ADT Jul 17 2015 28.0 Put @ 1.30 Sold 1 $CBI Jul 17 2015 32.5 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $COP May 15 2015 55.0 Put @ 1.65 Sold 1 $CRM May 15 2015 45.0 Put @ 1.39 Sold 1 $FCX May 15 2015 22.0 Put @ 1.30 Sold 1 $FSLR Jun 19 2015 32.5 Put @ 1.53 Sold 1 $GME Jul 17 2015 24.0 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $IRM Jul 17 2015 32.5 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $JEC Jul 17 2015 37.5 Put @ 1.25 Sold 1 $KSS Jul 17 2015 45.0 Put @ 1.25 Sold 1 $LOCO Jun 19 2015 17.0 Put @ 1.30 Sold 1 $MNST Jun 19 2015 75.0 Put @ 1.20 Sold 1 $MPC Jul 17 2015 65.0 Put @ 1.60 Sold 1 $PSX May 15 2015 55.0 Put @ 1.35 Sold 1 $SBUX Jul 17 2015 70.0 Put @ 1.32 Sold 1 $SCTY Jul 17 2015 30.0 Put @ 1.35 Sold 1 $SE Jun 19 2015 32.0 Put @ 1.15 This is the easy way for me to play a falling market.
  • Iceman: ...
    $IRM Jul 19 2014 20 Puts
    $MAT Jul 19 2014 36 Puts
    $MDSO Jul 19 2014 45 Calls (Covered)
    $NAT Jul 19 2014 7 Puts
    $NSM Jul 19 2014 20 Puts
    $NUAN Jul 19 2014 10 Puts
    $NVAX Jul 19 2014 5 Calls (Covered)
    $P Jul 19 2014 32 Calls (Covered)
    $PAAS Jul 19 2014 ...
  • Neil375: $CBS - some heavy call volume. Jan 80 calls in CBS. $CMCSA - Comcast July50. Probably has to do with court ruling. $YHOO showing lots of call at lots of strikes. $WUBA July60's and AUG 55's. $IRM July & Aug32.5's. $VMW - AUG 100's.
  • ginny: $IRM up 25% premarket. Not sure but I believe $BRK owns a lot
  • NapoleonSolo: @ginny $IRM see my post on same AH Wed
  • NapoleonSolo: $IRM been waiting many many months for these guys to get IRS private letter ruling for REIT conversion.. sold stock last month for break even.. today they got it stock up 18% AH
  • Neil375: @NapoleonSolo $IRM Will definitely try and throw up a post next time. Intra day sometimes gets a bit hectic. FWIW, there has been good volume in $EPB December 35 Calls, $WY July 33 calls. Have also seen calls in $WY show heavy volume before. And then $win August 8 calls.
  • Iceman: ...
    $IRM Apr 19 2014 22.5 Puts
    $JOY Apr 19 2014 46 Puts
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 22 Puts
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 23 Puts
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 36 Calls
    $LINE Apr 19 2014 37 Calls
    $LQDT Apr 19 2014 17.5 Puts
    $NAT Apr 19 2014 7 Puts
    $NAT Apr 19 2014 8 Puts
    $NFLX Apr 19 20 ...
  • Iceman: ...
    $IRM Mar 22 2014 25 Puts
    $JBL Mar 22 2014 20 Calls
    $LAMR Mar 22 2014 40 Puts
    $LNKD Mar 22 2014 155 Puts
    $MCP Mar 22 2014 3 Puts
    $MCP Mar 22 2014 7 Calls
    $MED Mar 22 2014 20 Puts
    $MR Mar 22 2014 30 Puts
    $NEON Mar 22 2014 5 Puts
    $NFLX Mar 22 ...
  • Tim S: Notable earnings before Thursday's open $AAP, $ABC, $ABX, $ACOR, $ALKS, $ALU, $ANR, $ARRY, $AVP, $AYR, $AZN, $BEAM, $BGCP, $BLC, $BUD, $BYD, $CAH, $CI, $CLX, $COP, $COR, $COT, $CRR, $DGI, $DISCA, $EL, $EPD, $EPL, $FCH, $FIG, $GBX, $GTI, $GTLS, $HAR, $HGG, $HSH, $IDCC, $INCY, $IQNT, $IRDM, $IRM, $ITC, $ITT, $IVZ, $KEM, $LECO, $LIOX, $LKQ, $MA, $MGM, $MMP, $MOD, $MPC, $MPLX, $MSCI, $MYL, $NI, $NIHD, $NILE, $NMM, $NVO, $NYT, $O, $OCN, $OSK, $PDCE, $PNW, $PPL, $PRGO, $PRLB, $PWR, $Q, $RFP, $SCG, $SFY, $SHOO, $SMP, $SNAK, $SNE, $STRA, $TDC, $TE, $TEVA, $TWC, $VICL, $VPHM, $VRX, $WNR, $WWE, XOM
  • Zatodeb: $IRM -- Climb this mountain; steady trend upwards since 1/1/13 and mostly all above the 20 and 8 day moving averages. Earnings were in line & you get a 2.8% div kicker. $Z
  • Goose: $IRM Anybody follow this? Broke above upper BB, with no #squeeze.
  • scottto: ...
    $XOM, $DTE, $NI, $BA, $TMK, $PEG, $LLY, $IRM, $CL, $UNM, $NSC, $AIV, $BEAM, $PFG, $FISV, $HD, $AVB, $ICE, $MCD, $MWV
    $INTU, $VNO, $BLL

    Relevance list: Criteria solely the opinion of the listmaker include: stock looking like a #squeeze; large 6 m ...
  • Tricia: Earnings: Over 120 reports today..... good luck to all Before:ABB, $ABC, $ABX, $AGCO, $ALKS, $ALU, AMLN, $AZN, $BC, $BMS, $BSX, $BWA, $CAM, $CELG, $CL, $CME, $CMS, $CNX, $COV, @DAN, $DDD, $DNKN, $DOW, $DPS, $EQT, $ESV, $FLIR, $FNP, $GG, $GNC, $GTI, $HOT, $HSY, $IMAX, IP, $IPG, $IRM, $IVZ, $JNS, $KMB, LINE, $MCO, $MHP, $MJN, $MMM, $MYL, $NBL, $NEE, $NOV, $ORI, $OXY, $PCP, $PCS, $PHM, $PLD, $POT, $PTEN, $RCL, $RTN, $S, $TKR, $UAL, $UTX, $VTR, $WEC, $WM, WPI, $XOM, $ZMH After: $AMGN, $AMZN, APKT, ARBA, $CA, $CB, $CBL, $CERN, $CINF, $CLWR, $CSTR, $DECK, $EXPE, $FB, $FBHS, $GILD, HGSI, IM, $INFA, $KEG, $KLAC, $LEG, $MCK, $MXIM, $PFG, $QLGC, $QLIK, $RGC, $RSG, $SBUX, $SPF, $TLAB, $UHS, $VRSN Have a grand day all and on behalf of Lord @Aragorn......kyal
  • scottto: ...
    LMT. $IRM, $FISV, $YUM, $WM, $DHR

    88 of the S&P 500 in 6% (0.06) or less volatility #squeeze.

    Relevant list: Criteria for relevance at the discretion of the Listmaker but includes chart looking like a #squeeze; stock in winner circle; wide tr ...
  • Tricia: Earnings Week Continues: If you hold any of these, good luck! Notable earnings before Thursday's open: $ABC, $AET, AMLN, $AUO, $AZN, $BC, $BG, BLLL, $BMY, $BWA, $CAM, $CCE, $CELG, $CL, $CMS, $CNX, $D, DB, $DDD, $DNKN, $DOW, $ELN, $EQT, $ETR, $FIS, GR, $GTI, $HOT, $HP, $INCY, $IPG, $IRM, $IVZ, $JBLU, $K, LINE, LIZ, $LLL, $LMT, $MCO, $MJN, $MO, $MWW, $MYL, $NBL, $NIHD, $OCR, $ORI, $OXY, $PCS ,$PDS, $PEP, $PHM, $POT, $PTEN, $RTN, $SHPGY, $SWC, $SWI, $SWY, $TLAB, $TS, $TSM, $TWC, $TYC, $UAL, $UPS, $VNTV, $WHR, $WM, $XEL, $XOM, $YNDX, $ZMH Notable earnings after Thursday's close: $AEM, $AMZN, $AXS, $BMRN, $CERN, $CINF, $CLWR, $CSTR, $CYH, $DECK, $DOX, $EMN, $EXPE, $FBHS, $FII, $FIO, $GILD, IM, $INFA, $INVN, $KEG, $KLAC, $LEG, $MCRS, $MET, $MXIM, $NXPI, $PFG, $QLIK, $RSG, $SBUX, $SPN, $SWKS, $VRSN, $VRTX, $WDC, $WSH, $WYNN, ZNGA
  • jojo1480: $IRM VMED ABV- my sleep well @night stocks, daily chart on all looking constructive; $ABV now above 50dma, VMED potential Vsqueeze (nice 12mos wkly), $IRM sitting above 50dma previous times were great entry point. These stocks won' t get me rich in a hurry, hoping for a long life. Long all of them.
  • jojo1480: $IRM VMED ABV- these stocks won' t get you rich, but look at the yearly chart it makes it easy to hold for a really long time, and get a break on capital gains tax when i do sell them (min. savings of 20% on taxes, not a bad return), so put them on the radar and on a pull back, consider a position as long as the fundies don't change. Long.
  • docsch: $IRM - Took #RHRN out of consolidation.
  • Green: Bloody down day little patches of sun @ $WMT, $MCD, $LSI, $JDSU, $SBUX, $HRB, $SWY, $S, $IRM, $FCX, $LUV going for a walk ........... "this too will pass"
  • maddenmg: Telechart - Version: (The #squeeze's listed above work better for a xfer to telechart in this format:) $PCAR $DD $IFF NOVL $BMC $DHR $UTX $LEG $PG $KMB KG $LLY $JNJ $ADI $K $CPB KFT $DVA JBR $CINF $PLL $CAT $IR $WM $NUE $CHRW $UPS $PNW $POM $DUK $D $SO $ED $AEP $CNP $XEL $NU $GAS $PEG $SRE $AEE $GD $PPG $IBM $CTXS $CA $CPWR $MSFT $IRM $ORCL $NWL $BLL $LIFE $ABT $BIIB $APH $INTC $LLTC $OXY $SE EXF $PCEF $BDX $MDT $CAR $PKI $TMO $DGX $TMK $MMC $SBUX $MMM $EMR $FAST $WMT $CVS $SHW $RAI $LUV $FDX $CMS PGN $EIX $SCG $WEC $PDCO $ARG
  • dunsek: ...
    Comp Software: $CTXS, $CA, $CPWR (popping out slowwwwly?), $MSFT, $IRM, $ORCL
    Cons Durable: $NWL
    Cons NonDurable: $BLL
    Drugs: $LIFE, $ABT, $BIIB
    Electronics: $APH, $INTC, $LLTC (semiconductor, big move Friday)
    Energy: ...
  • jojo1480: Rotationto safety? Just to have a few #dividend plays with perhaps price appreciation, and to have balance in longer term portfolio. PPL- 17dec $GS resumes coverage with BUY recommendation, PE 10.50, $PEG 3.93 (expensive), div $1.40 ylds 5.38% NGG- note the volume in the daily since beginning of Dec. Div 2.05 ylds 6.43% (divd distributions Q2/Q4), looking for price appreciaton. IRM- increased div ~300% (6.25c to 18.75c, whoopee), div .75c, ylds 2.96%, plans to redeem $231M notes. #Dividend not a big deal, but the statement this company is making, is huge. FD- long $PPL NGG $IRM AGNC $NLY BKCC PNNT
  • hmarmish: $IRM - Is anyone trading IRM? It's close to filling the gap and although looks strong it has been going up on decreasing volume. I bought some puts thinking it was going to crash at the 50 dma, however it sliced right through that. Now it's up to the descending trendline. I'm already upside down on the trade but I think I'm going to hold until it proves me wrong on the descending trendline. Any thoughts?
  • jojo1480: IRM- data warehousing (the actual storage in warehouse), converting to digital, with existing client retention this stock should do well in 2011. The stock was hammered due to lower guidance, exceeded earnings, added to position this morning. Hopefully they sell their real estate holding, reduce overhead cost (increased productivity-layoffs). Long $IRM (6-24mos).
  • taylor: Re: Market Tone today - apparently the 'risk on' trade is back, and the mo-mo stocks rally hard. Notable in its absence from the list is Netflix - NFLX. The stock rallied back to 160 resistance, then gave it all back and went negative with the DJIA up 125 points. We will see what the close looks like. Doing Well... $GOOG 13.4200 2.56% 535.77 $AAPL 8.1899 2.93% 286.82 $PCLN 8.0699 2.43% 339.70 $BIDU 5.6298 5.85% 101.84 $CMG 4.7999 2.77% 177.75 $FFIV 3.6399 3.43% 109.52 $AMG 3.6299 4.59% 82.69 $AMZN 3.2100 2.06% 158.60 $BEN 3.1999 2.99% 110.01 $AZO 3.1599 1.37% 233.78 Doing Poorly... $IRM -1.9700 -8.80% 20.40 $CL -1.7599 -2.30% 74.66 _VIX.X -1.5800 -6.71% 21.95 $TZA -1.5599 -5.85% 25.10 TLB -1.4699 -11.72% 11.07 JDAS -1.3799 -5.99% 21.62 $AXP -1.2900 -3.30% 37.75 $SPXU -1.2500 -4.57% 26.09
  • jasper: $IRM, TRW
  • jojo1480: IRM- jasper, I like the story to convert storage from warehouses to digital. $IRM has a steady client base and a decent retention rate. I have buying this since the end of aug, and have a full position (investment account, fundamentals). Long IRM.
  • Markc: $IRM - Iron Mountain Raised To Overweight From Equalweight By @Morgan Stanley. Fast Money just said that Buffet is taking a position.
  • dunsek: IRM- I know one of my resolutions was to spend less time with stocks in the penalty box and more in the winner's circle, less time with turn around candidates than uptrending stocks. It's been a week, and $IRM is the only one I've looked at, so I think I'm doing ok lol. Not quite a buy for me just yet, but 24.08 looks like a telling level. A move above that and a move above the 50 day at 24.29, coupled with a volatility expansion after this prolonged downtrend.. well, that looks like a ride worth buying a ticket for. Happy risk management.
  • rs1607: What I'm doing today is looking for some early volatility squeezes. I like $RJF, $IRM, & JAH. I don't mind initiating these trades today. BUT the market has been up 3 straight days so I'm initiating partial positions on all three names while buying $SH as a hedge. I'm also adding to my short oil position. The giddyness on Bubblevision today is a red flag. Let's keep in mind that the July 1 high in the S&P 500 is 931. Also, US global volumes have remained below average of 15 billion shares per day for the past four days and would need to expand to suggest a more meaningful rally is developing. @Dan, great video last night. The $RIG analysis was terrific.
  • jimmyhumphrey: $IRM - Iron Mountain is seeing a volatility #squeeze with great support on the 20 day ema. This might be a great stock to keep on your radar should it break out above $30.
  • orthodoc: ...
    i just read your message from yesterday about 13% in IRM. I missed it as you said. Look at today!!! Up another 5%. I think there are traders out there that want to be long.

    I'm long $URS, $PWR, SGR, $BPT, $SJT, $PCG, $CWT, $MWA, $HIL, $VMC, ...
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Stock Price $116.73
Change -0.49%
Volume 1,403,420

Iron Mountain Inc is a global provider of information protection and storage services. The reportable operating segments of the Company are North American Business, International Business and Corporate.

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