Home Depot Inc. (The) (NYSE:HD)

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  • phgruver: One of my biggest gainers, today, is $LOW, up over $7 (3.16%). This got me to looking at $HD, which is up a similar amount, and $XLB (materials) and $XHB (home builders). I think we are beginning to price in interest rate cuts in the near future.....
  • Henry: $HD Day 2 long
  • stairm01: @Henry $HD YES! Day 3 for me. Nice move.
  • Henry: @stairm01 $HD 6 years for me
  • stairm01: $HD Up $9 premarket. Hurricane play. Went long Calls yesterday.
  • sierramp: @stairm01 $HD Drat, I was evaluating it yesterday and decided not to start a position in it because the index sure looks like it needs a PB to the 21D or heck even the 8D.
  • debeers: $AEM, $HD, $LLY, $LNTH, $RH-finally., $TOL , $ELF Thanks @DAN for the $AEM. Also--Friedman bought 10m worth of his own co stock. I tend to pay attention when majority owners buy OR sell.
  • debeers: $AEM, $ELF, $GM, $HD, $LLY, $LNTH, $RH, $TOL, When interest is high these will die, when interest moves low--these should go. IMO
  • scottrades: My notes: $SPY Sector Rotation $QQQ Sector Rotation $IWM Mentioned Tuesday $DXY The the 200 Day $TNX Close to breaking down $SMH At the 8EMA $XLF Close to the highs $XHB Great volume $URA Holding above the 50 $XBI Breaking out of a range $GLD Want to see it hold the gap $GDX Gap filled $ELF Mentioned in the forum $LEN Through the 50 on good volume $TOL Same $KBH Power off the 50 Day $HD Great volume $BLDR Bottom fish $CCJ Extended above the 50 $NXE Above the 50 Day $FANG Watch 209 $UBER Earnings July 30 $FTI just under resistance $SCHW Earnings next week $VNO Gap and go $AAON Close to a pivot $APPF Watch 257
  • phgruver: @PhilHarmonic @Henry $WBA The neighborhood drug store has been preempted by $WMT and $TGT by offering longer hours, better product selection and lower prices. They are going the way of the neighborhood hardware store (driven under by $HD and $LOW). I still get my drugs from $CVS, but they are located inside my local Target, not a free standing store.
  • Henry: $ADBE $AMZN $HD $HON $TROW Also being bought
  • Pard: $HD moving higher
  • Henry: $HD big gapper on the CPI
  • Henry: @rrdutta $HD Well......I own it as a long term holding. I don't see any compelling reason to buy it now. It might test the 200 day, or it just might continue going sideways. I'd wait for it to get above the 50 ema
  • StockMarketMentor: ...
    Tuesday: $HD and $BABA

    Wednesday: $CSCO

    Thursday: $WMT $AMAT $BIDU

    Make sure you know when the stocks you hold will be reporting earnings. Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of surprises. Being surprised by a big move in the wrong dire ...
  • Pard: $HD ugly on the daily, but nice entry on the weekly IMHO
  • sierramp: @Pard $HD I started a position yesterday am after analyzing the Sept/Oct and April PBs on daily and weekly and going over the last two ERs. ER 5-14-24 which presents some risk but it's already had a recent big PB. Stop lower BB on daily.
  • debeers: A straight A Report Card? Easy- $AAPL $AMGN- $AMZN $ANF-Its wedding season folks! The wedding shop is NEW add back in the daddy-$NVDA now above the 50 A stock that almost always graduates with honors is $TOL no matter if the market is up or down $HD-over Lowes as builders made parking at Home Depot impossible Have yourselves a weekend folks!
  • champ: $HD...this is hanging in...NP.
  • debeers: $TOL/$HD-not only did Home Sales spike up to 9.5% but guess which homes sold for over ask. Why you might ask-- PEOPLE WITH MONEY HAVE MORE MONEY THAN PEOPLE WITH NO MONEY.
  • debeers: $HD - If housing is up, then housing construction and remodel will be up so go with the Pros and go where they go---HOME DEPOT not only spring planting but also remodel because u might want to get the hell out of Cali and you jmight have to update a few things. Are you a contractor? NO. You aren't So hire a good one. You'll be glad you did
  • debeers: @phgruver $LOW -i like $HD better in early cycle---- see why above
  • champ: $BLDR $BLD $HD $LOW $NAIL....Powell sure triggered a lot of Break-outs.
  • debeers: @champ $BLDR $BLD $HD $LOW $NAIL - Yup you are right on----- i like one in the contractor domain and IMO $HD or $BLDR fine here and one in the Homebuilding sector which shouild, IMO, be $TOL
  • debeers: @champ $BLDR $BLD $HD $LOW $NAIL -Actually the hyome sales figures of up over 9% triggered the upside. Spring is selling and buying season closely followed by summer when the kis get out of school. A lot of folks whose kids are grown and left home--also want to downsize a bit.
  • debeers: ...
    Now when the economy was tanking, $RH couldn't cut it. Especially in Cali . But the market, especially in Cali where $HD, $TOL, are doin g really well-i think it might have a chance.
    So here's more of who they are and what they do (idon't care if y ...
  • debeers: ...
    pair it with $HD for those having the dough to hire a contractor for a remodel.
    $ELF-lEAVE the dishes on the shelf---be a tasty dish yourself! Smart shoppers can find many $ELF cosmetics are exactly the same quality as the more prestige ones. and Te ...
  • Lou: @debeers $VLO $CMG $ANF $TOL $HD $ELF $DKNG - what would you charge to manage my portfolio?
  • DAN: ...
    Good morning. Futures are down a bit this morning after Home Depot ($HD) reported earnings that disappointed the market. Walmart ($WMD) went the other way, and is up nearly 5%.

    Last week I noted that Super Micro Computer ($SMCI) is down another 2. ...
  • traderbren: $HD & $LOW - both looking constructive based on today's move.
  • phgruver: $LOW and $HD got a downgrade from Oppenheimer yesterday. Both are down significantly, this morning. Interestingly, $HD, at $352 is still above the lowered target of $345, but $LOW, at $216 is well below the target of $230. I am long $LOW from way below ($55) so I'm not particularly concerned.
  • debeers: $CRM-Amazon aligns with Salesforce for commercial cloud. $HD-market moves from do it yourself to do it with the pros $PANW & $CRWD- Both will work in the cyberspace $NVDA-isn't giving up the throne of semi king
  • debeers: $CRWD/$HD/$LEN/$LLY/$MSFT/$NVDA/$PANW Notes: $CRWD & $PANW- yes you can have both $LEN-Not only raising its divvie4 but buying back 5B of its own shares $LLY-the king is still the king $MSFT- will overtake aapple as most valuable co, $NVDA- you gotta have 1 semi-have the best Allthe aboved IMO and you shoud make bank on all of them
  • debeers: @Henry $ARDX - i have enough to handle with 1 retailer and $CELH, $CRWD $HD $LEN $LLY and $META $MSFT $NVDA $PANW and @Woodman does ALL of Biotech!
  • champ: $NAIL $BLD $BLDR $LOW $HD......these are also HOD.
  • debeers: ...
    $HD- if you want the 2 buck divvie, you gotta own if today.
    Have a grest day.

  • joelsg1: @debeers $ELF $ULTA $BA $AAPL $PANW $MSFT $HD $PANW ATH-L.
  • champ: $BOOT...at $70.75....#Bounce-Candidate...and for me this is a new large Investment position, before Black-Friday....and also for this years #Holiday-Shopping-Season, into their earnings on 1/24....... ...because every-time I go in their store they are busy...and on the weekends, last year...they had large #Check-out-lines and I expect the same is going to happen this year...and also this weekend. ~~~I'm expecting New-Upgrades, this year. ....This store is by one of my restaurants where I eat all the time and also by $HD, so I always take a few minutes to check it out. Last year this was a great stock for me and it bounced up to around $90 from $57, take a look at last years chart and I expect a repeat this year. ..........Watch for Entry and Hold and Build...........
  • champ: @champ $BOOT $HD #Bounce-Candidate #Holiday-Shopping-Season #Check-out-lines........I should have posted, at $71.75....
  • DavidK: $XHB- home builder sentiment down again . The ripple effect , $HD , $ LOW , banks that finance mortgages, lumber , flooring companies etc . Bought puts . Being in real estate I see the huge slowdown . Don’t listen to crooks on Tv talking their book . Trade the charts I know but look for sectors that eventually take it on the chin . Look at the $XHB chart . It’s due for a pullback biggly.
  • shoredriver: @DavidK $XHB $HD ... mister cheery...
  • DavidK: @shoredriver $XHB $HD just trying to keep it real . I love watching these crooks talking their book telling everyone to buy then when shit hits the fan same crooks state , well we knew it was overbought and due for a pullback . Tale as old as time
  • Henry: $HD disappointing guidance, yet they are up in pm.
  • Henry: $HD A rising tide lifts all boats. The market likes the CPI
  • DavidK: $HD- read the earnings report . No way this stock should be up . Being in real estate , activity is considerably slower than last year . Bought a few puts .
  • Henry: @DavidK $HD A stock that goes up on bad news is making a statement
  • Bert953: @DavidK $HD puts could be dangerous. technically stock jumped from 8dEMA past 50 & 200dMA's. Trendline Resistance I will call at $311
  • DavidK: @Henry $HD understood . My bet is smarter hands take profit after this unwarranted pop. Entire market is going up on really nothing so I look for the companies that really don’t deserve the pop .
  • bigbartabs: @Henry @DavidK $HD ... Home Depot has always been a stock that investors buy on the way up, and on the way down. An anchor in millions of portfolios. And with interest / mortgage rates finally dropping... those same investors know what that means for HD sales, and double down.
  • DavidK: @bigbartabs $HD my puts are a short term bet profits will be taken after a $17 pop on not a good outlook. I won’t stay around long of it continues to go against me .
  • DavidK: $HD - sold half of the puts - made 15% . Gina let others ride . Stock has no business being up this much on so so earnings and outlook
  • champ: $HD and $LOW are both HOD...NP's...I missed these moves.
  • DAN: $HD Hey team. One of our members asked me about $HD in the comments section of yesterday's Strategy Session. While it is oversold and testing $280, this is not a stock that I want to be in. The trend is decidedly lower and there is so much pain overhead from unhappy shareholders that I don't see much upside here -- perhaps some kind of quick oversold bounce, but that's really hard money! Hope that helps.
  • traderbren: $HD - getting closer to filling the downside gap at 289.22
  • Docoof: @traderbren $HD Wrong ticker, sorry. (Deleted previous post with the wrong ticker.)
  • champ: $HD....$329....might work today...Watch for Entry....
  • Onthemark: @champ $HD Thanks for the info, took starter just now at 329.03, once it crossed the VWAP.
  • champ: $HD...this is a #Hurricane-trade.....this are a few others.. $LOW and $BLD
  • DAN: ...
    Tomorrow: $CAVA $CAH $ONON $HD report tomorrow. StoneCo Ltd ($STNE) reports Wednesday.

    I am rescheduling the typical Monday training session to Thursday, August 17th. Jim Cramer reached out on Friday and asked me to help him out for today's sho ...
  • DavidK: @DAN $CAVA $CAH $ONON $HD $STNE $DIS $___ $MA $GOOGL Lots of issues at Disney . My take , Disney should stay out of politics. Get that message across to all executives . If they don’t get it , your fired . Let the Public know the new stance . The company is there to entertain all people and you can’t do that trying to appease a tiny tiny minority that probably don’t patronize the company anyway . Just ask Budweiser how that is working out . Jim Cramer is a suck up wanna be in the CEO circle and listens to his young daughters opinions too much .
  • DAN: @DavidK $CAVA $CAH $ONON $HD $STNE $DIS $___ $MA $GOOGL Will not disagree with you on any points you make. A lot of these execs secretly think they are social engineers who want to indoctrinate everyone into their line of thought, which typically bo ...
  • traderbren: $HD - nice push off the 20d after the downgrade this morning.
  • traderbren: $HD - looking for a potential trade to the 1st downside gap fill.
  • mariner: $XHB. Any idea why the home builders and associated names like $HD and $LOW are doing so well these days?
  • champ: Day-Trades.....$AMZN $TSLA $ROKU $HD
  • Cjauger: @champ $AMZN $TSLA $ROKU $HD $U
  • champ: @Cjauger $AMZN $TSLA $ROKU $HD $U ....Yes...#Thanks...I'm watching..$U...and this looks to have less risk... because they are working with $AAPL.
  • Cjauger: @champ $AMZN $TSLA $ROKU $HD $META
  • champ: @Cjauger $AMZN $TSLA $ROKU $HD...........$META move depends more on the $COMPX....was a real nice trade.
  • champ: $HD....is HOD....Trailing....
  • Auto: $HD started position watching $286.09 to add long
  • debeers: $AAPL/$BA because some folks drink-i buy Boeing stock/$HD/$NVDA/$RCL/TSLA polarizing for sure but what i liked about the call was one particular thing: he isn't in an office-he walks the freakin' floor and hovers like a mother hen over everything --- ...
  • debeers: @debeers $AAPL $BA $HD $NVDA $RCL $RCLas $WYNN -Forgot $TPR-high end bags and killed the earnings.
  • Forexpro: ...
    $HD did more or less okay relative to expectations, but suggests that the outlook isn't all that rosy. That stock is getting sold, last at 281.51, off 2.44 percent from the regular session close. However, the place where I now do the bulk of my regu ...
  • Forexpro: @Forexpro $WFC $HD $COF $BAC $AAPL $MSFT P.S. I had sort of forgotten, as it has been in place for so long, but $WFC remains in the penalty box, unable to increase its assets beyond whatever the Fed-mandated level was (I had to check; $1.95 trn, the level as of Dec 31 2017).
  • DavidK: @Forexpro $WFC $HD $COF $BAC $AAPL $MSFT well , With the crooked FBI AND CIA operating unchecked by any oversight , Matt Levine has very right to assume most corporations are crooked as well . And they are .
  • traderbren: $HD - open downside gap at 175.71
  • debeers: $HD-reports on the 16th. Among the folks i know, those of us keeping our homes are hiring pros to update and modernize. Those selling wanting top dollar absolutely need the pros because almost ok isn't good enough. Where i live we all use the same guys and pay in cash for a discount and everyone is happy.
  • debeers: @debeers $HD -there are a fews sales associates in every store who know what they are doing. I call mine my concierge becasue i can have 20 items i need and i am in and out in 30 mins. i just give him the list.
  • debeers: $HD- in advance of earnings: 1.Baird Adjusts Price Target on Home Depot to $320 From $340, Maintains Outperform Rating 8:53 AM ET, 05/12/2023 - MT Newswires 08:53 AM EDT, 05/12/2023 (MT Newswires) -- (MT Newswires covers equity, commodity and economic research from major banks and research firms in North America, Asia and Europe. 2.Citigroup Adjusts Price Target on Home Depot to $327 From $332, Maintains Buy Rating 10:24 AM ET, 05/10/2023 - MT Newswires 10:24 AM EDT, 05/10/2023 (MT Newswires) -- (MT Newswires covers equity, commodity and economic research from major banks and research firms in North America, Asia and Europe.
  • champ: $HD....HOD-L.
  • debeers: $BA/$HD-When Boeinmg didn't move the way it should have with plane sales to China, moved the money to $HD-which reports on the 16th as i believe it will clear 294 prior to that and those who haven't spold their homes are hiring pros to update them and put in patios, pools, redo of fences etc.
  • debeers: @debeers $BA $HD -should have typed Boeing and sold.Sorry
  • rnrdallas1939: @champ $BLDR Seems strange that $LOW $HD are not following along this is their big season. Even the $ITB $XHB is moving up Maybe I"m somewhat jaded because here in TX they seem not to be able to build fast enough. It seems every day a new development.
  • phgruver: @rnrdallas1939 $BLDR $LOW $HD $ITB $XHB $BLDR had a huge earnings beat, just a few days ago, and is still riding the surge. $HD reports on May 16, and $LOW reports on May 23. If they do as well as $BLDR, they'll take off too.
  • champ: @rnrdallas1939 $BLDR $LOW $HD $ITB $XHB...my #guess is. they are waiting for the CPI and PPI reports...and $BLDR is still moving off of earnings, and maybe they could be real nice specs before those reports, however as of Now NP's.
  • rnrdallas1939: @champ $BLDR $LOW $HD $ITB $XHB #guess Hope your both right. But $BUDR has been lower left to the upper right for almost a year and $HDD $LLOW has been up down and all around. You would think there would be some correlation. But the market has its own way of thinking. And yeah I know Hope is not a trading method LTH
  • champ: @rnrdallas1939 $BLDR $LOW $HD $ITB $XHB $BUDR $HDD $LLOW #guess....$HD and $LOW.. both have huge products lines and they are buying at wholesale, to resale, plus with all of their huge Retail space, in every town and $BLDR doesn't have any of that type of risk or very little, compared to both of those huge Box store retailers. LOL
  • champ: $LOW....HOD....this #Bounce-Candidate is doing that Happy zig-zag Dance.....plus they are aggressively buying-Back their stock, they added another $15 billion $$$$....and there is a lot of sector News on Home-owners upgrading their Homes.... and the Remodeling season is just starting..... ....this stock has been building a $200 base in April....and Now....it sure looks like this stock is going to start a #New-leg, up the Wall of Worry..... ....and Earnings are not until 5/24....and $HD..will be on 5/16, so they will be reporting before and thats important to know, so No real risk before, other than the normal Market risk. ~~~ My trading plan is, I will be swinging until the FOMC Rate Decision announcement on Wednesday...at 14:00 ET....... ...so there is Time, for this stock to Work....and many will be holding into that Rate-Decision........ so the Set-up is, a #Pre-move-FOMC-Bounce. ~~~~~~Looks like Entry-Timing, posted earlier.............
  • champ: $HD and $LOW....Nice but only Watching,....because it is kinda like, if we only knew how the Markets were going to close.......
  • champ: $HD...HOD....
  • champ: Looks like the Markets are going to have another strong close....and these Retail stocks are also strong, I'm just posting a few stocks that have moved-up over 2%...$TGT $LOW $HD $ROST $DKS $PLCE $KSS.
  • Jazman0013: @champ $TGT $LOW $HD $ROST $DKS $PLCE $KSS thing of beauty. Have missed action like this.
  • issues: I bought a couple of cheapes; $PRQR added to $ARDX. Added to $CALM, $RH & $DD $DRI $HD and started positions in $FOUR $MMP. Trend is your friend, eh?
  • champ: $HD..$315.. new position on the close, looking for a Bounce, hopefully on Tuesday.
  • scottrades: $HD Flag.
  • lauralynnee: @scottrades $HD Also golden cross of 50/200 SMA
  • swingbound: $HD Weekly view : ~ 324.44 is the 38.2% pivot to overcome
  • lauralynnee: $HD & $LOW Looks like 50SMA crossover of 200SMA will be soon on both of these
  • Justhanging48: @lauralynnee $HD $LOW I like the $HD cup and handle pattern better than $LOW, and it's above the 8edm and 21edm. Target is around $340. But as they say, who knows?
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Stock Price $415.60
Change -0.72%
Volume 2,013,340

Home Depot, Inc., is a home improvement retailer. Its stores sell an assortment of building materials, home improvement and lawn and garden products and provide a number of services.

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