O'Reilly Automotive Inc. (NASDAQ:ORLY)

Stock Watch June 13th, 2015

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  • Pard: $ORLY getting going
  • Pard: $ORLY adding to long term position
  • Pard: $ORLY buy here IMO
  • camaro69: @Pard $ORLY Why do you think it's a buy?
  • PhilHarmonic: @camaro69 $ORLY Looking for a bounce off the 200dma.
  • Henry: @Pard $ORLY Evercore a week ago raised the pt to$1,275 pt. It and $AZO sold off hard since March
  • dgrobo: @PhilHarmonic $ORLY lol bottom fishing is bad with SBUX, but ok with ORLY? ok....
  • Pard: @camaro69 $ORLY Weekly chart bounce off the 50 period solid uptrend. Correct trade to make since 2020
  • phgruver: @dgrobo $ORLY Valid question. The setup is different. $ORLY is bouncing off the 200dma, but well under the 50dma. $SBUX is way under both MA's. Frankly, I wouldn't touch either one, but that's just me. Bottom fishing is OK, as long as you understand that that is what you are doing, and are managing risk accordingly.
  • Pard: @phgruver $ORLY If you are using a weekly chart to make decisions, this is not a bottom feeding idea. On a weekly chart, this is the proper entry point for getting in on $ORLY assuming you intend to hold for months or years. This is not a day trade or swing trade idea. I should have specified.
  • phgruver: @Pard $ORLY Sorry, I should have elaborated a bit more. Resting on the 200dma, it is a potential buy, but not RHRN. The 200 is sloping upward, so it is in a long term uptrend, but the 50dma is in a down trend, and the price action is showing no signs of reversing. What you should be looking for, is a strong move back above the 200 on increased volume. As @Dan is always pointing out, you want to see some indication that institutions are supporting the stock at this price level. You are right, though, that this is not bottom fishing like $SBUX would be, but you are still looking for a short term bottom, and I don't think we're there yet....
  • DAN: @phgruver $ORLY $SBUX Neither stock would be something I'd want to own...aside from the fact that Starbucks' coffee sucks. ;-)
  • Pard: $ORLY buy with a stop below $1000
  • Pard: $ORLY Good entry with stop below the recent lows. Chart strong as death on a weekly time frame.
  • Cjauger: @Pard $ORLY nice volume yesterday
  • Henry: @Pard $ORLY $AZO took a dump too
  • Amisure: @DAN - $TMDX $ARCH $ACMR $ORLY
  • champ: $AZO $ORLY....these flipped-over to nice #short positions.
  • champ: $ORLY is at $983...O'Reilly Automotive.....LOD this morning was at $979.....Watch for Entry.......
  • champ: $ORLY just added another $2billion $$$ to their #stock-Buy-backs on 11/16...and that raised their total to $25.75 billion $$$, hard too believe but its true...take a look. Watch for Entry and it looks like we have to Hold, in order to be Rewarded. I'm holding 50 shares....and 25 shares in $AZO.
  • champ: $AZO and $ORLY are both slowing down a little.
  • traderbren: $ORLY - I missed this move after it cleared the 50d. Nice run, but NP.
  • champ: $AZO and $ORLY are both still Hot.
  • traderbren: $ORLY - closed the upside gap at 929.36
  • champ: $ORLY..at $908.00, watch O'Reilly Auto Parts, could be on the start of a #Pre-earnings move, they will be reporting on Wednesday, 10/25/after.
  • champ: $ORLY..at $920... O'Reilly Auto Parts ....I'm looking for a #Pre-earnings move before earnings, on 10/25/after/confirmed.... ...and the 52-week high in July was at $975.00. ...the used Car market remain strong and Owners have to keep their cars working.... ...needs the S&P to be working, so I'm trailing.
  • champ: $MS $BAC $ORLY $DG ....I moved off of these positions because of the $SPY...is not really working.
  • wpsimril: $ORLY Does this sort of look like one of @Dan touch and go off the 50 day?
  • champ: $CMI and $PCAR....I posted that I was watching both of these, so I might as well add these in also $ALSN, $AZO $ORLY and $AAP....holly Shit these are working.
  • champ: @bwcarnation1 $AAP $GPC $AZO ....$ORLY...I'm working $AZO...because of their New stock #buy-backs of $2.5 billion.
  • bwcarnation1: @champ $AAP $GPC $AZO $ORLY #buy-backs good to know thanks
  • Angdionk: @scottrades $FSLR $ON $ENPH $CELH $SWAV $TSLA $TNK $STEM $HAE $LLY $GILD $HUM $ORLY
  • ag1: $ORLY in the gap, slightly converging wedge, looking for PB to add to starter last week on BO
  • traderbren: $ORLY -- might move into a gap fill trade if it clears 666.....yikes! NP
  • Pokersmith: #Insider Buy: O Reilly Automotive Jeremy Adam Fletcher, Executive Vice President & CFO, on May 20, 2022, executed a purchase for 835 shares in O Reilly Automotive ($ORLY) for $501,000. Following the Form 4 filing with the SEC, Fletcher has control over a total of 2,109 shares of the company, with 1,897 shares held directly and 212 controlled indirectly. The market value of the direct and indirect holding, based on the transaction price, is approximately $1,265,400. SEC Filing: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/898173/000141588922005499/xslF345X03/form4-
  • marklesparkle:
    @Pokersmith..........$DE, $WMT will watch for 59min trade, $LLY...watching but I don't love the pattern, $DOW ...1 yr c&h.......bo move above handle ...
  • Docoof: @wineinquirer $WMT $DE $DOW $LLY $CVX $XOM $DBC $EGLE $SBLK $JBHT $ODFL $AAP $ORLY $MOS $PANW $DDS $XOP $AZO $XRT Great post! Thanks
  • wanda1616: @natural $COST many leaders failing now $ORLY $AZO (on back of orly earnings) $COST even $DG and $DLTR
  • wanda1616: $AZO $ORLY rocket ships for days now
  • wanda1616: @wanda1616 $AZO $ORLY money makers forever
  • sierramp: $ORLY testing the BO level. 5/13 cross. Must be a typo but TC200 says the ROE is 251,634%
  • Docoof: Is IBD coming out with a new list? The IBD STDS list? From IBD today: Five Stocks That Don't Suck Apple stock, O'Reilly Automotive ($ORLY), Commercial Metals ($CMC), Union Pacific ($UNP) and Nutrien ($NTR) are five stocks holding up near buy points with relative strength lines at or near highs. Apple ($AAPL) dwarfs all of these names, but it's the only one trading below its 50-day moving average. The RS line, the blue line in the charts provided, tracks a stock's performance vs. the S&P 500 index. It's an easy way to spot leading stocks in any kind of market. In a weak or choppy market, stocks with RS lines at highs could be leaders in the next rally.
  • DAN: ...
  • slp20: @DAN $LLY $SPY $MDY $IWM $QQQ $FFTY $ARKK $DELL $F $TXN $GM $TSLA $MTD $AMAT $AZO $LKQ $CPRT $ORLY $AAP $GPC $MNRO $PRTS Do these notes go with the daily video? I don’t understand what the 3 choices are.
  • leo995: @slp20 $LLY $SPY $MDY $IWM $QQQ $FFTY $ARKK $DELL $F $TXN $GM $TSLA $MTD $AMAT $AZO $LKQ $CPRT $ORLY $AAP $GPC $MNRO $PRTS The three choices are buy, sell, sit.
  • slp20: @leo995 $LLY $SPY $MDY $IWM $QQQ $FFTY $ARKK $DELL $F $TXN $GM $TSLA $MTD $AMAT $AZO $LKQ $CPRT $ORLY $AAP $GPC $MNRO $PRTS You get what you pay for...
  • DAN: @slp20 $LLY $SPY $MDY $IWM $QQQ $FFTY $ARKK $DELL $F $TXN $GM $TSLA $MTD $AMAT $AZO $LKQ $CPRT $ORLY $AAP $GPC $MNRO $PRTS I don’t either. Not sure what 3 choices you are talking about.
  • Angdionk: $ORLY bouncing off 8dma still working
  • Angdionk: $ORLY trying for ATH
  • Angdionk: $ORLY HOD and trying to break out
  • Angdionk: $ORLY at downward trending with 50dma just above
  • Angdionk: $ORLY bouncing off 50dma low volume
  • Pokersmith: Lookee here....$AAP, $AZO, $ORLY green makes more " cents"
  • debeers: @Pokersmith $AAP $AZO $ORLY -$AAP reports 8/24 holding thru.LONG not in the others.
  • Pokersmith: @debeers $AAP Submitted this one many a times, long from below. Added some yesterday. See also : $ORLY Have a nice day
  • debeers: @Pokersmith $AAP $ORLY -If you get the WSJ they have a nice write up on it today. Of course you have it. i would expect nothing less.
  • wanda1616: @Pokersmith $AAP $ORLY me too AAP. these parts / retail companies are total money makers and rarely discussed anywhere $AZO is a beast forever
  • Pokersmith: @wanda1616 $AAP $ORLY $AZO Comforting to know I'm in good company 😊
  • Pokersmith: @debeers $AAP $ORLY Good article 👍
  • Pokersmith: Auto Parts retailers weak....see $AAP, $AZO, $ORLY
  • vfr777: $orly reports tonight
  • Bwhitty: When you come to your computer and see $ORLY is up 113 a share but there is no news... is this a glitch on Fidelity?
  • Yes-Man: @Bwhitty $ORLY Same on my feed!Not fidelity
  • Pokersmith: @Bwhitty $ORLY I see it at 564.97 on Fidelity
  • Bwhitty: @Yes-Man $ORLY Thx 👍
  • Bwhitty: @Pokersmith $ORLY Do you have afterhours turned on?
  • Pokersmith: @Pokersmith $ORLY prev close @ 564.97 See no movement pre market
  • Wolf: @Bwhitty $ORLY ATP sometimes shows spikes. If you refresh, it goes away.
  • Pokersmith: @Bwhitty $ORLY you ARE referring to Oreilly automotive, right ?
  • indigo1948: @Bwhitty $ORLY - I see it up 112.99 on TC 2000 - wish I owned it.
  • Bwhitty: @indigo1948 $ORLY Very strange, and L2 shows a bunch on the ask side for 621. someone paid it?
  • Pokersmith: @indigo1948 $ORLY probably pegging the ask ...which sometimes happens
  • Forexpro: @Bwhitty $ORLY Hi, Bwhitty, I'm showing a last price of 677.96 at TDAmeritrade, which is indeed plus 112.99, but the current bid/ask is 544.80 at 590.75, 100x100, which seems more plausible. I've looked around, and I'm seeing no news. All the best!
  • Bwhitty: @Forexpro $ORLY Yea there are about a million shares on the ask side so I don't think I will be selling mine for that price LOL thx for looking.
  • Bwhitty: $ORLY nice move off the 50 day.
  • Cjauger: $ORLY tagging the 50
  • Pokersmith: ...
    She also reiterated a Buy rating on O'Reilly Automotive($ORLY) -- also on the firm's Conviction Buy List -- and raised her rating on Genuine Parts($GPC) to Neutral from Sell, following a beat-and-raise first quarter report.

  • WWWilly: @scottrades $AAPL $FB $QCOM $F $TDOC $EBAY $NOW $LOGI $MGM $ALGN $HOLX $CCS $ORLY $GRUB $OPK $AUY $URI $TWOU $MTH $CAKE $NLY $EXR $AMED $UCTT $AR $MOH $EQIX $NOVA $OVV $CYH $AFL $MTDR $MXL $ICAD $AGI $CLR $CREE $AVT $AVTR $INVH $CDE $MHO #Earnings Thanks, don't forget the melted butter !
  • Angdionk: $ORLY trading in a tight range over the past 7 days watching
  • Bert953: #Market- selloff continues. only remaining positions are $GS and $NLY. Tightened stop on $GS, no action taken on $NLY. Switching my focus to trading in paper account, where I sto Feb 26 2145/2150C. Most stops that were hit today were recent initiations in my paper (testing account - equities that looked interesting, despite the market stating to look weak, but that I didn't really want to commit capital to)...... $MSTR $SHOP $CGC $AAPL $ARKK $PRNT $DDD $SNOW $ORLY $PENN $PLTR $ZI $SAVE $TPR. Hope this helps someone to preserve their hard-earned capital.
  • maracom: @Bert953 $GS $NLY $MSTR $SHOP $CGC $AAPL $ARKK $PRNT $DDD $SNOW $ORLY $PENN $PLTR $ZI $SAVE $TPR #Market- more market rotation than global sell off. Commodities and inflation hedges up big today
  • traderbren: $ORLY - bullish hammer in the works, but it looks like they report after the close today. NP
  • DAN: ...
    $ORLY -- Look at this pattern. A steep selloff on volume is a very risky stock to own. Lots of supply overhead...and we can see what happens.
    $UBER -- Looks like a shakeout. This could be a very good entry. Trade tomorrow??? Alert $54.50
    $LYFT -- ...
  • DAN: As noted over the weekend, $ORLY pulled back pretty sharply last week and I did not want to allow a profitable trade to become a loser. So I put a stop at $459.90 (basically, just 10 cents below our $460 entry).

    That stop has been hit and I'm out o ...
  • DAN: I havea $ORLY on the active trade list with a basis of $460. As I noted last night, we don't want to allow profits to ever turn into losses. The market is set to open on the weak side and there's no telling whether $ORLY will continue to fall, or i ...
  • wijimmy: @DAN $ORLY ... Love it !!!! Lean into it Rudy... We gotta be on base to score...
  • DAN: If you're watching the market, you see that $ORLY gapped at the open (well above our $460 entry) and is now trading up from the open and just 68 cents above yesterday's close. Therefore, I'm considering this a "successful" Phase 2, though it's still pretty early to make that conclusion-- less than 50,000 shares have been traded. But for now, I"m leaving the trade alone. I suspect that the stock is likely to consolidate at current levels for a while, so don't expect a quick snapback. Process, Patience and Discipline are the offspring of success. --Dan
  • DAN: @wijimmy $ORLY I just don't want to crowd the plate!!!
  • DAN: ...
    $ORLY -- Very steep and deep phase 2. Raising the stop to 459.90 to lock in break even.
    $WKHS -- This is a Phase 2 pullback. Needs to hold the 50-day MA.
    $ANGI -- Part of $SOCL. But too far below 52-week high to be viable. December top makes the ...
  • DAN: ...
    $ORLY -- This is in Phase 2. This may go to $450. Consider closing it for a small profit. I don’t like this selling. It’s deeper than I expected. Better to book an $11 gain than risk a loss.
    $PINS -- consider reducing or closing this. ...
  • DAN: ...
    $ORLY -- Still going. Watch $500...but this stock has momentum.
    $CMI -- 1-2-3 move. Breakout from VS, pullback (phase 2), and now Phase 3 complete.
    $NLOK -- Watch for a breakout here. Alert $21.50
    $SOLO -- Bridget has been on fire with this. Big ...
  • DAN: ...
    $ORLY -- Starting to work.
    $SHOP -- good stock, bad stock diagram.
    $FVRR -- stock performing better than expected.
    $TDOC -- Holding yesterday’s breakout.
    $WKHS -- Good breakout yesterday. Pulling back today, but still holding up well.
    $KRA - ...
  • stairm01: @DAN $XLF $DJUSBK $MS $GS $JPM $SPY $DIA $DJUSRR $UNP $CSX $NSC $NDX $ARKK $TSLA $NIO $NIU $CCXI $PLUG $JD $COUP $NDAQ $AMD $AAPL $BIDU $GNRC $MSFT $ORLY $SHOP $FVRR $TDOC $WKHS $KRA $CCL $MU $ABC $WBA $TUP $PNTG $SABR @Dan, $ORLY dropped below your stop level on Tuesday and folks in the forum were confused as to why you still had it on the ATL. I never saw an answer. I didn't take the trade, but was curious myself. It has rebounded nicely, but the stop was hit.
  • gt: @DAN $TUP $SPX $SPY $MDY $IWM $DJI $DJT $NDX $GBTC $GLD $XLF $KEY $ZION $HBAN $SCHW $CME $PRU $GS $MS $JPM $AAPL $AMD $BIDU $GNRC $MSFT $ORLY $WKHS $KRA $LAD $CSX $KSU $NSC $ECOM $AVTR $ZTS $VSTO $LAZY for enquiring minds: many rabbits are a colony of rabbits.
  • jonwest88: @Dan the other day I wondered was $ORLY sold from active traders since it broke through its stop. Another replied yes. Are the stops on the Active Trade list suggestions, not real, what? Are they for closing prices or intraday? Please advise,
  • DAN: @jonwest88 $ORLY They are suggestions. Everyone trades a bit differently, and I'll typically close a position if the stop was hit. In this case, that stop was violated for about 2 minutes and then rebounded pretty sharply. So I'm just leaving it op ...
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Stock Price $1146.03
Change -1.17%
Volume 334,601

O'Reilly Automotive Inc is a specialty retailer of automotive aftermarket parts, tools, supplies, equipment and accessories in the United States, selling its products to both do-it-yourself customers and professional service providers.

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