Dine Brands Global Inc. (NYSE:DIN)

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  • vitoB: with $SHAK missed this 59min trade opp. ugh. but all the foodies are getting bids today; $DENN $DIN $EAT $STKS $JACK. $DENN longest base; highest space
  • bRobert: $LABU flag Reversal $80 potential with trigger > 20d $DIN Very obvious swing trade channel daily $100 target Stop just below Zig zagging to $115+
  • bRobert: $DIN follow the zig zags higher Clearly defined channel
  • bRobert: $DIN Follow the zig zags on the daily for swings around a core Working to $120+ This took off when cleared the 200W ceiling It was an initial target/ceiling and then a base for lift off $NAIL was a great one Consolidation from extended Far from done
  • bRobert: $DIN. nh. $115/$130+. Big WEEKLY. base $CBRL. $220/$250. Strong. earnings. revenue. Also Big. WEEKLY base
  • teacher5: $DIN working.
  • bRobert: @teacher5 $DIN Long term hold. top of. range. testing. WEEKLY. seed bumps. high. $115/$130+. potential.
  • teacher5: @bRobert $DIN Thanks! What’s your take on $WDC and $UTCC
  • bRobert: @teacher5 $DIN $WDC $UTCC $WDC. Healthy. mostly. sideways. consolidation of a nice move. WEEKLY. CUP. $100+ . 50% upside $UCTT. Extended after massive run. WEEKLY view extended. above 50/200week Working that off with. consolidation. Daily. test of the. 50d May trade. below that I would. wait for it to. settle. and show bottoming action A move. above $57.50. would. be. bullish. I doubt we. see that.
  • bRobert: $DIN. nh. $100/$$135 $CBRL. $200 - $250 Longer term holds from below. Pullback bounces
  • bRobert: $DIN. $100/$135. $CBRL. $200/$250. C&H. pullback bounces.
  • bRobert: $DIN. nh. breakout. pullback. retest combo $100/$135. Long. $CBRL. $200/$250. C&H. Testing 20d. Buy the bounce with. stop. just below
  • bRobert: $TA $36 target 1 reversal with flag trigger WEEKLY CUP $60+ long term Long from $12 Long term hold $CBRL nh $200 - $250 targets C&H $DIN same $100/$135
  • bRobert: $CBRL $200 - $250 C&H target $DIN $100/$135 Pullback bounces Rich food trade Long from below
  • bRobert: $W. reversal in. motion. $370. $450/$550. longer $PLCE. $100. SOON. Very. WEEKLY. C&H. under the 200W. ADD $140. potential. longer $BIG nh. 90 then $100. $CONN. $20/$27+. $DDS. Pinch breakout. Small high base. daily. C&H. WEEKLY. $100/$170 potential Nightmare on. short street. LONG ALL FROM BELOW. $$$. $GOOS. $70/higher longer term Pullback. .....BUYThe bounce $CBRL. nh. $200/$250. $DIN. $100/$135. Pb. bounces. I've been dining here for a while. $$$
  • bRobert: $CBRL nh C&H in motion $200 - $250 $DIN Bounce after pb $100/$135
  • bRobert: $DIN breakout Pullback retest .........buy the bounce All the volume has been green the last 4 days Low vol retest $100/$135 $CBRL $200/$250 They give you opportunities on pullback retests ....bounces
  • bRobert: $CBRL breakout nh $200/$250 $DIN $100/$135
  • bRobert: $GBX WEEKLY C&H base $75 Daily $65+ $DIN $100/$135 $CBRL $200/$250 nhs with huge upside Very appetizing Pullback bounces
  • bRobert: $CBRL $DIN Strong day Strong charts High upside targets Who doesn't like pancakes? Pullback bounces to enter They will let you in
  • emi: @bRobert $CBRL $DIN Driving across the South, I really liked CBRL chicken fried steak and country gravy.
  • bRobert: $MAN WEKLY C&H $125 $RHI WEEKLY daily C&H $100+ 2 I'm watching $DIN WEKLY W Daily high base $100/$135 $CBRl Daily C&H WEEKLY W $200/$250 Pullback bounces
  • bRobert: $DIN. $100/$135 $CBRL. $200/$250
  • bRobert: $DIN I added yesterday on the pb bounce I asked you to follow it down POSTS on the high targets $100/$135 Buy the breakout/pullback bounce 70% upside
  • CarolGregory: @bRobert I followed you into $DIN Thank you!
  • bRobert: $DIN $100/$135 $CBRL $200/$250 C&H Fine dining bull market
  • bRobert: @teacher5 $YUM Still consolidating May take a while until it is ready $135 potential long term Prefer $CBRL $DIN others
  • bRobert: $DIN Watch for the pb bounce $100/$135 $CBRL $200/$250 Daily C&H WEEKLY W breakout
  • bRobert: $CONN 5/13 ema cross $20/$27+ C&H $DIN ADD Stop < 20d pullback bounce
  • Auto: @bRobert $CONN $DIN $EAT added long
  • bRobert: @Auto $CONN $DIN $EAT EAT WEEKLY is my jam C&H that goes on forever
  • bRobert: $DIN $100/$135 Reports tomorrow $CBRL $200/$250 C&H Reported Strong earnings revenues
  • bRobert: $DIN $100/$135 $CBRL $200/$250 ADDS if you like
  • bRobert: $DIN $100/$135 $CBRL $200/$250+ Breakout Pullback retest......bounce
  • wjj3: @bRobert $DIN $CBRL cbrl nice yield also
  • bRobert: @mopick $CX $BCO $115 $CBRL $250+ $DIN $100/$135 reports 3/2 $AL $70 pb bounces $TA $60 reports tomorrow $SLCA $20 $MED $300/$350 $CONN $20/$27
  • bRobert: $TA Long term hold from $12 I have been ADDING WEEKLY CUP and pinch $60+ $TROX 27/$50 Pullback bounces $CBRL $175 soon $200/$250 longer $DIN $100/$135 Breakout pullback retest..............
  • bRobert: $CBRL $DIN Breakout pullback retests seeing buying
  • bRobert: $HD $LOW WEEKLY uptrend is intact Very much so Nibbled $CBRL $200/$250 $DIN 100/$135 ADD Partials to position from below $SPOT ADD Bounce off lower channel WEEKLY IS STRONG $500/$600
  • bRobert: $DIN breakout continuation $100/$135 $CBRL breakout $200/$250 longer $175 Soon
  • Auto: $DIN added long
  • bRobert: $CBRL. many posts. Breakout. Daily. C&H. x 2. $175/$200. WEEKLY. $250 longer $DIN. $100/$135.
  • bRobert: $DIN. breakout. W. C&H. $90/$100.+ daily. WEEKLY. $135. potential. Long from below $CBRL. breakout. $175 soon. $200 - $250. longer Long terrific. earnings revenue growth. ADD on pullback bounces. My. happy. meals.
  • bRobert: @Yuls $EAT $DRI $SHAK $CAKE $DIN $100/$135 $CBRL $220/$250 Happy meals for the portfolio
  • bRobert: $CBRL. $175. soon. Daily. c&H. Small and. large. $190 - $250. longer. Weekly $DIN. nice day. $100 - $135
  • Auto: $UPST $CRWD $DIN $LEVI long working
  • bRobert: $DIN. $100/$135+ $CBRL. $250. Huge upside. 75%. for these Top of channel. Pullback. bounces.
  • bRobert: $ALGN. Flag. $675 with trigger. Still long partial. $TLRY. nh. $50/$90+ $CGC. nh. $90 $URI. nh. $300/$400 $ILMN. nh. $470/$600 $MED. nh. $300/$350. targets $GTLS. nh. $160/$250 $IPI. nh. $42/$48 $MANH. nh. $160 /$200 $MTCH. nh. $190/$250 $NVCR. nh. $200 /$300 $GBX. nh. $200 $WDC. nh. $75/$115 $UCTT nh. $65/$80 $OKTA. nh. $300/$400 $DIN 20d. bounce. ADD. $100/$135 . The NH. list is a GREAT place to search for new employees.
  • bRobert: @bRobert $ALGN $TLRY $CGC $URI $ILMN $MED $GTLS $IPI $MANH $MTCH $NVCR $GBX $WDC $UCTT $OKTA $DIN Many on the close to nh list as well. eg. $LOW. $GH. $SAM. $CSV $BX. nh. $80+/$100. $LABU. nh. $PRNT. nh.
  • bRobert: $AIG $47 with flag trigger $60+ longer $MET breakout to nh $70 $HIG $60/$70 $LNC $80/$90 huge % upside They love higher rates $CBRL $250 target WEEKLY Daily C&H high base $DIn $135
  • heyjack: @bRobert $AIG $MET $HIG $LNC $CBRL $DIn and $PRU with just a little bounce off the 50 day and a nice div
  • bRobert: $CBRL $250 $DIN $135 A piece will go far Add on pb bounces
  • bRobert: $URI $300/$400 $HRI $75/$100+ $CBRL $230/$250 Cheap $DIN $135 $AXON $250 $300 potential $IPI $45 with move > $28.50 200 WEEK ceiling
  • bRobert: $CBRL Daily C&H $250 weekly reversal base CHEAP $175/$200 sooner huge % upside $DIN $135 Big WEEKLY reversal base Daily Cup
  • bRobert: $LOW BULLISH WEEKLY Big base and small C&H Stop < 20 week $200 soon $270 longer $HD $320/$400 $NAIL $100/$150 $DIN $135 WEEKLY about to be unleashed $BCO $115 Own a partial WEEKLY C&H Daily tight consolidation
  • bRobert: $CBRL Very bullish set up with high upside $190+ Daily C&H WEEKLY CUP reversal $250 potential High earnings/rev $DIN $135 great food spec
  • bRobert: $DIN WEEKLY breakout $135 Draw channel lines $CBRL $220+
  • bRobert: $DIN. WEEKLY. breakout. $100/$135. HUGE
  • bRobert: $CBRL. $200/$220+. with. flag trigger. Big. C&H. like. base on the daily. and. WEEKLY. W in motion $DIN. C&H breakout. $100/$135 . WEEKLY W.
  • bRobert: $CBRL. C&H. $200. daily. WEEKLY. W. $230. $DIN. $95+. daily. C&H. $135 . WEEKLY
  • bRobert: $DIN tRget 1 close top of range DAILY C&H $90+ WEEKLY W $135 and resumption of pre Covid CUP $CBRL $220 Huge earnings revenue Under appreciated That will change
  • bRobert: $TA Double bottom bounce ADD a few days ago W trigger today $36 WEEKLY flag pullback in monster base $65 target Long from way below along with many other trading colleagues here . A Renaissance Holding I was there FIRST for a change ;) $DIN breakout Not a buy here retest of swing high ADD on pb/bounces $90/$135 Close to 100%
  • bRobert: $PLCE. BUY THE. BOUNCE. soon with stop. just. below $80/$110+ $GOOS. same. $38/$60 $CONN. I'm just. holding. Stop. < $13.4. if you like. ADD on pb/bounces > $14. Speed bump. $15. . $20. 200 WEEK. POTENTIAL for. $40 . long term BIG WEEKLY. BASE $17 . daily. W. WEEKLY. reversal. $25. $DIN. just. a piece. $135. $CBRL. $200 . . $DRI $150 . Pullback. bounces
  • bRobert: $DIN. $135. WEEKLY. C&H. reversal target. with. interim stops. Great. spec in the space 100%. upside.
  • Macdoo42: @bRobert $DIN $GS Followed your post and took a position in GS Right now took out $300 1st target. What will be next one$350?? Have learned from your posts and Dan's videos. Thank you
  • bRobert: $DIN. + . Again. $135. $100. daily. high base. first. WEEKLY. pre Covid. CUP will be resumed Big. reversal. and. tight WEEKLY. consolidation. will EXPLODE 100% $CBRL. $230 $DIN. $150
  • bRobert: $DIN $77/$100 with daily flag trigger $135 WEEKLY CUP reversal $CBRL $220 $DRI $150 Food for thought and $$
  • bRobert: $DIN flag pullback > 20 ADD with stop < 20d $100/$135
  • bRobert: $DIN Cup base small reversal $80/$100/$135 BUY the flag trigger' $CBRL $250 Long term $150/$200 Sooner than later REALLY strong earnings/revenues The price will quickly start reflecting the fundamentals soon $DRI $150 $EAT Cup base $80 A slow steady climber Reminds me of $CROX
  • msing3: @bRobert $DIN $CBRL $DRI $EAT $CROX Reading your previous MMP posts, I have made a 2021 list of $NVDA, $WIX, $REGN and $DKNG as my whales to stalk and $SDC,$ LGVW as top specs. I hope to be more patient this year - bailed on WDC and MU during August drops. Thanks again for your insights, have a great weekend !
  • bRobert: @msing3 $DIN $CBRL $DRI $EAT $CROX $NVDA $WIX $REGN My pleasure $REGN is an exellent value play MONTHLY C&H like Still has a lot of work but very large $$ upside Spec in large cap tech Cash cow The $XBI and $IBB are technically very strong and have excellent upside with diversity . $DKNG is not as good as $PENN technically $PEN has 50% upside and an iron clad chart I own DKNG but it is still young and proving itself I've owned PENN from $30+
  • msing3: @bRobert $DIN $CBRL $DRI $EAT $CROX $NVDA $WIX $REGN $XBI $IBB $DKNG $PENN $PEN Still holding $DFEN and thankfully can say....from below !
  • bRobert: $DIN. Big. move. with. VOLUME. yesterday. WEEKLY. MMP. $100/$135. BUY. pb/bounces. >. $80.
  • bRobert: $lnc. 90/$100. c&h. Weekly /. reversal $aig. C&h. $55/$60+ $Met $hig. Insurance have an interest rate jones $din. $100/$115 . Good restaurant spec $dri $150. Garlic bread bull market
  • DBones808: @bRobert $lnc $aig $Met $hig $din $dri So many im going unconscious lol. Trying to keep up and build hunting targets!
  • bwcarnation1: @DBones808 $lnc $aig $Met $hig $din $dri I feel the same way....too many choices!
  • bRobert: @DBones808 $lnc $aig $Met $hig $din $dri Just pointing out a sector ripe for a nice 50% run Many examples. That’s how I hunt. Top down approach Also look at the mere 52 Week high lists. Some just beginning and great adds on pullback bounces. List of winners. Select the best of the bests technicals and sector. Top hun of stocks
  • bRobert: @bwcarnation1 $lnc $aig $Met $hig $din $dri On any day a sale can s appear making one a bargain entry. There are examples. Look at the charts and pick one that you like if interested in this sector. I’m trying to give more than just a stock picking service with exits and entries. I can send you my Venmo if you would like that;). I’m happy if we have a village of strong fisherman each catching their share and feeding a free others new to the sport
  • bRobert: $DIN. WEEKLY. W. bottom. Higher highs/lows $120/$135. Look for thet pre Covid. WEEKLY. Cup. to be resumed $EAT. $100. More advanced stage of. DIN. Blue sky $DRI $150+ $CBRL. $220. Food for. thought. WEEKLY. food. court views
  • bRobert: $EAT WEEKLY Reversal base breakout to nh $100 100% upside LONG consolidation $DIN added yesterday $115 target WEEKLY Reversal pinch MMP $DRI $150
  • bRobert: $DIN ADD Daily high base cup and pullback to 50d Bounce WEEKLY shows the real upside and support over the 200 WEEK Sitting over the $65 neckline HUGE W reversal or Inverse H&S with no lest shoulder (so sad ;( ) $115 target $100 interim target from smaller pattern 90% upside STOPS CLEAR so Great risk reward
  • bRobert: $THO. WEEKLY. c&h. $200. target. 100%. upside. $120. interim. daily inverse h&s $CWH. WEEKLY c&H. $65. Pre Covid cup RESUMED. $BC. daily/WEEKLY C&H. $100/$120. handle pinching. $35. with small reversal trigger $DIN. WEEKLY W or. ASCENDING. flat top triangle. Trigger. retest Bounce off 200 Week. $115. target Interim. $100. $DRI. WEEKLY. W trigger. Retest. Bounce Interim $130 Walking higher. $MU. WEEKLY. C&H Flag. $90/$100+
  • bRobert: $DRI Back to Pre Covid levels Daily breakout retest Bounce watch $150 $DIN WEEKLY LARGE W reversal /cup Very transparent trade with boundaries well demarcated $100/$115
  • bRobert: $DRI breakout retest $150 with bounce $DIN $100/$115+ WEEKLY CUP reversal VERY BULLISH Daily consolidation 70% upside
  • bRobert: $DRI breakout pullback Early buyers of the dip $130/$150 target $DIN BUY the WEEKLY flag trigger $100 $75 SHORT term $115+ longer term
  • bRobert: $DIN WEEKLY flag in big reversal and small high base Big cup pre Covid $100/$115 Great spec in the space 70% upside $DRI $140/$150 Watch reaction POST 12/18 earnings
  • bRobert: $DRI $115/$140 pinching a bit Garlic bread bull market hopes $DIN $100/$115 WEEKLY reversal Daily zig zag higher $GS nh WEEKLY breakout testing swing high $310+ Pullback bounce expected and ADD $MS nh $75 weekly c&h target forever Pullback bounces
  • bRobert: $CSV. Great spec Daily C&H. Monster weekly. $35/$45. $DIN. ADD. $100/$115. $CBRL. bargain. entry. WEEKLY breakout/pullback/bounce $180/$220 $DRI. $140/$150. Pinch
  • bRobert: $DIN. flag pullback. Looking to add $80/$100/$115 $MTCH flag. Add with bounce trigger. $180. c&h target
  • bRobert: $DIN. Breakout pullback retest . Early bounce. $$100/$115. $80 interim. W.
  • bRobert: $cvna. C&h. $180 base. Pivot handle $252. Target. $320. Shorts 33% $din. Daily c&h. Weekly w reversal TRIGGERED / cup. 115/$135. Potential. That pre covid cup is begging to resume. 50/$100%. Upside
  • bRobert: $DIN 100+ $75 next $CBRL $170/$220 $DRI $140 - 150 All great weekly set ups Food for thought
  • bRobert: $DIN $75 short term $100+ Longer but quicker than you think Swing high cleared on breakout $DRI walk up $150
  • bRobert: $DIN. $100+ . in zig zzags Many W s. LOng
  • bRobert: $DIN. Pullback bounces. $75/$80. shorter term. WEEKLY $100/$110+
  • bRobert: $DIN. WEEEKLY high bas breakout. Big reversal W. $90 - $115. targets.
  • bRobert: $WYNN $120.daily W. then $170. WEEKLY W. Long $DIN. $70 New swing high. $100+ Pullback bounces
  • bRobert: @debeers $TXRH $100+. technical target. np I only can afford. $DIN $CBRL. on special occassions
  • debeers: @bRobert $TXRH $DIN $CBRL -i can picture it now--you eating Southern chicken and waffles as a special occasion which you picked up at a $CBRL driving your Ferrari.
  • bRobert: $PLNT. $100/$130 targets. Cups on cups $85. next with trigger $DIN. $100+
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Stock Price $29.61
Change -3.83%
Volume 3,653,110

DineEquity, Inc. owns and operates two restaurant concepts: Applebee's in the bar and grill segment of the casual dining category of the restaurant industry, and IHOP in the family dining category of the restaurant industry.

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