Genworth Financial Inc (NYSE:GNW)

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  • Docoof: The Insurance Industry Group stocks continue to make NHs: $MET $GNW $CRBG $WRB $ACGL $KNSL $RLI $WTM $PFG $ERIE $RE $KIE, the SPDR S&P Insurance ETF isn’t up much, but the volume is ~2x the daily avg.
  • Kime: @Docoof $ACGL $KNSL $WRB $SIGI $RLI $WTM $AMSF $MET $CRBG $RGA $GNW $AEL $GL $BHF #Insurance So much green on these stocks, do you think there is still opportunity to go long?
  • Docoof: #Insurance Industry Group: Insurance-Property/Casualty/Title. Group Rank (1 to 197): 19. Friday: $ACGL ATH > 6x daily avg vol $KNSL ATH > 2x daily avg vol $WRB ATH $SIGI ATH $RLI ATH $PGR ATH $RE ATH > 2x daily avg vol $EIG Hod 16 cents shy of its 1yrH > 3x daily avg vol $CB 214.50 ATH = 218.99 $WTM 1396.24 ATH = 1397.60 $AMSF 58.67 1yrH = 60.83 on 11/2, almost 1 yr ago to the day—for whatever that’s worth. Industry Group: Insurance-Life. Group Rank (1 to 197): 34. Friday: $MET ATH $CRBG ATH $RGA 1yrH $GNW 1yrH $AEL 42.72 ATH = 44.49 $GL 113.71 ATH = 116.56 ~2x daily avg vol $BHF 57.16 1yrH = 62.33 Industry Group: Insurance-Diversified. Group Rank (1 to 197): 104. Friday: $PFG ATH Industry Group: Insurance-Accident & Healthcare. Group Rank (1 to 197): 90. Friday: $UNM 1yrH Industry Group: Insurance-Brokers. Group Rank (1 to 197): 33. Friday: $ERIE 1yrH Insurance ETFs: $KIE $IAK $KBWP
  • champ: $GNW, M&A speculations, moving around today.
  • champ: @Richlion1 $HD $FAS $BAC $WFC --- Mostly only traded the last bounce and $BAC turned before the other 2 banking trades and on $HD I had 2- trades today. $FANG, was after that first drop, plus I added and some of the others today was after the first o ...
  • champ: @indigo1948 --- I also have a large Genworth policy on my wife. The rate on my policy is based on the amount that I want them to cover per day on 24-7 care. The higher that the amount of coverage is per day, the higher the premium rate is per year. $GNW
  • Henry: @champ $GNW is that an absolute dollar amount? In other words are do have to guess what it may cost at some point in the future? Disability Insurance is another must have. If you pay for your own coverage, if you need it, it is tax fee. I have a another friend who was stricken with MS at age 52 and she had nothing.
  • champ: @Henry $GNW --- Yes you are are right, you do have to guess, how much Old age insurance help one is going to need.
  • Tango: @champ $GNW Didn’t mean to cast such a negative note. This forum has massively improved my performance and I have stops to prevent too much potential loss. So, thanks!
  • indigo1948: @Tango $GNW - you did not cast a negative note - you simply addressed reality for anyone over 55 - since I am well beyond that benchmark I believe that we must be fully aware of our options for health care, long term care and disability coverage. There are some wonderful minds in this forum who are very willing to give of their time and thoughts to issues such as the ones you brought up - your contributions are most welcome. Happy New Year to you and yours.
  • Tango: @indigo1948 $GNW I’m 61 and can’t just rely on my good looks anymore. I tend to make money in the market and then give it all right back. So, I am trying to learn to trade... to stop some of the bleeding and manage my risk. I am contemplating having a stop on all my long term holdings too. This view was precipitated by a drop of 60%+ in $KHC (Kraft Heinz) around a year ago.
  • indigo1948: @Tango $GNW $KHC - I keep stops now on all positions - long term and short term. Champ had some excellent comments about trading and growing your account - well worth reviewing. All the best.
  • Tango: @indigo1948 $GNW $KHC Extremely helpful! Thanks, I will checkout Champs comments.
  • woodman: @issues $RDN $GNW $MITT - you're welcome re $GNW (moving up thru resistance today, as it so happens). I hope $RDN works for you!
  • issues: Thank you Steve for mentioning $RDN. We bought a hundred. We had been watching $RDN since it's been an IBD 50 stock and your reminder helped us pull the trigger. RDN has a great IBD rating of 92 composite, B- accumulation. Thank you Woodman for mentioning $GNW, it's too volatile for us right now but a good choice I am sure. Thanks to you Dana for mentioning $MITT, we bought the starter 100 also. Great tips! Thanks folks!
  • woodman: $GNW - interesting.
  • PhilHarmonic: @woodman $GNW We purchased our Long Term Care insurance from them.
  • woodman: @PhilHarmonic $GNW - the 21d / 34d EMA was prior resistance.
  • woodman: @steve71 I was looking at $RDN this morning too, along with $GNW. I like RDN, but bought some GNW instead.
  • steve71: @woodman $RDN $GNW Genworth does look good. Kind of cup and handley, with higher highs and higher lows.
  • DrScience: @bigbartabs RBC Capital put out a list of Winners -- (shrug) there are no "Losers". You might start here: $AKRX $AMRI $AMWD $ARCB $ASNA $BCOR $BIG $BKMU $BOFI $CAL $CGI $DEPO $DNR $DXPE $ECPG $EHTH $ESND $FMBI $GME $GNW $HFC $KIRK $KS $LCI $MPAA $NSR $ORI $PETS $PMC $RCII $REX $RRTS $SKYW $SPXC $TLRD $TRST $UVE $VAC $VRA
  • eliasmavs99: $GNW intraday strange swing on ridiculous volume. Got stopped out.
  • shoredriver: @eliasmavs99 $GNW selling out at 5.43 to Chinese...
  • champ: @eliasmavs99 $GNW - M&A going on today by a China company ...China Oceanwide will acquire @ $5.43...that why the volume ....but the street does not trust this company.
  • EugeneP: $GNW still looks tempting to me. Waiting for breakout.
  • eliasmavs99: $GNW making new highs.
  • EugeneP: $GNW looks good on daily and its braking out of long consolidation. What do you think?
  • JJT1: @EugeneP $GNW Don't know about $GNW but other sector stocks doing well. $MFC $LNC
  • champ: @olveoyl $HIG - I just want to say that news was posted by The Insurance Insider on 9/21....these companies today are moving up today because interest rates are climbing ....The $TNX.... $PRU $LNC and the one that I have been posting on $ my guess.
  • olveoyl: @champ $HIG $TNX $PRU $LNC $GNW Thanks! Add $MET in there.
  • maratom71: @champ $GNW is this a good entry point? TYIA!
  • MayoEng.: $GNW in a Volatility squeeze is it too late to buy? Nearly doubled in the last 2-3 months.
  • indigo1948: @MayoEng. $GNW - I do not believe it is too late - I am in it with a small starter position
  • champ: @Macdoo42 $GNW - I had a safety stop that sold my position out at $4.96 on 8/31 ...I missed the low on 9/1....I think my first entry was $3.80 and I also bought back in on 9/2 with 2 full positions at $4.74 ...I have NO selling price only a safety strop at entry and a trailing stop on 1/2. I have a trading position and a core position now I will be trading the zig-zags on any opportunity that might come-up....I will when they don't raise rates in September but if they do that would be great for this stock. On the stock price... I'm looking for at least a double going forward...say maybe within 4-6 months.....long term position. LOL
  • champ: $GNW @ $4.75 - I'm also back in this insurance stock... a little lower from where I sold....I have a few post on info on this stock.
  • Macdoo42: @champ $GNW I bought some shares yesterday. What is your selling price target? FYI, I like to follow your posts. Keep this up. Thanks
  • champ: $GNW @ $4.80 up 4.5% ....still working and this stock should go much higher....I have been posting on this also.
  • Tr8dr: @champ $GNW Thanks champ, one of my best performers today
  • njnewbie: @champ $GNW up 33% since I listened to your mention!
  • champ: $GNW @$4.55 - I posted on this stock on 8/5 and it's now up about 35% and my guess it could double from here. They got hit real hard on bad housing loans....packages that they bought. If you go back and look at the chart over the past few can see it is just now starting to turn. They got hit real hard but are now turning. I pay them around $9,000 per year on long- term care insurance policy for my I really checked them out. This stock is climbing because of the turn around that they now have it place and the higher the interest rates go...the more they make. They have been selling insurance products, Health and Mortgage policies since 1871...a lot of info on their web site.
  • orpheusredux: @champ $GNW You're right. It's a very impressive chart. But I hate to chase it up 33% in a month. If it pulls back to 4-ish, I'm all over it.
  • mopick: @champ $GNW Wow, this stock has doubled in just the past month! Bit extended, wouldn't you say?
  • champ: @mopick $GNW - Thats what good stocks do on a turn and you know by looking at the chart... you have to wait for it to break thru the down trend line before you can buy ....and that has now happen. All stocks are up on highs but this one is just now this is low risk....with a lot of room to climb. For sure this stock will zig-zag just like all the others. Also this stock is 72% own by Institution and they will be adding. The average trader... like most of us ...doesn't even have a clue about this sleeper stock but we do.
  • champ: $GNW @ $3.89 - I posted that this was a Bounce Candidate on 8/5 and it's still bouncing....Yahoo has news...great stock...low risk entry....still holding but it Will put you to sleep.
  • njnewbie: @champ $GNW Thanks champ - I bought some back then - 14.5% and going !
  • champ: $GNW @ $3.40 - Bounce Candidate - I'm back in with a Spec long swing...could be time...? ...earning were good.
  • champ: $DUST $BAC $XLF $KRE $KBE $FAS - I went long $BAC, $GNW and $DUST in the PM this morning and posted. Gold was LOD about an hour ago....this gold trade could be over with now in the short term on these Payroll #'s ..I posted yesterday if the # went over 200K gold would Always moves on News... you have to have news. Now with the $TNX ..the 10 year interest rates and Banks climbing.... all the talk will now be about FOMC raising doesn't really matter what we think...the feds are now trapped into raising rates they will be saying.
  • Remington: @champ $DUST $BAC $XLF $KRE $KBE $FAS $GNW $TNX the fed keeps saying it but I dont believe they can raise rates at this point! I believe they are just trying to talk up the rate expectation with full knowledge they wont.... my personal opinion, bond implosion and elections coming I really dont believe they will take the chance on making markets/ recession risk in election for DEMs either. They cant raise rates until there is a wiff of fiscal stim on horizon to support there mad scientist experiment... I actually see rate cut before rate hike but I seem to be alone on that view which Im ok with...and investing accordingly
  • champ: @Remington $DUST $BAC $XLF $KRE $KBE $FAS $GNW $TNX - Yes, I agree with you and I said that is what all the talk is going to be about. That FOMC will be saying that they might raise rates and they will be saying just THAT but that doesn't really mean ...
  • champ: $BAC at $15 is trying to bounce thru resistance this morning....going back about 2 1/2 - 3 years...would like to see it move thru this $15.50 level in the next few days. Still holding.... 4 full position now. Also holding $MS and $GNW
  • champ: $GNW at $3.64 back in with a Spec swing long again... looking of another appears to be turning.
  • champ: $GNW at $4.16 - Fell back but now up 2.35% ...still holding position.
  • champ: $GNW at $3.68 up 9% --- Moving up again today...52 week high was $9...has room ....have posted and I'm going to hold until I get stopped out.
  • champ: $GNW .....posted and its still climbing...on up 15.4% but I have no idea where its going and volume is also up...
  • SierraJW: Just a "$" addition to some posts, and investigating possibilities, short and medium term, Not many positions in equities at this point. Scanning using FINVIZ maps and controls at FULL, ETF's and SP-500, for this week, so far, FWIW ( and ( Upcoming Earnings (Per @Dan) $BABA $FIT $TSLA $GPRO $PCLN $HAL $CVS $WFM $JCP $DF $LL $WWAV $SODA $M $WEN $KSS $RL $VSTO Investigating: $AMZN $APA $ASPS $BMY $CEMP $COG $COR $CVLT $DATA $DIS $DPLO $DSX $EAT $FRSH $FTI $IP $LL $LOW $LVLT $NOC $MITK $NVDA $R $RAX $RDUS $SLCA $SU $SVXY $TREX $TROV $TSCO $ULTI $V $WHR $XIV $XONE Trending: $BAS $BHI $DKS $FIT $GNW $HAL $MAS $OIH $PPA $SVXY $VGR Moving: $LPX $RRC $FCX $FIX @Dan $STMP Comments welcome! Jim
  • DAN: @SierraJW $BABA $FIT $TSLA $GPRO $PCLN $HAL $CVS $WFM $JCP $DF $LL $WWAV $SODA $M $WEN $KSS $RL $VSTO $AMZN $APA $ASPS $BMY $CEMP $COG $COR $CVLT $DATA $DIS $DPLO $DSX $EAT $FRSH $FTI $IP $LOW $LVLT $NOC $MITK $NVDA $R $RAX $RDUS $SLCA $SU $SVXY $TREX $TROV $TSCO $ULTI $V $WHR $XIV $XONE $BAS $BHI $DKS $GNW $MAS $OIH $PPA $VGR $LPX $RRC $FCX $FIX $STMP Jim, have you considered refining that search with volume parameters...and maybe price parameters (if you want to avoid stocks that are just a buck or two in price)?
  • champ: $GNW at $3.42 up about 20% - Climbing today on a little news. Looks like the bottom was put in at $1.57. I have a position...
  • champ: $CIE $PBR $MDR $GNW $S is like a rocket...take a look....still holding all of these small stocks under $5...don't know but i would like all to break thru that level just like $PBR just did. Have been posting on these...all are working.
  • champ: $SUNE OUT this position early this morning. New position going into the close $GNW bouncing off the bottom the last few days.
  • champ: @Carpe_Diem $BAC $HBAN $BOKF $CFR - I'm watching $KRE for a regional ETF play. As of now I'm in $FAS for a spec day trade. I'm also long $CIB...take a look and $DB for a bottom SPEC plays .. long both yesterday. Also long $GNW for a bottom bounce play and they also need rates to rise. Just watching for regional plays at this point...thanks for posting the ones that your watching.
  • Carpe_Diem: @champ $BAC $HBAN $BOKF $CFR $KRE $FAS $CIB $DB $GNW - Thanks for the reply. I'll take a closer look. $DB and $CIB, Nice Div yield.
  • janner0814: Scorecard: Thumbs up: Home builders, home improvement, retail stores Thumbs down: Semiconductors, media, copper SNP 500 Breakouts: $CHK $COH $EL $ESRX(yay!) $HD(yay!) $LEN $MAS $TJX $PDCO $PHM $RIG(Carl Icahn play) $ROST Breakdowns: (SEMIS = OUCH!) $AVGO $CBS $FCX $GNW $KORS $LLTC $LRCX $MU $OKE $SWKS $VIAB $WMT NASDAQ 100 Breakouts: $ROST $ESRX(yay!) $EXPD $FAST $FB(yay!) Breakdowns: $ADI $AMAT $AVGO $CSCO $MU $NXPI $VIAB
  • janner0814: $DO (Diamond Offshore) and $GNW (Genworth Financial) both getting strong bids. NP
  • champ: $GNW $5.21 - Back in ..with a new SPEC position today... now at $5.47 up $0.65 or 13.49% today. CEO Mcinerney and CFO Martin bought more company shares on this drop. This stock dropped because of the earnings miss on 8/4. Many new targets...take a look. Raymond James downgrades from Strong buy to Outperform with a new target of $12....Jeffers target is at $9. Many other targets from $7 and up....spec trade... they will be selling all or part of the company.
  • janner0814: @hunter2 Yep the "Chop Trap." Selling positions worked; market did a short squeeze up; now with the 1K negative ticks, it's taking the other route. Check out that potential shooting star/gravestone doji or potential inverted hammer (we won't know until the close of the day). of the $SPY and $DIA(day charts). The $IWM currently having an IH. **********************Big Money Scan************** Here are the Haves: $EA $FSLR $HRB $MSI $PCLN $WYNN $XLNX And the have nots: $CBS** $CHK $DIS** $DISCA** $DISCK** $FOXA** $GNW $PWR $SNI $SWN $TWX $VIAB** **The market via my $DIS stop told me in its searing way, that it's liquidating, unwinding the media play. My bad. *******reference note************ @hunter2: "#Market - Intraday reversal. Meaningful or just low liquidity August trading, aka chop. $QQQ is working, other indices don't look too hot rhrn."
  • Iceman: $GNW #ShortPuts - Bought to close 1 GNW Jun 19 2015 8.0 Put @ 0.11 to avoid assignment tonight. Originally sold @ 1.10
  • champ: $VSLR - Earnings tomorrow AH...up around stock. $TASR starting to wake up. ..2%. $GNW also up.
  • Persistant1: I am a newbie..but I am in $OAS, $BAS and looking at $GNW and $OCN it looks like they just broke out with lots of volume. Waiting for $CLNE to pull back and maybe enter.
  • Persistant1: $GNW and $OCN not a breakout but a breakaway gap.
  • champ: With a quick glance looks like $TZA won out over all the 3 x shorts ETF's was up 6.50%...even beat $UVXY it was up 5.46% ...both quotes were on the close. Holding very few stocks now but I was 1 day late...started selling yesterday... should have sold all. Still holding $TASR $T, $VZ, and $GNW. Also sold 3/4th of these 3 hedge swings going into the close today $TZA, $SDS and $VXX....would like to buy back in the morning.
  • champ: $GNW - Got back in after earnings this morning... they reported earnings AH....sold yesterday before. They beat on earning and they confirmed that the Life Insurance unit is up for sale...back in playing the turn around... volume is up. Climbing ...I'm thinking it should climb back up to 11-$13 or more IMO.
  • dunsek: ...

    And one for the trade it like a biotechian millionaire crowd: $ATNM

    NB anyone looking for a ...
  • champ: $GNW - Volume alert on news 2m shares in 1 min.... spec trade ...I'm long.
  • champ: @champ - Follow up on the $GNW news at this point it doesn't look like a rumor but you never know. Boomberg Article about selling GLAIC Life unit.
  • Iceman: #Markets #Financials - there has been a subtle change in character in the market in the last 24 hours. The selling has shifted from the Oil related names to the Financials. These are the ones in the SP500 that were the weakest this morning: $PFG PrincipalGroup Inc. - Life Insurance $LNC Lincoln National - Life Insurance $GNW Genworth - Life Insurance $AMP Ameriprise - Asset Management $UNM Unum Group - Accident & Health Insurance $MET MetLife - Life Insurance $LUK Leucadia National - Investment Brokerage - National $AMG Affiliated Managers Group - Asset Management Just something to keep an eye on... edit: add $MA and $BEN to my earlier list of weak financials
  • Iceman: #ShortPuts #FallingKnife - so now the entire market is a falling knife. In an account that is almost 100% cash, I'm starting the following positions: Sold 1 $ATI Jul 17 2015 25.0 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $BTU Jun 19 2015 7.0 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $CBI Jul 17 2015 30.0 Put @ 1.20 Sold 1 $DE Jun 19 2015 75.0 Put @ 1.62 Sold 1 $DOW Jun 19 2015 39.0 Put @ 1.30 Sold 1 $EMN Jun 19 2015 60.0 Put @ 1.40 Sold 1 $FCX May 15 2015 21.0 Put @ 1.22 Sold 1 $FLR Jul 17 2015 45.0 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $GNW Jun 19 2015 8.0 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $HAL Jul 17 2015 27.5 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $KSU Jun 19 2015 85.0 Put @ 1.45 Sold 1 $RDC Jul 17 2015 17.0 Put @ 1.25 Sold 1 $RIG May 15 2015 12.0 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $TRN Jul 17 2015 20.0 Put @ 1.10 Sold 1 $WYNN Jun 19 2015 95.0 Put @ 1.10 Mutual fund 101.... hehe
  • dunsek: $GNW strong out of the gate
  • snmtraders: @dunsek $GNW Raymond James has article in Barron's placing a target price of $12.50 on this stock while admitting they got it wrong before in underestimating the legacy policies.
  • dunsek: @snmtraders $GNW thanks, that's a nice target :) I went long on Nov 12 when it took out the high from the 11th, added a bit this morning.
  • dunsek: $GNW a little struggle for control today
  • dunsek: $WIN and $GNW still working
  • Aragorn: $GNW good call Dan
  • tallal: $GNW...moving up into the gap fast...I am very long
  • greberalan: @tallal $GNW Yes...very long too. Hope(not at strategy) it goes much higher.
  • tallal: #greberalan...$ gapped down because the co. missed numbers because of poor actuarial assumptions re the long term care area. Basically, the inmates are living longer than expected and hence, more expense to GNW. GNW is asking the States to allow a repricing of existing and future long term contracts. The threat being that GNW will leave those States that don't go along. Due to the absence og a high volume alternative competitor to replace GNW the States will go along with the proposal and GNW going forward will be OK. That is the "story"...let's see how it works with the investor group
  • greberalan: @tallal $GNW....Yes I know the story on GNW all too well. This is not a Long Term investment here. Just a swing trade.
  • dunsek: $GNW for the bottom fishers in the crowd, $WIN looks a lot like $GNW. Both took dumps on the 6th (pardon my French), both had somewhat of a long-tailed doji on the 7th, and both crossed the top of that doji with today's price action. May not be a huge and immediate ton of upside, but it won't take much downside to give you the oops-I'm-wrongs.
  • Aragorn: $GNW- in addition to Dan's discussion on GNW not only was yesterday aninside day, it was an inside inside day and if you remember me ever mentioning this before the moves are usually pretty good after 2 days like that. So 5% is not bad. FYI I did not take the trade, but had taken the SLXP one. Good looking out Dan.
  • tallal: $GNW...KABOOM. Gap fill on the way. Just a matter of when. Long term care metrics were flawed because of "inmates" living longer. They will fix it.
  • drsang: $GNW anyone taking this trade? ready to bounce?
  • greberalan: $GNW $7.66 59min trade look at the daily 5min 8 EMA VWAP. looks like it could have hit a bottom at 7.17 and now may be a trade???
  • GreenGhost: $GNW I mentioned this stock as a possible set up for a quick day trade. After selling down almost another 15% ( on top of yesterday's 38% down day) the stock is rebounding here. I'm in at 7.65.
  • greberalan: @GreenGhost $GNW I think you have a good entry point there.
  • GreenGhost: @greberalan $GNW Let's hope so. I waited until the stock cleared the 10 am big volume noise in the 7.50-7.60 area. If you're in this trade good luck with it and join me in trading with a stop at your entry point or higher! I'd like to see the stock clear 8 dollars.
  • drsang: @GreenGhost $GNW I got in at $7.21, out at $7.5. Should have stayed longer....
  • tejas7: @GreenGhost Funny how financial institutions work! S&P downgrades credit rating of Genworth to junk category. But S&P Capital IQ still says hold shares. Price target is 11. Some clients are screwed. Some making money. But S&P makes money either way. Not shedding any tear as Genworth is also part of the same parcel. I am watching $GNW here to see if bounces off 8 EMA on 5 min chart (around 7.87) to consider daytrade.
  • GreenGhost: @drsang $GNW But you made some money. Good for you. Next time consider trying a trailing stop. The finesse in these trades is setting the % correct level. Also, you can always get back in here.
  • greberalan: @GreenGhost $GNW yep...I was in at $7.69. But I have 'Bigger Fish ' to fry! My wife and I have had long term health care policies with Genworth since I retired in 2006. and we have had them for 3 years before I retired. We have put a boo coo amount of premium payments in those policys. I am sure hoping that Genworth survives and we some day get some benefit out of all the money we paid in to those policies. A big concern here on the earnings news. But maybe a 'not to worry'I hope.
  • GreenGhost: @greberalan $GNW Wow. That's not something I'd care to experience. I hope it all works out for you in the end. You may want to contact the NAIC or the insurance regulatory body in the state where the legal entity guarantor resides to provide some peace of mind. Many of the state based regulator bodies are understaffed and behind the curve. On the other hand, many such as that in NYS follow best practices and in fact are often looked to set market practice. Good luck with your research and your trade!
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Stock Price $6.76
Change -0.15%
Volume 2,518,710

Genworth Financial, Inc. is a financial security company, which provides insurance, wealth management, investment and financial solutions.

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